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FireWire: Improved Null emulation to help games like Silent Scope 2 and Unreal Tournament (possibly Time Splitters 2) etc boot.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4446 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ static char *libraryName = "FWnull Driver";
string s_strIniPath="inis/";
string s_strLogPath = "logs/";
u8 phyregs[16];
s8 *fwregs;
Config conf;
PluginLog FWLog;
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ EXPORT_C_(s32) FWinit()
FWLog.WriteLn("FWnull plugin version %d,%d", revision, build);
FWLog.WriteLn("Initializing FWnull");
memset(phyregs, 0, sizeof(phyregs));
// Initializing our registers.
fwregs = (s8*)calloc(0x10000,1);
if (fwregs == NULL)
@ -108,15 +110,54 @@ EXPORT_C_(void) FWclose()
FWLog.WriteLn("Closing FWnull.");
void PHYWrite()
u8 reg = (PHYACC >> 8) & 0xf;
u8 data = PHYACC & 0xff;
phyregs[reg] = data;
PHYACC &= ~0x4000ffff;
void PHYRead()
u8 reg = (PHYACC >> 24) & 0xf;
u8 data = (PHYACC >> 16) & 0xff;
PHYACC &= ~0x80000000;
PHYACC |= phyregs[reg] | (reg << 8);
if(fwRu32(0x8424) & 0x40000000) //RRx interrupt mask
fwRu32(0x8420) |= 0x40000000;
EXPORT_C_(u32) FWread32(u32 addr)
u32 ret = 0;
switch (addr)
// We should document what this location is.
//Node ID Register the top part is default, bottom part i got from my ps2
case 0x1f808400:
ret = /*(0x3ff << 22) | 1;*/ 0xffc00001;
// Control Register 2
case 0x1f808410:
ret = 0x8;
ret = fwRu32(addr); //SCLK OK (Needs to be set when FW is "Ready"
//Interrupt 0 Register
case 0x1f808420:
ret = fwRu32(addr);
//Dunno what this is, but my home console always returns this value 0x10000001
//Seems to be related to the Node ID however (does some sort of compare/check)
case 0x1f80847c:
ret = 0x10000001;
// Include other relevant 32 bit addresses we need to catch here.
@ -144,8 +185,73 @@ EXPORT_C_(void) FWwrite32(u32 addr, u32 value)
// case 0x1f808428:
// case 0x1f808430:
// Are addresses to look at.
case 0x1f808410: fwRu32(addr) = value; break;
//PHY access
case 0x1f808414:
//If in read mode (top bit set) we read the PHY register requested then set the RRx interrupt if it's enabled
//Im presuming we send that back to pcsx2 then. This register stores the result, plus whatever was written (minus the read/write flag
fwRu32(addr) = value; //R/W Bit cleaned in underneath function
if(value & 0x40000000) //Writing to PHY
else if(value & 0x80000000) //Reading from PHY
//Control Register 0
case 0x1f808408:
//This enables different functions of the link interface
//Just straight writes, should brobably struct these later.
//Default written settings (on unreal tournament) are
//Urcv M = 1
//RSP 0 = 1
//Retlim = 0xF
//Cyc Tmr En = 1
//Bus ID Rst = 1
//Rcv Self ID = 1
fwRu32(addr) = value;
// if((value & 0x800000) && (fwRu32(0x842C) & 0x2))
// {
// fwRu32(0x8428) |= 0x2;
// FWirq();
// }
fwRu32(addr) &= ~0x800000;
//Control Register 2
case 0x1f808410:// fwRu32(addr) = value; break;
//Ignore writes to this for now, apart from 0x2 which is Link Power Enable
//0x8 is SCLK OK (Ready) which should be set for emulation
fwRu32(addr) = 0x8 /*| value & 0x2*/;
//Interrupt 0 Register
case 0x1f808420:
//Interrupt 1 Register
case 0x1f808428:
//Interrupt 2 Register
case 0x1f808430:
//Writes of 1 clear the corresponding bits
fwRu32(addr) &= ~value;
//Interrupt 0 Register Mask
case 0x1f808424:
//Interrupt 1 Register Mask
case 0x1f80842C:
//Interrupt 2 Register Mask
case 0x1f808434:
//These are direct writes (as it's a mask!)
fwRu32(addr) = value;
//DMA Control and Status Register 0
case 0x1f8084B8:
fwRu32(addr) = value;
//DMA Control and Status Register 1
case 0x1f808538:
fwRu32(addr) = value;
// By default, just write it to fwregs.
fwRu32(addr) = value;
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ extern s8 *fwregs;
#define fwRs32(mem) (*(s32*)&fwregs[(mem) & 0xffff])
#define fwRu32(mem) (*(u32*)&fwregs[(mem) & 0xffff])
//PHY Access Address for ease of use :P
#define PHYACC fwRu32(0x8414)
typedef struct
s32 Log;
Reference in New Issue