tools: Remove dynacrchack source files.

This commit is contained in:
lightningterror 2020-09-17 20:40:12 +02:00
parent dd5d1a1abb
commit f86ea02594
5 changed files with 0 additions and 495 deletions

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
@echo off
set source=DynaCrcHack.c
set tcc=tcc\tcc
pushd "%~dp0"
if exist %tcc%.exe goto pre
rem local tcc not found, try to invoke a global tcc
set tcc=tcc
%tcc% utils\ding.c -luser32 -o utils\ding.exe >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo Using globally installed tcc ...
) else (
echo Missing ^<this-folder^>\tcc\tcc.exe
echo Please download TCC 0.9.25 for windows from
echo and extract the package to ^<this-folder^>\tcc
goto end
if not exist utils\waitForChange.exe %tcc% utils\waitForChange.c -o utils\waitForChange.exe
if not exist utils\ding.exe %tcc% utils\ding.c -luser32 -o utils\ding.exe
echo Compiling ...
%tcc% -shared -Wall %source%
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo -^> OK
utils\ding 2
) else (
echo -^> ERROR
utils\ding 1
utils\ding 1
if exist *.def del /Q *.def
echo Waiting ...
utils\waitForChange %source%
goto start

View File

@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2011 Avi Halachmi
* avihpit (at) yahoo (dot) com
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
This file compiles into a DLL which implements a generic GSdx CRC hack logic.
- GSdx will (re)load this DLL at runtime whenever this DLL is modified.
- See Notes and Usage instructions at the bottom of this file.
- Compiles using tcc ( ). Tested: tcc v0.9.25/Win32
version 1.1 - initial release
Version 1.2 - better GSdx integration, Bugfix.
Version 1.4 - Configuration, few utils, Cleanups (dll API is unchanged)
version 1.5 - Supports CRC passed from GSdx and util IsCRC(crc1 [, crc2, ...])
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
//some common tokens not available in C
typedef int int32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef int bool;
#define true (1)
#define false (0)
//GSdx values available to CRC hacks
typedef struct{ uint32 FBP; uint32 FPSM; uint32 FBMSK; uint32 TBP0; uint32 TPSM; uint32 TZTST; bool TME;} GSFrameInfo;
//trickery to make the hack function appear and behave (almost) identical to the CRC hack functions at GSState.cpp
// - see the Notes section for exceptions
#define skip (*pSkip)
#define GSUtil_HasSharedBits(a,b,c,d) sharedBits
#define GSC_AnyGame(a,b) _GSC_AnyGame()
GSFrameInfo fi; int* pSkip; uint32 g_crc_region; uint32 sharedBits; uint32 g_crc;
const int MODE_3_DELAY = 750; // ms
void dprintf(const char* format, ...);
void dings(const int n);
bool isCornerTriggered();
bool IsIn(const DWORD val, ...);
// END is a magic number, if we have such CRC - meh
#define END (0x72951413)
#define IsCRC(...) (g_crc!=END && IsIn(g_crc, __VA_ARGS__, END))
// C99 syntax for variadic macro: #define FOO(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__) // empty list not supported
// empty list is possible by suppressing prior comma by using ##__VA_ARGS__
// ---------- Configuration ---------------------------------
// Available Modes (can be changed and recompiled while PCSX2 is running):
// 0 - Disable this file (use the pre-compiled GSdx hacks as if this file never existed)
// 1 - Disable all CRC hacks (both this file and the pre-compiled GSdx hacks)
// 2 - * Enable this file (use this file instead of any pre-compiled GSdx hacks)
// 3 - Toggle repeatedly between modes 1 and 2
#define INITIAL_MODE 2
// If MOUSE_TOGGLE is 1 and INITIAL_MODE is NOT 0, you can switch between modes 1/2/3 by moving the mouse
// pointer to the top-left corner of the screen (while PCSX2 is running). Set to 0 to disable mouse toggle.
// If MOUSE_TOGGLE is 2, it's the same as 1, but also plays beep sounds when switching modes.
#define MOUSE_TOGGLE 0
/************ Dynamic CRC hack code starts here *****************/
bool GSC_AnyGame( const GSFrameInfo& fi, int& skip )
//Example: MGS3 CRC hack copied directly from GSState.cpp (see the Notes section exceptions):
if( IsCRC(0x086273D2, 0x26A6E286, 0x9F185CE1) ){ // 3 first MGS3 CRCs from GSCrc.c
if(skip == 0)
if(fi.TME && fi.FBP == 0x02000 && fi.FPSM == PSM_PSMCT32 && (fi.TBP0 == 0x00000 || fi.TBP0 == 0x01000) && fi.TPSM == PSM_PSMCT24)
skip = 1000; // 76, 79
else if(fi.TME && fi.FBP == 0x02800 && fi.FPSM == PSM_PSMCT24 && (fi.TBP0 == 0x00000 || fi.TBP0 == 0x01000) && fi.TPSM == PSM_PSMCT32)
skip = 1000; // 69
if(!fi.TME && (fi.FBP == 0x00000 || fi.FBP == 0x01000) && fi.FPSM == PSM_PSMCT32)
skip = 0;
else if(!fi.TME && fi.FBP == fi.TBP0 && fi.TBP0 == 0x2000 && fi.FPSM == PSM_PSMCT32 && fi.TPSM == PSM_PSMCT24)
if(g_crc_region == CRC_US || g_crc_region == CRC_JP || g_crc_region == CRC_KO)
skip = 119; //ntsc
skip = 136; //pal
return true;
return true;
/*********** Dynamic CRC hack code ends here *****************/
// Prints to the Debugger's output window or to DebugView ( )
void dprintf( const char* format, ...)
#define _BUFSIZ 2048
char buffer[_BUFSIZ];
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
if( 0 > vsnprintf( buffer, _BUFSIZ, format, args ) )
sprintf( buffer, "%s","<too-long-to-print>\n" );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
va_end( args );
// Tests if the first argument is equal to any of the other arguments.
// - The last argument must be 'END'.
