mirror of https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2.git
wxGui: Type the letter 'L' a whole bunch of times.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/wxgui@1097 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
@ -352,13 +352,13 @@ namespace Msgbox
bool Alert( const wxString& text )
wxMessageBox( text, wxT("Pcsx2 Message"), wxOK, wxGetApp().GetTopWindow() );
wxMessageBox( text, L"Pcsx2 Message", wxOK, wxGetApp().GetTopWindow() );
return false;
bool OkCancel( const wxString& text )
int result = wxMessageBox( text, wxT("Pcsx2 Message"), wxOK | wxCANCEL, wxGetApp().GetTopWindow() );
int result = wxMessageBox( text, L"Pcsx2 Message", wxOK | wxCANCEL, wxGetApp().GetTopWindow() );
return result == wxOK;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void iDumpBlock( int startpc, u8 * ptr )
AsciiFile eff(
Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Dumps, wxsFormat(wxT("R5900dump%.8X.txt"), startpc) ),
Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Dumps, wxsFormat(L"R5900dump%.8X.txt", startpc) ),
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ struct ElfObject
void ElfApplyPatches()
wxString filename( wxsFormat( wxT("%8.8x"), ElfCRC ) );
wxString filename( wxsFormat( L"%8.8x", ElfCRC ) );
// if patches found the following status msg will be overwritten
Console::SetTitle( wxsFormat( _("Game running [CRC=%s]"), filename.c_str() ) );
@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ int loadElfFile(const wxString& filename)
if( elfobj.proghead == NULL )
throw Exception::CpuStateShutdown(
wxsFormat( wxT("Invalid ELF header encountered in file:\n\t%s"), elfobj.filename.c_str() ),
wxsFormat(_("Invalid ELF header, file: %s"), elfobj.filename.c_str() )
wxsFormat( L"Invalid ELF header encountered in file:\n\t%s", elfobj.filename.c_str() ),
wxsFormat( L"Invalid ELF header, file: %s", elfobj.filename.c_str() )
@ -67,28 +67,28 @@ namespace Exception
wxString BaseException::LogMessage() const
return m_message_eng + wxT("\n\n") + m_stacktrace;
return m_message_eng + L"\n\n" + m_stacktrace;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString Stream::LogMessage() const
return wxsFormat(
wxT("Stream exception: %s\n\tObject name: %s"),
L"Stream exception: %s\n\tObject name: %s",
m_message_eng.c_str(), StreamName.c_str()
) + m_stacktrace;
wxString Stream::DisplayMessage() const
return m_message + wxT("\n") + StreamName.c_str();
return m_message + L"\n" + StreamName.c_str();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString PluginFailure::LogMessage() const
return wxsFormat(
wxT("%s plugin has encountered an error.\n\n"),
L"%s plugin has encountered an error.\n\n",
) + m_stacktrace;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Exception
wxString FreezePluginFailure::LogMessage() const
return wxsFormat(
wxT("%s plugin returned an error while %s the state.\n\n"),
L"%s plugin returned an error while %s the state.\n\n",
) + m_stacktrace;
@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ namespace Exception
wxString UnsupportedStateVersion::LogMessage() const
// Note: no stacktrace needed for this one...
return wxsFormat( wxT("Unknown or unsupported savestate version: 0x%x"), Version );
return wxsFormat( L"Unknown or unsupported savestate version: 0x%x", Version );
wxString UnsupportedStateVersion::DisplayMessage() const
// m_message contains a recoverable savestate error which is helpful to the user.
return wxsFormat(
m_message + wxT("\n\n") +
wxsFormat( _("Unknown savestate version: 0x%x"), Version )
m_message + L"\n\n" +
wxsFormat( L"Unknown savestate version: 0x%x", Version )
@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ namespace Exception
// Note: no stacktrace needed for this one...
