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superVU bugfix: Disable x86 regalloc since disabling EBP allocation causes some kind of problem with it (fixes God of War2, and is probably a speedup also -- not that it matters since sVU is mainly there as reference for solving NAN/INF problems). Also, removed a bunch of code that's no longer needed thanks to EBP being removed from regalloc.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2043 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
:: application debugging (however these files are by no means required by any software).
del /s "%~dp0\*.ncb"
del /s "%~dp0\*.ilk"
del /s "%~dp0\bin\*.ilk"
del /s "%~dp0\*.idb"
del /s "%~dp0\*.bsc"
del /s "%~dp0\*.sbr"
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// zerofrog(@gmail.com)
.intel_syntax noprefix
.extern svudispfntemp
.extern s_TotalVUCycles
.extern s_callstack
.extern s_vu1esp
@ -51,23 +50,3 @@ SuperVUEndProgram:
call SuperVUCleanupProgram
jmp [s_callstack] // so returns correctly
.globl svudispfn
mov [g_curdebugvu], eax
mov s_saveecx, ecx
mov s_saveedx, edx
mov s_saveebx, ebx
mov s_saveesi, esi
mov s_saveedi, edi
mov s_saveebp, ebp
call svudispfntemp
mov ecx, s_saveecx
mov edx, s_saveedx
mov ebx, s_saveebx
mov esi, s_saveesi
mov edi, s_saveedi
mov ebp, s_saveebp
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "AppConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace x86Emitter;
// temporary externs
extern void iDumpVU0Registers();
@ -51,12 +52,17 @@ extern void iDumpVU1Registers();
// SuperVURec optimization options, uncomment only for debugging purposes
#define SUPERVU_CACHING // vu programs are saved and queried via memcompare (should be no reason to disable this)
#define SUPERVU_WRITEBACKS // don't flush the writebacks after every block
#define SUPERVU_X86CACHING // use x86reg caching (faster) (not really. rather lots slower :p (rama) )
#define SUPERVU_VIBRANCHDELAY // when integers are modified right before a branch that uses the integer,
// the old integer value is used in the branch, fixes kh2
#define SUPERVU_PROPAGATEFLAGS // the correct behavior of VUs, for some reason superman breaks gfx with it on...
// use x86reg caching (faster) (not really. rather lots slower :p (rama) )
// ... and buggy too since we disabled EBP. Causes GoW2 to hang. Let's get rid of it,
// sVU is only here to serve as a regression model for Nan/INF behavior anyway. (--air)
// registers won't be flushed at block boundaries (faster) (nothing noticable speed-wise, causes SPS in Ratchet and clank (Nneeve) )
#ifndef PCSX2_DEBUG
@ -2526,8 +2532,8 @@ static void SuperVUAssignRegs()
int s_writeQ, s_writeP;
// declare the saved registers
uptr s_vu1esp, s_callstack;//, s_vu1esp
uptr s_vu1ebp, s_vuebx, s_vuedi, s_vu1esi;
uptr s_vu1esp, s_callstack;
uptr s_vuebx, s_vuedi, s_vu1esi;
static int s_recWriteQ, s_recWriteP; // wait times during recompilation
static int s_needFlush; // first bit - Q, second bit - P, third bit - Q has been written, fourth bit - P has been written
@ -2576,6 +2582,11 @@ void SuperVUCleanupProgram(u32 startpc, int vuindex)
// entry point of all vu programs from emulator calls
__declspec(naked) void SuperVUExecuteProgram(u32 startpc, int vuindex)
// Stackframe setup for the recompiler:
// We rewind the stack 4 bytes, which places the parameters of this function before
// any calls we might make from recompiled code. The return address for this function
// call is subsequently stored in s_callstack.
mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
@ -2585,20 +2596,15 @@ __declspec(naked) void SuperVUExecuteProgram(u32 startpc, int vuindex)
call SuperVUGetProgram
// save cpu state
mov s_vu1ebp, ebp
mov s_vu1esi, esi // have to save even in Release
mov s_vuedi, edi // have to save even in Release
//mov s_vu1ebp, ebp
mov s_vu1esi, esi
mov s_vuedi, edi
mov s_vuebx, ebx
#ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG
mov s_vu1esp, esp
//stmxcsr s_ssecsr
ldmxcsr g_sseVUMXCSR
@ -2618,7 +2624,7 @@ __declspec(naked) static void SuperVUEndProgram()
// restore cpu state
ldmxcsr g_sseMXCSR
mov ebp, s_vu1ebp
//mov ebp, s_vu1ebp
mov esi, s_vu1esi
mov edi, s_vuedi
mov ebx, s_vuebx
@ -2790,26 +2796,9 @@ u32 g_curdebugvu;
//float vuDouble(u32 f);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
__declspec(naked) static void svudispfn()
mov g_curdebugvu, eax
mov s_saveecx, ecx
mov s_saveedx, edx
mov s_saveebx, ebx
mov s_saveesi, esi
mov s_saveedi, edi
mov s_saveebp, ebp
void svudispfntemp()
#ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG
static void __fastcall svudispfn( int g_curdebugvu )
static u32 i;
if (((vudump&8) && g_curdebugvu) || ((vudump&0x80) && !g_curdebugvu)) //&& g_vu1lastrec != g_vu1last ) {
@ -2836,21 +2825,8 @@ void svudispfntemp()
g_vu1lastrec = s_svulast;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
mov ecx, s_saveecx
mov edx, s_saveedx
mov ebx, s_saveebx
mov esi, s_saveesi
mov edi, s_saveedi
mov ebp, s_saveebp
// frees all regs taking into account the livevars
void SuperVUFreeXMMregs(u32* livevars)
@ -2945,8 +2921,8 @@ void VuBaseBlock::Recompile()
if (itparent == parents.end()) MOV32ItoM((uptr)&skipparent, -1);
MOV32ItoR(EAX, s_vu);
xMOV( ecx, s_vu );
xCALL( svudispfn );
s_pCurBlock = this;
@ -3105,6 +3081,8 @@ void VuBaseBlock::Recompile()
_x86regs* endx86 = &s_vecRegArray[nEndx86];
for (int i = 0; i < iREGCNT_GPR; ++i)
if( i == ESP || i == EBP ) continue;
if (endx86[i].inuse)
Reference in New Issue