// - All values MUST be 32 bits (int/uint32/DWORD etc) or else it may crash.
// E.g. IsIn( 6, 2,4,6,8, END) is true
// E.g. IsIn( 7, 2,4,6,8,10, END) is false
bool IsIn( const DWORD val, ... )
va_list args;
va_start( args, val );
DWORD test, res = 0;
for ( ; ( test = va_arg( args, DWORD ) ) != END ; )
if( test == val)
{res=1; break;}
va_end( args );
return res;
// Returns true if the mouse pointer is at the top-left corner
// of the screen and it wasn't there on the previous iteration
bool isCornerTriggered()
static POINT last;
POINT coord;
GetCursorPos( &coord );
bool triggered = ( !coord.x && !coord.y && ( last.x || last.y ) );
last = coord;
return triggered;
DWORD _dingsLeft=0, _nextDing=0;
// Initiate n ding sounds (at 250ms intervals) while aborting any previous sequence.
// Use n=0 to stop an already playing sequence.
void dings(const int n){_dingsLeft=n; _nextDing=0;}
void processDings()
if( _dingsLeft <= 0 )
DWORD now = GetTickCount();
if( now < _nextDing )
_nextDing = now + 250;
MessageBeep( 0 ); // Asynchronous
// Executed every iteration of the DLL hack invocation, takes care of mode and sounds
bool preProcess_isAbort()
static int mode = INITIAL_MODE;
if( MOUSE_TOGGLE && isCornerTriggered() ){
mode = 1 + mode%3;
if( MOUSE_TOGGLE == 2 )
dings( mode );
dprintf( "Hack Mode: %s\n", mode==1?"Off":(mode==2?"On":"Toggle") );
if( mode == 1 ) return true;
if( mode == 2 ) return false;
return ( GetTickCount() / MODE_3_DELAY) %2;
DWORD WINAPI thread_PrintStats( LPVOID lpParam );
typedef struct _stats { uint32 overall, changed, skipped, nextPrint;} Stats;
#define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define CRC_HACK DynamicCrcHack2
#define CRC_HACK_OLD DynamicCrcHack
#define CRC_HACK Voldemort2
#define CRC_HACK_OLD Voldemort
DLL_EXPORT bool CRC_HACK (uint32 FBP, uint32 FPSM, uint32 FBMSK, uint32 TBP0, uint32 TPSM, uint32 TZTST,
uint32 TME, int* _pSkip, uint32 _g_crc_region, uint32 _sharedBits, uint32 _crc)
static Stats stat={overall:0, changed:0, skipped:0, nextPrint:0};
DWORD now=GetTickCount();
if(stat.nextPrint <= now){
dprintf("DH: Overall: %5d, skipped: %5d, actions:%5d\n", stat.overall, stat.skipped, stat.changed);
if(preProcess_isAbort()) // Process dings if required
return true; // Abort hack depending on mode
pSkip=_pSkip; g_crc_region=_g_crc_region; sharedBits=_sharedBits; g_crc = _crc;
int pre=skip;
bool res=_GSC_AnyGame();
int post=skip;
if(skip) stat.skipped++;
if(post!=pre) stat.changed++;
return res;
DLL_EXPORT bool CRC_HACK_OLD (uint32 FBP, uint32 FPSM, uint32 FBMSK, uint32 TBP0, uint32 TPSM, uint32 TZTST,
uint32 TME, int* _pSkip, uint32 _g_crc_region, uint32 _sharedBits)
return CRC_HACK(FBP, FPSM, FBMSK, TBP0, TPSM, TZTST, TME,_pSkip, _g_crc_region,_sharedBits, END);
char* v[]={
BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
if (dwReason<4)
dprintf("DllMain: %s\n", v[dwReason]);
dprintf("DllMain: %d\n", dwReason);
return TRUE;
/*-------------------- Notes- -------------------------------*\
1. If required, Use CRC_<region> instead of CRC::<region> (e.g. CRC_US instead of CRC::US)
- g_crc_region will only be valid if your CRC is already associated with a hack function at GSdx
AND it's not disabled (via CrcHacksExclusions).
2. If required, Use GSUtil_HasSharedBits(fi.FBP, fi.FPSM, fi.TBP0, fi.TPSM) instead of
GSUtil::HasSharedBits(fi.FBP, fi.FPSM, fi.TBP0, fi.TPSM)
- Note: GSUtil_HasSharedBits supports only these arguments: (fi.FBP, fi.FPSM, fi.TBP0, fi.TPSM)
3. When copying the code back to GSState.cpp, remember to restore CRC::.. and GSUtil::...
4. GSdx v5215 onwards also sends the CRC of the game (even if it's not defined at GSdx).
You can test the CRC using IsCRC(0x12345678) or, for few CRCs: IsCRC(0x12345678, 0x87654321, ...)
NOTE: with GSdx v5214 and before: IsCRC(...) always returns false.
/* --------------- Usage instructions --------------------------------------------*\
1. Download tcc (Tiny C Compiler) from (Tested with v0.9.25 for Win32)
and extract it fully to <this-folder>\tcc
such that tcc.exe is at <this-folder>\tcc\tcc.exe
2. Compile GSdx with dynamic crc hacks support by uncommenting this line at GSState.cpp:
3. Configure GSdx to use this DLL by setting DYNA_DLL_PATH (The DLL is created at the same folder as this C file)
Yes, it's not configurable via ini.
4. Run PCSX2 with a game you want to develop a CRC hack for. If the DLL exists and not disabled, you'll see
a message at the PCSX2 console: "GSdx: Dynamic CRC-hacks: Loaded OK (-> overriding internal hacks)"
If the DLL doesn't exist (yet): "GSdx: Dynamic CRC-hacks: Not available (-> using internal hacks)"
- Note: Whenever this DLL is created or changed, GSdx would automatically reload it at runtime, and display a message.
5. Run the batch file Auto_Compile.bat
This batch file will keep a window open and automatically compile this C file into the DLL whenever this C file
is changes and saved. The window will display a message if the compile succeeded or failed, and will and play some beeps.
6. Open this C file with a programmer's editor of your choice, change the configuration and/or modify the contents
of the function GSC_AnyGame. Save this file and watch the GSdx window for the effect it has. Repeat till you're happy.
Once you're happy with the hack, copy GSC_AnyGame function to GSState.cpp to be an integral part of GSdx (see Notes).