return wxsFormat(
wxT("Game/CDVD does not match the savestate CRC.\n")
wxT("\tCdvd CRC: 0x%X\n\tGame CRC: 0x%X\n"),
L"Game/CDVD does not match the savestate CRC.\n"
L"\tCdvd CRC: 0x%X\n\tGame CRC: 0x%X\n",
Crc_Savestate, Crc_Cdvd
@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ namespace Exception
wxString StateCrcMismatch::DisplayMessage() const
return wxsFormat(
m_message + wxT("\n\n") +
wxsFormat( _(
"Savestate game/crc mismatch. Cdvd CRC: 0x%X Game CRC: 0x%X\n"),
m_message + L"\n\n" +
L"Savestate game/crc mismatch. Cdvd CRC: 0x%X Game CRC: 0x%X\n",
Crc_Savestate, Crc_Cdvd
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ namespace Exception
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString IndexBoundsFault::LogMessage() const
return wxT("Index out of bounds on SafeArray: ") + ArrayName +
wxsFormat( wxT("(index=%d, size=%d)"), BadIndex, ArrayLength );
return L"Index out of bounds on SafeArray: " + ArrayName +
wxsFormat( L"(index=%d, size=%d)", BadIndex, ArrayLength );
wxString IndexBoundsFault::DisplayMessage() const
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace Exception
BadIndex( index )
// assertions make debugging easier sometimes. :)
wxASSERT( wxT("Index is outside the bounds of an array") );
wxASSERT( L"Index is outside the bounds of an array" );
virtual wxString LogMessage() const;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ namespace Exception
RuntimeError( msg ) {}
explicit CpuStateShutdown( const wxString& msg_eng, const wxString& msg_xlt=wxString() ) :
RuntimeError( msg_eng, msg_xlt.IsEmpty() ? wxT("Unexpected emulation shutdown") : msg_xlt ) { }
RuntimeError( msg_eng, msg_xlt.IsEmpty() ? L"Unexpected emulation shutdown" : msg_xlt ) { }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@
<Unit filename="../NakedAsm.h" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/AboutBoxDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/AboutBoxDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/AdvancedDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/AdvancedDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/App.h" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/AppConfig.cpp" />
<Unit filename="../NewGUI/CheckedStaticBox.cpp" />
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void loadBiosRom( const wxChar *ext, u8 *dest, long maxSize )
// Try first a basic extension concatenation (normally results in something like name.bin.rom1)
const wxString Bios( g_Conf.Files.Bios() );
Bios1.Printf( wxT("%s.%s"), Bios.c_str(), ext);
Bios1.Printf( L"%s.%s", Bios.c_str(), ext);
if( (filesize=Path::GetFileSize( Bios1 ) ) <= 0 )
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void loadBiosRom( const wxChar *ext, u8 *dest, long maxSize )
if( (filesize=Path::GetFileSize( Bios1 ) ) <= 0 )
// Try for the old-style method (rom1.bin)
Bios1 = Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Bios, (wxString)ext ) + wxT(".bin");
Bios1 = Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Bios, (wxString)ext ) + L".bin";
if( (filesize=Path::GetFileSize( Bios1 ) ) <= 0 )
Console::Notice( "Load Bios Warning: %s not found (this is not an error!)", params wxString(ext).ToAscii().data() );
@ -799,9 +799,9 @@ void memReset()
//injectIRX("host.irx"); //not fully tested; still buggy
loadBiosRom( wxT("rom1"), PS2MEM_ROM1, Ps2MemSize::Rom1 );
loadBiosRom( wxT("rom2"), PS2MEM_ROM2, Ps2MemSize::Rom2 );
loadBiosRom( wxT("erom"), PS2MEM_EROM, Ps2MemSize::ERom );
loadBiosRom( L"rom1", PS2MEM_ROM1, Ps2MemSize::Rom1 );
loadBiosRom( L"rom2", PS2MEM_ROM2, Ps2MemSize::Rom2 );
loadBiosRom( L"erom", PS2MEM_EROM, Ps2MemSize::ERom );
int mmap_GetRamPageInfo(void* ptr)
@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ bool IsBIOS(const wxString& filename, wxString& description)
const wxString romver( wxString::FromAscii(aROMVER) );
description.Printf( wxT("%s v%c%c.%c%c(%c%c/%c%c/%c%c%c%c) %s"), wxString::FromAscii(zone).ToAscii().data(),
description.Printf( L"%s v%c%c.%c%c(%c%c/%c%c/%c%c%c%c) %s", wxString::FromAscii(zone).ToAscii().data(),
romver[0], romver[1], // ver major
romver[2], romver[3], // ver minor
romver[12], romver[13], // day
romver[10], romver[11], // month
romver[6], romver[7], romver[8], romver[9], // year!
