NSIS Installer: Preliminary addition of the web installer (needs work, generates some errors yet)

git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@3085 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
Jake.Stine 2010-05-26 19:46:37 +00:00
parent 74a4ecd559
commit c1d8a3e94c
2 changed files with 365 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
; PCSX2 NSIS installer script
; PCSX2 Full/Complete Install Package!
; (a NSIS installer script)
; Copyright 2009-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
; Application version, changed for each release to match the version
; Uncomment this to create a package that includes binaries and binary dependencies only.
; Set to 0 to include the core binaries only (no plugins)
!define INC_PLUGINS 1
!ifndef INC_CRT_2008
!define INC_CRT_2008 0
; Set to 0 to disable inclusion of Visual Studio 2008 SP1 CRT Redists
!define INC_CRT_2008 1
!ifndef INC_CRT_2010
; Set to 0 to disable inclusion of Visual Studio 2010 CRT Redists
!define INC_CRT_2010 1
!ifndef INC_LANGS
; Set to 1 to enable inclusion of Languages folders (which are currently missing in 0.9.7)
!define INC_LANGS 0

nsis/pcsx2_web_install.nsi Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
; PCSX2 Web-based Install Package!
; (a NSIS installer script)
; Copyright 2009-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
; The installer generated by this script will download all relevant components for
; PCSX2 from a variety of mirror hosts. Packages are only downloaded on an as-needed
; basis; this most importantly applies to the very bulky VS 2008 and VS2010 packages.
; Set to 0 to include the core binaries only (no plugins)
!define INC_PLUGINS 1
!ifndef INC_LANGS
; Set to 1 to enable inclusion of Languages folders (which are currently missing in 0.9.7)
!define INC_LANGS 0
!include "SharedSettings.nsh"
; The name of the installer
Name "${APP_NAME}"
OutFile "${APP_FILENAME}-setup.exe"
; The default installation directory
; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will
; overwrite the old one automatically)
InstallDirRegKey ${INSTDIR_REG_ROOT} "Software\PCSX2" "Install_Dir"
; These defines are dependent on NSIS vars assigned above.
!define INSTDIR_REG_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APP_FILENAME}"
Var DirectXSetupError
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "AdvUninstLog.nsh"
; Advanced Uninstaller Extension: This allows us to safely log to arbitrary "sections" of
; installation of our choosing, without having to rely on $OUTDIR (which is how the default
; provided LOG_OPEN_INSTALL works). In other words, different files in the same folder can
; be added to different install lists. :)
!verbose push
StrCmp $unlog_error "error" +2
${uninstall.log_install} "${EXCLU_LIST}" "${UNINST_DAT}" "${SectionName}"
!verbose pop
!verbose push
!define ID ${__LINE__}
${uninstall.log_install} "${UNLOG_PART}${ID}" "${EXCLU_LIST}" "${SectionName}"
${uninstall.log_mergeID} "${UNLOG_PART}${ID}"
!undef ID ${__LINE__}
!verbose pop
; =======================================================================
; Vista/Win7 UAC Stuff
; =======================================================================
!include "IsUserAdmin.nsi"
; Allow admin-rights PCSX2 users to be hardcore!
AllowRootDirInstall true
; FIXME !!
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista/7; I'd love for this to be sensible about which
; execution level it requests, but UAC is breaking my mind. I included some code for User type
; detection in function IsUserAdmin, but not really using it constructively yet. (see also our
; uses of SetShellVarContext in the installer sections)
RequestExecutionLevel admin
; This defines the Advanced Uninstaller mode of operation...
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "banner.bmp"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
!include "ApplyExeProps.nsh"
!include "SharedRedtape.nsh"
; =======================================================================
; Installer Sections
; =======================================================================
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Basic section (emulation proper)
Section "!${APP_NAME} (required)" SEC_CORE
SectionIn RO
!include "SectionCoreReqs.nsh"
; ------------------------------------------
; -- Plugins Section --
; ------------------------------------------
!if ${INC_PLUGINS} > 0
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
File /nonfatal /oname=gsdx-sse2-r${SVNREV_GSDX}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\gsdx-sse2.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=gsdx-ssse3-r${SVNREV_GSDX}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\gsdx-ssse3.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=gsdx-sse4-r${SVNREV_GSDX}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\gsdx-sse4.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=zerogs-r${SVNREV_ZEROGS}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\zerogs.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=spu2-x-r${SVNREV_SPU2X}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\spu2-x.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=zerospu2-r${SVNREV_ZEROSPU2}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\zerospu2.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=cdvdiso-r${SVNREV_CDVDISO}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\cdvdiso.dll
File ..\bin\Plugins\cdvdGigaherz.dll
File /nonfatal /oname=lilypad-r${SVNREV_LILYPAD}.dll ..\bin\Plugins\lilypad.dll
File ..\bin\Plugins\PadSSSPSX.dll
;File ..\bin\Plugins\FWlinuz.dll
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Start Menu - Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
Section "Start Menu Shortcuts" SEC_STARTMENU
; CreateShortCut gets the working directory from OutPath
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\PCSX2"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\PCSX2\Uninstall ${APP_NAME}.lnk" "${UNINST_EXE}" "" "${UNINST_EXE}" 0
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\PCSX2\${APP_NAME}.lnk" "${APP_EXE}" "" "${APP_EXE}" 0
;IfFileExists ..\bin\pcsx2-dev.exe 0 +2
; CreateShortCut "PCSX2\pcsx2-dev-r${SVNREV}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\pcsx2-dev-r${SVNREV}.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\pcsx2-dev-r${SVNREV}.exe" 0 "" "" \
; "PCSX2 Devel (has additional logging support)"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Desktop Icon - Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
Section "Desktop Shortcut" SEC_DESKTOP
; CreateShortCut gets the working directory from OutPath
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${APP_NAME}.lnk" "${APP_EXE}" "" "${APP_EXE}" 0 "" "" "A Playstation 2 Emulator"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; MSVC Redistributable - required if the user does not already have it
; Note: if your NSIS generates an error here it means you need to download the latest
; visual studio redist package from microsoft. Any redist 2008/SP1 or newer will do.