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Download tcc (Tiny C Compiler) from (Tested with v0.9.25 for Win32)
Extract it fully such that tcc.exe is at this folder.

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2011 Avi Halachmi
* avihpit (at) yahoo (dot) com
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
ding - Play a windows notification sound
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
LONG sounds[]={
0xFFFFFFFF //"Simple" (with fallback to PC speaker beep)
int usage( int res )
printf( "Usage: ding [-h] [<n>=1]\n"
"Where <n> is a number as follows:\n"
"1-Default, 2-Information, 3-Warning, 4-Error, 5-Question, 6-Simple\n");
return res;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
LONG s = sounds[0];
if( argc > 2 )
return usage( 1 );
if( argc == 2 ){
if( !strcmp( argv[1], "-h" ) )
return usage( 0 );
if( atoi( argv[1] ) < 1 || atoi( argv[1] ) > sizeof(sounds)/sizeof(LONG) )
return usage( 1 );
s=sounds[atoi( argv[1] ) - 1];
MessageBeep( s );
Sleep( 250 );
return 0;

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2011 Avi Halachmi
* avihpit (at) yahoo (dot) com
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
waitForChange - watches a file for modifications and exit when modified
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <windows.h>
int usage(){
printf("Usage: WaitForChange <filename> [<ms between probes>=100]\n");
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
struct stat buf;
struct stat test;
if( argc<=1 )
return usage();
if(stat(argv[1], &buf)){
printf("Error (not found?): '%s'\n", argv[1]);
return usage();
if(stat(argv[1], &test)){
printf("Stat error\n");
return 1;
} while (test.st_mtime == buf.st_mtime);
return 0;