(aROMVER[5]=='C') ? wxT("Console") : (aROMVER[5]=='D') ? wxT("Devel") : wxT("")
(aROMVER[5]=='C') ? L"Console" : (aROMVER[5]=='D') ? L"Devel" : L""
found = true;
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ bool IsBIOS(const wxString& filename, wxString& description)
if ( biosFileSize < (int)fileOffset)
description << ((biosFileSize*100)/(int)fileOffset) << wxT("%");
description << ((biosFileSize*100)/(int)fileOffset) << L"%";
// we force users to have correct bioses,
// not that lame scph10000 of 513KB ;-)
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ char* mystrlwr( char* string )
static wxString GetGSStateFilename()
return Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Savestates, wxsFormat( wxT("/%8.8X.%d.gs"), ElfCRC, StatesC ) );
return Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Savestates, wxsFormat( L"/%8.8X.%d.gs", ElfCRC, StatesC ) );
void CycleFrameLimit(int dir)
@ -476,10 +476,10 @@ void ProcessFKeys(int fkey, struct KeyModifiers *keymod)
throw Exception::CpuStateShutdown(
// english log message:
wxsFormat( wxT("Error! Could not load from saveslot %d\n"), StatesC ) + ex.LogMessage(),
wxsFormat( L"Error! Could not load from saveslot %d\n", StatesC ) + ex.LogMessage(),
// translated message:
wxsFormat( _("Error loading saveslot %d. Emulator reset."), StatesC )
wxsFormat( L"Error loading saveslot %d. Emulator reset.", StatesC )
@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ void ProcessFKeys(int fkey, struct KeyModifiers *keymod)
wxString part2( parts.GetNextToken() );
if( !!part2 )
name += wxT("_") + part2;
name += L"_" + part2;
gsText.Printf( wxT("%s.%d.gs"), name.c_str(), StatesC );
gsText.Printf( L"%s.%d.gs", name.c_str(), StatesC );
Text = Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Savestates, gsText );
@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ AboutBoxDialog::AboutBoxDialog( wxWindow* parent, int id ):
mainSizer.Add( &AuthLogoSizer, stdSpacingFlags );
mainSizer.Add( new wxHyperlinkCtrl(
this, wxID_ANY, _( "Pcsx2 Official Website and Forums" ), wxT("http://www.pcsx2.net") ),
this, wxID_ANY, L"Pcsx2 Official Website and Forums" , L"http://www.pcsx2.net" ),
wxSizerFlags(1).Center().Border( wxALL, 3 ) );
mainSizer.Add( new wxHyperlinkCtrl(
this, wxID_ANY, _( "Pcsx2 Official Svn Repository at Googlecode" ), wxT("http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2") ),
this, wxID_ANY, L"Pcsx2 Official Svn Repository at Googlecode" , L"http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2" ),
wxSizerFlags(1).Center().Border( wxALL, 3 ) );
mainSizer.Add( &ContribSizer, stdSpacingFlags.Expand() );
mainSizer.Add( new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _("I've seen enough") ), stdCenteredFlags );
mainSizer.Add( new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, L"I've seen enough"), stdCenteredFlags );
SetSizerAndFit( &mainSizer );
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
namespace PathDefs
const wxDirName Snapshots( wxT("snaps") );
const wxDirName Savestates( wxT("sstates") );
const wxDirName MemoryCards( wxT("memcards") );
const wxDirName Configs( wxT("inis") );
const wxDirName Plugins( wxT("plugins") );
const wxDirName Snapshots( L"snaps" );
const wxDirName Savestates( L"sstates" );
const wxDirName MemoryCards( L"memcards" );
const wxDirName Configs( L"inis" );
const wxDirName Plugins( L"plugins" );
// Fetches the path location for user-consumable documents -- stuff users are likely to want to
// share with other programs: screenshots, memory cards, and savestates.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace PathDefs
wxDirName GetBios()
return (wxDirName)wxT("bios");
return (wxDirName)L"bios";
wxDirName GetSavestates()
@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ namespace FilenameDefs
// TODO : ini extension on Win32 is normal. Linux ini filename default might differ
// from this? like pcsx2_conf or something ... ?
return wxGetApp().GetAppName() + wxT(".ini");
return wxGetApp().GetAppName() + L".ini";
const wxFileName Memcard[2] =
wxFileName( wxT("Mcd001.ps2") ),
wxFileName( wxT("Mcd002.ps2") )
wxFileName( L"Mcd001.ps2" ),
wxFileName( L"Mcd002.ps2" )
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ wxString AppConfig::FullpathHelpers::Mcd( uint mcdidx ) const { return Path::Com
#define IniEntry( varname, defval ) ini.Entry( wxT( #varname ), varname, defval )
#define IniEntry( varname, defval ) ini.Entry( wxT(#varname), varname, defval )
void AppConfig::LoadSave( IniInterface& ini )
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ void AppConfig::Save()
void AppConfig::ConsoleLogOptions::LoadSave( IniInterface& ini )
ini.SetPath( wxT("ConsoleLog") );
ini.SetPath( L"ConsoleLog" );
IniEntry( Visible, false );
IniEntry( AutoDock, true );
IniEntry( DisplayPosition, wxDefaultPosition );
IniEntry( DisplaySize, wxSize( 540, 540 ) );
ini.SetPath( wxT("..") );
ini.SetPath( L".." );
void AppConfig::SpeedhackOptions::LoadSave( IniInterface& ini )
@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
// dialog was canceled