; IMPORTANT: Online references for how to detect the presence of the VS2008 redists LIE.
; None of the methods are reliable, because the registry keys placed by the MSI installer
; vary depending on operating system *and* MSI installer version (youch).
Section "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redist (required)" SEC_CRT2008
;SectionIn RO
; Downloaded from:
; http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/d/9/dd9a82d0-52ef-40db-8dab-795376989c03/vcredist_x86.exe
SetOutPath "$TEMP"
DetailPrint "Downloading Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Setup..."
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/d/9/dd9a82d0-52ef-40db-8dab-795376989c03/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2008_sp1_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://code.google.com/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2008_sp1_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://www.pcsx2.net/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2008_sp1_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Could not download Visual Studio 2008 Redist; none of the mirrors appear to be functional."
DetailPrint "Running Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Setup..."
ExecWait '"$TEMP\vcredist_2008_sp1_x86.exe" /qb'
DetailPrint "Finished Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Setup"
Delete "$TEMP\vcredist_2008_sp1_x86.exe"
Section "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redist (recommended)" SEC_CRT2010
;SectionIn RO
; Detection made easy: Unlike previous redists, VC2010 now generates a platform
; independent key for checking availability.
; Downloaded from:
; http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/C/5BC5DBB3-652D-4DCE-B14A-475AB85EEF6E/vcredist_x86.exe
ReadRegDword $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x86" "Installed"
IfErrors done
StrCmp $R0 "1" done
SetOutPath "$TEMP"
DetailPrint "Downloading Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Setup..."
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/C/5BC5DBB3-652D-4DCE-B14A-475AB85EEF6E/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2010_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://code.google.com/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2010_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 "http://www.pcsx2.net/vcredist_x86.exe" "vcredist_2010_x86.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Could not download Visual Studio 2010 Redist; none of the mirrors appear to be functional."
DetailPrint "Running Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Setup..."
ExecWait '"$TEMP\vcredist_2010_x86.exe" /qb'
DetailPrint "Finished Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Setup"
Delete "$TEMP\vcredist_2010_x86.exe"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
; This section needs to be last, so that in case it fails, the rest of the program will
; be installed cleanly.
; This section could be optional, but why not? It's pretty painless to double-check that
; all the libraries are up-to-date.
Section "DirectX Web Setup (recommended)" SEC_DIRECTX
;SectionIn RO
SetOutPath "$TEMP"
DetailPrint "Downloading DirectX Web Setup..."
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/7/1/1718CCC4-6315-4D8E-9543-8E28A4E18C4C/dxwebsetup.exe" dxwebsetup.exe
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=15000 "http://code.google.com/dxwebsetup.exe" "dxwebsetup.exe"
Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
StrCmp $R0 "success" +2
NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 "http://www.pcsx2.net/dxwebsetup.exe" "dxwebsetup.exe"
DetailPrint "Running DirectX Web Setup..."
ExecWait '"$TEMP\dxwebsetup.exe" /Q' $DirectXSetupError
DetailPrint "Finished DirectX Web Setup"
Delete "$TEMP\dxwebsetup.exe"
; =======================================================================
; Un.Installer Sections
; =======================================================================
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Section "Un.Core Executables ${APP_NAME}"
SetShellVarContext all
; Remove registry keys (but only the ones related to the installer -- user options remain)
Call un.removeShorties
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Section "Un.Shared Components (DLLs, Languages, etc)"
MessageBox MB_YESNO "WARNING! If you have multiple versions of PCSX2 installed, removing all shared files will probably break them. Are you sure you want to proceed?" \
IDYES true IDNO false
; Kill the entire PCSX2 registry key.
DeleteRegKey ${INSTDIR_REG_ROOT} Software\PCSX2
; User cancelled -- do nothing!!
LangString DESC_CORE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Core components (binaries, plugins, languages, etc)."
LangString DESC_STARTMENU ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Adds shortcuts for PCSX2 to the start menu (all users)."
LangString DESC_DESKTOP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Adds a shortcut for PCSX2 to the desktop (all users)."
LangString DESC_CRT2008 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The 2008 Redist is required by the PCSX2 binaries packaged in this installer."
LangString DESC_CRT2010 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The 2010 Redist will be used by future PCSX2 plugins and updates, but is not (yet) necessary."
LangString DESC_DIRECTX ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Only uncheck this if you are quite certain your Direct3D runtimes are up to date."
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_CRT2008} $(DESC_CRT2008)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC_CRT2010} $(DESC_CRT2010)