* Windows behavior must be checked
* remove glsl_source.h
v2: fix missing include
Big thanks to Turtleli
fix indentation in gsdx-res.xml
add dependency in cmake
remove old res/glsl/fxaa.fx symlink
add tfx.cl for OpenCL support on Linux
v4, v5
fix cmake indentation
I didn't fix all the warnings (purpose was to realign code with "recent" update)
Linux note: only miss 2 major items
* res/tfx.cl loading
* device descriptor
* And various bug fixes ;)
Some PSX games seem to store image data of the drawing results in an undeterminate area out of range from the current context buffer. At such cases, calculate the height of both the frame memory rectangles combined.
What happens on "Crash bash" -
* At first draw, scissoring is limited to SCAY0- 0 & SCAY1- 255
* At second draw, scissoring is limited to SCAY0- 255 & SCAY0-511
Previously, we limited the height to the value of one single output texture, so instead of that let's calculate the total height of both the two buffers combined to prevent such issues.
Previously, the height of the frame offset was also considered for the total height of the texture which was obviously wrong as the portion before the offset value isn't part of the frame memory.
* Always do +1 before the draw call
* Prefix texture name with i (as input) to keep them before the FB
Goal is to ensure that all renderers share the same draw call value.
Try to avoid random black screen frame
v2: don't force the preload hack on the frame
It creates a ghost image over FMV
v3: support offset within a frame