static bool OpenLogFile(wxFile& file, wxString& filename, wxWindow *parent)
filename = wxSaveFileSelector(wxT("log"), wxT("txt"), wxT("log.txt"), parent);
filename = wxSaveFileSelector(L"log", L"txt", L"log.txt", parent);
if ( !filename ) return false; // canceled
if( wxFile::Exists(filename) )
bool bAppend = false;
wxString strMsg;
strMsg.Printf(wxT("Append log to file '%s' (choosing [No] will overwrite it)?"),
strMsg.Printf(L"Append log to file '%s' (choosing [No] will overwrite it)?",
switch ( wxMessageBox(strMsg, _("Question"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) )
switch ( wxMessageBox(strMsg, L"Question", wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL) )
case wxYES:
bAppend = true;
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ ConsoleLogFrame::ConsoleLogFrame(MainEmuFrame *parent, const wxString& title) :
// create menu
wxMenuBar *pMenuBar = new wxMenuBar;
wxMenu *pMenu = new wxMenu;
pMenu->Append(Menu_Save, _("&Save..."), wxT("Save log contents to file"));
pMenu->Append(Menu_Clear, _("C&lear"), wxT("Clear the log contents"));
pMenu->Append(Menu_Save, L"&Save...", L"Save log contents to file");
pMenu->Append(Menu_Clear, L"C&lear", L"Clear the log contents");
pMenu->Append(Menu_Close, _("&Close"), wxT("Close this window"));
pMenu->Append(Menu_Close, L"&Close",L"Close this window");
pMenuBar->Append(pMenu, _("&Log"));
pMenuBar->Append(pMenu, L"&Log");
// status bar for menu prompts
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ void ConsoleLogFrame::OnSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
if( !file.Write(m_TextCtrl.GetLineText(nLine) + wxTextFile::GetEOL()) )
wxLogError( wxT("Can't save log contents to file.") );
wxLogError( L"Can't save log contents to file." );
wxLogStatus(this, wxT("Log saved to the file '%s'."), filename.c_str());
wxLogStatus(this, L"Log saved to the file '%s'.", filename.c_str());
void ConsoleLogFrame::OnClear(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void ConsoleLogFrame::ClearColor()
void ConsoleLogFrame::Newline()
Write( wxT("\n") );
Write( L"\n");
void ConsoleLogFrame::Write( const wxChar* text )
@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ namespace Dialogs
LogOptionsDialog::eeLogOptionsPanel::eeLogOptionsPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxHORIZONTAL, wxT( "EE Logs" ), LogID_EEBox )
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxHORIZONTAL, L"EE Logs", LogID_EEBox )
wxBoxSizer& eeMisc = *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, wxT("Memory"), LogID_Memory );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, wxT("Bios"), LogID_Bios );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, wxT("Elf"), LogID_ELF );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, L"Memory", LogID_Memory );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, L"Bios", LogID_Bios );
AddCheckBoxTo( this, eeMisc, L"Elf", LogID_ELF );
wxBoxSizer& eeStack = *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
eeStack.Add( new DisasmPanel( this ), stdSpacingFlags );
@ -60,29 +60,29 @@ LogOptionsDialog::eeLogOptionsPanel::eeLogOptionsPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
LogOptionsDialog::eeLogOptionsPanel::DisasmPanel::DisasmPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, wxT( "Disasm" ), LogID_Disasm )
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, L"Disasm" , LogID_Disasm )
AddCheckBox( _T("Core"), LogID_CPU );
AddCheckBox( _T("Fpu"), LogID_FPU );
AddCheckBox( _T("VU0"), LogID_VU0 );
AddCheckBox( _T("Cop0"), LogID_COP0 );
AddCheckBox( _T("VU Macro"),LogID_VU_Macro );
AddCheckBox( L"Core", LogID_CPU );
AddCheckBox( L"Fpu", LogID_FPU );
AddCheckBox( L"VU0", LogID_VU0 );
AddCheckBox( L"Cop0", LogID_COP0 );
AddCheckBox( L"VU Macro",LogID_VU_Macro );
SetValue( false );
LogOptionsDialog::eeLogOptionsPanel::HwPanel::HwPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, wxT( "Hardware" ), LogID_Hardware )
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, L"Hardware", LogID_Hardware )
AddCheckBox( _T("Registers"),LogID_Registers );
AddCheckBox( _T("Dma"), LogID_DMA );
AddCheckBox( _T("Vif"), LogID_VIF );
AddCheckBox( _T("SPR"), LogID_SPR );
AddCheckBox( _T("GIF"), LogID_GIF );
AddCheckBox( _T("Sif"), LogID_SIF );
AddCheckBox( _T("IPU"), LogID_IPU );
AddCheckBox( _T("RPC"), LogID_RPC );
AddCheckBox( L"Registers", LogID_Registers );
AddCheckBox( L"Dma", LogID_DMA );
AddCheckBox( L"Vif", LogID_VIF );
AddCheckBox( L"SPR", LogID_SPR );
AddCheckBox( L"GIF", LogID_GIF );
AddCheckBox( L"Sif", LogID_SIF );
AddCheckBox( L"IPU", LogID_IPU );
AddCheckBox( L"RPC", LogID_RPC );
SetValue( false );
@ -98,16 +98,16 @@ void LogOptionsDialog::eeLogOptionsPanel::OnLogChecked(wxCommandEvent &event)
LogOptionsDialog::iopLogOptionsPanel::iopLogOptionsPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, wxT( "IOP Logs" ), LogID_IopBox )
CheckedStaticBox( parent, wxVERTICAL, L"IOP Logs", LogID_IopBox )
AddCheckBox( _T("Disasm"), LogID_Disasm);
AddCheckBox( _T("Memory"), LogID_Memory );
AddCheckBox( _T("Bios"), LogID_Bios );
