cdvd:iso: Use Volume Descriptor to find layer break

The DVD layer 0 sector count is stored in the Volume Space Size field of
the Primary Volume Descriptor on DVD layer 0. This value is the same as
the total sector count for a single layer DVD and the first layer 1 LSN
of a dual layer DVD.

Let's use that to determine the layer 1 start LSN instead of using the
brute force approach. Since this approach is much faster than the
previous approach, the layer break is no longer cached.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Li 2016-03-17 08:35:56 +00:00
parent 6649f43069
commit 5d303c793b
1 changed files with 34 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -22,14 +22,12 @@
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "CDVDisoReader.h"
#include "AsyncFileReader.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <array>
static InputIsoFile iso;
static int pmode, cdtype;
@ -130,122 +128,54 @@ s32 CALLBACK ISOgetTD(u8 Track, cdvdTD *Buffer)
return 0;
#include "gui/App.h"
#include "Utilities/HashMap.h"
static bool testForPartitionInfo( const u8 (&tempbuffer)[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW] )
static bool testForPrimaryVolumeDescriptor(const std::array<u8, CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW>& buffer)
const int off = iso.GetBlockOffset();
const std::array<u8, 6> identifier = {1, 'C', 'D', '0', '0', '1'};
// test for: CD001
return (
(tempbuffer[off+1] == 0x43) &&
(tempbuffer[off+2] == 0x44) &&
(tempbuffer[off+3] == 0x30) &&
(tempbuffer[off+4] == 0x30) &&
(tempbuffer[off+5] == 0x31)
return std::equal(identifier.begin(), identifier.end(), buffer.begin() + iso.GetBlockOffset());
static void FindLayer1Start()
if (iso.GetBlockCount() < 0x230540) return;
if (layer1start != -1) return;
if (layer1searched) return;
if (layer1searched)
Console.WriteLn("isoFile: searching for layer1...");
layer1searched = true;
int blockresult = -1;
std::array<u8, CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW> buffer;
// Check the ini file cache first:
// Cache is stored in LayerBreakCache.ini, and is associated by hex-encoded hash key of the
// complete filename/path of the iso file. :)
wxString layerCacheFile( Path::Combine(GetSettingsFolder().ToString(), L"LayerBreakCache.ini") );
wxFileConfig layerCacheIni( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, layerCacheFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH );
FastFormatUnicode cacheKey;
cacheKey.Write( L"%X", HashTools::Hash( (s8*)iso.GetFilename().wx_str(), iso.GetFilename().Length() * sizeof(wxChar) ) );
blockresult = layerCacheIni.Read( cacheKey, -1 );
if( blockresult != -1 )
// The ISO9660 primary volume descriptor for layer 0 is located at sector 16
iso.ReadSync(, 16);
if (!testForPrimaryVolumeDescriptor(buffer))
u8 tempbuffer[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW];
iso.ReadSync(tempbuffer, blockresult);
Console.Error("isoFile: Invalid layer0 Primary Volume Descriptor");
if( testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ) )
// The volume space size (sector count) is located at bytes 80-87 - 80-83
// is the little endian size, 84-87 is the big endian size.
const int offset = iso.GetBlockOffset();
uint blockresult = buffer[offset + 80]
+ (buffer[offset + 81] << 8)
+ (buffer[offset + 82] << 16)
+ (buffer[offset + 83] << 24);
// If the ISO sector count is larger than the volume size, then we should
// have a dual layer DVD. Layer 1 is on a different volume.
if (blockresult < iso.GetBlockCount())
Console.WriteLn( "isoFile: loaded second layer from settings cache, sector=0x%08x", blockresult );
// The layer 1 start LSN contains the primary volume descriptor for layer 1.
// The check might be a bit unnecessary though.
if (iso.ReadSync(, blockresult) == -1)
if (!testForPrimaryVolumeDescriptor(buffer))
Console.Error("isoFile: Invalid layer1 Primary Volume Descriptor");
layer1start = blockresult;
Console.Warning( "isoFile: second layer info in the settings cache appears to be obsolete or invalid. Ignoring..." );
DevCon.WriteLn( "isoFile: no cached info for second layer found." );
if( layer1start == -1 )
// Layer sizes are arbitrary, and either layer could be the smaller (GoW and Rogue Galaxy
// both have Layer1 larger than Layer0 for example), so we have to brute-force the search
// from some arbitrary start position.
// Method: Inside->out. We start at the middle of the image and work our way out toward
// both the beginning and end of the image at the same time. Most images have the layer
// break quite close to the middle of the image, so this should be pretty fast in most cases.
// [TODO] Layer searching can be slow, especially for compressed disc images, so it would
// be quite courteous to pop up a status dialog bar that lets the user know that it's
// thinking. Since we're not on the GUI thread, we'll need to establish some messages
// to create the window and pass progress increments back to it.
uint midsector = (iso.GetBlockCount() / 2) & ~0xf;
uint deviation = 0;
while( (layer1start == -1) && (deviation < midsector-16) )
u8 tempbuffer[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW];
iso.ReadSync(tempbuffer, midsector-deviation);
if(testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ))
layer1start = midsector-deviation;
iso.ReadSync(tempbuffer, midsector+deviation);
if( testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ) )
layer1start = midsector+deviation;
if( layer1start != -1 )
const int blockofs = iso.GetBlockOffset();
if( !pxAssertDev( tempbuffer[blockofs] == 0x01, "Layer1-Detect: CD001 tag found, but the partition type is invalid." ) )
Console.Error( "isoFile: Invalid partition type on layer 1!? (type=0x%x)", tempbuffer[blockofs] );
deviation += 16;
if( layer1start == -1 )
Console.Error("isoFile: Couldn't find layer1... iso image is probably corrupt or incomplete.");
Console.WriteLn( Color_Blue, "isoFile: second layer found at sector 0x%08x", layer1start);
// Save layer information to configuration:
layerCacheIni.Write( cacheKey, layer1start );
Console.WriteLn(Color_Blue, "isoFile: second layer found at sector 0x%08x", layer1start);