Bind CPU Advanced Options; roundmode, clamp mode, DaZ/FtZ should all save/load/apply correctly now. :)

git-svn-id: 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
Jake.Stine 2009-11-01 16:49:20 +00:00
parent 9ccc7b2465
commit 629aad9944
4 changed files with 172 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ public:
void ApplySanityCheck();
void LoadSave( IniInterface& conf );

View File

@ -77,6 +77,29 @@ Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions::RecompilerOptions() : bitset(0)
//fpuFullMode = false;
void Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions::ApplySanityCheck()
int fpuCount = (int)fpuOverflow + (int)fpuExtraOverflow + (int)fpuFullMode;
if( fpuCount > 1 )
// Values are wonky; assume the defaults.
fpuOverflow = RecompilerOptions().fpuOverflow;
fpuExtraOverflow= RecompilerOptions().fpuExtraOverflow;
fpuFullMode = RecompilerOptions().fpuFullMode;
int vuCount = (int)vuOverflow + (int)vuExtraOverflow + (int)vuSignOverflow;
if( fpuCount > 1 )
// Values are wonky; assume the defaults.
vuOverflow = RecompilerOptions().vuOverflow;
vuExtraOverflow = RecompilerOptions().vuExtraOverflow;
vuSignOverflow = RecompilerOptions().vuSignOverflow;
void Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions::LoadSave( IniInterface& ini )
RecompilerOptions defaults;

View File

@ -229,16 +229,48 @@ namespace Panels
void Apply();
class AdvancedOptionsFPU : public BaseApplicableConfigPanel
class BaseAdvancedCpuOptions : public BaseApplicableConfigPanel
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_adv;
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_round;
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_clamp;
wxRadioButton* m_Option_Round[4];
wxRadioButton* m_Option_None;
wxRadioButton* m_Option_Normal;
wxCheckBox* m_Option_FTZ;
wxCheckBox* m_Option_DAZ;
BaseAdvancedCpuOptions( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth );
virtual ~BaseAdvancedCpuOptions() throw() { }
void OnRestoreDefaults( wxCommandEvent& evt );
void ApplyRoundmode( u32& mxcsr );
class AdvancedOptionsFPU : public BaseAdvancedCpuOptions
wxRadioButton* m_Option_ExtraSign;
wxRadioButton* m_Option_Full;
AdvancedOptionsFPU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth );
virtual ~AdvancedOptionsFPU() throw() { }
void Apply();
class AdvancedOptionsVU : public BaseApplicableConfigPanel
class AdvancedOptionsVU : public BaseAdvancedCpuOptions
wxRadioButton* m_Option_Extra;
wxRadioButton* m_Option_ExtraSign;
AdvancedOptionsVU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth );
virtual ~AdvancedOptionsVU() throw() { }

