diff --git a/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.props b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.props
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..016d1b6801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.props
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ <_PropertySheetDisplayName>pcsx2
+ Use
+ PrecompiledHeader.h
+ ..;../..;../libs;../../x86;../../IPU;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ Async
+ ..\libs;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
+ gnu_gettext.lib;w32pthreads.lib;zlib.lib;comctl32.lib;ws2_32.lib;winmm.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ "$(SolutionDir)common\vsprops\preBuild.cmd" "$(ProjectDir)..\.."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb3b4fd246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Devel
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ pcsx2
+ {1CEFD830-2B76-4596-A4EE-BCD7280A60BD}
+ pcsx2
+ Application
+ MultiByte
+ MultiByte
+ true
+ Application
+ MultiByte
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.20506.1
+ $(ProjectName)-dev
+ $(ProjectName)-dbg
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ ..\Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ true
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ true
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ true
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Create
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Create
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Create
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ false
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ false
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ false
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ false
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
+ Win32.h
+ $(IntDir)win32.pch
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj.filters b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4caba0668a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcsx2/windows/VCprojects/pcsx2.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@
+ {c2ea6c81-4075-46c1-87ef-0ddb9afe4eed}
+ {01e17e81-d2d0-4c25-b8ad-1ff90364a897}
+ {ed411ccd-f2b0-48e5-a9fb-ac1394893430}
+ {8edb4678-1495-44ec-ae2e-8040e07b65d3}
+ {2fdb50e4-5e39-40c9-8fe3-998692626d37}
+ {27356f95-cd67-4a20-a07d-33631f1fed77}
+ {beedb24c-8db7-4327-9ac9-e991492cb662}
+ {2555f589-401b-4731-bd44-a7b27ebcda5f}
+ {50f19485-6e68-4a96-b319-052eecf4c090}
+ {aded9038-3e2d-40d8-9364-d8a8791bd86e}
+ {e51c526c-340d-4c6a-a5f1-6a4b6f7ced23}
+ {0cf1f2bf-8386-46b0-922d-39e174ead90a}
+ {5236dec5-250f-4592-b0ae-b89dbaa213c8}
+ {4674959d-ba77-49d7-8222-16dc65bbe055}
+ {647fa2b2-d240-4e7a-b89a-1db44b52bd3a}
+ {bb6f54f2-1eeb-42ce-8d1f-c9a04a894302}
+ {8b22951b-9c0e-4d3c-acb2-f4adfa189e29}
+ {c363336c-1dad-45ee-8c53-af917547ffc3}
+ {8eb1168c-ad2d-487a-985d-ab0467270787}
+ {9f20e500-bc66-4090-bdb7-52f57eb93617}
+ {7a15db1f-e5f3-4f02-892b-823b707ea008}
+ {23cb8075-92b2-48bb-84b9-919951f017df}
+ {b8df343b-1b13-4c15-abd9-e16db9696905}
+ {c8cdca82-697f-4841-a059-0777bae827c7}
+ {fde2d79c-2294-49c6-aac7-e9e9be2da0b9}
+ {59704e8d-8a13-4c03-acbc-7e247733a77b}
+ {cbb15242-f074-4676-9dd0-8a66f9472027}
+ {2c1e64b0-1215-4030-8100-bcfd3d68e194}
+ {5cda919d-27aa-40a4-8f24-5678ea57b937}
+ {c3e533e9-2052-4f41-a7a3-c7fbbac7e3a0}
+ {bfafd183-162f-43f7-9950-4af564ad61b2}
+ {86f44a97-240b-45fb-8dd8-fc1cb8e15d69}
+ {add646f5-00d7-4c2f-9859-d789642f5ff5}
+ {8e483781-238f-4994-a434-9707fc36c926}
+ {20ef761e-65e5-40f0-b3d5-1adadea9ed14}
+ {ba295aad-adb9-45b6-a898-6f6dd80b2948}
+ {9c7072c7-21ef-43c7-baf3-da3fc99331b9}
+ {a56689ac-736e-4c4e-bf22-f6a3f0ded67b}
+ {a5cd94b3-27b7-4769-ad2f-54feb90d197b}
+ {a338def7-7e9a-4193-b170-cc3525051d6d}
+ {c5b0b573-fbad-4785-a4cf-88127a541dfc}
+ {da1ff230-2b55-4fae-a788-356d4afe4ddc}
+ {d5a39532-da37-4e5e-8744-fe14cb5d1ab3}
+ {13cbe709-7c63-4c32-95a9-4bd8bdeeb244}
+ {99af5db4-5a29-4839-ba02-ed3323ffa335}
+ HostSystem
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Misc
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC
+ Ps2\GS
+ Misc
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Interpreter
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\IPU
+ Ps2\IPU
+ Ps2\IPU\mpeg2lib
+ Ps2\IPU\mpeg2lib
+ Ps2\IPU
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ HostSystem\Linux
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ Ps2
+ Misc
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Interpreter
+ Ps2\GS
+ Misc
+ HostSystem
+ HostSystem
+ Misc
+ Ps2\Iop\Hardware
+ Ps2\Iop\Hardware
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A\Interpreter
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ HostSystem
+ HostGUI
+ HostSystem
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Sif
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Misc
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ HostSystem
+ HostSystem
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif
+ Misc
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2
+ HostSystem\Win32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A\Dynarec
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec\ix86-32
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ Misc\Cheats
+ Misc\Cheats
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI\Debugger
+ HostGUI\Debugger
+ HostGUI\Debugger
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostSystem\Win32
+ HostSystem\Win32
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostGUI
+ HostSystem\Win32
+ HostGUI
+ HostSystem\Win32
+ Misc
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ Ps2
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Ps2\Debug
+ Misc
+ HostSystem\FileSystems
+ HostSystem\Include
+ Ps2\GS
+ Misc
+ HostGUI\Include
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\IPU
+ Ps2\IPU
+ Ps2\IPU\mpeg2lib
+ Ps2\IPU\mpeg2lib
+ Ps2\IPU
+ HostSystem\Linux\Include
+ HostSystem\Linux\Include
+ HostSystem\Linux\Include
+ HostSystem\Linux\Include
+ HostSystem\Linux\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ Ps2
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ Misc
+ Misc
+ Misc
+ HostSystem\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ Misc
+ Ps2\Iop\Hardware
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc\rdebug
+ Misc
+ HostSystem\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Sif
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Sif
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\Iop
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\Hardware
+ Misc
+ HostSystem\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Misc\TinyXML
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\memory
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Interpreter
+ Ps2
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\Iop\R3000A\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\R5900\Dynarec
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement\xmm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement\xmm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement\xmm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement\xmm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter\Implement\xmm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\Super VU
+ HostGUI\Include
+ Misc\Cheats
+ HostGUI\Debugger
+ HostGUI\Include
+ HostGUI\Include
+ HostSystem\Include
+ HostGUI\Include
+ HostGUI\Include
+ HostGUI\Include
+ HostGUI\Include
+ Docs
+ Docs
+ Docs
+ Docs
+ Docs
+ Ps2\IPU
+ HostGUI\Resources
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\Linux\asm
+ HostSystem\x86Emitter
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\VUmicro\Dynarec\microVU
+ HostGUI\Resources
+ HostGUI\Resources
+ HostGUI\Resources
+ Ps2\EmotionEngine\DMAC\Vif\Dynarec
+ HostGUI\Resources
+ HostGUI\Resources
\ No newline at end of file