AddCheckBox( _T("Registers"), LogID_Hardware );
AddCheckBox( _T("Dma"), LogID_DMA );
AddCheckBox( _T("Pad"), LogID_Pad );
AddCheckBox( _T("Cdrom"), LogID_Cdrom );
AddCheckBox( _T("GPU (PSX)"), LogID_GPU );
AddCheckBox( L"Disasm", LogID_Disasm);
AddCheckBox( L"Memory", LogID_Memory );
AddCheckBox( L"Bios", LogID_Bios );
AddCheckBox( L"Registers", LogID_Hardware );
AddCheckBox( L"Dma", LogID_DMA );
AddCheckBox( L"Pad", LogID_Pad );
AddCheckBox( L"Cdrom", LogID_Cdrom );
AddCheckBox( L"GPU (PSX)", LogID_GPU );
SetValue( true );
@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ LogOptionsDialog::iopLogOptionsPanel::iopLogOptionsPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
LogOptionsDialog::LogOptionsDialog(wxWindow* parent, int id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
wxDialogWithHelpers( parent, id, _T("Logging"), true, pos, size )
wxDialogWithHelpers( parent, id, L"Logging", true, pos, size )
eeLogOptionsPanel& eeBox = *new eeLogOptionsPanel( this );
iopLogOptionsPanel& iopSizer = *new iopLogOptionsPanel( this );
wxStaticBoxSizer& miscSizer = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL, this, _T("Misc") );
AddCheckBox( miscSizer, _T("Log to STDOUT"), LogID_StdOut );
AddCheckBox( miscSizer, _T("SYMs Log"), LogID_Symbols );
AddCheckBox( miscSizer, L"Log to STDOUT", LogID_StdOut );
AddCheckBox( miscSizer, L"SYMs Log", LogID_Symbols );
wxBoxSizer& mainsizer = *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
wxBoxSizer& topSizer = *new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
@ -61,28 +61,26 @@ bool Pcsx2App::TryOpenConfigCwd()
void Pcsx2App::OnInitCmdLine( wxCmdLineParser& parser )
parser.SetLogo( _(
" >> Pcsx2 -- A Playstation2 Emulator for the PC\n"
) );
parser.SetLogo( L" >> Pcsx2 -- A Playstation2 Emulator for the PC\n");
parser.AddSwitch( wxT("h"), wxT("help"), _("displays this list of command line options"), wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP );
parser.AddSwitch( wxT("nogui"), wxT("nogui"), _("disables display of the gui and enables the Escape Hack.") );
parser.AddSwitch( L"h", L"help", L"displays this list of command line options", wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP );
parser.AddSwitch( L"nogui", L"nogui", L"disables display of the gui and enables the Escape Hack." );
parser.AddOption( wxT("bootmode"), wxEmptyString, _("0 - quick (default), 1 - bios, 2 - load elf"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, wxT("cfg"), _("configuration file override"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING );
parser.AddOption( L"bootmode", wxEmptyString, L"0 - quick (default), 1 - bios, 2 - load elf", wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"cfg", L"configuration file override", wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("cdvd"), _("uses filename as the CDVD plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("gs"), _("uses filename as the GS plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("spu"), _("uses filename as the SPU2 plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("pad"), _("uses filename as *both* PAD plugins for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("pad1"), _("uses filename as the PAD1 plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("pad2"), _("uses filename as the PAD2 plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("dev9"), _("uses filename as the DEV9 plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString,wxT("usb"), _("uses filename as the USB plugin for this session only.") );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"cdvd", L"uses filename as the CDVD plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"gs", L"uses filename as the GS plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"spu", L"uses filename as the SPU2 plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"pad", L"uses filename as *both* PAD plugins for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"pad1", L"uses filename as the PAD1 plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"pad2", L"uses filename as the PAD2 plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"dev9", L"uses filename as the DEV9 plugin for this session only." );
parser.AddOption( wxEmptyString, L"usb", L"uses filename as the USB plugin for this session only." );
parser.SetSwitchChars( wxT("-") );
parser.SetSwitchChars( L"-" );
bool Pcsx2App::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser)
@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ bool Pcsx2App::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser)
// Suppress wxWidgets automatic options parsing since none of them pertain to Pcsx2 needs.
//wxApp::OnCmdLineParsed( parser );
bool yay = parser.Found( wxT("nogui") );
bool yay = parser.Found(L"nogui");
return true;
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ void patchFunc_patch( char * cmd, char * param )
if ( patchnumber >= MAX_PATCH )
// TODO : Use wxLogError for this, once we have full unicode compliance on cmd/params vars.