View File

@ -16,41 +16,44 @@
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "ConfigurationPanels.h"
static const u32 MXCSR_DAZ = 0x0040; // bit enable for Denormals Are Zero
static const u32 MXCSR_FTZ = 0x8000; // bit enable for Flush to Zero
using namespace wxHelpers;
Panels::AdvancedOptionsFPU::AdvancedOptionsFPU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth ) :
Panels::BaseAdvancedCpuOptions::BaseAdvancedCpuOptions( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth ) :
BaseApplicableConfigPanel( &parent, idealWidth )
, s_adv( *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this ) )
, s_round( *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Round Mode") ) )
, s_clamp( *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Clamping Mode") ) )
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_adv = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("EE/FPU Advanced Recompiler Options") );
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_round = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Round Mode") );
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_clamp = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Clamping Mode") );
wxFlexGridSizer& grid = *new wxFlexGridSizer( 4 );
// Clever proportions selected for a fairly nice spacing, with the third
// colum serving as a buffer between static box and a pair of checkboxes.
// column serving as a buffer between static box and a pair of checkboxes.
grid.AddGrowableCol( 0, 8 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 1, 10 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 2, 1 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 3, 7 );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Nearest") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Negative") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Positive") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Chop / Zero") );
m_StartNewRadioGroup = true;
m_Option_Round[0] = &AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Nearest") );
m_Option_Round[1] = &AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Negative") );
m_Option_Round[2] = &AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Positive") );
m_Option_Round[3] = &AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Chop / Zero") );
m_StartNewRadioGroup = true;
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("None") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Normal") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra + Preserve Sign") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Full") );
m_Option_None = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("None") );
m_Option_Normal = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Normal") );
wxBoxSizer& s_daz( *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 16 );
AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Flush to Zero") );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 6 );
AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Denormals are Zero") );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 12 );
m_Option_FTZ = &AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Flush to Zero") );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 4 );
m_Option_DAZ = &AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Denormals are Zero") );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 22 );
s_daz.Add( new wxButton( this, wxID_DEFAULT, _("Restore Defaults") ), wxSizerFlags().Align( wxALIGN_CENTRE ) );
grid.Add( &s_round, SizerFlags::SubGroup() );
grid.Add( &s_clamp, SizerFlags::SubGroup() );
@ -60,59 +63,62 @@ Panels::AdvancedOptionsFPU::AdvancedOptionsFPU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth
s_adv.Add( &grid, SizerFlags::StdExpand() );
SetSizer( &s_adv );
Connect( wxID_DEFAULT, wxCommandEventHandler( BaseAdvancedCpuOptions::OnRestoreDefaults ) );
void Panels::BaseAdvancedCpuOptions::OnRestoreDefaults(wxCommandEvent &evt)
Panels::AdvancedOptionsFPU::AdvancedOptionsFPU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth ) :
BaseAdvancedCpuOptions( parent, idealWidth )
s_adv.GetStaticBox()->SetLabel(_("EE/FPU Advanced Recompiler Options"));
m_Option_ExtraSign = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra + Preserve Sign") );
m_Option_Full = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Full") );
Pcsx2Config::CpuOptions& cpuOps( g_Conf->EmuOptions.Cpu );
Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions& recOps( cpuOps.Recompiler );
m_Option_FTZ->SetValue( !!(cpuOps.sseMXCSR & MXCSR_FTZ) );
m_Option_DAZ->SetValue( !!(cpuOps.sseMXCSR & MXCSR_DAZ) );
m_Option_Round[(cpuOps.sseMXCSR >> 13) & 3]->SetValue( true );
m_Option_Normal->SetValue( recOps.fpuOverflow );
m_Option_ExtraSign->SetValue( recOps.fpuExtraOverflow );
m_Option_Full->SetValue( recOps.fpuFullMode );
m_Option_None->SetValue( !recOps.fpuOverflow && !recOps.fpuExtraOverflow && !recOps.fpuFullMode );
Panels::AdvancedOptionsVU::AdvancedOptionsVU( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth ) :
BaseApplicableConfigPanel( &parent, idealWidth )
BaseAdvancedCpuOptions( parent, idealWidth )
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_adv = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("VU0 / VU1 Advanced Recompiler Options") );
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_round = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Round Mode") );
wxStaticBoxSizer& s_clamp = *new wxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _("Clamping Mode") );
s_adv.GetStaticBox()->SetLabel(_("VU0 / VU1 Advanced Recompiler Options"));
wxFlexGridSizer& grid = *new wxFlexGridSizer( 4 );
m_Option_Extra = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra") );
m_Option_ExtraSign = &AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra + Preserve Sign") );
// Clever proportions selected for a fairly nice spacing, with the third
// colum serving as a buffer between static box and a pair of checkboxes.
Pcsx2Config::CpuOptions& cpuOps( g_Conf->EmuOptions.Cpu );
Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions& recOps( cpuOps.Recompiler );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 0, 8 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 1, 10 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 2, 1 );
grid.AddGrowableCol( 3, 7 );
m_Option_FTZ->SetValue( !!(cpuOps.sseVUMXCSR & MXCSR_FTZ) );
m_Option_DAZ->SetValue( !!(cpuOps.sseVUMXCSR & MXCSR_DAZ) );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Nearest") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Negative") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Positive") );
AddRadioButton( s_round, _("Chop / Zero") );
m_Option_Round[(cpuOps.sseVUMXCSR >> 13) & 3]->SetValue( true );
m_StartNewRadioGroup = true;
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("None") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Normal") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra") );
AddRadioButton( s_clamp, _("Extra + Preserve Sign") );
wxBoxSizer& s_daz( *new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 16 );
AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Flush to Zero") );
s_daz.AddSpacer( 6 );
AddCheckBox( s_daz, _("Denormals are Zero") );
grid.Add( &s_round, SizerFlags::SubGroup() );
grid.Add( &s_clamp, SizerFlags::SubGroup() );
grid.Add( new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ) ); // spacer column!
grid.Add( &s_daz, wxSizerFlags().Expand() );
s_adv.Add( &grid, SizerFlags::StdExpand() );
SetSizer( &s_adv );
void Panels::AdvancedOptionsFPU::Apply()
void Panels::AdvancedOptionsVU::Apply()
m_Option_Normal->SetValue( recOps.vuOverflow );
m_Option_Extra->SetValue( recOps.vuExtraOverflow );
m_Option_ExtraSign->SetValue( recOps.vuSignOverflow );
m_Option_None->SetValue( !recOps.vuOverflow && !recOps.vuExtraOverflow && !recOps.vuSignOverflow );
Panels::CpuPanelEE::CpuPanelEE( wxWindow& parent, int idealWidth ) :
@ -216,3 +222,48 @@ void Panels::CpuPanelVU::Apply()
recOps.UseMicroVU0 = m_Option_mVU0->GetValue();
recOps.UseMicroVU1 = m_Option_mVU1->GetValue();
void Panels::BaseAdvancedCpuOptions::ApplyRoundmode( u32& mxcsr )
mxcsr = 0;
for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
if( m_Option_Round[i]->GetValue() )
mxcsr |= (i << 13);
if( m_Option_DAZ->GetValue() ) mxcsr |= MXCSR_DAZ;
if( m_Option_FTZ->GetValue() ) mxcsr |= MXCSR_FTZ;
void Panels::AdvancedOptionsFPU::Apply()
Pcsx2Config::CpuOptions& cpuOps( g_Conf->EmuOptions.Cpu );
Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions& recOps( cpuOps.Recompiler );
ApplyRoundmode( cpuOps.sseMXCSR );
recOps.fpuOverflow = m_Option_Normal->GetValue();
recOps.fpuExtraOverflow = m_Option_ExtraSign->GetValue();
recOps.fpuFullMode = m_Option_Full->GetValue();
void Panels::AdvancedOptionsVU::Apply()
Pcsx2Config::CpuOptions& cpuOps( g_Conf->EmuOptions.Cpu );
Pcsx2Config::RecompilerOptions& recOps( cpuOps.Recompiler );
ApplyRoundmode( cpuOps.sseVUMXCSR );
recOps.vuOverflow = m_Option_Normal->GetValue();
recOps.vuExtraOverflow = m_Option_Extra->GetValue();
recOps.vuSignOverflow = m_Option_ExtraSign->GetValue();