- Don't declare texture if it's not read from. Stops Vulkan validation
layers whinging.
- Get rid of OpenGL common_header.glsl, and use name linking instead of
leftovers from separate shader objects.
Change texture scale from vector to scalar
- Independent X and Y scaling is long gone.
- Also separate size and scale in TC lookup
Move clear value for texture to base class
Align heights to page size
- Since FRAME and Z are in page units, we can't have two targets
- overlapping within the same page.
- Stops some small resizes too.
- Test cases: Genji and Spider-Man 2 shadows.
Don't modify target TEX0 on shuffle/clear
Move upscale multiplier to uniform
Make P8 conversion page-aware
Fix incorrect depth preload shader
Improve HLE of texture shuffles
When a texture shuffle is split into two half-screen draws, we skip the
first, and draw the whole thing in the second, taking care of when both
the texture and framebuffer are offset.