Remove HashTools::HashMap/SpecializedHashMap

These are no longer used. Wipe them out.
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Ryan Houdek 2014-07-15 22:05:36 -05:00
parent 391cf379ae
commit 5bd06d3a02
1 changed files with 0 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -459,205 +459,5 @@ public:
} }
}; };
/// <summary>
/// Defines a hashed collection of objects and provides methods for adding, removing, and reading items.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>This class is for hashing out a set data using objects as keys. Objects should derive from the
/// <see cref="IHashable"/> type, and in either case *must* implement the UnaryHashCode and UnaryEquals
/// unary classes.</para>
/// <para>*Details On Implementing Key Types*</para>
/// <para>
/// Custom hash keying uses what I consider a somewhat contrived method of implementing the Key type;
/// involving a handful of macros in the best case, and a great deal of syntaxical red tape in
/// the worst case. Most cases should fall within the realm of the macros, which make life a lot easier,
/// so that's the only implementation I will cover in detail here (see below for example).
/// </para>
/// Note:
/// For most hashs based on common or fundamental types or types that can be adequately compared using
/// the default equality operator ==, such as <c>int</c> or structs that have no padding alignment concerns,
/// use <see cref="HashMap" /> instead. For string-based hashs, use <see cref="Dictionary" /> or <see cref="UnicodeDictionary" />.
/// </remarks>
/// <example>
/// This is an example of making a hashable type out of a struct. This is useful in situations where
/// inheriting the <see cref="IHashable"/> type would cause unnecessary overhead and/or broken C/C++
/// compatability.
/// <code>
/// struct Point
/// {
/// int x, y;
/// // Empty constructor is necessary for HashMap.
/// // This can either be initialized to zero, or uninitialized as here:
/// Point() {}
/// // Copy Constructor is just always necessary.
/// Point( const Point& src ) : first( src.first ), second( src.second ) {}
/// // Standard content constructor (Not needed by HashMap)
/// Point( int xpos, int ypos ) : x( xpos ), y( ypos ) {}
/// /**** Begin Hashmap Interface Implementation ****/
/// // HashMap Requires both GetEmptyKey() and GetDeleteKey() instance member
/// // methods to be defined. These act as defaults. The actual values used
/// // can be overridden on an individual HashMap basis via the HashMap constructor.
/// static Point GetEmptyKey() { return Point( -0xffffff, 0xffffff ); }
/// static Point GetDeletedKey() { return Kerning( -0xffffee, 0xffffee ); }
/// // HashMap Requires an Equality Overload.
/// // The inequality overload is not required but is probably a good idea since
/// // orphaned equality (without sibling inequality) operator overloads are ugly code.
/// bool Equals( const Point& right ) const
/// {
/// return ( x == right.x ) && ( y == right.y );
/// }
/// hash_key_t GetHashCode() const
/// {
/// // This is a decent "universal" hash method for when you have multiple int types:
/// return GetCommonHash( x ) ^ GetCommonHash( y );
/// }
/// // Use a macro to expose the hash API to the HashMap templates.
/// // This macro creates MakeHashCode and Compare structs, which use the ()
/// // operator to create "unary methods" for the GetHashCode and == operator above.
/// // Feeling dizzy yet? Don't worry. Just follow this template. It works!
/// DEFINE_HASH_API( Point );
/// /**** End HashMap Interface Implementation ****/
/// };
/// </code>
/// </example>
template< class Key, class T >
class SpecializedHashMap : public google::dense_hash_map<Key, T, typename Key::UnaryHashCode, typename Key::UnaryEquals>
virtual ~SpecializedHashMap() {}
SpecializedHashMap( int initialCapacity=33, Key emptyKey=Key::GetEmptyKey(), Key deletedKey=Key::GetDeletedKey() ) :
google::dense_hash_map<Key, T, typename Key::UnaryHashCode, typename Key::UnaryEquals>( initialCapacity )
set_empty_key( emptyKey );
set_deleted_key( deletedKey );
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get a value from this hashmap; or does nothing if the Key does not exist.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If found, the value associated with the requested key is copied into the <c>outval</c>
/// parameter. This is a more favorable alternative to the indexer operator since the
/// indexer implementation can and will create new entries for every request that
/// </remarks>
/*void TryGetValue( const Key& key, T& outval ) const
// GCC doesn't like this for some reason -- says const_iterator can't be found.
// Fortunately nothing uses these functions yet, so I just commented them out. --air
const_iterator iter = find( key );
if( iter != end() )
outval = iter->second;
const T& GetValue( Key key ) const
return (find( key ))->second;
/// <summary>
/// This class implements a hashmap that uses fundamental types such as <c>int</c> or <c>std::string</c>
/// as keys.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class is provided so that you don't have to jump through hoops in order to use fundamental types as
/// hash keys. The <see cref="HashMap" /> class isn't suited to the task since it requires the key type to
/// include a set of unary methods. Obviously predicates cannot be added to fundamentals after the fact. :)
/// Note:
/// Do not use <c>char *</c> or <c>wchar_t *</c> as key types. Use <c>std::string</c> and <c>std::wstring</c>
/// instead, as performance of those types will generally be superior due to string length caching. For that
/// matter, don't use this class at all! Use the string-specialized classes <see cref="Dictionary" /> and
/// <see cref="UnicodeDictionary" />.
/// </remarks>
template< class Key, class T, class HashFunctor=CommonHashClass >
class HashMap : public google::dense_hash_map<Key, T, HashFunctor>
DeclareNoncopyableObject( HashMap );
typedef typename google::dense_hash_map<Key, T, HashFunctor> _parent;
using _parent::operator[];
using _parent::end;
typedef typename _parent::const_iterator const_iterator;
virtual ~HashMap() {}
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Both the <c>emptyKey</c>a nd c>deletedKey</c> parameters must be unique values that
/// are *not* used as actual values in the set.
/// </remarks>
HashMap( const Key& emptyKey, const Key& deletedKey, int initialCapacity=33 ) :
google::dense_hash_map<Key, T, HashFunctor>( initialCapacity )
this->set_empty_key( emptyKey );
this->set_deleted_key( deletedKey );
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get a value from this hashmap; or does nothing if the Key does not exist.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If found, the value associated with the requested key is copied into the <c>outval</c>
/// parameter. This is a more favorable alternative to the indexer operator since the
/// indexer implementation can and will create new entries for every request that
/// </remarks>
bool TryGetValue( const Key& key, T& outval ) const
const_iterator iter( this->find(key) );
if( iter != end() )
outval = iter->second;
return true;
return false;
const T& GetValue( Key key ) const
return (find( key ))->second;
bool Find( Key key ) const
return find(key) != end();
/// <summary>
/// A shortcut class for easy implementation of string-based hash maps.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note:
/// This class does not support Unicode character sets natively. To use Unicode strings as keys,
/// use <see cref="UnicodeDictionary"/> instead.
/// </remarks>
template< class T >
class Dictionary : public HashMap<std::string, T>
virtual ~Dictionary() {}
Dictionary( int initialCapacity=33, const std::string& emptyKey = "@@-EMPTY-@@", const std::string& deletedKey = "@@-DELETED-@@" )
: HashMap<std::string, T>( emptyKey, deletedKey, initialCapacity)
} }