mirror of https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2.git
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
/* LilyPad - Pad plugin for PS2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2014 PCSX2 Dev Team/ChickenLiver
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Found- ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with PCSX2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Global.h"
#include "InputManager.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "DeviceEnumerator.h"
GeneralConfig config;
u8 ps2e = 0;
int LoadSettings(int force, wchar_t *file) {
if (dm && !force) return 0;
#if 0
if( createIniDir )
CreateDirectory(L"inis", 0);
createIniDir = false;
// Could just do ClearDevices() instead, but if I ever add any extra stuff,
// this will still work.
dm = new InputDeviceManager();
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (!file) {
file = iniFile;
GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"General Settings", L"Last Config Path", L"inis", config.lastSaveConfigPath, sizeof(config.lastSaveConfigPath), file);
GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"General Settings", L"Last Config Name", L"LilyPad.lily", config.lastSaveConfigFileName, sizeof(config.lastSaveConfigFileName), file);
else {
wchar_t *c = wcsrchr(file, '\\');
if (c) {
*c = 0;
wcscpy(config.lastSaveConfigPath, file);
wcscpy(config.lastSaveConfigFileName, c+1);
*c = '\\';
WritePrivateProfileStringW(L"General Settings", L"Last Config Path", config.lastSaveConfigPath, iniFile);
WritePrivateProfileStringW(L"General Settings", L"Last Config Name", config.lastSaveConfigFileName, iniFile);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo)/sizeof(BoolOptionsInfo[0]); i++) {
config.bools[i] = GetPrivateProfileBool(L"General Settings", BoolOptionsInfo[i].name, BoolOptionsInfo[i].defaultValue, file);
config.closeHacks = (u8)GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General Settings", L"Close Hacks", 0, file);
if (config.closeHacks&1) config.closeHacks &= ~2;
config.keyboardApi = (DeviceAPI)GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General Settings", L"Keyboard Mode", WM, file);
if (!config.keyboardApi) config.keyboardApi = WM;
config.mouseApi = (DeviceAPI) GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"General Settings", L"Mouse Mode", 0, file);
config.volume = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"General Settings", L"Volume", 100, file);
os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os);
config.osVersion = 0;
if (GetVersionEx(&os)) {
config.osVersion = os.dwMajorVersion;
if (config.osVersion < 6) config.vistaVolume = 0;
if (!config.vistaVolume) config.volume = 100;
if (config.vistaVolume) SetVolume(config.volume);
if (!InitializeRawInput()) {
if (config.keyboardApi == RAW) config.keyboardApi = WM;
if (config.mouseApi == RAW) config.mouseApi = WM;
if (config.debug) {
CreateDirectory(L"logs", 0);
for (int port=0; port<2; port++) {
for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) {
wchar_t temp[50];
wsprintf(temp, L"Pad %i %i", port, slot);
config.padConfigs[port][slot].type = (PadType) GetPrivateProfileInt(temp, L"Mode", Dualshock2Pad, file);
config.padConfigs[port][slot].autoAnalog = GetPrivateProfileBool(temp, L"Auto Analog", 0, file);
int i=0;
int multipleBinding = config.multipleBinding;
// Disabling multiple binding only prevents new multiple bindings.
config.multipleBinding = 1;
while (1) {
wchar_t id[50];
wchar_t temp[50], temp2[1000], temp3[1000], temp4[1000];
wsprintfW(id, L"Device %i", i++);
if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(id, L"Display Name", 0, temp2, 1000, file) || !temp2[0] ||
!GetPrivateProfileStringW(id, L"Instance ID", 0, temp3, 1000, file) || !temp3[0]) {
if (i >= 100) break;
wchar_t *id2 = 0;
if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(id, L"Product ID", 0, temp4, 1000, file) && temp4[0])
id2 = temp4;
int api = GetPrivateProfileIntW(id, L"API", 0, file);
int type = GetPrivateProfileIntW(id, L"Type", 0, file);
if (!api || !type) continue;
Device *dev = new Device((DeviceAPI)api, (DeviceType)type, temp2, temp3, id2);
dev->attached = 0;
int j = 0;
int last = 0;
while (1) {
wsprintfW(temp, L"Binding %i", j++);
if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(id, temp, 0, temp2, 1000, file)) {
if (j >= 100) {
if (!last) break;
last = 0;
last = 1;
unsigned int uid;
int port, command, sensitivity, turbo, slot = 0, deadZone = 0;
int w = 0;
char string[1000];
while (temp2[w]) {
string[w] = (char)temp2[w];
string[w] = 0;
int len = sscanf(string, " %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i", &uid, &port, &command, &sensitivity, &turbo, &slot, &deadZone);
if (len >= 5 && type) {
VirtualControl *c = dev->GetVirtualControl(uid);
if (!c) c = dev->AddVirtualControl(uid, -1);
if (c) {
BindCommand(dev, uid, port, slot, command, sensitivity, turbo, deadZone);
j = 0;
while (1) {
wsprintfW(temp, L"FF Binding %i", j++);
if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW(id, temp, 0, temp2, 1000, file)) {
if (j >= 10) {
if (!last) break;
last = 0;
last = 1;
int port, slot, motor;
int w = 0;
char string[1000];
char effect[1000];
while (temp2[w]) {
string[w] = (char)temp2[w];
string[w] = 0;
// wcstok not in ntdll. More effore than its worth to shave off
// whitespace without it.