//wxLogError( wxT("Patch ERROR: Maximum number of patches reached: %s=%s"), cmd, param );
//wxLogError( L"Patch ERROR: Maximum number of patches reached: %s=%s", cmd, param );
Console::Error( "Patch ERROR: Maximum number of patches reached: %s=%s", params cmd, param );
@ -36,22 +36,22 @@ namespace Path
#ifdef WIN32
// Path Separator used when creating new paths.
static const wxChar Separator( wxT('\\') );
static const wxChar Separator( L'\\' );
// Path separators used when breaking existing paths into parts and pieces.
static const wxString Delimiters( wxT("\\/") );
static const wxString Delimiters( L"\\/" );
static const wxChar SeparatorExt( wxT('.') );
static const wxChar SeparatorExt( L'.' );
static const wxChar Separator( '/');
static const wxChar Delimiters( '/' );
static const wxChar SeparatorExt( wxT('.') );
static const wxChar SeparatorExt( L'.' );
static bool IsPathSeparator( wxChar src )
#ifdef WIN32
return (src == Separator) || (src == wxT('/'));
return (src == Separator) || (src == L'/');
return src == Separator;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~BaseExcept() throw()=0;
explicit BaseExcept( const wxString& msg ) :
Exception::Ps2Generic( wxT("(EE) ") + msg ),
Exception::Ps2Generic( L"(EE) " + msg ),
cpuState( cpuRegs )
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~AddressError() throw() {}
explicit AddressError( u32 ps2addr, bool onWrite ) :
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( wxT("Address error, addr=0x%x [%s]"), ps2addr, onWrite ? wxT("store") : wxT("load") ) ),
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( L"Address error, addr=0x%x [%s]", ps2addr, onWrite ? L"store" : L"load" ) ),
OnWrite( onWrite ),
Address( ps2addr )
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~TLBMiss() throw() {}
explicit TLBMiss( u32 ps2addr, bool onWrite ) :
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( wxT("Tlb Miss, addr=0x%x [%s]"), ps2addr, onWrite ? wxT("store") : wxT("load") ) ),
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( L"Tlb Miss, addr=0x%x [%s]", ps2addr, onWrite ? L"store" : L"load" ) ),
OnWrite( onWrite ),
Address( ps2addr )
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
explicit BusError( u32 ps2addr, bool onWrite ) :
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( wxT("Bus Error, addr=0x%x [%s]"), ps2addr, onWrite ? wxT("store") : wxT("load") ) ),
BaseExcept( wxsFormat( L"Bus Error, addr=0x%x [%s]", ps2addr, onWrite ? L"store" : L"load" ) ),
OnWrite( onWrite ),
Address( ps2addr )
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~SystemCall() throw() {}
explicit SystemCall() :
BaseExcept( wxT("SystemCall [SYSCALL]") )
BaseExcept( L"SystemCall [SYSCALL]" )
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ namespace R5900Exception
// Generates a trap for immediate-style Trap opcodes
explicit Trap() :
BaseExcept( wxT("Trap") ),
BaseExcept( L"Trap" ),
TrapCode( 0 )
// Generates a trap for register-style Trap instructions, which contain an
// error code in the opcode
explicit Trap( u16 trapcode ) :
BaseExcept( wxT("Trap") ),
BaseExcept( L"Trap" ),
TrapCode( trapcode )
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~Break() throw() {}
explicit Break() :
BaseExcept( wxT("Break Instruction") )
BaseExcept( L"Break Instruction" )
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~Overflow() throw() {}
explicit Overflow() :
BaseExcept( wxT("Overflow") )
BaseExcept( L"Overflow" )
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace R5900Exception
virtual ~DebugBreakpoint() throw() {}
explicit DebugBreakpoint() :
BaseExcept( wxT("Debug Breakpoint") )
BaseExcept( L"Debug Breakpoint" )
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ void sendTTYP(u16 protocol, u8 source, char *data){
((DECI2_TTYP_HEADER*)tmp)->flushreq =0;
if (((DECI2_TTYP_HEADER*)tmp)->h.length>2048)
Msgbox::Alert(wxT("TTYP: Buffer overflow"));
Msgbox::Alert(L"TTYP: Buffer overflow");
memcpy(&tmp[sizeof(DECI2_TTYP_HEADER)], data, strlen(data));
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ namespace StateRecovery {
catch( Exception::RuntimeError& ex )
Msgbox::Alert( wxsFormat( // fixme: this error needs proper translation stuffs.
wxT("Pcsx2 gamestate recovery failed. Some options may have been reverted to protect your game's state.\n")
wxT("Error: %s"), ex.DisplayMessage().c_str() )
L"Pcsx2 gamestate recovery failed. Some options may have been reverted to protect your game's state.\n"
L"Error: %s", ex.DisplayMessage().c_str() )
safe_delete( g_RecoveryState );
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public:
safe_free( m_ptr );
explicit SafeArray( const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeArray( const wxString& name = L"Unnamed" ) :
Name( name )
, ChunkSize( DefaultChunkSize )
, m_ptr( NULL )
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
explicit SafeArray( int initialSize, const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeArray( int initialSize, const wxString& name = L"Unnamed" ) :
Name( name )
, ChunkSize( DefaultChunkSize )
, m_ptr( (T*)malloc( initialSize * sizeof(T) ) )
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ public:
throw Exception::OutOfMemory(
wxsFormat( // english (for diagnostic)
wxT("Out-of-memory on SafeArray block re-allocation.\n")
wxT("Old size: %d bytes, New size: %d bytes."),
L"Out-of-memory on SafeArray block re-allocation.\n"
L"Old size: %d bytes, New size: %d bytes.",
m_size, newalloc
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public:
explicit SafeList( const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeList( const wxString& name = L"Unnamed" ) :
Name( name )
, ChunkSize( DefaultChunkSize )
, m_ptr( NULL )
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public:
explicit SafeList( int initialSize, const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeList( int initialSize, const wxString& name = L"Unnamed" ) :
Name( name )
, ChunkSize( DefaultChunkSize )
, m_ptr( (T*)malloc( initialSize * sizeof(T) ) )
@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ public:
throw Exception::OutOfMemory(
// English Diagonstic message:
wxT("Out-of-memory on SafeList block re-allocation.\n")
wxT("Old size: %d bytes, New size: %d bytes"),
L"Out-of-memory on SafeList block re-allocation.\n"
L"Old size: %d bytes, New size: %d bytes",
m_allocsize, newalloc
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ protected:
wxString _getName( const wxString& src )
if( IsDevBuild )
return src + wxsFormat( wxT("(align: %d)"), Alignment );
return src + wxsFormat( L"(align: %d)", Alignment );
return src;
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ public:
// mptr is set to null, so the parent class's destructor won't re-free it.
explicit SafeAlignedArray( const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeAlignedArray( const wxString& name = L"Unnamed") :
SafeArray<T>::SafeArray( name )
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ public:
explicit SafeAlignedArray( int initialSize, const wxString& name=wxT("Unnamed") ) :
explicit SafeAlignedArray( int initialSize, const wxString& name = L"Unnamed") :
(T*)_aligned_malloc( initialSize * sizeof(T), Alignment ),
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static void PostLoadPrep()
wxString SaveState::GetFilename( int slot )
return (g_Conf.Folders.Savestates +
wxsFormat( wxT("%8.8X.%3.3d"), ElfCRC, slot )).GetFullPath();
wxsFormat( L"%8.8X.%3.3d", ElfCRC, slot )).GetFullPath();
SaveState::SaveState( const char* msg, const wxString& destination ) :
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void SaveState::FreezeTag( const char* src )
assert( 0 );
throw Exception::BadSavedState(
// Untranslated diagnostic msg (use default msg for translation)
wxT("Savestate data corruption detected while reading tag: ") + wxString::FromAscii(src)
L"Savestate data corruption detected while reading tag: " + wxString::FromAscii(src)
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void gzLoadingState::FreezePlugin( const char* name, s32 (CALLBACK *freezer)(int
// uncompressed to/from memory state saves implementation
memBaseStateInfo::memBaseStateInfo( SafeArray<u8>& memblock, const char* msg ) :
SaveState( msg, wxT("Memory") )
SaveState( msg, L"Memory")
, m_memory( memblock )
, m_idx( 0 )
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void memLoadingState::FreezePlugin( const char* name, s32 (CALLBACK *freezer)(in
if( ( fP.size + m_idx ) > m_memory.GetSizeInBytes() )
throw Exception::BadSavedState( wxT("memory") );
throw Exception::BadSavedState( L"memory");
fP.data = ((s8*)m_memory.GetPtr()) + m_idx;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void JoinString( wxString& dest, const SafeList<wxString>& src, const wxString&
// This, so far, include types such as wxPoint, wxRect, and wxSize.
template< typename T >
T Parse( const wxString& src, const wxString& separators=wxT(",") )
T Parse( const wxString& src, const wxString& separators=L",")
T retval;
if( !TryParse( retval, src, separators ) )
@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ std::string to_string(const T& value)
// Helpers for wxWidgets stuff!
extern wxString ToString( const wxPoint& src, const wxString& separator=wxT(",") );
extern wxString ToString( const wxSize& src, const wxString& separator=wxT(",") );
extern wxString ToString( const wxRect& src, const wxString& separator=wxT(",") );
extern wxString ToString( const wxPoint& src, const wxString& separator=L"," );
extern wxString ToString( const wxSize& src, const wxString& separator=L"," );
extern wxString ToString( const wxRect& src, const wxString& separator=L"," );
extern bool TryParse( wxPoint& dest, const wxStringTokenizer& parts );
extern bool TryParse( wxSize& dest, const wxStringTokenizer& parts );
extern bool TryParse( wxPoint& dest, const wxString& src, const wxPoint& defval=wxDefaultPosition, const wxString& separators=wxT(",") );
extern bool TryParse( wxSize& dest, const wxString& src, const wxSize& defval=wxDefaultSize, const wxString& separators=wxT(",") );
extern bool TryParse( wxRect& dest, const wxString& src, const wxRect& defval=wxDefaultRect, const wxString& separators=wxT(",") );
extern bool TryParse( wxPoint& dest, const wxString& src, const wxPoint& defval=wxDefaultPosition, const wxString& separators=L",");
extern bool TryParse( wxSize& dest, const wxString& src, const wxSize& defval=wxDefaultSize, const wxString& separators=L",");
extern bool TryParse( wxRect& dest, const wxString& src, const wxRect& defval=wxDefaultRect, const wxString& separators=L",");
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct Module
wxString ToString(u32 total_ticks)
return wxsFormat( wxT("%s: %d "), name, (ticks*100) / (double)total_ticks );
return wxsFormat( L"%s: %d ", name, (ticks*100) / (double)total_ticks );
bool Inside(uptr val) { return val>=base && val<=end; }
void FromAddress(const void* ptr,bool getname)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static void MapUnknownSource( uint Eip )
wxChar modulename[512];
DWORD sz=GetModuleFromPtr((void*)Eip,modulename,512);
wxString modulenam( (sz==0) ? wxT("[Unknown]") : modulename );
wxString modulenam( (sz==0) ? L"[Unknown]" : modulename );
map<wxString,Module>::iterator iter = ProfUnknownHash.find(modulenam);
if (iter!=ProfUnknownHash.end())
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ int __stdcall ProfilerThread(void* nada)
if (tick_count>500)
wxString rv = wxT("|");
wxString rv = L"|";
u32 subtotal=0;
for (size_t i=0;i<ProfModules.size();i++)
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ int __stdcall ProfilerThread(void* nada)
rv += wxsFormat( wxT(" Total %d\n|"), (subtotal*100) / (double)tick_count );
rv += wxsFormat( L" Total %d\n|", (subtotal*100) / (double)tick_count );
vector<MapType::mapped_type> lst;
for (MapType::iterator i=ProfUnknownHash.begin();i!=ProfUnknownHash.end();i++)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void StreamException_ThrowFromErrno( const wxString& streamname, errno_t errcode
throw Exception::Stream( streamname,
wxsFormat( wxT("General file/stream error [errno: %d]"), errcode )
wxsFormat( L"General file/stream error [errno: %d]", errcode )
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void StreamException_ThrowLastError( const wxString& streamname, HANDLE result )
throw Exception::Stream( streamname,
wxsFormat( wxT("General Win32 File/stream error [GetLastError: %d]"), error )
wxsFormat( L"General Win32 File/stream error [GetLastError: %d]", error )
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ bool StreamException_LogFromErrno( const wxString& streamname, const wxChar* act
catch( Exception::Stream& ex )
Console::Notice( wxsFormat( wxT("%s: %s"), action, ex.LogMessage().c_str() ) );
Console::Notice( wxsFormat( L"%s: %s", action, ex.LogMessage().c_str() ) );
return true;
return false;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ bool StreamException_LogLastError( const wxString& streamname, const wxChar* act
catch( Exception::Stream& ex )
Console::Notice( wxsFormat( wxT("%s: %s"), action, ex.LogMessage().c_str() ) );
Console::Notice( wxsFormat( L"%s: %s", action, ex.LogMessage().c_str() ) );
return true;
return false;
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void NTFS_CompressFile( const wxString& file, bool compressStatus )
// Fail silently -- non-compression of files and folders is not an errorable offense.
if( !StreamException_LogLastError( file, wxT("NTFS Compress Notice"), bloated_crap ) )
if( !StreamException_LogLastError( file, L"NTFS Compress Notice", bloated_crap ) )
DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void NTFS_CompressFile( const wxString& file, bool compressStatus )
if( !result )
StreamException_LogLastError( file, wxT("NTFS Compress Notice") );
StreamException_LogLastError( file, L"NTFS Compress Notice" );
CloseHandle( bloated_crap );
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ void SuperVUAlloc(int vuindex)
throw Exception::OutOfMemory(
// untranslated diagnostic msg, use exception's default for translation
wxsFormat( wxT("Error > SuperVU failed to allocate recompiler memory (addr: 0x%x)"), (u32)s_recVUMem )
wxsFormat( L"Error > SuperVU failed to allocate recompiler memory (addr: 0x%x)", (u32)s_recVUMem )
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ void SuperVUDumpBlock(list<VuBaseBlock*>& blocks, int vuindex)
AsciiFile eff(
Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Dumps, wxsFormat(wxT("svu%cdump%.4X.txt"), s_vu?wxT('0'):wxT('1'), s_pFnHeader->startpc) ),
Path::Combine( g_Conf.Folders.Dumps, wxsFormat(L"svu%cdump%.4X.txt", s_vu?L'0':L'1', s_pFnHeader->startpc) ),
Reference in New Issue