if (sscanf(string, " %s %i , %i , %i", effect, &port, &motor, &slot) == 4) {
char *s = strchr(strchr(strchr(string, ',')+1, ',')+1, ',');
if (!s) continue;
w = 0;
while (effect[w]) {
temp2[w] = effect[w];
temp2[w] = 0;
ForceFeedbackEffectType *eff = dev->GetForcefeedbackEffect(temp2);
if (!eff) {
// At the moment, don't record effect types.
// Only used internally, anyways, so not an issue.
dev->AddFFEffectType(temp2, temp2, EFFECT_CONSTANT);
// eff = &dev->ffEffectTypes[dev->numFFEffectTypes-1];
ForceFeedbackBinding *b;
CreateEffectBinding(dev, temp2, port, slot, motor, &b);
if (b) {
while (1) {
int axisID = atoi(s);
if (!(s = strchr(s, ','))) break;
int force = atoi(s);
int i;
for (i=0; i<dev->numFFAxes; i++) {
if (axisID == dev->ffAxes[i].id) break;
if (i == dev->numFFAxes) {
dev->AddFFAxis(L"?", axisID);
b->axes[i].force = force;
if (!(s = strchr(s, ','))) break;
config.multipleBinding = multipleBinding;
return 0;
void UnloadConfigs() {
if (dm) {
delete dm;
dm = 0;
void RefreshEnabledDevices(int updateDeviceList) {
// Clears all device state.
static int lastXInputState = -1;
if (updateDeviceList || lastXInputState != config.gameApis.xInput) {
lastXInputState = config.gameApis.xInput;
for (int i=0; i<dm->numDevices; i++) {
Device *dev = dm->devices[i];
if (!dev->attached && dev->displayName[0] != '[') {
wchar_t *newName = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(dev->displayName) + 12));
wsprintfW(newName, L"[Detached] %s", dev->displayName);
dev->displayName = newName;
if ((dev->type == KEYBOARD && dev->api == IGNORE_KEYBOARD) ||
(dev->type == KEYBOARD && dev->api == config.keyboardApi) ||
(dev->type == MOUSE && dev->api == config.mouseApi) ||
(dev->type == OTHER &&
((dev->api == DI && config.gameApis.directInput) ||
(dev->api == DS3 && config.gameApis.dualShock3) ||
(dev->api == XINPUT && config.gameApis.xInput)))) {
if (config.gameApis.dualShock3 && dev->api == DI && dev->displayName &&
!wcsicmp(dev->displayName, L"DX PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller")) {
else {
else {
void Configure() {
// Can end up here without PADinit() being called first.
// Can also end up here after running emulator a bit, and possibly
// disabling some devices due to focus changes, or releasing mouse.
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* LilyPad - Pad plugin for PS2 Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2002-2014 PCSX2 Dev Team/ChickenLiver
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Found- ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with PCSX2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Global.h"
// This is undoubtedly completely unnecessary.
#include "KeyboardQueue.h"
// What MS calls a single process Mutex. Faster, supposedly.
// More importantly, can be abbreviated, amusingly, as cSection.
static std::mutex cSection;
#define EVENT_QUEUE_LEN 16
// Actually points one beyond the last queued event.
static u8 lastQueuedEvent = 0;
static u8 nextQueuedEvent = 0;
static keyEvent queuedEvents[EVENT_QUEUE_LEN];
void QueueKeyEvent(int key, int event) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cSection);
// Don't queue events if escape is on top of queue. This is just for safety
// purposes when a game is killing the emulator for whatever reason.
if (nextQueuedEvent == lastQueuedEvent ||
queuedEvents[nextQueuedEvent].key != VK_ESCAPE ||
queuedEvents[nextQueuedEvent].evt != KEYPRESS) {
// Clear queue on escape down, bringing escape to front. May do something
// with shift/ctrl/alt and F-keys, later.
if (event == KEYPRESS && key == VK_ESCAPE) {
nextQueuedEvent = lastQueuedEvent;
queuedEvents[lastQueuedEvent].key = key;
queuedEvents[lastQueuedEvent].evt = event;
lastQueuedEvent = (lastQueuedEvent + 1) % EVENT_QUEUE_LEN;
// If queue wrapped around, remove last element.
if (nextQueuedEvent == lastQueuedEvent) {
nextQueuedEvent = (nextQueuedEvent + 1) % EVENT_QUEUE_LEN;
int GetQueuedKeyEvent(keyEvent *event) {
if (lastQueuedEvent == nextQueuedEvent) return 0;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cSection);
*event = queuedEvents[nextQueuedEvent];
nextQueuedEvent = (nextQueuedEvent + 1) % EVENT_QUEUE_LEN;
return 1;
void ClearKeyQueue() {
lastQueuedEvent = nextQueuedEvent;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue