i18n: refresh po/mo

git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@5106 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
gregory.hainaut 2012-02-28 11:22:02 +00:00
parent aa987595b4
commit 2ea4b2fe49
54 changed files with 1638 additions and 1178 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-03 09:15+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-03 09:15+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Zbyněk Schwarz <zbynek.schwarz@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Zbyněk Schwarz <zbynek.schwarz@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Zbyněk Schwarz\n" "Language-Team: Zbyněk Schwarz\n"
@ -23,35 +23,58 @@ msgstr ""
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254 #: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap" msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Není dostatek virtuální paměti, nebo potřebná mapování virtuální paměti již byly vyhrazeny jinými procesy, službami, nebo DLL." msgstr ""
"Není dostatek virtuální paměti, nebo potřebná mapování virtuální paměti již "
"byly vyhrazeny jinými procesy, službami, nebo DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "Herní disky Playstation nejsou PCSX2 podporovány. Pokud chcete emulovat hry PSX, pak si budete muset stáhnout PSX emulátor, jako ePSXe nebo PCSX." msgstr ""
"Herní disky Playstation nejsou PCSX2 podporovány. Pokud chcete emulovat hry "
"PSX, pak si budete muset stáhnout PSX emulátor, jako ePSXe nebo PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114 #: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc" msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Tento rekompilátor nemohl vyhradit přilehlou paměť potřebnou pro vnitřní vyrovnávací paměti. Tato chyba může být způsobena nízkými zdroji virtuální paměti, jako např. vypnutý nebo malý stránkovací soubor, nebo jiným programem náročným na paměť. Můžete také zkusit snížit výchozí velikost vyrovnávací paměti pro všechny rekompilátory PCSX2, naleznete v Nastavení Hostitele." msgstr ""
"Tento rekompilátor nemohl vyhradit přilehlou paměť potřebnou pro vnitřní "
"vyrovnávací paměti. Tato chyba může být způsobena nízkými zdroji virtuální "
"paměti, jako např. vypnutý nebo malý stránkovací soubor, nebo jiným "
"programem náročným na paměť. Můžete také zkusit snížit výchozí velikost "
"vyrovnávací paměti pro všechny rekompilátory PCSX2, naleznete v Nastavení "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348 #: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM" msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "PCSX2 nemůže přidělit paměť potřebnou pro virtuální stroj PS2. Zavřete některé úlohy na pozadí náročné na paměť a zkuste to znovu." msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nemůže přidělit paměť potřebnou pro virtuální stroj PS2. Zavřete "
"některé úlohy na pozadí náročné na paměť a zkuste to znovu."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2" msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Varování: Váš počítač nepodporuje SSE2, která je vyžadována většinou rekompilátorů PCSX2 a zásuvných modulů. Vaše volby budou omezené a emulace bude *velmi* pomalá." msgstr ""
"Varování: Váš počítač nepodporuje SSE2, která je vyžadována většinou "
"rekompilátorů PCSX2 a zásuvných modulů. Vaše volby budou omezené a emulace "
"bude *velmi* pomalá."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header" msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Varování: Některé z nastavených rekompilátorů PS2 nelze spustit a byly zakázány:" msgstr ""
"Varování: Některé z nastavených rekompilátorů PS2 nelze spustit a byly "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer" msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Poznámka: Rekompilátory nejsou potřeba ke spuštění PCSX2, nicméně normálně výrazně zlepšují rychlost emulace. Možná budete muset ruřne rekompilátory znovu zapnout, pokud vyřešíte chyby." msgstr ""
"Poznámka: Rekompilátory nejsou potřeba ke spuštění PCSX2, nicméně normálně "
"výrazně zlepšují rychlost emulace. Možná budete muset ruřne rekompilátory "
"znovu zapnout, pokud vyřešíte chyby."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546 #: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired" msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2 vyžaduje ke spuštění BIOS PS2. Z právních důvodů *musíte* BIOS získat ze skutečného PS2, které vlastníte (půjčení se nepočítá). Podívejte se prosím na Nejčastější Otázky a Průvodce pro další instrukce." msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vyžaduje ke spuštění BIOS PS2. Z právních důvodů *musíte* BIOS získat "
"ze skutečného PS2, které vlastníte (půjčení se nepočítá). Podívejte se "
"prosím na Nejčastější Otázky a Průvodce pro další instrukce."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629 #: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions" msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
@ -61,23 +84,40 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57 #: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights" msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Ujistěte se prosím, že tyto adresáře jsou vytvořeny a že Váš uživatelský účet má udělená oprávnění k zápisu do těchto adresářů -- nebo znovu spusťte PCSX2 jako správce (administrátorské oprávnění), což by mělo udělit PCSX2 schopnost samo si potřebné adresáře vytvořit. Pokud nemáte na tomto počítači správcovská oprávnění, pak budete muset přepnout do režimu Uživatelských Dokumentů (klikněte na tlačítko níže)." msgstr ""
"Ujistěte se prosím, že tyto adresáře jsou vytvořeny a že Váš uživatelský "
"účet má udělená oprávnění k zápisu do těchto adresářů -- nebo znovu spusťte "
"PCSX2 jako správce (administrátorské oprávnění), což by mělo udělit PCSX2 "
"schopnost samo si potřebné adresáře vytvořit. Pokud nemáte na tomto počítači "
"správcovská oprávnění, pak budete muset přepnout do režimu Uživatelských "
"Dokumentů (klikněte na tlačítko níže)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS" msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "Komprese NTFS může být kdykoliv ručně změněna použitím vlastností souboru z Průzkumníku Windows." msgstr ""
"Komprese NTFS může být kdykoliv ručně změněna použitím vlastností souboru z "
"Průzkumníku Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings" msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá Vaše nastavení, zahrnující i nastavení vytvořená většinou zásuvných modulů (některé starší moduly nemusí tuto hodnotu respektovat)." msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá Vaše nastavení, zahrnující i nastavení "
"vytvořená většinou zásuvných modulů (některé starší moduly nemusí tuto "
"hodnotu respektovat)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings" msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Můžete také zde dobrovolně zadat umístění Vašeho nastavení PCSX2. Pokud umístění obsahuje existující nastavení PCSX2, bude Vám dána možnost je importovat nebo přepsat." msgstr ""
"Můžete také zde dobrovolně zadat umístění Vašeho nastavení PCSX2. Pokud "
"umístění obsahuje existující nastavení PCSX2, bude Vám dána možnost je "
"importovat nebo přepsat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome" msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Tento průvodce Vám pomůže skrz nastavení zásuvných modulů, paměťových karet a BIOSu. Je doporučeno, pokud je toto poprvé co instalujete %s, si prohlédnout 'Přečti mě' a průvodce nastavením." msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce Vám pomůže skrz nastavení zásuvných modulů, paměťových karet "
"a BIOSu. Je doporučeno, pokud je toto poprvé co instalujete %s, si "
"prohlédnout 'Přečti mě' a průvodce nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial" msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
@ -89,34 +129,50 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings" msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Existující nastavení %s byly nalezeny v určeném adresáři nastavení. Chtěli byste tyto nastavení importovat nebo je přepsat výchozími hodnotami %s?\n" "Existující nastavení %s byly nalezeny v určeném adresáři nastavení. Chtěli "
"byste tyto nastavení importovat nebo je přepsat výchozími hodnotami %s?\n"
"\n" "\n"
"(nebo stiskněte Zrušit pro vybrání jiného adresáře nastavení)" "(nebo stiskněte Zrušit pro vybrání jiného adresáře nastavení)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress" msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "Komprimace NTFS je zabudovaná, rychlá a naprosto spolehlivá a většinou komprimuje paměťové karty velmi dobře (tato volba je vysoce doporučená)." msgstr ""
"Komprimace NTFS je zabudovaná, rychlá a naprosto spolehlivá a většinou "
"komprimuje paměťové karty velmi dobře (tato volba je vysoce doporučená)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection" msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Zabraňuje poškození paměťové karty tím, že donutí hry reindexovat obsah karty po načtení uloženého stavu. Nemusí být kompatibilní se všemi hrami (Guitar Hero)." msgstr ""
"Zabraňuje poškození paměťové karty tím, že donutí hry reindexovat obsah "
"karty po načtení uloženého stavu. Nemusí být kompatibilní se všemi hrami "
"(Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading" msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "Vlákno '%s' neodpovídá. Mohlo uváznout, nebo prostě běží *velmi* pomalu." msgstr ""
"Vlákno '%s' neodpovídá. Mohlo uváznout, nebo prostě běží *velmi* pomalu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides" msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše uložená nastavení. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, pokud zde použijete jakékoli změny." msgstr ""
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v "
"dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, pokud zde použijete jakékoli "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides" msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše uložená nastavení zásuvných modulů a/nebo adresářů. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, když zde použijete jakékoli změny nastavení." msgstr ""
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení zásuvných modulů a/nebo adresářů. Tyto volby příkazového "
"řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, když "
"zde použijete jakékoli změny nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider" msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n" "Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n" "Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"Informace o předvolbách:\n" "Informace o předvolbách:\n"
@ -128,21 +184,28 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox" msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n" "Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n" "Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
"\n" "\n"
" --> Odškrtněte pro ruční změnu nastavení (se současnými předvolbami jako základ)" " --> Odškrtněte pro ruční změnu nastavení (se současnými předvolbami jako "
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28 #: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset" msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "Tato činnost resetuje existující stav virtuálního stroje PS2; veškerý současný postup bude ztracen. Jste si jisti?" msgstr ""
"Tato činnost resetuje existující stav virtuálního stroje PS2; veškerý "
"současný postup bude ztracen. Jste si jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106 #: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings" msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz vyčistí nastavení %s a umožňuje Vám znovu spustit Průvodce Prvním Spuštěním. Po této operaci budete muset ručně restartovat %s.\n" "Tento příkaz vyčistí nastavení %s a umožňuje Vám znovu spustit Průvodce "
"Prvním Spuštěním. Po této operaci budete muset ručně restartovat %s.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"VAROVÁNÍ!! Kliknutím na OK smažete *VŠECHNA* nastavení pro %s a přinutíte tuto aplikaci uzavřít, čímž ztratíte jakýkoli postup emulace. Jste si naprosto jisti?\n" "VAROVÁNÍ!! Kliknutím na OK smažete *VŠECHNA* nastavení pro %s a přinutíte "
"tuto aplikaci uzavřít, čímž ztratíte jakýkoli postup emulace. Jste si "
"naprosto jisti?\n"
"\n" "\n"
"(poznámka: nastavení zásuvných modulů nejsou ovlivněna)" "(poznámka: nastavení zásuvných modulů nejsou ovlivněna)"
@ -154,7 +217,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection" msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "Prosím zvolte platný BIOS. Pokud nejste schopni provést platnou volbu, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro zavření Konfiguračního panelu." msgstr ""
"Prosím zvolte platný BIOS. Pokud nejste schopni provést platnou volbu, pak "
"stiskněte Zrušit pro zavření Konfiguračního panelu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading" msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
@ -170,37 +235,59 @@ msgstr "Zadaná cesta/adresář neexistuje. Chtěli byste je vytvořit?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault" msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, tento adresář bude automaticky odrážet výchozí asociaci se současným nastavením uživatelského režimu PCSX2." msgstr ""
"Je-li zaškrtnuto, tento adresář bude automaticky odrážet výchozí asociaci se "
"současným nastavením uživatelského režimu PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Přiblížení = 100: Celý obraz bude umístěn do okna bez jakéhokoliv oříznutí.\n" "Přiblížení = 100: Celý obraz bude umístěn do okna bez jakéhokoliv oříznutí.\n"
"Nad/Pod 100: Přiblížení/Oddálení\n" "Nad/Pod 100: Přiblížení/Oddálení\n"
"0: Automaticky přibližovat, dokud černé čáry nezmizí (poměr stran je zachován, část obrazu bude mimo obrazovku).\n" "0: Automaticky přibližovat, dokud černé čáry nezmizí (poměr stran je "
"POZNÁMKA: Některé hry vykreslují vlastní černé čáry, které pomocí '0' nebudou odstraněny.\n" "zachován, část obrazu bude mimo obrazovku).\n"
"POZNÁMKA: Některé hry vykreslují vlastní černé čáry, které pomocí '0' "
"nebudou odstraněny.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"Klávesnice: CTRL + PLUS: Přiblížení, CTRL + MÍNUS: Oddálení, CTRL + HVĚZDIČKA: Přepínání 100/0." "Klávesnice: CTRL + PLUS: Přiblížení, CTRL + MÍNUS: Oddálení, CTRL + "
"HVĚZDIČKA: Přepínání 100/0."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Vsynch odstraňuje trhání obrazovky, ale má velký vliv na výkon. Většinou se toto týká režimu celé obrazovky a nemusí fungovat se všemi zásuvnými moduly GS." msgstr ""
"Vsynch odstraňuje trhání obrazovky, ale má velký vliv na výkon. Většinou se "
"toto týká režimu celé obrazovky a nemusí fungovat se všemi zásuvnými moduly "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Povolí Vsynch když snímkovací frekvence je přesně na plné rychlosti. Pokud spadne pod tuto hodnotu, Vsynch je zakázána k zabránění dalších penalizací výkonu. Poznámka: Toto nyní správně funguje pouze s GSdx jako zásuvný modul GS a nastaveným na použití hardwarového vykreslování DX10/11. Jakýkoli jiný modul nebo režim vykreslování toto bude ignorovat, nebo vytvoří černý snímek, který blikne, kdykoliv je režim přepnut. Také vyžaduje povolenou Vsynch." msgstr ""
"Povolí Vsynch když snímkovací frekvence je přesně na plné rychlosti. Pokud "
"spadne pod tuto hodnotu, Vsynch je zakázána k zabránění dalších penalizací "
"výkonu. Poznámka: Toto nyní správně funguje pouze s GSdx jako zásuvný modul "
"GS a nastaveným na použití hardwarového vykreslování DX10/11. Jakýkoli jiný "
"modul nebo režim vykreslování toto bude ignorovat, nebo vytvoří černý "
"snímek, který blikne, kdykoliv je režim přepnut. Také vyžaduje povolenou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Zašrktněte toto pro vynucení zneviditelnění kurzoru myši uvnitř okna GS; užitečné, jestli myš používáte jako hlavní kontrolní zařízení pro hraní. Standardně je myš schována po 2 vteřinách nečinnosti." msgstr ""
"Zašrktněte toto pro vynucení zneviditelnění kurzoru myši uvnitř okna GS; "
"užitečné, jestli myš používáte jako hlavní kontrolní zařízení pro hraní. "
"Standardně je myš schována po 2 vteřinách nečinnosti."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Povolí automatické přepnutí režimu na celou obrazovku, při spuštění nebo obnově emulace. Stále můžete přepnout na celou obrazovku pomocí alt-enter." msgstr ""
"Povolí automatické přepnutí režimu na celou obrazovku, při spuštění nebo "
"obnově emulace. Stále můžete přepnout na celou obrazovku pomocí alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS" msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Úplně zavře často velké a rozměrné okno GS při stisku ESC nebo pozastavení emulátoru." msgstr ""
"Úplně zavře často velké a rozměrné okno GS při stisku ESC nebo pozastavení "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack" msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
@ -235,16 +322,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning" msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Opravy her můžou obejít špatnou emulaci v některých hrách.\n" "Opravy her můžou obejít špatnou emulaci v některých hrách.\n"
"Můžou ale také způsobit problémy s kompatibilitou a výkonem, takže nejsou doporučeny.\n" "Můžou ale také způsobit problémy s kompatibilitou a výkonem, takže nejsou "
"Opravy her jsou použity automaticky, takže zde nic nemusíte nastavovat." "Opravy her jsou použity automaticky, takže zde nic nemusíte nastavovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete" msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Chystáte se smazat formátovanou paměťovou kartu '%s'. Všechna data na kartě budou ztracena! Jste si naprosto a zcela jisti?" msgstr ""
"Chystáte se smazat formátovanou paměťovou kartu '%s'. Všechna data na kartě "
"budou ztracena! Jste si naprosto a zcela jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate" msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Selhání: Kopírování je povoleno pouze na prázdnou pozici PS2 nebo do systému souborů." msgstr ""
"Selhání: Kopírování je povoleno pouze na prázdnou pozici PS2 nebo do systému "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed" msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
@ -252,23 +344,38 @@ msgstr "Selhání: Cílová paměťová karta '%s' se používá."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained" msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, nastavení a uložené stavy). Tyto umístění adresářů mohou být kdykoli potlačena použitím panelu Hlavního Nastavení." msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tyto umístění adresářů mohou být kdykoli "
"potlačena použitím panelu Hlavního Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning" msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, nastavení a uložené stavy). Tato volba ovlivňuje pouze Standardní Cesty, které jsou nastaveny, aby používali výchozí hodnoty instalace." msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tato volba ovlivňuje pouze Standardní Cesty, "
"které jsou nastaveny, aby používali výchozí hodnoty instalace."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates" msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá uložené stavy, které jsou zaznamenány buď použitím menu/panelů nástrojů, nebo stisknutím F1/F3 (uložit/nahrát)." msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá uložené stavy, které jsou zaznamenány buď "
"použitím menu/panelů nástrojů, nebo stisknutím F1/F3 (uložit/nahrát)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots" msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá snímky obrazovky. Vlastní formát a styl snímku se může měnit v závislosti na používaném zásuvném modulu GS." msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá snímky obrazovky. Vlastní formát a styl "
"snímku se může měnit v závislosti na používaném zásuvném modulu GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs" msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá své soubory se záznamem a diagnostické výpisy. Většina zásuvných modulů bude také používat tento adresář, ale některé starší ho můžou ignorovat." msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá své soubory se záznamem a diagnostické "
"výpisy. Většina zásuvných modulů bude také používat tento adresář, ale "
"některé starší ho můžou ignorovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown" msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
@ -276,19 +383,28 @@ msgstr "Varování! Změna zásuvných modulů vyžaduje"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed" msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "Všechny zásuvné moduly musí mít platný výběr pro %s ke spuštění. Pokud nemůžete provést výběr kvůli chybějícímu modulu nebo nedokončené instalaci %s, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro uzavření panelu Nastavení." msgstr ""
"Všechny zásuvné moduly musí mít platný výběr pro %s ke spuštění. Pokud "
"nemůžete provést výběr kvůli chybějícímu modulu nebo nedokončené instalaci "
"%s, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro uzavření panelu Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "Výchozí množství cyklů. Toto se blíže shoduje se skutečnou rychlostí opravdového EmotionEngine PS2." msgstr ""
"Výchozí množství cyklů. Toto se blíže shoduje se skutečnou rychlostí "
"opravdového EmotionEngine PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 33%. Mírné zrychlení ve většině her s vysokou kompatibilitou." msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 33%. Mírné zrychlení ve většině her s vysokou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 50%. Průměrné zrychlení, ale *způsobí* zadrhování zvuku ve spoustě FMV." msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 50%. Průměrné zrychlení, ale *způsobí* "
"zadrhování zvuku ve spoustě FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
@ -296,78 +412,129 @@ msgstr "Zakáže krádež cyklů VJ. Nejkompatibilnější nastavení"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "Mírná krádež cyklů VJ. Nižší kompatibilita, ale jisté zrychlení ve většině her." msgstr ""
"Mírná krádež cyklů VJ. Nižší kompatibilita, ale jisté zrychlení ve většině "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "Průměrná krádež cyklů VJ. Ještě nižší kompatibilita, ale výrazné zrychlení v některých hrách." msgstr ""
"Průměrná krádež cyklů VJ. Ještě nižší kompatibilita, ale výrazné zrychlení v "
"některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "Maximální krádež cyklů VJ. Užitečnost je omezená protože toto způsobuje blikání grafiky nebo zpomalení ve většině her. " msgstr ""
"Maximální krádež cyklů VJ. Užitečnost je omezená protože toto způsobuje "
"blikání grafiky nebo zpomalení ve většině her. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview" msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Hacky Rychlosti většinou zlepšují rychlost emulace, ale můžou způsobovat chyby, špatný zvuk a špatné údaje o SZS. Když máte problémy s emulací, tento panel zakažte nejdříve." msgstr ""
"Hacky Rychlosti většinou zlepšují rychlost emulace, ale můžou způsobovat "
"chyby, špatný zvuk a špatné údaje o SZS. Když máte problémy s emulací, tento "
"panel zakažte nejdříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Nastavením vyšších hodnot na tomto šoupátku účinně sníží rychlost hodin jádra R5900 procesoru EmotionEngine a typicky přináší velké zrychlení hrám, které nemohou využívat plný potenciál skutečného hardwaru PS2. " msgstr ""
"Nastavením vyšších hodnot na tomto šoupátku účinně sníží rychlost hodin "
"jádra R5900 procesoru EmotionEngine a typicky přináší velké zrychlení hrám, "
"které nemohou využívat plný potenciál skutečného hardwaru PS2. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Toto šoupátko kontroluje množství cyklů, které VJ ukradne od EmotionEngine. Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují počet ukradených cyklů od EE pro každý mikroprogram, který VJ spustí." msgstr ""
"Toto šoupátko kontroluje množství cyklů, které VJ ukradne od EmotionEngine. "
"Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují počet ukradených cyklů od EE pro každý mikroprogram, "
"který VJ spustí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Aktualizuje Příznaky Stavu pouze v blocích, které je budou číst, místo neustále. Toto je většinou bezpečné a Super VJ dělá standardně něco podobného." msgstr ""
"Aktualizuje Příznaky Stavu pouze v blocích, které je budou číst, místo "
"neustále. Toto je většinou bezpečné a Super VJ dělá standardně něco "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "Předpokládá, že daleko v budoucnosti bloky nebudou potřebovat staré příznaky dat instancí. Toto by mělo být celkem bezpečné. Není známo, jestli toto nějakou hru poškozuje..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Spouští VJ1 na svém vlastním vlákně (pouze mikroVJ1). Na počítačích s 3 a více jádry většinou zrychlení. Toto je pro většinu her bezpečné, ale některé jsou nekompatibilní a mohou se zaseknout. V případě her omezených GS může dojít ke zpomalení (zvláště na počítačích s dvoujádrovým procesorem)." msgstr ""
"Spouští VJ1 na svém vlastním vlákně (pouze mikroVJ1). Na počítačích s 3 a "
"více jádry většinou zrychlení. Toto je pro většinu her bezpečné, ale některé "
"jsou nekompatibilní a mohou se zaseknout. V případě her omezených GS může "
"dojít ke zpomalení (zvláště na počítačích s dvoujádrovým procesorem)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Tento hack funguje nejlépe v hrách, které používají stavy KPŘE registru pro čekání na vsynch, což hlavně zahrnuje ne-3D rpg hry. Ty, co tuto metodu v synch nepoužívají z tohoto hacku nedostanou žádné nebo malé zrychlení." msgstr ""
"Tento hack funguje nejlépe v hrách, které používají stavy KPŘE registru pro "
"čekání na vsynch, což hlavně zahrnuje ne-3D rpg hry. Ty, co tuto metodu v "
"synch nepoužívají z tohoto hacku nedostanou žádné nebo malé zrychlení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Má za cíl hlavně čekací smyčku EE na adrese 0x81FC0 v kernelu, tento hack se pokusí zjistit smyčky, jejichž těla mají zaručeně za následek stejný stav stroje pro každé opakování doku naplánovaná událost nespustí emulaci další jednotky. Po prvním opakováním takovýchto smyček, pokročíme do doby další události nebo konce pracovního intervalu procesoru, co nastane dříve." msgstr ""
"Má za cíl hlavně čekací smyčku EE na adrese 0x81FC0 v kernelu, tento hack se "
"pokusí zjistit smyčky, jejichž těla mají zaručeně za následek stejný stav "
"stroje pro každé opakování doku naplánovaná událost nespustí emulaci další "
"jednotky. Po prvním opakováním takovýchto smyček, pokročíme do doby další "
"události nebo konce pracovního intervalu procesoru, co nastane dříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Zkontrolujte seznam kompatibility HDLoadera pro hry, známé, že s tímto mají problémy. (často označené jako vyžadující 'mode 1' nebo 'slow DVD'" msgstr ""
"Zkontrolujte seznam kompatibility HDLoadera pro hry, známé, že s tímto mají "
"problémy. (často označené jako vyžadující 'mode 1' nebo 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Nezapomeňte, že když je omezení snímků vypnuté, nebudou ani také dostupné režimy Turbo a ZpomalenýPohyb." msgstr ""
"Nezapomeňte, že když je omezení snímků vypnuté, nebudou ani také dostupné "
"režimy Turbo a ZpomalenýPohyb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Upozornění: Kvůli hardwarovému designu PS2 je přesné přeskakování snímků nemožné. Zapnutím tohoto způsobí vážné grafické chyby v některých hrách." msgstr ""
"Upozornění: Kvůli hardwarovému designu PS2 je přesné přeskakování snímků "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 "nemožné. Zapnutím tohoto způsobí vážné grafické chyby v některých hrách."
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Zapněte toto, pokud si myslíte, že synch vlákna VVGS způsobuje pády a grafické problémy."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr ""
"Zapněte toto, pokud si myslíte, že synch vlákna VVGS způsobuje pády a "
"grafické problémy."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Odstraní jakýkoli šum výkonnostního testu způsobený vláknem VVGS nebo časem zpracování grafického procesoru. Tato volba se nejlépe používá spolu s uloženými stavy: uložte stav v ideální scéně, zapněte tuto volbu, a znovu načtěte uložený stav.\n" "Odstraní jakýkoli šum výkonnostního testu způsobený vláknem VVGS nebo časem "
"zpracování grafického procesoru. Tato volba se nejlépe používá spolu s "
"uloženými stavy: uložte stav v ideální scéně, zapněte tuto volbu, a znovu "
"načtěte uložený stav.\n"
"\n" "\n"
"Varování: Tato volba může být zapnuta za běhu ale typicky nemůže být takto vypnuta (obraz bude většinou poškozený)" "Varování: Tato volba může být zapnuta za běhu ale typicky nemůže být takto "
"vypnuta (obraz bude většinou poškozený)"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710 #: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve" msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Váš systém má příliš nízké virtuální zdroje, aby mohl být PCSX2 spuštěn. To může být způsobeno malým nebo vypnutým stránkovacím souborem, nebo jinými programy, které jsou náročné na zdroje." msgstr ""
"Váš systém má příliš nízké virtuální zdroje, aby mohl být PCSX2 spuštěn. To "
"může být způsobeno malým nebo vypnutým stránkovacím souborem, nebo jinými "
"programy, které jsou náročné na zdroje."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363 #: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc" msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Došla Paměť (tak trochu): Rekompilátor SuperVJ nemohl vyhradit určitý vyžadovaný rozsah paměti a nebude dostupný k použití. To není kritická chyba, protože rek sVU je zastaralý a stejně byste místo něj měli používat mVU :)." msgstr ""
"Došla Paměť (tak trochu): Rekompilátor SuperVJ nemohl vyhradit určitý "
"vyžadovaný rozsah paměti a nebude dostupný k použití. To není kritická "
"chyba, protože rek sVU je zastaralý a stejně byste místo něj měli používat "
"mVU :)."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Předpokládá, že daleko v budoucnosti bloky nebudou potřebovat staré "
#~ "příznaky dat instancí. Toto by mělo být celkem bezpečné. Není známo, "
#~ "jestli toto nějakou hru poškozuje..."
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Bez udání důvodu." #~ msgstr "Bez udání důvodu."

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 01:11+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 01:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n" "Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher " "Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher "
"wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt." "wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "PlayStation 1 (PSX) Spiele werden von PCSX2 noch nicht unterstützt!" msgstr "PlayStation 1 (PSX) Spiele werden von PCSX2 noch nicht unterstützt!"
@ -361,28 +361,24 @@ msgstr ""
"\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. " "\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. "
"Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität." "Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Lässt einige VU Statusflags aus. Sicher." msgstr "Lässt einige VU Statusflags aus. Sicher."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "Kann die Geschwindigkeit leicht erhöhen. In FFX kontraproduktiv!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Funktioniert nicht mit Gran Turismo 4 oder Tekken 5." msgstr "Funktioniert nicht mit Gran Turismo 4 oder Tekken 5."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden." msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden." msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD " "Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD "
@ -394,17 +390,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner " "Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner "
"ermöglicht." "ermöglicht."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aufgrund des spezifischen Designs der PS2 ist ein akkurates Frameskipping " "Aufgrund des spezifischen Designs der PS2 ist ein akkurates Frameskipping "
"nicht möglich. Versuche die Werte anzupassen oder benutze Speedhacks." "nicht möglich. Versuche die Werte anzupassen oder benutze Speedhacks."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Nur für das Debugging aktivieren. Sehr langsam." msgstr "Nur für das Debugging aktivieren. Sehr langsam."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur " "Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur "
@ -422,6 +418,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Der SuperVU Recompiler konnte nicht genügend virtuellen Speicher allokieren. " "Der SuperVU Recompiler konnte nicht genügend virtuellen Speicher allokieren. "
"Versuche es mit microVU!" "Versuche es mit microVU!"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr "Kann die Geschwindigkeit leicht erhöhen. In FFX kontraproduktiv!"
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Kein Grund angegeben." #~ msgstr "Kein Grund angegeben."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 01:44+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 01:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n" "Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ msgstr "Internes Memory Card Plugin konnte nicht Initialisiert werden."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin entladen" msgstr "Plugin entladen"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kann Savestate nicht laden. Er ist von einer unbekannten, nicht " "Kann Savestate nicht laden. Er ist von einer unbekannten, nicht "
@ -340,31 +340,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Der Savestate wurde nicht korrekt gespeichert. Die temporäre Datei konnte " "Der Savestate wurde nicht korrekt gespeichert. Die temporäre Datei konnte "
"zwar erstellt, aber nicht an den finalen Platz kopiert werden." "zwar erstellt, aber nicht an den finalen Platz kopiert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Sicher" msgstr "Sicher"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Sicher (schneller)" msgstr "Sicher (schneller)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Ausbalanciert" msgstr "Ausbalanciert"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressiv" msgstr "Aggressiv"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressiv Plus" msgstr "Aggressiv Plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Maximum" msgstr "Maximum"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Konnte existierende Konfigurationsdatei nicht überschreiben. Zugriff " "Konnte existierende Konfigurationsdatei nicht überschreiben. Zugriff "
@ -2374,35 +2374,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]" msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]" msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Andere Hacks" msgstr "Andere Hacks"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Aktiviere INTC Warteschleifenerkennung" msgstr "Aktiviere INTC Warteschleifenerkennung"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2410,20 +2400,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Gute Geschwindigkeitsverbesserung, fast keine " "Gute Geschwindigkeitsverbesserung, fast keine "
"Kompatibilitätseinschränkungen. [empfohlen]" "Kompatibilitätseinschränkungen. [empfohlen]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Aktiviere erkennen von Warteschleifen" msgstr "Aktiviere erkennen von Warteschleifen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "Leichte Geschwindigkeitsverbesserung in einigen Spielen [empfohlen]" msgstr "Leichte Geschwindigkeitsverbesserung in einigen Spielen [empfohlen]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Aktiviere schnelles CDVD" msgstr "Aktiviere schnelles CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "Schnellerer Diskzugriff, kürzere Ladezeiten [nicht empfohlen]" msgstr "Schnellerer Diskzugriff, kürzere Ladezeiten [nicht empfohlen]"
@ -2481,53 +2471,53 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL Bildwiederholrate" msgstr "PAL Bildwiederholrate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "Fehler beim Einlesen der NTSC oder PAL Framerateeinstellungen." msgstr "Fehler beim Einlesen der NTSC oder PAL Framerateeinstellungen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Deaktiviert [standard]" msgstr "Deaktiviert [standard]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Skipping nur im Turbomodus" msgstr "Skipping nur im Turbomodus"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Konstantes Skipping" msgstr "Konstantes Skipping"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
msgstr "Normal und Turbo werden Bilder auslassen, Slow motion nicht." msgstr "Normal und Turbo werden Bilder auslassen, Slow motion nicht."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Bilder darstellen" msgstr "Bilder darstellen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Bilder auslassen" msgstr "Bilder auslassen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Benutze synchrones MTGS" msgstr "Benutze synchrones MTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
msgstr "Um eventualle Fehler im MTGS Thread zu debuggen. Sehr langsam!" msgstr "Um eventualle Fehler im MTGS Thread zu debuggen. Sehr langsam!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Deaktiviere GS Ausgabe" msgstr "Deaktiviere GS Ausgabe"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2535,11 +2525,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert alle GS Plugin Aktivitäten. Ideal um den Emulatorkern zu " "Deaktiviert alle GS Plugin Aktivitäten. Ideal um den Emulatorkern zu "
"Benchmarken." "Benchmarken."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Bilder auslassen (skipping)" msgstr "Bilder auslassen (skipping)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "FPS Limitierung" msgstr "FPS Limitierung"
@ -2626,6 +2616,14 @@ msgstr ""
"%s Erweiterungen nicht gefunden. MicroVU benötigt einen Prozessor mit MMX, " "%s Erweiterungen nicht gefunden. MicroVU benötigt einen Prozessor mit MMX, "
"SSE und SSE2 Erweiterungen." "SSE und SSE2 Erweiterungen."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr "Guter FPS Anstieg, gute Kompatibilität [empfohlen]"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS" #~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert " #~ "Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert "

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-05 20:13+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:51+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
"memoria virtual necesarias ya las han reservado otros procesos, servicios o " "memoria virtual necesarias ya las han reservado otros procesos, servicios o "
"DLLs." "DLLs."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"PCSX2 no admite discos de juego de PlayStation 1. Si quieres emular juegos " "PCSX2 no admite discos de juego de PlayStation 1. Si quieres emular juegos "
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ msgstr ""
"EmotionEngine. Un valor alto aumenta el número de ciclos robados del EE a " "EmotionEngine. Un valor alto aumenta el número de ciclos robados del EE a "
"cada microprograma del VU que utiliza el juego." "cada microprograma del VU que utiliza el juego."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Actualiza las etiquetas de estado sólo en los bloques que podrán leerse, en " "Actualiza las etiquetas de estado sólo en los bloques que podrán leerse, en "
@ -504,15 +504,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Generalmente es la opción más segura, y Super VU ya hace algo parecido de " "Generalmente es la opción más segura, y Super VU ya hace algo parecido de "
"forma predeterminada." "forma predeterminada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Asume que en lo profundo de los bloques futuros no necesitarán estos datos "
"de instancia antiguos.\n"
"Debería ser una opción muy segura. No se sabe si dañará la emulación de "
"algún juego..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ejecuta VU1 en un hilo dedicado (sólo microVU1). Suele aumentar la velocidad " "Ejecuta VU1 en un hilo dedicado (sólo microVU1). Suele aumentar la velocidad "
@ -522,7 +514,7 @@ msgstr ""
"En el caso de los juegos limitados por GS, podría ralentizarlos (sobre todo " "En el caso de los juegos limitados por GS, podría ralentizarlos (sobre todo "
"en CPUs de doble núcleo)." "en CPUs de doble núcleo)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Este arreglo funciona mejor en juegos que utilizan el registro de estado " "Este arreglo funciona mejor en juegos que utilizan el registro de estado "
@ -530,7 +522,7 @@ msgstr ""
"RPGs que no son 3D. Los juegos que no utilizan este método de sincronía " "RPGs que no son 3D. Los juegos que no utilizan este método de sincronía "
"vertical no recibirán aumentos de velocidad con este arreglo." "vertical no recibirán aumentos de velocidad con este arreglo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Al apuntar directamente al bucle de espera del EE en la dirección 0x81FC0 " "Al apuntar directamente al bucle de espera del EE en la dirección 0x81FC0 "
@ -540,7 +532,7 @@ msgstr ""
"bucles, aumentamos el tiempo del siguiente evento o el final del espacio de " "bucles, aumentamos el tiempo del siguiente evento o el final del espacio de "
"tiempo del procesador, en función de lo que llegue primero." "tiempo del procesador, en función de lo que llegue primero."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Comprueba las listas de compatibilidad del HDLoader para saber qué juegos " "Comprueba las listas de compatibilidad del HDLoader para saber qué juegos "
@ -553,20 +545,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Observa que al desactivar la limitación de fotogramas, los modos Turbo y " "Observa que al desactivar la limitación de fotogramas, los modos Turbo y "
"Velocidad lenta no estarán disponibles." "Velocidad lenta no estarán disponibles."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aviso: Debido al diseño del hardware de PS2, es imposible hacer un salto de " "Aviso: Debido al diseño del hardware de PS2, es imposible hacer un salto de "
"fotogramas preciso.\n" "fotogramas preciso.\n"
"Activarlo causará serios fallos visuales en varios juegos." "Activarlo causará serios fallos visuales en varios juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Activa esta opción si crees que la sincronía de hilos MTGS provoca caídas o " "Activa esta opción si crees que la sincronía de hilos MTGS provoca caídas o "
"fallos gráficos." "fallos gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Elimina cualquier ruido de benchmark provocado por el hilo MTGS o la " "Elimina cualquier ruido de benchmark provocado por el hilo MTGS o la "
@ -591,3 +583,10 @@ msgstr ""
"los rangos de memoria concretos que son necesarios, y no podrá ser " "los rangos de memoria concretos que son necesarios, y no podrá ser "
"utilizado. Este no es un error crítico, ya que el recompilador SuperVU es " "utilizado. Este no es un error crítico, ya que el recompilador SuperVU es "
"obsoleto, y deberías utilizar en su lugar microVU." "obsoleto, y deberías utilizar en su lugar microVU."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Asume que en lo profundo de los bloques futuros no necesitarán estos "
#~ "datos de instancia antiguos.\n"
#~ "Debería ser una opción muy segura. No se sabe si dañará la emulación de "
#~ "algún juego..."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-05 20:13+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:53+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:53+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ msgstr "El plugin interno de Memory Cards no se ha iniciado."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin no cargado" msgstr "Plugin no cargado"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"No se ha podido cargar el guardado rápido. Es una versión desconocida o no " "No se ha podido cargar el guardado rápido. Es una versión desconocida o no "
@ -386,31 +386,31 @@ msgstr ""
"El guardado rápido no se guardó correctamente. El archivo temporal ha sido " "El guardado rápido no se guardó correctamente. El archivo temporal ha sido "
"creado con éxito, pero no se pudo trasladar a su destino final." "creado con éxito, pero no se pudo trasladar a su destino final."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Lo más seguro" msgstr "Lo más seguro"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Seguro (más rápido)" msgstr "Seguro (más rápido)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Equilibrado" msgstr "Equilibrado"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresivo" msgstr "Agresivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Muy agresivo" msgstr "Muy agresivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Muy peligroso" msgstr "Muy peligroso"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Error al sobrescribir el archivo de configuración ya existente, se ha " "Error al sobrescribir el archivo de configuración ya existente, se ha "
@ -2468,21 +2468,10 @@ msgstr ""
"(Recomendado)" "(Recomendado)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "Arreglo de bloqueo mVU"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Buena subida y alta compatibilidad; puede crear gráficos dañados, SPS, "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU (microVU1 multihilos)" msgstr "MTVU (microVU1 multihilos)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2490,15 +2479,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Buena subida y alta compatibilidad; puede provocar cuelgues... (Recomendado " "Buena subida y alta compatibilidad; puede provocar cuelgues... (Recomendado "
"si tienes 3 o más núcleos de CPU)" "si tienes 3 o más núcleos de CPU)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Otros arreglos" msgstr "Otros arreglos"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Activar detección de giro INTC" msgstr "Activar detección de giro INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2506,22 +2495,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Subida enorme de velocidad en algunos juegos, sin prácticamente ningún " "Subida enorme de velocidad en algunos juegos, sin prácticamente ningún "
"efecto secundario de compatibilidad (Recomendado)" "efecto secundario de compatibilidad (Recomendado)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Activar detección de parada de bucles" msgstr "Activar detección de parada de bucles"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Subida moderada en algunos juegos, sin efectos secundarios conocidos. " "Subida moderada en algunos juegos, sin efectos secundarios conocidos. "
"(Recomendado)" "(Recomendado)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Activar CDVD rápido" msgstr "Activar CDVD rápido"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Accede al disco más rápidamente, reduciendo los tiempos de carga. (No " "Accede al disco más rápidamente, reduciendo los tiempos de carga. (No "
@ -2582,7 +2571,7 @@ msgstr "FPS (Fotogramas por segundo)"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "Velocidad de fotogramas PAL:" msgstr "Velocidad de fotogramas PAL:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2590,19 +2579,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Error al analizar la configuración de la velocidad de fotogramas PAL o " "Error al analizar la configuración de la velocidad de fotogramas PAL o "
"NTSC. La configuración debe ser un valor numeral entero." "NTSC. La configuración debe ser un valor numeral entero."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Desactivado [por defecto]" msgstr "Desactivado [por defecto]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Saltar sólo con el turbo activado (Activar pulsando TAB)" msgstr "Saltar sólo con el turbo activado (Activar pulsando TAB)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Salto constante" msgstr "Salto constante"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2610,19 +2599,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Normal y Turbo limitan la velocidad de salto de fotogramas. El modo de " "Normal y Turbo limitan la velocidad de salto de fotogramas. El modo de "
"velocidad lenta desactivará el salto de fotogramas." "velocidad lenta desactivará el salto de fotogramas."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Fotogramas a mostrar" msgstr "Fotogramas a mostrar"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Fotogramas a saltar" msgstr "Fotogramas a saltar"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Utilizar GS multinúcleo sincronizado" msgstr "Utilizar GS multinúcleo sincronizado"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2630,11 +2619,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Usar sólo para evitar posibles fallos en el MTGS; ya que probablemente " "Usar sólo para evitar posibles fallos en el MTGS; ya que probablemente "
"funcione muy lento." "funcione muy lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Desactivar toda la salida de GS" msgstr "Desactivar toda la salida de GS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2642,11 +2631,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Desactiva por completo toda actividad del plugin GS; ideal para probar " "Desactiva por completo toda actividad del plugin GS; ideal para probar "
"componentes de EEcore." "componentes de EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Saltar fotogramas" msgstr "Saltar fotogramas"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Limitador de fotogramas" msgstr "Limitador de fotogramas"
@ -2734,3 +2723,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Extensiones %s no encontradas. La microVU necesita de una CPU anfitriona " "Extensiones %s no encontradas. La microVU necesita de una CPU anfitriona "
"con extensiones MMX, SSE y SSE2." "con extensiones MMX, SSE y SSE2."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "Arreglo de bloqueo mVU"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Buena subida y alta compatibilidad; puede crear gráficos dañados, SPS, "
#~ "etcétera..."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 17:56+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 17:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n" "Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n" "Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Nincs elegendő szabad virtuális memória, vagy a szükséges virtuális memória " "Nincs elegendő szabad virtuális memória, vagy a szükséges virtuális memória "
"kiosztás más folyamatok, szolgáltatások vagy DLL-ek számára van fenntartva." "kiosztás más folyamatok, szolgáltatások vagy DLL-ek számára van fenntartva."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"A PlayStation játék lemezeket nem támogatja a PCSX2. Ha PSX játékokat akarsz " "A PlayStation játék lemezeket nem támogatja a PCSX2. Ha PSX játékokat akarsz "
@ -471,26 +471,19 @@ msgstr ""
"elvesz az EmotionEngine elől. Magasabb érték növeli az EE elől elvett és a " "elvesz az EmotionEngine elől. Magasabb érték növeli az EE elől elvett és a "
"játék által futtatott összes mikroprogram számára átadott ciklusok számát." "játék által futtatott összes mikroprogram számára átadott ciklusok számát."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Az állapot jelzőket csak azokon a blokkokon frissíti amelyek olvassák " "Az állapot jelzőket csak azokon a blokkokon frissíti amelyek olvassák "
"azokat. Legtöbbször ez biztonságos és a Super VU is valami hasonlót végez " "azokat. Legtöbbször ez biztonságos és a Super VU is valami hasonlót végez "
"alapértelmezettként." "alapértelmezettként."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Elfogadva, hogy a távoli jövőbeni blokkoknak nem lesz szükségük a régi "
"jelzőre utaló adatokra. Ez meglehetősen biztonságos lehet. Nem ismeretes, "
"hogy valamelyik játék kifagyását okozná..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Nem működik a Gran Turismo 4 vagy Tekken 5 esetén." msgstr "Nem működik a Gran Turismo 4 vagy Tekken 5 esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ez a hack működik legjobban azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek használják az INTC " "Ez a hack működik legjobban azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek használják az INTC "
@ -499,7 +492,7 @@ msgstr ""
"eljárást használják a függőleges szinkronhoz csak csekély, vagy semmilyen " "eljárást használják a függőleges szinkronhoz csak csekély, vagy semmilyen "
"gyorsulás nem észlelhető a hack használatával." "gyorsulás nem észlelhető a hack használatával."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Elsődlegesen megcélozva az EE üresjárati hurkot a 0x81FC0 címzésen a " "Elsődlegesen megcélozva az EE üresjárati hurkot a 0x81FC0 címzésen a "
@ -510,7 +503,7 @@ msgstr ""
"előrehozhatjuk a következő eseményt vagy a processzor időszeletének végét, " "előrehozhatjuk a következő eseményt vagy a processzor időszeletének végét, "
"bármelyik is következik előbb." "bármelyik is következik előbb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ellenőrizd a HDLoader kompatibilitási listát a problémás játékok végett. " "Ellenőrizd a HDLoader kompatibilitási listát a problémás játékok végett. "
@ -522,20 +515,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Nem árt tudni, ha a képkocka korlátozás ki van kapcsolva, a turbó és " "Nem árt tudni, ha a képkocka korlátozás ki van kapcsolva, a turbó és "
"lassított mód sem érhető el." "lassított mód sem érhető el."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A PS2 hardver összetételének köszönhetően a pontos képkocka " "Megjegyzés: A PS2 hardver összetételének köszönhetően a pontos képkocka "
"kihagyás nem lehetséges. Használata számos grafikai hibát okoz néhány " "kihagyás nem lehetséges. Használata számos grafikai hibát okoz néhány "
"játékban." "játékban."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kapcsold ezt be, ha úgy gondolod az MTGS folyamatág szinkron okozza a " "Kapcsold ezt be, ha úgy gondolod az MTGS folyamatág szinkron okozza a "
"fagyást vagy grafikai hibákat." "fagyást vagy grafikai hibákat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Eltávolít bármely teszt zajt, amit az MTGS folyamatág vagy az általános GPU " "Eltávolít bármely teszt zajt, amit az MTGS folyamatág vagy az általános GPU "
@ -561,6 +554,12 @@ msgstr ""
"azt. Ez nem kritikus hiba, amióta az sVU rec elavult és bármikor használható " "azt. Ez nem kritikus hiba, amióta az sVU rec elavult és bármikor használható "
"helyette a microVU. :)" "helyette a microVU. :)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Elfogadva, hogy a távoli jövőbeni blokkoknak nem lesz szükségük a régi "
#~ "jelzőre utaló adatokra. Ez meglehetősen biztonságos lehet. Nem ismeretes, "
#~ "hogy valamelyik játék kifagyását okozná..."
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Nincs meghatározott ok." #~ msgstr "Nincs meghatározott ok."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 16:35+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 16:35+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n" "Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n" "Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ msgstr "Belső memória kártya plugin iniciálása sikertelen."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Betöltetlen plugin" msgstr "Betöltetlen plugin"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"A mentett állás nem tölthető be. Ez egy ismeretlen vagy nem támogatott " "A mentett állás nem tölthető be. Ez egy ismeretlen vagy nem támogatott "
@ -350,31 +350,31 @@ msgstr ""
"A mentett állás nem megfelelően van elmentve. Az ideiglenes fájl sikeresen " "A mentett állás nem megfelelően van elmentve. Az ideiglenes fájl sikeresen "
"létre lett hozva, de nem került át a végső helyére." "létre lett hozva, de nem került át a végső helyére."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Legbiztonságosabb" msgstr "Legbiztonságosabb"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Biztonságos (gyorsabb)" msgstr "Biztonságos (gyorsabb)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Kiegyensúlyozott" msgstr "Kiegyensúlyozott"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresszív" msgstr "Agresszív"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agresszív plusz" msgstr "Agresszív plusz"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Legártalmasabb" msgstr "Legártalmasabb"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "A meglévő beállítás fájl felülírása sikertelen; hozzáférés megtagadva." msgstr "A meglévő beállítás fájl felülírása sikertelen; hozzáférés megtagadva."
@ -2426,22 +2426,10 @@ msgstr ""
"stb... [Ajánlott]" "stb... [Ajánlott]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU blokk hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Látványos gyorsulás és magas kompatibilitás; grafikai hibákat okozhat, SPS, "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
@ -2450,15 +2438,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Látványos gyorsulás és magas kompatibilitás; grafikai hibákat okozhat, SPS, " "Látványos gyorsulás és magas kompatibilitás; grafikai hibákat okozhat, SPS, "
"stb... [Ajánlott]" "stb... [Ajánlott]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Egyéb hackek" msgstr "Egyéb hackek"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "INTC pörgés észlelés használata" msgstr "INTC pörgés észlelés használata"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2466,22 +2454,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Nagymértékű gyorsulás néhány játék esetében, többnyire nincs kompatibilitási " "Nagymértékű gyorsulás néhány játék esetében, többnyire nincs kompatibilitási "
"mellékhatás. [Ajánlott]" "mellékhatás. [Ajánlott]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Hurok észlelésre várakozás használata" msgstr "Hurok észlelésre várakozás használata"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Enyhe sebesség növekedés néhány játéknál, nincs ismert mellékhatás. " "Enyhe sebesség növekedés néhány játéknál, nincs ismert mellékhatás. "
"[Ajánlott]" "[Ajánlott]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Gyors CDVD használata" msgstr "Gyors CDVD használata"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "Gyors lemez hozzáférés, kevesebb betöltési idő. [Nem ajánlott]" msgstr "Gyors lemez hozzáférés, kevesebb betöltési idő. [Nem ajánlott]"
@ -2540,7 +2528,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL képfrissítés:" msgstr "PAL képfrissítés:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2548,19 +2536,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Hiba vagy az NTSC vagy PAL képfrissítési beállítások elemzésekor. A " "Hiba vagy az NTSC vagy PAL képfrissítési beállítások elemzésekor. A "
"beállításoknak érvényes lebegőpontos számoknak kell lenniük." "beállításoknak érvényes lebegőpontos számoknak kell lenniük."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Kikapcsolva [alap]" msgstr "Kikapcsolva [alap]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Csak bekapcsolt Turbó esetén (TAB a használathoz)" msgstr "Csak bekapcsolt Turbó esetén (TAB a használathoz)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Változatlan kihagyás" msgstr "Változatlan kihagyás"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2568,19 +2556,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Normál és turbó korlátozza a kihagyandó képkockák számát. A lassított mód " "Normál és turbó korlátozza a kihagyandó képkockák számát. A lassított mód "
"is kikapcsolja a képkocka kihagyást." "is kikapcsolja a képkocka kihagyást."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Megjelenítendő képkockák" msgstr "Megjelenítendő képkockák"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Kihagyandó képkockák" msgstr "Kihagyandó képkockák"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Szinkronizált MTGS használata" msgstr "Szinkronizált MTGS használata"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2588,11 +2576,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Lehetséges hibák keresése csupán az MTGS-ben, mivel potenciálisan nagyon " "Lehetséges hibák keresése csupán az MTGS-ben, mivel potenciálisan nagyon "
"lassú." "lassú."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Minden GS kimenet kikapcsolása" msgstr "Minden GS kimenet kikapcsolása"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2600,11 +2588,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Teljesen leállít minden GS plugin tevékenységet; ideális az EEcore " "Teljesen leállít minden GS plugin tevékenységet; ideális az EEcore "
"összetevők tesztelése esetén." "összetevők tesztelése esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Képkocka kihagyás" msgstr "Képkocka kihagyás"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Képkocka korlátozó" msgstr "Képkocka korlátozó"
@ -2690,6 +2678,16 @@ msgstr ""
"%s kiterjesztés nem található. A microVU működéséhez szükséges egy MMX, SSE " "%s kiterjesztés nem található. A microVU működéséhez szükséges egy MMX, SSE "
"és SSE2 utasításkészletet támogató processzor." "és SSE2 utasításkészletet támogató processzor."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU blokk hack"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Látványos gyorsulás és magas kompatibilitás; grafikai hibákat okozhat, "
#~ "SPS, stb..."
#~ msgid "ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type." #~ msgid "ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type."
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "ISO csatolása sikertelen: PCSX2 képtelen azonosítani az ISO képfájl " #~ "ISO csatolása sikertelen: PCSX2 képtelen azonosítani az ISO képfájl "

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:16+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-05 21:01+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-05 21:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Leucos\n" "Last-Translator: Leucos\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Non c'è abbastanza memoria virtuale disponibile o gli spazi della memoria " "Non c'è abbastanza memoria virtuale disponibile o gli spazi della memoria "
"virtuale necessari sono già stati riservati ad altri processi, servizi o DLL." "virtuale necessari sono già stati riservati ad altri processi, servizi o DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"I dischi di gioco per PlayStation non sono supportati in PCSX2. Se desideri " "I dischi di gioco per PlayStation non sono supportati in PCSX2. Se desideri "
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Valori più alti aumentano il numero di cicli 'rubati' dall'EE per ogni " "Valori più alti aumentano il numero di cicli 'rubati' dall'EE per ogni "
"microprogramma VU eseguito dal gioco." "microprogramma VU eseguito dal gioco."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aggiorna le Flag di stato solo nei blocchi che le leggeranno, invece che " "Aggiorna le Flag di stato solo nei blocchi che le leggeranno, invece che "
@ -516,15 +516,7 @@ msgstr ""
"per la maggior parte dei casi e superVU fa qualcosa del genere in maniera " "per la maggior parte dei casi e superVU fa qualcosa del genere in maniera "
"predefinita." "predefinita."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Prevede che nel futuro prossimo i blocchi non avranno bisogno della vecchia "
"Flag 'instance data'. \n"
"Questo dovrebbe essere abbastanza sicuro. Non si sa se crea problemi in "
"qualche gioco..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esegue la VU1 in un thread separato (solo la microVU1). Generalmente si " "Esegue la VU1 in un thread separato (solo la microVU1). Generalmente si "
@ -534,7 +526,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Si possono invece verificare dei rallentamenti (specialmente con CPU dual-" "Si possono invece verificare dei rallentamenti (specialmente con CPU dual-"
"core) nel caso di giochi limitati dal thread GS ." "core) nel caso di giochi limitati dal thread GS ."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Questo hack funziona al meglio nei giochi che utilizzano il registro di " "Questo hack funziona al meglio nei giochi che utilizzano il registro di "
@ -542,7 +534,7 @@ msgstr ""
"3D. I giochi che non utilizzano questo metodo di sincronia verticale " "3D. I giochi che non utilizzano questo metodo di sincronia verticale "
"otterranno un aumento di velocità minimo se non nullo." "otterranno un aumento di velocità minimo se non nullo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"L'obiettivo principale è l'idle loop (ciclo per inattività) dell'EE " "L'obiettivo principale è l'idle loop (ciclo per inattività) dell'EE "
@ -553,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr ""
"successivo o alla fine del tempo riservato al processore, qualunque venga " "successivo o alla fine del tempo riservato al processore, qualunque venga "
"prima." "prima."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Controlla la lista compatibilità di HDLoader per sapere quali giochi creano " "Controlla la lista compatibilità di HDLoader per sapere quali giochi creano "
@ -566,20 +558,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Nota che quando il Limitatore Fotogrammi è disattivato anche le modalità " "Nota che quando il Limitatore Fotogrammi è disattivato anche le modalità "
"Turbo e Rallentatore non saranno più disponibili." "Turbo e Rallentatore non saranno più disponibili."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Avviso: a causa del design hardware della PS2, un salto dei fotogrammi " "Avviso: a causa del design hardware della PS2, un salto dei fotogrammi "
"preciso non è possibile. La sua attivazione può causare gravi errori grafici " "preciso non è possibile. La sua attivazione può causare gravi errori grafici "
"in alcuni giochi." "in alcuni giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Attiva questa opzione se pensi che la perdita di sincrona del thread MTGS " "Attiva questa opzione se pensi che la perdita di sincrona del thread MTGS "
"sia la causa di crash o problemi grafici." "sia la causa di crash o problemi grafici."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nei benchmark, permette di rimuovere ogni interferenza causata dal thread " "Nei benchmark, permette di rimuovere ogni interferenza causata dal thread "
@ -605,3 +597,10 @@ msgstr ""
"riservare il range di memoria specifico richiesto, non sarà quindi " "riservare il range di memoria specifico richiesto, non sarà quindi "
"disponibile all'utilizzo. Questo non è un errore critico, dato che il " "disponibile all'utilizzo. Questo non è un errore critico, dato che il "
"ricompilatore sVU è obsoleto e in ogni caso dovresti utilizzare microVU. :)" "ricompilatore sVU è obsoleto e in ogni caso dovresti utilizzare microVU. :)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Prevede che nel futuro prossimo i blocchi non avranno bisogno della "
#~ "vecchia Flag 'instance data'. \n"
#~ "Questo dovrebbe essere abbastanza sicuro. Non si sa se crea problemi in "
#~ "qualche gioco..."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:15+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-05 21:01+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-05 21:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Leucos\n" "Last-Translator: Leucos\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ msgstr "Non è stato possibile inizializzare il plugin interno Memory Card."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin Scaricato" msgstr "Plugin Scaricato"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Impossibile caricare il salvataggio di stato. Appartiene ad una versione " "Impossibile caricare il salvataggio di stato. Appartiene ad una versione "
@ -378,31 +378,31 @@ msgstr ""
"temporaneo è stato creato con successo ma non è stato possibile spostarlo " "temporaneo è stato creato con successo ma non è stato possibile spostarlo "
"nel suo ultimo luogo di riposo." "nel suo ultimo luogo di riposo."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Sicura +" msgstr "Sicura +"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Sicura (più veloce)" msgstr "Sicura (più veloce)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Bilanciata" msgstr "Bilanciata"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressiva" msgstr "Aggressiva"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressiva +" msgstr "Aggressiva +"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Quasi dannosa" msgstr "Quasi dannosa"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Sovrascrittura del file impostazioni esistente fallita: permesso negato." "Sovrascrittura del file impostazioni esistente fallita: permesso negato."
@ -2467,21 +2467,10 @@ msgstr ""
"grafica... [consigliato]" "grafica... [consigliato]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "microVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Buon aumento di velocità ed alta compatibilità. Può causare problemi nella "
"grafica, SPS, ecc..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU (microVU1 multi-threaded)" msgstr "MTVU (microVU1 multi-threaded)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2489,15 +2478,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Buon aumento di velocità ed alta compatibilità. Può causare blocchi nei " "Buon aumento di velocità ed alta compatibilità. Può causare blocchi nei "
"giochi... [consigliato, solo se possiedi 3 o più core]" "giochi... [consigliato, solo se possiedi 3 o più core]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Altri Hack" msgstr "Altri Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Attiva rilevamento Spin INTC (INTC Spin Detection)" msgstr "Attiva rilevamento Spin INTC (INTC Spin Detection)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2505,22 +2494,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Grande aumento di velocità per alcuni giochi, con quasi nessun effetto " "Grande aumento di velocità per alcuni giochi, con quasi nessun effetto "
"negativo sulla compatibilità. [consigliato]" "negativo sulla compatibilità. [consigliato]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Attiva rilevamento ciclo d'inattività (Wait Loop Detection)" msgstr "Attiva rilevamento ciclo d'inattività (Wait Loop Detection)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aumento di velocità moderato per alcuni giochi, nessun effetto collaterale " "Aumento di velocità moderato per alcuni giochi, nessun effetto collaterale "
"noto. [consigliato]" "noto. [consigliato]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Attiva CDVD veloce (fast CDVD)" msgstr "Attiva CDVD veloce (fast CDVD)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Accesso rapido al disco, tempi di caricamento inferiori. [non consigliato]" "Accesso rapido al disco, tempi di caricamento inferiori. [non consigliato]"
@ -2580,7 +2569,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "Frequenza fotogrammi PAL:" msgstr "Frequenza fotogrammi PAL:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2588,19 +2577,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Errore nell'interpretazione dell'impostazione della frequenza dei fotogrammi " "Errore nell'interpretazione dell'impostazione della frequenza dei fotogrammi "
"PAL o NTSC. L'impostazione deve avere un valore numerico con virgola valido." "PAL o NTSC. L'impostazione deve avere un valore numerico con virgola valido."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Disattivato [predefinito]" msgstr "Disattivato [predefinito]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Salta solo in modalità Turbo (TAB per attivare)" msgstr "Salta solo in modalità Turbo (TAB per attivare)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Salto costante" msgstr "Salto costante"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2608,19 +2597,19 @@ msgstr ""
"In modalità Normale e Turbo i fotogrammi saranno saltati. Nella modalità\n" "In modalità Normale e Turbo i fotogrammi saranno saltati. Nella modalità\n"
"Rallentatore il salto dei fotogrammi sarà comunque disattivato." "Rallentatore il salto dei fotogrammi sarà comunque disattivato."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Fotogrammi da disegnare" msgstr "Fotogrammi da disegnare"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Fotogrammi da saltare" msgstr "Fotogrammi da saltare"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Utilizza MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) sincronizzato" msgstr "Utilizza MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) sincronizzato"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2628,11 +2617,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Solo per rilevare eventuali bug nel MTGS, dato che potenzialmente è molto " "Solo per rilevare eventuali bug nel MTGS, dato che potenzialmente è molto "
"lento." "lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Disabilita tutto l'output GS" msgstr "Disabilita tutto l'output GS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2640,11 +2629,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Disattiva completamente l'attività del plugin GS; ideale per fare un " "Disattiva completamente l'attività del plugin GS; ideale per fare un "
"benchmark dei componenti EEcore." "benchmark dei componenti EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Salto Fotogrammi" msgstr "Salto Fotogrammi"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Limitatore Fotogrammi" msgstr "Limitatore Fotogrammi"
@ -2734,3 +2723,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Estensioni %s non trovate. microVU richiede una CPU del sistema host con " "Estensioni %s non trovate. microVU richiede una CPU del sistema host con "
"estensioni MMX, SSE ed SSE2." "estensioni MMX, SSE ed SSE2."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "microVU Block Hack"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Buon aumento di velocità ed alta compatibilità. Può causare problemi "
#~ "nella grafica, SPS, ecc..."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 10:48+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 10:48+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: oreore\n" "Last-Translator: oreore\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"十分な仮想メモリがありません。もしくは他のプロセスやDLLによって予約済みです。" "十分な仮想メモリがありません。もしくは他のプロセスやDLLによって予約済みです。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"PCSX2 は Playstation のゲームをサポートしていません。プレイしたい場合は " "PCSX2 は Playstation のゲームをサポートしていません。プレイしたい場合は "
@ -460,19 +460,13 @@ msgstr ""
"す。\n" "す。\n"
"高い設定にするほどサイクルスティーリングを行う量が増加します。" "高い設定にするほどサイクルスティーリングを行う量が増加します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"常時ではなくブロックされた時のみフラグステータスを更新します。\n" "常時ではなくブロックされた時のみフラグステータスを更新します。\n"
"ほとんどの安全であり、SuperVUにも同様の動作をさせます。" "ほとんどの安全であり、SuperVUにも同様の動作をさせます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -480,14 +474,14 @@ msgstr ""
"ゲームに最適です。\n" "ゲームに最適です。\n"
"効果がなかった場合には使用しないでください。" "効果がなかった場合には使用しないでください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"このhackは主に非3D系RPGにある INTC ステータスレジスタを使用しVSYNC待ちをする" "このhackは主に非3D系RPGにある INTC ステータスレジスタを使用しVSYNC待ちをする"
"ゲームに最適です。\n" "ゲームに最適です。\n"
"効果がなかった場合には使用しないでください。" "効果がなかった場合には使用しないでください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"主にEEのカーネル空間のアドレス 0x81FC0 のアイドルループ処理を対象にしていま" "主にEEのカーネル空間のアドレス 0x81FC0 のアイドルループ処理を対象にしていま"
@ -497,7 +491,7 @@ msgstr ""
"このようなループを1度だけ繰り返したあと、次のイベントかタイムスライスの終りのいずれ" "このようなループを1度だけ繰り返したあと、次のイベントかタイムスライスの終りのいずれ"
"か早いほうに進みます。" "か早いほうに進みます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"この問題を抱えている既知のゲーム用の設定。\n" "この問題を抱えている既知のゲーム用の設定。\n"
@ -509,19 +503,19 @@ msgstr ""
"フレームリミットを無効にした場合、スローモーションモードとターボモードは使用" "フレームリミットを無効にした場合、スローモーションモードとターボモードは使用"
"できません。" "できません。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"注意PS2はハードの設計上正確なフレームスキップはできません。よって一部のゲー" "注意PS2はハードの設計上正確なフレームスキップはできません。よって一部のゲー"
"ムでは深刻なグラフィックのエラーが発生します。" "ムでは深刻なグラフィックのエラーが発生します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"映像の不具合の原因が MTGS スレッドの同期によるものだと思われる場合有効にして" "映像の不具合の原因が MTGS スレッドの同期によるものだと思われる場合有効にして"
"ください。" "ください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"MTGSスレッドかGPUオーバーヘッドによって発生されたベンチマークイズを除去しま" "MTGSスレッドかGPUオーバーヘッドによって発生されたベンチマークイズを除去しま"
@ -549,6 +543,11 @@ msgstr ""
"もう廃れたため、\n" "もう廃れたため、\n"
"お代わりにとにかくmicroVUを使用するべきでしょう。" "お代わりにとにかくmicroVUを使用するべきでしょう。"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "遠い将来にインスタンスデータの古いフラグを必要としないと仮定しています。\n"
#~ "かなり安全なはずです。どんなゲームに不具合が起きるかは不明ですが..."
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "不明な理由" #~ msgstr "不明な理由"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 09:01+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-30 09:01+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: oreore\n" "Last-Translator: oreore\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ msgstr "内蔵メモリーカードプラグインの初期化に失敗しまし
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "プラグインのアンインストール" msgstr "プラグインのアンインストール"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"ステートセーブを読み込めません。未知のバージョン、または未サポートのデータで" "ステートセーブを読み込めません。未知のバージョン、または未サポートのデータで"
@ -358,31 +358,31 @@ msgstr ""
"ステートセーブを保存できませんでした。一時ファイルは正常に作成されましたが、" "ステートセーブを保存できませんでした。一時ファイルは正常に作成されましたが、"
"データの保存ができませんでした。" "データの保存ができませんでした。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最も安定" msgstr "最も安定"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "最も安定(高速)" msgstr "最も安定(高速)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "バランス" msgstr "バランス"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "アグレッシブ" msgstr "アグレッシブ"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "アグレッシブ+" msgstr "アグレッシブ+"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "害にしかならない" msgstr "害にしかならない"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "設定ファイルの更新に失敗しました。アクセスが拒否されました。" msgstr "設定ファイルの更新に失敗しました。アクセスが拒否されました。"
@ -2386,22 +2386,10 @@ msgstr ""
"がありますが...[推奨]" "がありますが...[推奨]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
@ -2410,36 +2398,36 @@ msgstr ""
"良いスピードアップと高い互換性があります;映像や音声に多少の出るが出る可能性" "良いスピードアップと高い互換性があります;映像や音声に多少の出るが出る可能性"
"がありますが...[推奨]" "がありますが...[推奨]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "その他のHack" msgstr "その他のHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "INTCのSpin検出を有効" msgstr "INTCのSpin検出を有効"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"多少の互換性と引き換えに、一部のゲームで大幅なスピードアップを図れます[推奨]" "多少の互換性と引き換えに、一部のゲームで大幅なスピードアップを図れます[推奨]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "ループ検出を有効" msgstr "ループ検出を有効"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"互換性と引き換えに、一部のゲームである程度のスピードアップを図れます[推奨]" "互換性と引き換えに、一部のゲームである程度のスピードアップを図れます[推奨]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "CDVDの高速読み込みを有効" msgstr "CDVDの高速読み込みを有効"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "高速でディスクにアクセスしてロード時間を短縮[非推奨]" msgstr "高速でディスクにアクセスしてロード時間を短縮[非推奨]"
@ -2498,7 +2486,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL フレームレート:" msgstr "PAL フレームレート:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2506,19 +2494,19 @@ msgstr ""
"NTSC または PAL のフレームレートの設定の解析中にエラーが発生しました。有効な" "NTSC または PAL のフレームレートの設定の解析中にエラーが発生しました。有効な"
"浮動小数点値を入力してください。" "浮動小数点値を入力してください。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "無効 [デフォルト]" msgstr "無効 [デフォルト]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "ターボの時のみスキップ(Tabキーで有効)" msgstr "ターボの時のみスキップ(Tabキーで有効)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "常にフレームをスキップする" msgstr "常にフレームをスキップする"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2526,40 +2514,40 @@ msgstr ""
"通常、ターボモードの場合はフレームスキップを有効にしてください。スローモー" "通常、ターボモードの場合はフレームスキップを有効にしてください。スローモー"
"ションモードでは無効にされます。" "ションモードでは無効にされます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "フレーム描写" msgstr "フレーム描写"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "フレームスキップ" msgstr "フレームスキップ"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "MTGSと同期" msgstr "MTGSと同期"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
msgstr "MTGSに潜在的なバグがあった場合のみ有効に。非常に低速になります。" msgstr "MTGSに潜在的なバグがあった場合のみ有効に。非常に低速になります。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "GS出力を無効" msgstr "GS出力を無効"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"GSプラグインを無効にします。EEコアコンポーネントのベンチマークに最適です。" "GSプラグインを無効にします。EEコアコンポーネントのベンチマークに最適です。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "フレームスキップの設定" msgstr "フレームスキップの設定"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "フレームリミットの設定" msgstr "フレームリミットの設定"
@ -2645,6 +2633,16 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 拡張命令が見つかりませんでした。microVU にはMMX, SSE, SSE2 拡張命令が必要" "%s 拡張命令が見つかりませんでした。microVU にはMMX, SSE, SSE2 拡張命令が必要"
"です。" "です。"
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "良いスピードアップと高い互換性があります;映像や音声に多少のゴミがデル可能"
#~ "性がありますが..."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS" #~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "NTFS 圧縮の設定は、Windowsのエクスプローラーでファイルのプロパティを開くこ" #~ "NTFS 圧縮の設定は、Windowsのエクスプローラーでファイルのプロパティを開くこ"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-05 20:13+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:55+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:55+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr ""
"została\n" "została\n"
"już zarezerwowana przez inny process, usługę lub DLL." "już zarezerwowana przez inny process, usługę lub DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Gry z Playstation nie są obsługiwane przez PCSX2. Jeśli chcesz emulować gry " "Gry z Playstation nie są obsługiwane przez PCSX2. Jeśli chcesz emulować gry "
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ilość skradzionych cykli używanych na każdy mikroprogram uruchamiany przez " "ilość skradzionych cykli używanych na każdy mikroprogram uruchamiany przez "
"grę." "grę."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Uaktualnia Flagi Statusu tylko na blokach, które je odczytują zamiast cały " "Uaktualnia Flagi Statusu tylko na blokach, które je odczytują zamiast cały "
@ -498,15 +498,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Jest to bezpieczne w większości przypadków, SuperVU robi coś podobnego w " "Jest to bezpieczne w większości przypadków, SuperVU robi coś podobnego w "
"standardzie." "standardzie."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Zakłada iż w bardzo dalekiej przyszłości, bloki nie będą potrzebować starych "
"instancji danych flag.\n"
"Powinno to być w miarę bezpieczne, nie jest wiadome czy przeszkadza "
"jakiejkolwiek grze."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Dodaje osobny wątek dla VU1(działa tylko z microVU1). Najczęściej oznacza to " "Dodaje osobny wątek dla VU1(działa tylko z microVU1). Najczęściej oznacza to "
@ -516,7 +508,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Na gry ograniczone wątkiem GS może to mieć odwrotny skutek, szczególnie przy " "Na gry ograniczone wątkiem GS może to mieć odwrotny skutek, szczególnie przy "
"2-rdzeniowych procesorach." "2-rdzeniowych procesorach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ta łatka działa najlepiej z grami, które używają zapisu stanu INTC do " "Ta łatka działa najlepiej z grami, które używają zapisu stanu INTC do "
@ -524,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr ""
"głównie wszelkie nie zrobione w 3D RPGi. Inne gry nie będą miały z tego " "głównie wszelkie nie zrobione w 3D RPGi. Inne gry nie będą miały z tego "
"żadnego, lub minimalny pożytek." "żadnego, lub minimalny pożytek."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ta łatka namierza bezczynne pętle o adresie 0x81FC0 w jądrze EE. Stara się " "Ta łatka namierza bezczynne pętle o adresie 0x81FC0 w jądrze EE. Stara się "
@ -533,7 +525,7 @@ msgstr ""
"odtwarza je\n" "odtwarza je\n"
"dopiero gdy to zdarzenie nastąpi." "dopiero gdy to zdarzenie nastąpi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Sprawdź listę kompatybilności HDLoader'a aby zobaczyć które gry mają z tą " "Sprawdź listę kompatybilności HDLoader'a aby zobaczyć które gry mają z tą "
@ -546,7 +538,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Miej na uwadze, że przy wyłączonym limicie klatek animacji,\n" "Miej na uwadze, że przy wyłączonym limicie klatek animacji,\n"
"tryby Przyspieszony i Spowolniony nie będą dostępne." "tryby Przyspieszony i Spowolniony nie będą dostępne."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Ze względu na architekturę PS2,\n" "Uwaga: Ze względu na architekturę PS2,\n"
@ -555,13 +547,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Włączenie tej opcji z całą pewnością BĘDZIE\n" "Włączenie tej opcji z całą pewnością BĘDZIE\n"
" powodowało masę błędów graficznych w wielu grach." " powodowało masę błędów graficznych w wielu grach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Użyj tej opcji jeśli podejrzewasz, że synchronizacja wątku MTGS\n" "Użyj tej opcji jeśli podejrzewasz, że synchronizacja wątku MTGS\n"
"odpowiada za zawieszanie się lub graficzne błędy w jakiejś grze." "odpowiada za zawieszanie się lub graficzne błędy w jakiejś grze."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Usuwa wszelkie nieprawidłowości spowodowane przez wątek MTGS lub GPU. " "Usuwa wszelkie nieprawidłowości spowodowane przez wątek MTGS lub GPU. "
@ -589,3 +581,10 @@ msgstr ""
"ilości pamięci i nie będzie działać. To nie jest błąd krytyczny, gdyż sVU " "ilości pamięci i nie będzie działać. To nie jest błąd krytyczny, gdyż sVU "
"jest zbędny i tak czy siak\n" "jest zbędny i tak czy siak\n"
"powinieneś użyć rekompilatora microVU.:3" "powinieneś użyć rekompilatora microVU.:3"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zakłada iż w bardzo dalekiej przyszłości, bloki nie będą potrzebować "
#~ "starych instancji danych flag.\n"
#~ "Powinno to być w miarę bezpieczne, nie jest wiadome czy przeszkadza "
#~ "jakiejkolwiek grze."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-05 20:13+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 22:22+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 22:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ msgstr "Nie udało się uruchomić wbudowanej wtyczki Kart Pamięci."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Wtyczka wyłączona" msgstr "Wtyczka wyłączona"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nie można wgrać zapisanej gry. Pochodzi z nieznanej lub nieobsługiwanej " "Nie można wgrać zapisanej gry. Pochodzi z nieznanej lub nieobsługiwanej "
@ -366,31 +366,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Ten zapis gry nie został poprawnie zachowany. Tymczasowa kopia została " "Ten zapis gry nie został poprawnie zachowany. Tymczasowa kopia została "
"stworzona pomyślnie, lecz nie mogła być przeniesiona we właściwe miejsce." "stworzona pomyślnie, lecz nie mogła być przeniesiona we właściwe miejsce."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Najbezpieczniejszy" msgstr "Najbezpieczniejszy"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Bezpieczny (szybszy)" msgstr "Bezpieczny (szybszy)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Zbalansowany" msgstr "Zbalansowany"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresywny" msgstr "Agresywny"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agresywny Plus" msgstr "Agresywny Plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Głównie Szkodliwy" msgstr "Głównie Szkodliwy"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "Nie udało się nadpisać istniejącego pliku ustawień; odmowa dostępu." msgstr "Nie udało się nadpisać istniejącego pliku ustawień; odmowa dostępu."
@ -2417,21 +2417,10 @@ msgstr ""
"[Zalecane]" "[Zalecane]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Dobre przyspieszenie i duża kompatybilność; może powodować błędy grafiki, "
"SPS, itd..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU(Wielo-Wątkowe microVU1)" msgstr "MTVU(Wielo-Wątkowe microVU1)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2440,15 +2429,15 @@ msgstr ""
"powodować niestabilność...\n" "powodować niestabilność...\n"
"[Zalecane dla 3+ rdzeniowych procesorów]" "[Zalecane dla 3+ rdzeniowych procesorów]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Inne Hack'i" msgstr "Inne Hack'i"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Aktywuj Detekcję Rozruchu INTC" msgstr "Aktywuj Detekcję Rozruchu INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2456,22 +2445,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Ogrome przyspieszenie w pewnych grach, zwykle nie ma efektów ubocznych. " "Ogrome przyspieszenie w pewnych grach, zwykle nie ma efektów ubocznych. "
"[Zalecane]" "[Zalecane]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Aktywuj Wykrywanie Poczekania na Pętlę" msgstr "Aktywuj Wykrywanie Poczekania na Pętlę"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Średnie przyspieszenie dla niektórych gier, bez znanych efektów ubocznych. " "Średnie przyspieszenie dla niektórych gier, bez znanych efektów ubocznych. "
"[Zalecane]" "[Zalecane]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Aktywuj szybkie CDVD" msgstr "Aktywuj szybkie CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Szybki dostęp do dysku, mniejsze czasy wgrywania.\n" "Szybki dostęp do dysku, mniejsze czasy wgrywania.\n"
@ -2530,7 +2519,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "Ilość klatek systemu PAL:" msgstr "Ilość klatek systemu PAL:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2538,19 +2527,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Błąd podczas składania ustawień klatek animacji NTSC lub PAL. Ustawienia " "Błąd podczas składania ustawień klatek animacji NTSC lub PAL. Ustawienia "
"muszą zawierać prawidłowe liczby rzeczywiste." "muszą zawierać prawidłowe liczby rzeczywiste."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Wyłączone [standardowo]" msgstr "Wyłączone [standardowo]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Pomijaj tylko w trybie przyspieszonym (TAB przełącza)" msgstr "Pomijaj tylko w trybie przyspieszonym (TAB przełącza)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Stale pomijaj" msgstr "Stale pomijaj"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2558,19 +2547,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Normalny i Przyspieszony limit pomija klatki animacji. Spowolniony nadal " "Normalny i Przyspieszony limit pomija klatki animacji. Spowolniony nadal "
"wyłącza pomijanie." "wyłącza pomijanie."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Klatek do Pokazania" msgstr "Klatek do Pokazania"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Klatek do Pominięcia" msgstr "Klatek do Pominięcia"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Użyj Synchronizowanego MTGS" msgstr "Użyj Synchronizowanego MTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2578,11 +2567,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Tylko w celach testowych i wyłapywania potencjalnych błędów w MTGS gdyż jest " "Tylko w celach testowych i wyłapywania potencjalnych błędów w MTGS gdyż jest "
"potencjalnie bardzo wolne." "potencjalnie bardzo wolne."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Wyłącz całkowicie wyświetlanie obrazu" msgstr "Wyłącz całkowicie wyświetlanie obrazu"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2590,11 +2579,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Całkowicie wyłącza całą aktywność silnika graficznego; idealne do testowania " "Całkowicie wyłącza całą aktywność silnika graficznego; idealne do testowania "
"componentów EEcore." "componentów EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Pomijanie Klatek Animacji" msgstr "Pomijanie Klatek Animacji"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Limiter Klatek Animacji" msgstr "Limiter Klatek Animacji"
@ -2682,3 +2671,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Rozszerzenia %s nie znalezione. Recompilator microVU wymaga procesora " "Rozszerzenia %s nie znalezione. Recompilator microVU wymaga procesora "
"obsługującego rozszerzenia MMX, SSE oraz SSE2." "obsługującego rozszerzenia MMX, SSE oraz SSE2."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dobre przyspieszenie i duża kompatybilność; może powodować błędy grafiki, "
#~ "SPS, itd..."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 23:09-0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 23:09-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
"virtual necessários já foram reservados para outros processos, serviços ou " "virtual necessários já foram reservados para outros processos, serviços ou "
"DLLs." "DLLs."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Discos de jogos de Playstation não têm suporte no PCSX2. Se você quiser " "Discos de jogos de Playstation não têm suporte no PCSX2. Se você quiser "
@ -476,21 +476,14 @@ msgstr ""
"EmotionEngine. Maiores valores aumentam o número de ciclos roubados do EE " "EmotionEngine. Maiores valores aumentam o número de ciclos roubados do EE "
"para cada micro-programa VU que o jogo roda." "para cada micro-programa VU que o jogo roda."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Atualiza Sinalizadores de Estado somente nos blocos que vão ler eles, ao " "Atualiza Sinalizadores de Estado somente nos blocos que vão ler eles, ao "
"contrário de de o tempo todo. Isso é seguro na maioria do tempo, e o Super " "contrário de de o tempo todo. Isso é seguro na maioria do tempo, e o Super "
"VU faz coisa semelhante por padrão." "VU faz coisa semelhante por padrão."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Presume que num futuro bem distante os blocos não vão precisar dos dados de "
"instâncias de sinalizadores antigos. Isso pode ser bem seguro. Não se sabe "
"se isso quebra algum jogo..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Executa VU1 em uma thread própria (somente microVU1). Em geral, é uma " "Executa VU1 em uma thread própria (somente microVU1). Em geral, é uma "
@ -499,7 +492,7 @@ msgstr ""
"caso de jogos limitados pelo GS, pode ser um atraso (especialmente em CPUs " "caso de jogos limitados pelo GS, pode ser um atraso (especialmente em CPUs "
"dual core)." "dual core)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esse hack funciona melhor para jogos que usam o registrador de INTC Status " "Esse hack funciona melhor para jogos que usam o registrador de INTC Status "
@ -507,7 +500,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Jogos que não usam esse método de vsync vão aproveitar um pouco ou nada de " "Jogos que não usam esse método de vsync vão aproveitar um pouco ou nada de "
"aceleração desse hack." "aceleração desse hack."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Mirando primariamente o loop ocioso do EE no endereço 0x81Fc0 no kernel, " "Mirando primariamente o loop ocioso do EE no endereço 0x81Fc0 no kernel, "
@ -517,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr ""
"avançamos para a vez do evento seguinte ou o fim da fatia de tempo do " "avançamos para a vez do evento seguinte ou o fim da fatia de tempo do "
"processador, seja qual for que vier a ocorrer primeiro." "processador, seja qual for que vier a ocorrer primeiro."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Verifica lista de compatibilidade de HDLoader para jogos conhecidos que " "Verifica lista de compatibilidade de HDLoader para jogos conhecidos que "
@ -530,19 +523,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Note que quando o Limitador de Frames está desabilitado, os modos Turbo e " "Note que quando o Limitador de Frames está desabilitado, os modos Turbo e "
"Câmera Lenta também não vão estar disponíveis." "Câmera Lenta também não vão estar disponíveis."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nota: Por causa do design do PS2, frame skipping preciso não é possível. " "Nota: Por causa do design do PS2, frame skipping preciso não é possível. "
"Ativar essa opção pode causar sérios erros gráficos em alguns jogos." "Ativar essa opção pode causar sérios erros gráficos em alguns jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Habilite isso se você achar que a sincronização da thread MTGS está causando " "Habilite isso se você achar que a sincronização da thread MTGS está causando "
"travamentos ou erros gráficos." "travamentos ou erros gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Remove qualquer ruído padrão causado pela sobrecarga da thread MTGS ou da " "Remove qualquer ruído padrão causado pela sobrecarga da thread MTGS ou da "
@ -567,6 +560,12 @@ msgstr ""
"erro não é crítico, uma vez que o recompilador sVU está obsoleto, e, ao " "erro não é crítico, uma vez que o recompilador sVU está obsoleto, e, ao "
"invés dele, você deveria usar o microVU. :)" "invés dele, você deveria usar o microVU. :)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Presume que num futuro bem distante os blocos não vão precisar dos dados "
#~ "de instâncias de sinalizadores antigos. Isso pode ser bem seguro. Não se "
#~ "sabe se isso quebra algum jogo..."
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid ""
#~ "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin " #~ "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin "
#~ "to open." #~ "to open."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 23:09-0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-11 23:09-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ msgstr "Plug-in de Cartão de Memória interno falhou em inicializar."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Plug-in descarregado" msgstr "Plug-in descarregado"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Não foi possível carregar o savestate. Ele é de uma versão desconhecida ou " "Não foi possível carregar o savestate. Ele é de uma versão desconhecida ou "
@ -382,31 +382,31 @@ msgstr ""
"O savestate não foi armazenado corretamente. O arquivo temporário foi criado " "O savestate não foi armazenado corretamente. O arquivo temporário foi criado "
"com sucesso, mas não pôde ser movido para seu destino de armazenamento." "com sucesso, mas não pôde ser movido para seu destino de armazenamento."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Mais seguro" msgstr "Mais seguro"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Seguro (+ rápido)" msgstr "Seguro (+ rápido)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Balanceado" msgstr "Balanceado"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agressivo" msgstr "Agressivo"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Agressivo plus" msgstr "Agressivo plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Prejudicial" msgstr "Prejudicial"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Falha em sobrescrever arquivo de configurações existentes; permissão negada." "Falha em sobrescrever arquivo de configurações existentes; permissão negada."
@ -2461,21 +2461,10 @@ msgstr ""
"[Recomendado]" "[Recomendado]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "Hack de Bloco mVU"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Boa Aceleração e Alta Compatibilidade; pode ocasionar gráficos ruins, SPS, "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgstr "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2483,15 +2472,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Boa Aceleração e Alta Compatibilidade; pode causar travamento... " "Boa Aceleração e Alta Compatibilidade; pode causar travamento... "
"[Recomendado para 3+ núcleos]" "[Recomendado para 3+ núcleos]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Outros Hacks" msgstr "Outros Hacks"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Habilita Detecção de Rotação INTC" msgstr "Habilita Detecção de Rotação INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2499,22 +2488,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Imensa aceleração para alguns jogos, com quase nenhum efeito colateral. " "Imensa aceleração para alguns jogos, com quase nenhum efeito colateral. "
"[Recomendado]" "[Recomendado]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Habilita Detecção de Loop de Espera" msgstr "Habilita Detecção de Loop de Espera"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Moderada aceleração para alguns jogos, com nenhum efeito colateral conhecido " "Moderada aceleração para alguns jogos, com nenhum efeito colateral conhecido "
"[Recomendado]" "[Recomendado]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Habilita CDVD rápido" msgstr "Habilita CDVD rápido"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "Acesso rápido ao disco, menor tempo de carregamento. [Não recomendado]" msgstr "Acesso rápido ao disco, menor tempo de carregamento. [Não recomendado]"
@ -2573,7 +2562,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "Framerate de PAL:" msgstr "Framerate de PAL:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2581,19 +2570,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Erro enquanto analisava as configurações de taxas de frame de NTSC ou PAL. " "Erro enquanto analisava as configurações de taxas de frame de NTSC ou PAL. "
"As cofigurações devem ser pontos flutuantes numéricos válidos." "As cofigurações devem ser pontos flutuantes numéricos válidos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Desabilitado [padrão]" msgstr "Desabilitado [padrão]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Pular quando usar Turbo somente (TAB para habilitar)" msgstr "Pular quando usar Turbo somente (TAB para habilitar)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Pular constantemente" msgstr "Pular constantemente"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2601,19 +2590,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Taxa de limites Normal e Turbo aplicam Frame skipping. O modo câmera lenta " "Taxa de limites Normal e Turbo aplicam Frame skipping. O modo câmera lenta "
"vai manter desabilitado Frame skipping." "vai manter desabilitado Frame skipping."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Frames a Serem Desenhados" msgstr "Frames a Serem Desenhados"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Frames a Serem Pulados" msgstr "Frames a Serem Pulados"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Usar MTGS Sincronizado" msgstr "Usar MTGS Sincronizado"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2621,11 +2610,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Somente para solucionar problemas de bugs em potencial no MTGS, pois ele é " "Somente para solucionar problemas de bugs em potencial no MTGS, pois ele é "
"potencialmente muito lento." "potencialmente muito lento."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Desabilita toda saída do GS" msgstr "Desabilita toda saída do GS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2633,11 +2622,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Desabilita completamente toda atividade do plug-in de GS; ideal para avaliar " "Desabilita completamente toda atividade do plug-in de GS; ideal para avaliar "
"a performance dos componentes do EEcore." "a performance dos componentes do EEcore."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Frame Skipping" msgstr "Frame Skipping"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Limitador de Frames" msgstr "Limitador de Frames"
@ -2725,3 +2714,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Extensões %s não encontradas. O microVU requer uma máquina com processador " "Extensões %s não encontradas. O microVU requer uma máquina com processador "
"que tenha extensões MMX, SSE e SSE2." "que tenha extensões MMX, SSE e SSE2."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "Hack de Bloco mVU"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Boa Aceleração e Alta Compatibilidade; pode ocasionar gráficos ruins, "
#~ "SPS, etc."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 01:25+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 01:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n" "Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
"В вашей системе недостаточно виртуальной памяти, либо же, доступное адресное " "В вашей системе недостаточно виртуальной памяти, либо же, доступное адресное "
"пространство уже занято другим процессом, службой или библиотеками." "пространство уже занято другим процессом, службой или библиотеками."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Эмулятор PCSX2 не поддерживает игры от PlayStation. Если вы желаете " "Эмулятор PCSX2 не поддерживает игры от PlayStation. Если вы желаете "
@ -467,21 +467,14 @@ msgstr ""
"EmotionEngine. Более высокое значение хака увеличивает количество циклов, " "EmotionEngine. Более высокое значение хака увеличивает количество циклов, "
"которые будут \"позаимствованы\" у EE для обработки микропрограмм VU." "которые будут \"позаимствованы\" у EE для обработки микропрограмм VU."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Обновляет флаги состояния только на тех блоках, которые будут читать данные " "Обновляет флаги состояния только на тех блоках, которые будут читать данные "
"флаги (вместо постоянного обновления всех блоков). Вполне безопасный хак, " "флаги (вместо постоянного обновления всех блоков). Вполне безопасный хак, "
"SuperVU-рекомпилятор делает нечто подобное по-умолчанию." "SuperVU-рекомпилятор делает нечто подобное по-умолчанию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Предугадывает, какие блоки микропрограмм не будут читать данные флагов в "
"обозримом будущем. Неизвестно, провоцирует ли это какие-либо проблемы в "
"каких-либо играх, посему, данный хак можно считать безопасным."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -489,7 +482,7 @@ msgstr ""
"дополнительных Min/Max-операций при просчете логики. \"Ломает\" Gran Turismo " "дополнительных Min/Max-операций при просчете логики. \"Ломает\" Gran Turismo "
"4 и Tekken 5. Возможно что-то еще." "4 и Tekken 5. Возможно что-то еще."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Данный хак лучше всего применять для игр которые используют регистрацию " "Данный хак лучше всего применять для игр которые используют регистрацию "
@ -497,7 +490,7 @@ msgstr ""
"не использующие 3D. Все остальные игры либо не получат никакого ускорения, " "не использующие 3D. Все остальные игры либо не получат никакого ускорения, "
"либо оно будет чрезвычайно мало." "либо оно будет чрезвычайно мало."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Изначально нацеленный на пустые циклы EE-рекомпилятора по адресу ядра " "Изначально нацеленный на пустые циклы EE-рекомпилятора по адресу ядра "
@ -511,7 +504,7 @@ msgstr ""
"событию или\n" "событию или\n"
"вообще к концу процессорного интервала." "вообще к концу процессорного интервала."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Для получения списка игр, которые испытывают проблемы при использовании " "Для получения списка игр, которые испытывают проблемы при использовании "
@ -522,20 +515,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Отключение лимита кадров отключит так же и Turbo-/Slowmotion-режимы." msgstr "Отключение лимита кадров отключит так же и Turbo-/Slowmotion-режимы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный " "Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный "
"пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может " "пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может "
"спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх." "спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Включайте данную опцию только в том случае, если вы думаете что " "Включайте данную опцию только в том случае, если вы думаете что "
"синхронизация потоков MTGS приводит к вылетам или графическим артефактам." "синхронизация потоков MTGS приводит к вылетам или графическим артефактам."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Отключает обработку всех GS-данных, тем самым убирая возможный замедляющий " "Отключает обработку всех GS-данных, тем самым убирая возможный замедляющий "
@ -561,6 +554,12 @@ msgstr ""
"стоит расстраиваться, ведь SuperVU устарел и вы всегда можете выбрать " "стоит расстраиваться, ведь SuperVU устарел и вы всегда можете выбрать "
"\"новый и блестящий\" microVU :P" "\"новый и блестящий\" microVU :P"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Предугадывает, какие блоки микропрограмм не будут читать данные флагов в "
#~ "обозримом будущем. Неизвестно, провоцирует ли это какие-либо проблемы в "
#~ "каких-либо играх, посему, данный хак можно считать безопасным."
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Причина неизвестна." #~ msgstr "Причина неизвестна."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 19:40+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 19:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n" "Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ msgstr "Ошибка инициализации встроенного плаг
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Выгруженный плагин" msgstr "Выгруженный плагин"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ошибка загрузки быстрого сохранения. Его версия неизвестна или не " "Ошибка загрузки быстрого сохранения. Его версия неизвестна или не "
@ -370,31 +370,31 @@ msgstr ""
"вполне успешно, но по каким-то причинам он не может быть перемещен в пункт " "вполне успешно, но по каким-то причинам он не может быть перемещен в пункт "
"назначения." "назначения."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Очень безопасно" msgstr "Очень безопасно"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Безопасно (и быстрее)" msgstr "Безопасно (и быстрее)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Сбалансировано" msgstr "Сбалансировано"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Агрессивно" msgstr "Агрессивно"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Более агрессивно!" msgstr "Более агрессивно!"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "В большинстве случаев губительно..." msgstr "В большинстве случаев губительно..."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "Ошибка прав доступа при перезаписи текущего файла настроек." msgstr "Ошибка прав доступа при перезаписи текущего файла настроек."
@ -2446,22 +2446,10 @@ msgstr ""
"[рекомендуется]" "[рекомендуется]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Неплохое ускорение и вполне неплохая совместимость. Возможно появление "
"графического \"мусора\", черного экрана, выпадающих полигонов и т.п."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
@ -2471,15 +2459,15 @@ msgstr ""
"графического \"мусора\", черного экрана, выпадающих полигонов и т.п. " "графического \"мусора\", черного экрана, выпадающих полигонов и т.п. "
"[рекомендуется]" "[рекомендуется]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Другие хаки" msgstr "Другие хаки"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Включить INTC Spin Detection" msgstr "Включить INTC Spin Detection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2487,22 +2475,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Серьезное повышение производительности и почти без каких-либо побочных " "Серьезное повышение производительности и почти без каких-либо побочных "
"эффектов. [рекомендуется]" "эффектов. [рекомендуется]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Включить Wait Loop Detection" msgstr "Включить Wait Loop Detection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Неплохое ускорение некоторых игр без каких-либо побочных эффектов. " "Неплохое ускорение некоторых игр без каких-либо побочных эффектов. "
"[рекомендуется]" "[рекомендуется]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Включить fast CDVD" msgstr "Включить fast CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "Ускоряет доступ к диску, уменьшает время загрузки. [не рекомендуется]" msgstr "Ускоряет доступ к диску, уменьшает время загрузки. [не рекомендуется]"
@ -2559,7 +2547,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "Лимит кадров для PAL-игр" msgstr "Лимит кадров для PAL-игр"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2567,19 +2555,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Возникла ошибка при чтении настроек частот кадров или NTSC или PAL. " "Возникла ошибка при чтении настроек частот кадров или NTSC или PAL. "
"Настройки должны быть действительными числами с плавающей точкой." "Настройки должны быть действительными числами с плавающей точкой."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Отключен (по умолчанию)" msgstr "Отключен (по умолчанию)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Пропускать только в режиме ускорения (TAB для включения)" msgstr "Пропускать только в режиме ускорения (TAB для включения)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Постоянный пропуск" msgstr "Постоянный пропуск"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2587,19 +2575,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Normal- и Turbo-режимы позволяют пропуск кадров. Slowmotion-режим отключает " "Normal- и Turbo-режимы позволяют пропуск кадров. Slowmotion-режим отключает "
"любой пропуск кадров." "любой пропуск кадров."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "кол-во кадров для прорисовки" msgstr "кол-во кадров для прорисовки"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "кол-во кадров для пропуска" msgstr "кол-во кадров для пропуска"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Использовать синхронизацию MTGS" msgstr "Использовать синхронизацию MTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2607,11 +2595,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Только для поиска потенциальных багов и неисправностей в MTGS, так как " "Только для поиска потенциальных багов и неисправностей в MTGS, так как "
"(потенциально) это слишком медленно" "(потенциально) это слишком медленно"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Отключить вывод GS-данных." msgstr "Отключить вывод GS-данных."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2619,11 +2607,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Сводит на ноль всю активность GS плагина. Идеально для тестирования " "Сводит на ноль всю активность GS плагина. Идеально для тестирования "
"компонентов EE ядра." "компонентов EE ядра."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Пропуск кадров" msgstr "Пропуск кадров"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Лимит кадров" msgstr "Лимит кадров"
@ -2711,6 +2699,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Расширение %s не обнаружено. microVU-рекомпилятору необходим процессор с " "Расширение %s не обнаружено. microVU-рекомпилятору необходим процессор с "
"поддержкой инструкций MMX, SSE, и SSE2." "поддержкой инструкций MMX, SSE, и SSE2."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Неплохое ускорение и вполне неплохая совместимость. Возможно появление "
#~ "графического \"мусора\", черного экрана, выпадающих полигонов и т.п."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS" #~ msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "Режим NTFS-компрессии может быть изменен в любой момент времени через " #~ "Режим NTFS-компрессии может быть изменен в любой момент времени через "

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:16+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 12:51+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 12:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n" "Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr ""
"virtuella minnestilldelningen redan blivit reserverat av andra processer, " "virtuella minnestilldelningen redan blivit reserverat av andra processer, "
"tjänster, eller DLL'er." "tjänster, eller DLL'er."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Playstation speldiskar stödjes inte av PCSX2. Om Ni vill emulera PSX spel \n" "Playstation speldiskar stödjes inte av PCSX2. Om Ni vill emulera PSX spel \n"
@ -488,22 +488,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Högre värden ökar antalet cykler som stjäls från EE'n för varje VU-" "Högre värden ökar antalet cykler som stjäls från EE'n för varje VU-"
"microprogram spelt kör." "microprogram spelt kör."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Uppdaterar endast Statusflaggor för block som kommer att läsa dem, istället " "Uppdaterar endast Statusflaggor för block som kommer att läsa dem, istället "
"för alltid. \n" "för alltid. \n"
"Detta är för det mesta säkert, och Super-VU gör något liknande som standard." "Detta är för det mesta säkert, och Super-VU gör något liknande som standard."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
"Förmodar att väldigt långt in i framtiden så kommer block inte behöva "
"gammelflagg-instansdata. \n"
"Detta borde vara rätt säkert. Det är okänt ifall detta har sönder något "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kör VU1 i dess egna tråd (endast microVU1). I allmänhet en uppsnabbning för " "Kör VU1 i dess egna tråd (endast microVU1). I allmänhet en uppsnabbning för "
@ -512,7 +504,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Vad gäller GS-begränsade spel, kan en nedbromsning förekomma (särskilt hos " "Vad gäller GS-begränsade spel, kan en nedbromsning förekomma (särskilt hos "
"dubbelkärniga CPU'er)." "dubbelkärniga CPU'er)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Denna fix fungerar bäst för spel som använder INTC-statusregistret för att " "Denna fix fungerar bäst för spel som använder INTC-statusregistret för att "
@ -521,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Spel som inte använder denna Vsync-metod kommer på sin höjd att få en liten " "Spel som inte använder denna Vsync-metod kommer på sin höjd att få en liten "
"uppsnabbning av denna fix." "uppsnabbning av denna fix."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"I första hand inriktat på EE tomgångs-loop hos adress 0x81FC0 i kärnan, " "I första hand inriktat på EE tomgångs-loop hos adress 0x81FC0 i kärnan, "
@ -533,7 +525,7 @@ msgstr ""
"avancerar vi till tiden för nästa händelse eller till slutet av processorns " "avancerar vi till tiden för nästa händelse eller till slutet av processorns "
"tidskvantum, vilket som än kommer först." "tidskvantum, vilket som än kommer först."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kolla HDLaddar-förenlighetslistan för spel som till vetskap kommer till " "Kolla HDLaddar-förenlighetslistan för spel som till vetskap kommer till "
@ -547,20 +539,20 @@ msgstr ""
"lägena \n" "lägena \n"
"inte att vara tillgängliga heller." "inte att vara tillgängliga heller."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bemärk: Till följd av PS2 hårdvaruutformning så är precist bildöverhoppande " "Bemärk: Till följd av PS2 hårdvaruutformning så är precist bildöverhoppande "
"omöjligt. \n" "omöjligt. \n"
"Att tillämpa det kan orsaka rejäla grafikfel hos vissa spel." "Att tillämpa det kan orsaka rejäla grafikfel hos vissa spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Tillämpa detta ifall Ni tror att MTGS-trådsync orsakar braker eller grafiska " "Tillämpa detta ifall Ni tror att MTGS-trådsync orsakar braker eller grafiska "
"fel." "fel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Tar bort allt norm-oljud orsakat av MTGS-trådens eler GPU'ns överdrag. Denna " "Tar bort allt norm-oljud orsakat av MTGS-trådens eler GPU'ns överdrag. Denna "
@ -588,6 +580,13 @@ msgstr ""
"eftersom sVU är föråldrad, \n" "eftersom sVU är föråldrad, \n"
"och följdaktligen borde Ni använda Er av microVU istället." "och följdaktligen borde Ni använda Er av microVU istället."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Förmodar att väldigt långt in i framtiden så kommer block inte behöva "
#~ "gammelflagg-instansdata. \n"
#~ "Detta borde vara rätt säkert. Det är okänt ifall detta har sönder något "
#~ "spel..."
#~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite" #~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "Detta kommer att kopiera innehållet i minneskortet i sockel %u till " #~ "Detta kommer att kopiera innehållet i minneskortet i sockel %u till "

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:15+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 12:28+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 12:28+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n" "Last-Translator: Georg Ronnert <pgert@yahoo.se>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Oladdat insticksprogram" msgstr "Oladdat insticksprogram"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kan inte ladda sparpunkten. Den är av en okänd eller ostödjande version." "Kan inte ladda sparpunkten. Den är av en okänd eller ostödjande version."
@ -359,31 +359,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Sparpunkten blev inte ordentligt sparad. Den tillfälliga filen skapades " "Sparpunkten blev inte ordentligt sparad. Den tillfälliga filen skapades "
"framgångsrikt med kunde inte flyttas till sin slutliga viloplats." "framgångsrikt med kunde inte flyttas till sin slutliga viloplats."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "Säkrast" msgstr "Säkrast"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Säkert (snabare)" msgstr "Säkert (snabare)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Balanserat" msgstr "Balanserat"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Aggressivt" msgstr "Aggressivt"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Aggressivt plus" msgstr "Aggressivt plus"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Mest Skadligt" msgstr "Mest Skadligt"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Misslyckades att skriva över befintlig inställningsfil; tillstånd nekades." "Misslyckades att skriva över befintlig inställningsfil; tillstånd nekades."
@ -2404,20 +2404,10 @@ msgstr ""
"[Rekommenderas]" "[Rekommenderas]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Bra Uppsnabbning och Hög Förenlighet; kan orsaka dålig grafik, SPS, etc..."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU (Multi-Trådad microVU1)" msgstr "MTVU (Multi-Trådad microVU1)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2425,15 +2415,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Bra Uppsnabbning och Hög Förenlighet; kan orsaka att det hänger sig... " "Bra Uppsnabbning och Hög Förenlighet; kan orsaka att det hänger sig... "
"[Rekommenderas för 3+ kärnor]" "[Rekommenderas för 3+ kärnor]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Andra Hackisar" msgstr "Andra Hackisar"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Möjliggör INTC Rotationsuppfattning" msgstr "Möjliggör INTC Rotationsuppfattning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2441,22 +2431,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Enorm uppsnabbning för vissa spel, med nästan inga förenlighetsbieffekter. " "Enorm uppsnabbning för vissa spel, med nästan inga förenlighetsbieffekter. "
"[Rekommenderas]" "[Rekommenderas]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Möjliggör Vänta Loop Uppfattning" msgstr "Möjliggör Vänta Loop Uppfattning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Måttlig uppsnabbning för vissa spel, med inga kända bieffekter. " "Måttlig uppsnabbning för vissa spel, med inga kända bieffekter. "
"[Rekommenderas]" "[Rekommenderas]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Möjliggör snabb CDVD" msgstr "Möjliggör snabb CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "Snabb disktillgång, färre laddningsgånger. [Rekommenderas Ej]" msgstr "Snabb disktillgång, färre laddningsgånger. [Rekommenderas Ej]"
@ -2515,7 +2505,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL Bildfrekvens:" msgstr "PAL Bildfrekvens:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2523,19 +2513,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Fel under tolkning av antingen NTSC eller PAL bildfrekvensinstälningar. " "Fel under tolkning av antingen NTSC eller PAL bildfrekvensinstälningar. "
"Inställningarna måste vara giltliga flyttalsnummer." "Inställningarna måste vara giltliga flyttalsnummer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Förhindrad [förval]" msgstr "Förhindrad [förval]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Hoppa över endast vid Turbo (TAB för att möjliggöra)" msgstr "Hoppa över endast vid Turbo (TAB för att möjliggöra)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Konstant överhoppande" msgstr "Konstant överhoppande"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2543,19 +2533,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Normal och Turbobegränsad beräknad bildöverhoppning. Ultrarapidsläge " "Normal och Turbobegränsad beräknad bildöverhoppning. Ultrarapidsläge "
"förhindrar fortfarande bildöverhoppning." "förhindrar fortfarande bildöverhoppning."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Bilder att Rita" msgstr "Bilder att Rita"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Bilder att Hoppa över" msgstr "Bilder att Hoppa över"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Använd Synkroniserad MTGS" msgstr "Använd Synkroniserad MTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2563,11 +2553,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Enbart för att problemlösa eventuella fel inom \n" "Enbart för att problemlösa eventuella fel inom \n"
"MTGS, eftersom det möjligen är mycket långsamt." "MTGS, eftersom det möjligen är mycket långsamt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Förhindra all GS utgång" msgstr "Förhindra all GS utgång"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2575,11 +2565,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Förhindrar helt all GS-insticksprogramsaktivitet; \n" "Förhindrar helt all GS-insticksprogramsaktivitet; \n"
"idealt som utgångspunkt för EE-kärnkomponenter." "idealt som utgångspunkt för EE-kärnkomponenter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Bildöverhoppande" msgstr "Bildöverhoppande"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Bildbegränsare" msgstr "Bildbegränsare"
@ -2663,6 +2653,14 @@ msgstr ""
"%s Förlängningar ej funna. microVU kräven en värd-CPU med MMX, SSE, och SSE2 " "%s Förlängningar ej funna. microVU kräven en värd-CPU med MMX, SSE, och SSE2 "
"förlängningar." "förlängningar."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bra Uppsnabbning och Hög Förenlighet; kan orsaka dålig grafik, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgid "Enable game fixes" #~ msgid "Enable game fixes"
#~ msgstr "Möjliggör spelfixar" #~ msgstr "Möjliggör spelfixar"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:17+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap" msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -270,27 +270,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -298,15 +294,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-16 20:17+0100\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -292,31 +292,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The savestate was not properly saved. The temporary file was created successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place." msgid "The savestate was not properly saved. The temporary file was created successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2184,46 +2184,38 @@ msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics... [Recommend
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ cores]" msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ cores]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. [Recommended]" msgid "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" msgid "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2275,55 +2267,55 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be valid floating point numerics." msgid "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still disable frameskipping." msgid "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still disable frameskipping."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially very slow." msgid "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially very slow."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore components." msgid "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore components."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "" msgstr ""

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-08 19:53+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-08 19:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap" msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap" msgstr "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgstr "!Notice:PsxDisc"
@ -273,28 +273,24 @@ msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
@ -302,15 +298,15 @@ msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgstr "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgstr "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgstr "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
@ -322,6 +318,9 @@ msgstr "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc" msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc" msgstr "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgid "No reason given." #~ msgid "No reason given."
#~ msgstr "Sebep belirtilmemiş." #~ msgstr "Sebep belirtilmemiş."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 16:40+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-09 16:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: PyramidHead <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ msgstr "Hafıza kartı eklentisi başlatılamadı."
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "Yüklenmemiş Eklenti" msgstr "Yüklenmemiş Eklenti"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kayıt konumu yüklenemiyor. Dosya bilinmeyen ya da desteklenmeyen bir sürüme " "Kayıt konumu yüklenemiyor. Dosya bilinmeyen ya da desteklenmeyen bir sürüme "
@ -346,31 +346,31 @@ msgstr ""
"Kayıt konumu doğru şekilde kaydedilemedi. Geçici dosya oluşturuldu fakat son " "Kayıt konumu doğru şekilde kaydedilemedi. Geçici dosya oluşturuldu fakat son "
"kayıt işlemi tamamlanamadı." "kayıt işlemi tamamlanamadı."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "En Güvenli" msgstr "En Güvenli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "Güvenli (daha hızlı)" msgstr "Güvenli (daha hızlı)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Dengeli" msgstr "Dengeli"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "Agresif" msgstr "Agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "Daha Agresif" msgstr "Daha Agresif"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "Çoğu Zaman Zararlı" msgstr "Çoğu Zaman Zararlı"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "Var olan dosya değiştirilemiyor; erişim engellendi." msgstr "Var olan dosya değiştirilemiyor; erişim engellendi."
@ -2372,22 +2372,10 @@ msgstr ""
"neden olabilir [Önerilir]" "neden olabilir [Önerilir]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
"Hızı oldukça artırır ve uyumluluğu yüksektir; görüntü ya da ses hatalarına "
"neden olabilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
@ -2396,35 +2384,35 @@ msgstr ""
"Hızı oldukça artırır ve uyumluluğu yüksektir; görüntü ya da ses hatalarına " "Hızı oldukça artırır ve uyumluluğu yüksektir; görüntü ya da ses hatalarına "
"neden olabilir [Önerilir]" "neden olabilir [Önerilir]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "Diğer Hackler" msgstr "Diğer Hackler"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "INTC Spin Tanımlamasını Etkinleştir" msgstr "INTC Spin Tanımlamasını Etkinleştir"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bazı oyunlarda hiçbir soruna yol açmadan büyük hız artışı sağlar. [Önerilir]" "Bazı oyunlarda hiçbir soruna yol açmadan büyük hız artışı sağlar. [Önerilir]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Wait Loop Tanımlamasını Etkinleştir" msgstr "Wait Loop Tanımlamasını Etkinleştir"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "Bazı oyunlarda hiçvir soruna yol açmadan hız artışı sağlar. [Önerilir]" msgstr "Bazı oyunlarda hiçvir soruna yol açmadan hız artışı sağlar. [Önerilir]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Hızlı CDVD'yi etkinleştir" msgstr "Hızlı CDVD'yi etkinleştir"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "CD'ye daha hızlı ulaşarak yükleme süresini azaltır. [Önerilmez]" msgstr "CD'ye daha hızlı ulaşarak yükleme süresini azaltır. [Önerilmez]"
@ -2482,7 +2470,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL Kare hızı:" msgstr "PAL Kare hızı:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2490,48 +2478,48 @@ msgstr ""
"NTSC ya da PAL kare hızı ayarlarında hata. Ayarlar geçerli rakamlardan " "NTSC ya da PAL kare hızı ayarlarında hata. Ayarlar geçerli rakamlardan "
"oluşmalı." "oluşmalı."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "Devre dışı [varsayılan]" msgstr "Devre dışı [varsayılan]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "Yalnızca Turbo açıkken kare atla (TAB ile açın)" msgstr "Yalnızca Turbo açıkken kare atla (TAB ile açın)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "Sürekli kare atlama" msgstr "Sürekli kare atlama"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Normal ve Turbo kare atlar. Ağır çekim modu kare atlamayı devre dışı bırakır." "Normal ve Turbo kare atlar. Ağır çekim modu kare atlamayı devre dışı bırakır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "Çizilecek Kare Sayısı" msgstr "Çizilecek Kare Sayısı"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "Atlanacak Kare Sayısı" msgstr "Atlanacak Kare Sayısı"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "Senkronize MTGS Kullan" msgstr "Senkronize MTGS Kullan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
msgstr "MTGS hatalarını tespit etmek için. Çok yavaştır." msgstr "MTGS hatalarını tespit etmek için. Çok yavaştır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "Tüm GS çıkışını devre dışı bırak" msgstr "Tüm GS çıkışını devre dışı bırak"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2539,11 +2527,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Tüm GS eklenti işlemlerini devre dışı bırakır; EEcore bileşenlerini test " "Tüm GS eklenti işlemlerini devre dışı bırakır; EEcore bileşenlerini test "
"etmek için idealdir." "etmek için idealdir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "Kare Atlama" msgstr "Kare Atlama"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "Kare Sınırlama" msgstr "Kare Sınırlama"
@ -2628,6 +2616,16 @@ msgstr ""
"%s Uzantıları bulunamıyor. microVU MMX, SSE ve SSE2 destekleyen bir işlemci " "%s Uzantıları bulunamıyor. microVU MMX, SSE ve SSE2 destekleyen bir işlemci "
"gerektirir." "gerektirir."
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hızı oldukça artırır ve uyumluluğu yüksektir; görüntü ya da ses "
#~ "hatalarına neden olabilir."
#~ msgid "ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type." #~ msgid "ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type."
#~ msgstr "ISO yüklemesi başarısız: PCSX2 ISO dosyası türünü tanımlayamıyor." #~ msgstr "ISO yüklemesi başarısız: PCSX2 ISO dosyası türünü tanımlayamıyor."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-24 20:29+0800\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 16:51+0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 16:51+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler@openoffice.org>\n" "Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler@openoffice.org>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"没有足够的虚拟内存可用,或所需的虚拟内存映射已经被其它进程、服务或 DLL 保留。" "没有足够的虚拟内存可用,或所需的虚拟内存映射已经被其它进程、服务或 DLL 保留。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"PCSX2 不支持 Playstation 1 游戏。如果您想模拟 PS1 游戏请下载一个 PS1 模拟器," "PCSX2 不支持 Playstation 1 游戏。如果您想模拟 PS1 游戏请下载一个 PS1 模拟器,"
@ -390,39 +390,33 @@ msgstr ""
"此选项控制 VU 单元从情感引擎挪用的时钟周期数目。较高数值将增加各个被游戏执行" "此选项控制 VU 单元从情感引擎挪用的时钟周期数目。较高数值将增加各个被游戏执行"
"的 VU 微程序从 EE 挪用的周期数目。" "的 VU 微程序从 EE 挪用的周期数目。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"仅在标志位被读取时更新而不是总是更新。此选项通常是安全的Super VU 默认会以" "仅在标志位被读取时更新而不是总是更新。此选项通常是安全的Super VU 默认会以"
"相似的方式处理。" "相似的方式处理。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"在单独的线程是运行 VU1 (仅限 microVU1)。通常在三核以上 CPU 中有提速效果。此选" "在单独的线程是运行 VU1 (仅限 microVU1)。通常在三核以上 CPU 中有提速效果。此选"
"项对大多数游戏是安全的,但一部分游戏可能不兼容或导致没有响应。对于受限于 GS " "项对大多数游戏是安全的,但一部分游戏可能不兼容或导致没有响应。对于受限于 GS "
"的游戏,可能会造成性能下降 (特别是在双核 CPU 上)。" "的游戏,可能会造成性能下降 (特别是在双核 CPU 上)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"此选项对于使用 INTC 状态寄存器来等待垂直同步的游戏效果较好,包括一些主要的 " "此选项对于使用 INTC 状态寄存器来等待垂直同步的游戏效果较好,包括一些主要的 "
"3D RPG 游戏。对于不使用此方法的游戏没有提速效果。" "3D RPG 游戏。对于不使用此方法的游戏没有提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"主要针对位于内核地址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空闲循环,此 Hack 试图检测循环体在一个另外" "主要针对位于内核地址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空闲循环,此 Hack 试图检测循环体在一个另外"
"的模拟单元计划的事件处理过程之前不保证产生相同结果的循环。在一次循环体执行之" "的模拟单元计划的事件处理过程之前不保证产生相同结果的循环。在一次循环体执行之"
"后,将下一事件的时间或处理器的时间片结束时间 (孰早) 做出更新。" "后,将下一事件的时间或处理器的时间片结束时间 (孰早) 做出更新。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"请参看 HDLoader 兼容性列表以获取启用此项会出现问题的游戏列表。(通常标记为需" "请参看 HDLoader 兼容性列表以获取启用此项会出现问题的游戏列表。(通常标记为需"
@ -432,16 +426,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意: 如限帧被禁用,快速模式和慢动作模式将不可用。" msgstr "注意: 如限帧被禁用,快速模式和慢动作模式将不可用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"注意: 由于 PS2 硬件设计,不可能准确跳帧。启用此选项可能在游戏中导致图像错误。" "注意: 由于 PS2 硬件设计,不可能准确跳帧。启用此选项可能在游戏中导致图像错误。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "如您认为 MTGS 线程同步导致崩溃或图像错误,请启用此项。" msgstr "如您认为 MTGS 线程同步导致崩溃或图像错误,请启用此项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"禁用全部由 MTGS 线程或 GPU 开销导致的测试信息。此选项可与即时存档配合使用: 在" "禁用全部由 MTGS 线程或 GPU 开销导致的测试信息。此选项可与即时存档配合使用: 在"
@ -461,6 +455,11 @@ msgstr ""
"内存溢出: SuperVU 重编译器无法保留所需的指定内存范围,且将不可用。这不是一个" "内存溢出: SuperVU 重编译器无法保留所需的指定内存范围,且将不可用。这不是一个"
"严重错误sVU 重编译器已过时,您应该使用 microVU。:)" "严重错误sVU 重编译器已过时,您应该使用 microVU。:)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "假定未来的块不需要旧的标志实例数据。这应该是安全的。是否导致游戏出现问题仍"
#~ "然未知。"
#~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite" #~ msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Overwrite"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "此操作将把 %u 插槽上的记忆卡内容复制到 %u 插槽。目标插槽记忆卡的数据将丢" #~ "此操作将把 %u 插槽上的记忆卡内容复制到 %u 插槽。目标插槽记忆卡的数据将丢"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-24 20:29+0800\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-24 20:32+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-24 20:32+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n" "Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
@ -37,8 +37,13 @@ msgid "Oh noes! Out of memory!"
msgstr "不好! 内存不够!" msgstr "不好! 内存不够!"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:234 #: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:234
msgid "Virtual memory mapping failure! Your system may have conflicting device drivers, services, or may simply have insufficient memory or resources to meet PCSX2's lofty needs." msgid ""
msgstr "虚拟内存映射错误! 您的系统可能有冲突的硬件驱动程序、服务,或者没有足够的内存或资源来满足 PCSX2 的要求。" "Virtual memory mapping failure! Your system may have conflicting device "
"drivers, services, or may simply have insufficient memory or resources to "
"meet PCSX2's lofty needs."
msgstr ""
"虚拟内存映射错误! 您的系统可能有冲突的硬件驱动程序、服务,或者没有足够的内存"
"或资源来满足 PCSX2 的要求。"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:309 #: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:309
msgid "Path: " msgid "Path: "
@ -57,11 +62,15 @@ msgid "File not found."
msgstr "文件未找到。" msgstr "文件未找到。"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:373 #: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:373
msgid "Permission denied while trying to open file, likely due to insufficient user account rights." msgid ""
"Permission denied while trying to open file, likely due to insufficient user "
"account rights."
msgstr "打开文件时拒绝访问,可能是由于用户账户权限限制。" msgstr "打开文件时拒绝访问,可能是由于用户账户权限限制。"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:393 #: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:393
msgid "Unexpected end of file or stream encountered. File is probably truncated or corrupted." msgid ""
"Unexpected end of file or stream encountered. File is probably truncated or "
msgstr "遇到非预期的文件或串流结尾。文件可能被截断或被破坏。" msgstr "遇到非预期的文件或串流结尾。文件可能被截断或被破坏。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41 #: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
@ -89,25 +98,37 @@ msgid "Cannot load ELF binary image. The file may be corrupt or incomplete."
msgstr "无法加载 ELF 二进制映像。文件可能已损坏或不完整。" msgstr "无法加载 ELF 二进制映像。文件可能已损坏或不完整。"
#: pcsx2/Elfheader.cpp:268 #: pcsx2/Elfheader.cpp:268
msgid "If loading from an ISO image, this error may be caused by an unsupported ISO image type or a bug in PCSX2 ISO image support." msgid ""
msgstr "如从一个 ISO 镜像加载,此错误可能由一个不被支持的 ISO 镜像类型或 PCSX2 ISO 镜像支持的 bug 引起。" "If loading from an ISO image, this error may be caused by an unsupported ISO "
"image type or a bug in PCSX2 ISO image support."
msgstr ""
"如从一个 ISO 镜像加载,此错误可能由一个不被支持的 ISO 镜像类型或 PCSX2 ISO 镜"
"像支持的 bug 引起。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:859 #: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:859
msgid "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to open." msgid ""
"The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to "
msgstr "MTGS 线程在等待 GS 插件打开时失去响应。" msgstr "MTGS 线程在等待 GS 插件打开时失去响应。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:709 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:709
msgid "The savestate cannot be loaded, as it appears to be corrupt or incomplete." msgid ""
"The savestate cannot be loaded, as it appears to be corrupt or incomplete."
msgstr "即时存档无法读取,文件可能已损坏或不完整。" msgstr "即时存档无法读取,文件可能已损坏或不完整。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:719 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:719
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "%s plugin failed to open. Your computer may have insufficient resources, or incompatible hardware/drivers." msgid ""
msgstr "打开 %s 插件失败。您的计算机可能没有可用资源,或由不兼容的硬件/驱动程序导致。" "%s plugin failed to open. Your computer may have insufficient resources, or "
"incompatible hardware/drivers."
msgstr ""
"打开 %s 插件失败。您的计算机可能没有可用资源,或由不兼容的硬件/驱动程序导致。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:726 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:726
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "%s plugin failed to initialize. Your system may have insufficient memory or resources needed." msgid ""
"%s plugin failed to initialize. Your system may have insufficient memory or "
"resources needed."
msgstr "%s 插件初始化失败。您的系统可能没有足够的内存或资源。" msgstr "%s 插件初始化失败。您的系统可能没有足够的内存或资源。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:832 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:832
@ -122,21 +143,33 @@ msgstr "配置的 %s 插件文件不是一个合法的动态链接库"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:854 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:854
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "The configured %s plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2." msgid ""
msgstr "配置的 %s 插件不是一个合法的 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设计的。" "The configured %s plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older "
"unsupported version of PCSX2."
msgstr ""
"配置的 %s 插件不是一个合法的 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:879 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:879
msgid "The plugin reports that your hardware or software/drivers are not supported." msgid ""
"The plugin reports that your hardware or software/drivers are not supported."
msgstr "插件报告您的硬件或软件/驱动程序不受支持。" msgstr "插件报告您的硬件或软件/驱动程序不受支持。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:900 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:900
msgid "Configured plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2." msgid ""
msgstr "配置的插件不是一个 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设计的。" "Configured plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported "
"version of PCSX2."
msgstr ""
"配置的插件不是一个 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设计的。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:926 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:926
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Configured %s plugin is not a valid PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2." msgid ""
msgstr "配置的 %s 插件不是一个合法的 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设计的。" "Configured %s plugin is not a valid PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older "
"unsupported version of PCSX2."
msgstr ""
"配置的 %s 插件不是一个合法的 PCSX2 插件,或是为一个不受支持的 PCSX2 旧版本设"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1355 #: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1355
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize." msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
@ -146,7 +179,7 @@ msgstr "内置记忆卡插件初始化失败。"
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "已卸载插件" msgstr "已卸载插件"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "无法加载即时存档。存档为一个未知或不支持的版本。" msgstr "无法加载即时存档。存档为一个未知或不支持的版本。"
@ -155,7 +188,9 @@ msgid "Dumps detailed information for PS2 executables (ELFs)."
msgstr "转储 PS2 可执行文件 (ELF) 的详细信息。" msgstr "转储 PS2 可执行文件 (ELF) 的详细信息。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:101
msgid "Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact performance." msgid ""
"Logs manual protection, split blocks, and other things that might impact "
msgstr "记录手动保护、分割块以及其它可能影响性能的东西。" msgstr "记录手动保护、分割块以及其它可能影响性能的东西。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:106
@ -178,8 +213,7 @@ msgstr "SYSCALL 及 DECI2 活动。"
msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space." msgid "Direct memory accesses to unknown or unmapped EE memory space."
msgstr "到未知或未映射的内存空间的直接内存访问。" msgstr "到未知或未映射的内存空间的直接内存访问。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:157 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:276
msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)." msgid "Disasm of executing core instructions (excluding COPs and CACHE)."
msgstr "反汇编执行核心指令 (除了 COP 指令及 CACHE 指令)。" msgstr "反汇编执行核心指令 (除了 COP 指令及 CACHE 指令)。"
@ -200,16 +234,16 @@ msgid "Execution of EE cache instructions."
msgstr "EE 缓存指令的执行。" msgstr "EE 缓存指令的执行。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:187
msgid "All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter options below." msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses (very slow!); not including sub filter "
"options below."
msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问 (很慢!);不包括以下子过滤器选项。" msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问 (很慢!);不包括以下子过滤器选项。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:193 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:294
msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses." msgid "Logs only unknown, unmapped, or unimplemented register accesses."
msgstr "仅记录未知、未映射或未实现的寄存器访问。" msgstr "仅记录未知、未映射或未实现的寄存器访问。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:199 pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:300
msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers." msgid "Logs only DMA-related registers."
msgstr "仅记录 DMA 相关寄存器。" msgstr "仅记录 DMA 相关寄存器。"
@ -262,7 +296,8 @@ msgid "Disasm of the IOP's GPU co-processor instructions."
msgstr "反汇编 IOP GPU 协处理器指令。" msgstr "反汇编 IOP GPU 协处理器指令。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:288
msgid "All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below." msgid ""
"All known hardware register accesses, not including the sub-filters below."
msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问,不包括以下子过滤器。" msgstr "全部已知硬件寄存器访问,不包括以下子过滤器。"
#: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/SourceLog.cpp:306
@ -285,42 +320,41 @@ msgstr "跟踪所有 IOP 计数器事件和一些计数器寄存器活动。"
msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware." msgid "Detailed logging of CDVD hardware."
msgstr "详细记录 CDVD 硬件信息。" msgstr "详细记录 CDVD 硬件信息。"
#: pcsx2/System.h:206 #: pcsx2/System.h:206 pcsx2/System.h:207 pcsx2/System.h:208
#: pcsx2/System.h:207
#: pcsx2/System.h:208
msgid "PCSX2 Message" msgid "PCSX2 Message"
msgstr "PCSX2 消息" msgstr "PCSX2 消息"
#: pcsx2/ZipTools/thread_gzip.cpp:82 #: pcsx2/ZipTools/thread_gzip.cpp:82
msgid "The savestate was not properly saved. The temporary file was created successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place." msgid ""
"The savestate was not properly saved. The temporary file was created "
"successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place."
msgstr "即时存档未正确保存。临时文件建立成功但无法移至存档位置。" msgstr "即时存档未正确保存。临时文件建立成功但无法移至存档位置。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全" msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全 (较快)" msgstr "安全 (较快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡" msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "较激进" msgstr "较激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "激进" msgstr "激进"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "不稳定" msgstr "不稳定"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "覆盖已存在文件失败;权限被拒绝。" msgstr "覆盖已存在文件失败;权限被拒绝。"
@ -333,7 +367,9 @@ msgid "PCSX2 - SSE2 Recommended"
msgstr "PCSX2 - 推荐使用 SSE2" msgstr "PCSX2 - 推荐使用 SSE2"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:71 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:71
msgid "SSE extensions are not available. PCSX2 requires a cpu that supports the SSE instruction set." msgid ""
"SSE extensions are not available. PCSX2 requires a cpu that supports the "
"SSE instruction set."
msgstr "SSE 扩展不可用。PCSX2 需要一个支持 SSE 指令集的 CPU。" msgstr "SSE 扩展不可用。PCSX2 需要一个支持 SSE 指令集的 CPU。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:154 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:154
@ -344,8 +380,7 @@ msgstr "PCSX2 重编译器错误"
msgid "All options are for the current session only and will not be saved.\n" msgid "All options are for the current session only and will not be saved.\n"
msgstr "全部选项仅对当前会话有效,不会被保存。\n" msgstr "全部选项仅对当前会话有效,不会被保存。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:237 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:237 pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:299
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:299
msgid "IsoFile" msgid "IsoFile"
msgstr "Iso 文件" msgstr "Iso 文件"
@ -423,7 +458,8 @@ msgstr "插件覆盖错误 - %s"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:310 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:310
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"%s Plugin Override Error! The following file does not exist or is not a valid %s plugin:\n" "%s Plugin Override Error! The following file does not exist or is not a "
"valid %s plugin:\n"
"\n" "\n"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"%s 插件覆盖错误! 以下文件不存在或不是一个合法的 %s 插件:\n" "%s 插件覆盖错误! 以下文件不存在或不是一个合法的 %s 插件:\n"
@ -438,8 +474,7 @@ msgstr "单击确定使用默认配置的插件,或取消关闭 %s。"
msgid "PCSX2 Error: Hardware Deficiency" msgid "PCSX2 Error: Hardware Deficiency"
msgstr "PCSX2 错误: 硬件缺陷" msgstr "PCSX2 错误: 硬件缺陷"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:496 #: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:496 pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:508
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:508
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Press OK to close %s." msgid "Press OK to close %s."
msgstr "请单击 \"确定\" 来关闭 %s。" msgstr "请单击 \"确定\" 来关闭 %s。"
@ -527,9 +562,9 @@ msgstr ""
"\n" "\n"
"单击确定进入插件配置面板。" "单击确定进入插件配置面板。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:140 #: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:140 pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:154
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:154 msgid ""
msgid "Warning! System plugins have not been loaded. PCSX2 may be inoperable." "Warning! System plugins have not been loaded. PCSX2 may be inoperable."
msgstr "警告! 系统插件未被加载。PCSX2 可能不可使用。" msgstr "警告! 系统插件未被加载。PCSX2 可能不可使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:309 #: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:309
@ -579,7 +614,9 @@ msgid "Portable mode error - %s"
msgstr "绿色模式错误 - %s" msgstr "绿色模式错误 - %s"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:157 #: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:157
msgid "PCSX2 has been installed as a portable application but cannot run due to the following errors:" msgid ""
"PCSX2 has been installed as a portable application but cannot run due to the "
"following errors:"
msgstr "PCSX2 已被安装为一个绿色软件,但由于以下错误无法运行:" msgstr "PCSX2 已被安装为一个绿色软件,但由于以下错误无法运行:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:165 #: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:165
@ -592,7 +629,9 @@ msgid "%s is switching to local install mode."
msgstr "%s 正在切换本地安装模式。" msgstr "%s 正在切换本地安装模式。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:179 #: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:179
msgid "Try to remove the file called \"portable.ini\" from your installation directory manually." msgid ""
"Try to remove the file called \"portable.ini\" from your installation "
"directory manually."
msgstr "请尝试手动删除您的安装目录中的 \"portable.ini\" 文件。" msgstr "请尝试手动删除您的安装目录中的 \"portable.ini\" 文件。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ApplyState.h:55 #: pcsx2/gui/ApplyState.h:55
@ -615,8 +654,7 @@ msgstr "小"
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)." msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "我使用的 (程序员)。" msgstr "我使用的 (程序员)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:415 pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:38
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:38
msgid "Normal" msgid "Normal"
msgstr "正常" msgstr "正常"
@ -645,7 +683,9 @@ msgid "Light theme"
msgstr "亮色主题" msgstr "亮色主题"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
msgid "Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into their optic nerves." msgid ""
"Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into "
"their optic nerves."
msgstr "经典黑色主题。" msgstr "经典黑色主题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:424
@ -657,7 +697,8 @@ msgid "Always on Top"
msgstr "总在最上面" msgstr "总在最上面"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:428
msgid "When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows." msgid ""
"When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "如选中,日志窗口将在其它窗口上面显示。" msgstr "如选中,日志窗口将在其它窗口上面显示。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:430 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:430
@ -676,8 +717,7 @@ msgstr "清除(&L)"
msgid "Clear the log window contents" msgid "Clear the log window contents"
msgstr "清除日志窗口内容" msgstr "清除日志窗口内容"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:433 #: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:433 pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:280
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:280
msgid "Appearance" msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "外观" msgstr "外观"
@ -799,11 +839,15 @@ msgid "Do not show this dialog again."
msgstr "不再显示此对话框。" msgstr "不再显示此对话框。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:199
msgid "Disables this popup and whatever response you select here will be automatically used from now on." msgid ""
"Disables this popup and whatever response you select here will be "
"automatically used from now on."
msgstr "禁用弹出提示,以后任何您选定的内容将被自动使用。" msgstr "禁用弹出提示,以后任何您选定的内容将被自动使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:201 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:201
msgid "The popup will not be shown again. This setting can be undone from the settings panels." msgid ""
"The popup will not be shown again. This setting can be undone from the "
"settings panels."
msgstr "此提示框将不会再被显示。此设定可以从设置面板中撤消。" msgstr "此提示框将不会再被显示。此设定可以从设置面板中撤消。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:247 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ConfirmationDialogs.cpp:247
@ -861,11 +905,15 @@ msgid "8 MB [most compatible]"
msgstr "8 MB [兼容性最高]" msgstr "8 MB [兼容性最高]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:195 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:195
msgid "This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games and BIOS versions." msgid ""
"This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games "
"and BIOS versions."
msgstr "索尼的标准大小,支持所有游戏和 BIOS 版本。" msgstr "索尼的标准大小,支持所有游戏和 BIOS 版本。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:196
msgid "Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card behavior." msgid ""
"Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card "
msgstr "如果您需要最安全的记忆卡行为,请使用此选项。" msgstr "如果您需要最安全的记忆卡行为,请使用此选项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:199
@ -874,7 +922,8 @@ msgstr "16 MB"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:199
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:203
msgid "A typical size for 3rd-party memory cards which should work with most games." msgid ""
"A typical size for 3rd-party memory cards which should work with most games."
msgstr "一个通常的第三方记忆卡大小,应该可以兼容大多数游戏。" msgstr "一个通常的第三方记忆卡大小,应该可以兼容大多数游戏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:200
@ -891,11 +940,15 @@ msgid "64 MB"
msgstr "64 MB" msgstr "64 MB"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:207 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:207
msgid "Low compatibility warning: Yes it's very big, but may not work with many games." msgid ""
"Low compatibility warning: Yes it's very big, but may not work with many "
msgstr "兼容性低: 容量较大,但可能在很多游戏中不可用。" msgstr "兼容性低: 容量较大,但可能在很多游戏中不可用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:208
msgid "Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though unlikely)." msgid ""
"Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though "
msgstr "可能出现错误的记忆卡行为 (一般不会)。" msgstr "可能出现错误的记忆卡行为 (一般不会)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:47 #: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:47
@ -1074,8 +1127,7 @@ msgstr "终止应用程序"
msgid "GS Output is Disabled!" msgid "GS Output is Disabled!"
msgstr "GS 输出已禁用!" msgstr "GS 输出已禁用!"
#: pcsx2/gui/GlobalCommands.cpp:387 #: pcsx2/gui/GlobalCommands.cpp:387 pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:414
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:414
msgid "Save state" msgid "Save state"
msgstr "即时存档" msgstr "即时存档"
@ -1083,8 +1135,7 @@ msgstr "即时存档"
msgid "Saves the virtual machine state to the current slot." msgid "Saves the virtual machine state to the current slot."
msgstr "将虚拟机的状态保存至当前存档位置。" msgstr "将虚拟机的状态保存至当前存档位置。"
#: pcsx2/gui/GlobalCommands.cpp:393 #: pcsx2/gui/GlobalCommands.cpp:393 pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:413
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:413
msgid "Load state" msgid "Load state"
msgstr "即时读档" msgstr "即时读档"
@ -1122,11 +1173,12 @@ msgstr "拖放错误"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:58 #: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:58
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "It is an error to drop multiple files onto a %s window. One at a time please, thank you." msgid ""
"It is an error to drop multiple files onto a %s window. One at a time "
"please, thank you."
msgstr "不可以将多个文件同时拖到到 %s 窗口上。一次只能拖动一个文件。" msgstr "不可以将多个文件同时拖到到 %s 窗口上。一次只能拖动一个文件。"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:89 #: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:89 pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:342
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:342
msgid "Confirm PS2 Reset" msgid "Confirm PS2 Reset"
msgstr "确认 PS2 重启" msgstr "确认 PS2 重启"
@ -1149,8 +1201,7 @@ msgstr "您已将以下 ISO 镜像拖放至 %s:"
msgid "Slot %d" msgid "Slot %d"
msgstr "位置 %d" msgstr "位置 %d"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:44 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:44 pcsx2/gui/Saveslots.cpp:150
#: pcsx2/gui/Saveslots.cpp:150
msgid "Backup" msgid "Backup"
msgstr "备份" msgstr "备份"
@ -1196,8 +1247,7 @@ msgstr "%s %d.%d.%d %s"
msgid "(modded)" msgid "(modded)"
msgstr "(已修改)" msgstr "(已修改)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:399 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:399 pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:401
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:401
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:407 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:407
msgid "Initializing..." msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "正在初始化..." msgstr "正在初始化..."
@ -1291,8 +1341,7 @@ msgstr "记忆卡(&M)"
msgid "&Plugin/BIOS Selector" msgid "&Plugin/BIOS Selector"
msgstr "插件/BIOS 选择器(&P)" msgstr "插件/BIOS 选择器(&P)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:460 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:460 pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameDatabasePanel.cpp:346
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameDatabasePanel.cpp:346
msgid "Game Database Editor" msgid "Game Database Editor"
msgstr "游戏数据库编辑器" msgstr "游戏数据库编辑器"
@ -1413,8 +1462,7 @@ msgstr "启动 CDVD (快速模式)"
msgid "Use fast boot to skip PS2 startup and splash screens" msgid "Use fast boot to skip PS2 startup and splash screens"
msgstr "使用快速启动模式来跳过 PS2 启动画面" msgstr "使用快速启动模式来跳过 PS2 启动画面"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:703 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:703 pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:738
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:738
msgid "No plugin loaded" msgid "No plugin loaded"
msgstr "未加载插件" msgstr "未加载插件"
@ -1423,7 +1471,9 @@ msgid "Core GS Settings..."
msgstr "核心 GS 设置..." msgstr "核心 GS 设置..."
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:709 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:709
msgid "Modify hardware emulation settings regulated by the PCSX2 core virtual machine." msgid ""
"Modify hardware emulation settings regulated by the PCSX2 core virtual "
msgstr "修改 PCSX2 核心虚拟机相关的硬件模拟设置。" msgstr "修改 PCSX2 核心虚拟机相关的硬件模拟设置。"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:711 #: pcsx2/gui/MainFrame.cpp:711
@ -1455,8 +1505,7 @@ msgstr "确认 ISO 镜像更改"
msgid "Do you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)?" msgid "Do you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)?"
msgstr "是否要更换光盘或启动新光盘镜像 (通过系统复位)?" msgstr "是否要更换光盘或启动新光盘镜像 (通过系统复位)?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:148 #: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:148 pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:194
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:194
msgid "Swap Disc" msgid "Swap Disc"
msgstr "更换光盘" msgstr "更换光盘"
@ -1488,8 +1537,7 @@ msgstr "光盘映像 (%s)"
msgid "Blockdumps (%s)" msgid "Blockdumps (%s)"
msgstr "块转储 (%s)" msgstr "块转储 (%s)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:270 #: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:270 pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:291
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:291
msgid "All Files (*.*)" msgid "All Files (*.*)"
msgstr "全部文件 (*.*)" msgstr "全部文件 (*.*)"
@ -1510,7 +1558,9 @@ msgid "An error occurred while trying to open the file:"
msgstr "打开文件时出现一个错误:" msgstr "打开文件时出现一个错误:"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:319
msgid "Error: The configured ISO file does not exist. Click OK to select a new ISO source for CDVD." msgid ""
"Error: The configured ISO file does not exist. Click OK to select a new ISO "
"source for CDVD."
msgstr "错误: 配置的 ISO 文件不存在。单击确定为 CDVD 选择一个新的 ISO 源。" msgstr "错误: 配置的 ISO 文件不存在。单击确定为 CDVD 选择一个新的 ISO 源。"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:390 #: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:390
@ -1576,7 +1626,9 @@ msgid "Select folder with PS2 BIOS roms"
msgstr "选择 PS2 BIOS 文件所在文件夹" msgstr "选择 PS2 BIOS 文件所在文件夹"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:111 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:111
msgid "Click the Browse button to select a different folder where PCSX2 will look for PS2 BIOS roms." msgid ""
"Click the Browse button to select a different folder where PCSX2 will look "
"for PS2 BIOS roms."
msgstr "单击浏览按钮可选择一个 PS2 BIOS 所在的不同文件夹。" msgstr "单击浏览按钮可选择一个 PS2 BIOS 所在的不同文件夹。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:113 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:113
@ -1621,8 +1673,7 @@ msgstr "无"
msgid "EE/FPU Advanced Recompiler Options" msgid "EE/FPU Advanced Recompiler Options"
msgstr "EE/FPU 高级重编译器选项" msgstr "EE/FPU 高级重编译器选项"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:87 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:87 pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:102
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:102
msgid "Extra + Preserve Sign" msgid "Extra + Preserve Sign"
msgstr "额外 + 保留符号" msgstr "额外 + 保留符号"
@ -1638,8 +1689,7 @@ msgstr "VU0 / VU1 高级重编译器选项"
msgid "Extra" msgid "Extra"
msgstr "额外" msgstr "额外"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:117 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:117 pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:126
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:126
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Interpreter" msgid "Interpreter"
msgstr "解释器" msgstr "解释器"
@ -1648,13 +1698,14 @@ msgstr "解释器"
msgid "Quite possibly the slowest thing in the universe." msgid "Quite possibly the slowest thing in the universe."
msgstr "很有可能是宇宙中最慢的东西。" msgstr "很有可能是宇宙中最慢的东西。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:120 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:120 pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:129
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:129
msgid "Recompiler" msgid "Recompiler"
msgstr "重编译器" msgstr "重编译器"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:121 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:121
msgid "Performs just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to x86." msgid ""
"Performs just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to "
msgstr "进行从 64 位 MIPS-IV 机器代码到 x86 的即时代码翻译。" msgstr "进行从 64 位 MIPS-IV 机器代码到 x86 的即时代码翻译。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:127 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:127
@ -1662,7 +1713,9 @@ msgid "Pretty slow; provided for diagnostic purposes only."
msgstr "很慢;仅供诊断用途。" msgstr "很慢;仅供诊断用途。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:130 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:130
msgid "Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to x86." msgid ""
"Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to "
msgstr "进行从 32 位 MIPS-IV 机器代码到 x86 的即时代码翻译。" msgstr "进行从 32 位 MIPS-IV 机器代码到 x86 的即时代码翻译。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:154 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:154
@ -1673,14 +1726,15 @@ msgstr "启用 EE 缓存 (较慢)"
msgid "Interpreter only; provided for diagnostic" msgid "Interpreter only; provided for diagnostic"
msgstr "很慢;仅供诊断用途。" msgstr "很慢;仅供诊断用途。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:170 pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:223
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:223
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:110 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:110
msgid "Restore Defaults" msgid "Restore Defaults"
msgstr "恢复默认值" msgstr "恢复默认值"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:185 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Vector Unit Interpreter. Slow and not very compatible. Only use for diagnostics." msgid ""
"Vector Unit Interpreter. Slow and not very compatible. Only use for "
msgstr "矢量单元解释器。速度慢且兼容性低。仅供诊断用途。" msgstr "矢量单元解释器。速度慢且兼容性低。仅供诊断用途。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:187 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:187
@ -1688,7 +1742,8 @@ msgid "microVU Recompiler"
msgstr "microVU 重编译器" msgstr "microVU 重编译器"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:188
msgid "New Vector Unit recompiler with much improved compatibility. Recommended." msgid ""
"New Vector Unit recompiler with much improved compatibility. Recommended."
msgstr "新版矢量单元重编译器,兼容性有较大提升。推荐。" msgstr "新版矢量单元重编译器,兼容性有较大提升。推荐。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:190
@ -1696,7 +1751,8 @@ msgid "superVU Recompiler [legacy]"
msgstr "superVU 重编译器 [旧式]" msgstr "superVU 重编译器 [旧式]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Useful for diagnosing bugs or clamping issues in the new mVU recompiler." msgid ""
"Useful for diagnosing bugs or clamping issues in the new mVU recompiler."
msgstr "可用于诊断新的 mVU 重编译器的 bug 或限值问题。" msgstr "可用于诊断新的 mVU 重编译器的 bug 或限值问题。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:64 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:64
@ -1777,7 +1833,9 @@ msgid "Zoom:"
msgstr "缩放:" msgstr "缩放:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:196
msgid "Invalid window dimensions specified: Size cannot contain non-numeric digits! >_<" msgid ""
"Invalid window dimensions specified: Size cannot contain non-numeric digits! "
msgstr "指定了非法的数值: 大小数值不能包含非数字内容! >_<" msgstr "指定了非法的数值: 大小数值不能包含非数字内容! >_<"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameDatabasePanel.cpp:334 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameDatabasePanel.cpp:334
@ -1834,7 +1892,8 @@ msgid "EE timing hack - Multi purpose hack. Try if all else fails."
msgstr "EE 定时 Hack - 有多种用途。如以上皆失败请尝试。" msgstr "EE 定时 Hack - 有多种用途。如以上皆失败请尝试。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:75 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:75
msgid "Skip MPEG hack - Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes." msgid ""
"Skip MPEG hack - Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes."
msgstr "跳过 MPEG hack - 跳过游戏中的 CG 以避免游戏挂起或失去响应。" msgstr "跳过 MPEG hack - 跳过游戏中的 CG 以避免游戏挂起或失去响应。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:79 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:79
@ -1862,7 +1921,8 @@ msgid "Enable manual game fixes [Not recommended]"
msgstr "手动设置游戏特殊修正 [不推荐]" msgstr "手动设置游戏特殊修正 [不推荐]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:127 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:127
msgid "The safest way to make sure that all game fixes are completely disabled." msgid ""
"The safest way to make sure that all game fixes are completely disabled."
msgstr "确保所有游戏特殊修正被禁用的最安全的方法。" msgstr "确保所有游戏特殊修正被禁用的最安全的方法。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:249 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:249
@ -1870,11 +1930,15 @@ msgid "Enable Trace Logging"
msgstr "启用跟踪日志" msgstr "启用跟踪日志"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:250 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:250
msgid "Trace logs are all written to emulog.txt. Toggle trace logging at any time using F10." msgid ""
"Trace logs are all written to emulog.txt. Toggle trace logging at any time "
"using F10."
msgstr "跟踪记录将被写到 emuLog.txt 文件中。可随时用 F10 切换跟踪记录。" msgstr "跟踪记录将被写到 emuLog.txt 文件中。可随时用 F10 切换跟踪记录。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:251 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/LogOptionsPanels.cpp:251
msgid "Warning: Enabling trace logs is typically very slow, and is a leading cause of 'What happened to my FPS?' problems. :)" msgid ""
"Warning: Enabling trace logs is typically very slow, and is a leading cause "
"of 'What happened to my FPS?' problems. :)"
msgstr "警告: 启用跟踪记录通常非常慢,且可能导致 \"FPS 怎么回事\" 类问题。:)" msgstr "警告: 启用跟踪记录通常非常慢,且可能导致 \"FPS 怎么回事\" 类问题。:)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:151 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:151
@ -2112,7 +2176,9 @@ msgid "Custom folder:"
msgstr "自定义文件夹:" msgstr "自定义文件夹:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:57 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:57
msgid "This setting may require administration privileges from your operating system, depending on how your system is configured." msgid ""
"This setting may require administration privileges from your operating "
"system, depending on how your system is configured."
msgstr "此设置可能需要操作系统管理员权限,取决于您的操作系统的配置。" msgstr "此设置可能需要操作系统管理员权限,取决于您的操作系统的配置。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:66 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:66
@ -2211,11 +2277,14 @@ msgid "Enable speedhacks"
msgstr "启用速度 Hack" msgstr "启用速度 Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:102 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:102
msgid "A safe and easy way to make sure that all speedhacks are completely disabled." msgid ""
"A safe and easy way to make sure that all speedhacks are completely disabled."
msgstr "确认全部速度 Hack 被禁用的一个安全简易的方法。" msgstr "确认全部速度 Hack 被禁用的一个安全简易的方法。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:111 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:111
msgid "Resets all speedhack options to their defaults, which consequently turns them all OFF." msgid ""
"Resets all speedhack options to their defaults, which consequently turns "
"them all OFF."
msgstr "将所有速度 Hack 选项重置到默认值,即关闭所有选项。" msgstr "将所有速度 Hack 选项重置到默认值,即关闭所有选项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:120 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:120
@ -2235,50 +2304,48 @@ msgid "mVU Flag Hack"
msgstr "mVU 标志位 Hack" msgstr "mVU 标志位 Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:164 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:164
msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics... [Recommended]" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics... [Recommended]"
msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致图像错误等。[推荐]" msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致图像错误等。[推荐]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU 数据块 Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致图像错误等。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU (多线程 microVU1)" msgstr "MTVU (多线程 microVU1)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ cores]" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致模拟器没有响应等。[三核以上用户推荐]" msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致模拟器没有响应等。[三核以上用户推荐]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "其它 Hack" msgstr "其它 Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "启用 INTC Spin 检测" msgstr "启用 INTC Spin 检测"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. [Recommended]" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
msgstr "对部分游戏有显著提速,基本无副作用。[推荐]" msgstr "对部分游戏有显著提速,基本无副作用。[推荐]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "启用等待循环检测" msgstr "启用等待循环检测"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "对部分游戏有中等提速,无已知副作用。[推荐]" msgstr "对部分游戏有中等提速,无已知副作用。[推荐]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "启用快速 CDVD" msgstr "启用快速 CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "加速光盘访问,缩短加载时间。[不推荐]" msgstr "加速光盘访问,缩短加载时间。[不推荐]"
@ -2291,7 +2358,9 @@ msgid "Select folder containing PCSX2 visual themes"
msgstr "选择存放 PCSX2 视觉主题的文件夹" msgstr "选择存放 PCSX2 视觉主题的文件夹"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/ThemeSelectorPanel.cpp:45 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/ThemeSelectorPanel.cpp:45
msgid "Click the Browse button to select a different folder containing PCSX2 visual themes." msgid ""
"Click the Browse button to select a different folder containing PCSX2 visual "
msgstr "单击浏览按钮来选择一个不同的 PCSX2 视觉主题文件夹。" msgstr "单击浏览按钮来选择一个不同的 PCSX2 视觉主题文件夹。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/ThemeSelectorPanel.cpp:49 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/ThemeSelectorPanel.cpp:49
@ -2303,7 +2372,8 @@ msgid "Disable Framelimiting"
msgstr "禁用限帧" msgstr "禁用限帧"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:35 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:35
msgid "Useful for running benchmarks. Toggle this option in-game by pressing F4." msgid ""
"Useful for running benchmarks. Toggle this option in-game by pressing F4."
msgstr "在进行评测时有用。游戏中可按 F4 开关此选项。" msgstr "在进行评测时有用。游戏中可按 F4 开关此选项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:61 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:61
@ -2322,8 +2392,7 @@ msgstr "快速模式速率调整:"
msgid "NTSC Framerate:" msgid "NTSC Framerate:"
msgstr "NTSC 帧率:" msgstr "NTSC 帧率:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:91 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:91 pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:97
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:97
msgid "FPS" msgid "FPS"
msgstr "FPS" msgstr "FPS"
@ -2331,93 +2400,117 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL 帧率:" msgstr "PAL 帧率:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be valid floating point numerics." msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "解析 NTSC 或 PAL 帧率时出错。设定值必须是一个合法的浮点数值。" msgstr "解析 NTSC 或 PAL 帧率时出错。设定值必须是一个合法的浮点数值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "禁用 [默认]" msgstr "禁用 [默认]"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "仅在快速模式中跳帧 (按 TAB 键启用)" msgstr "仅在快速模式中跳帧 (按 TAB 键启用)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "常数跳帧" msgstr "常数跳帧"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still disable frameskipping." msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping."
msgstr "正常及加速模式帧率跳帧。慢动作模式仍将禁用跳帧。" msgstr "正常及加速模式帧率跳帧。慢动作模式仍将禁用跳帧。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "绘制帧数" msgstr "绘制帧数"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "跳过帧数" msgstr "跳过帧数"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "使用同步 MTGS" msgstr "使用同步 MTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially very slow." msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow."
msgstr "仅供诊断 MTGS 中可能的错误,可能会非常慢。" msgstr "仅供诊断 MTGS 中可能的错误,可能会非常慢。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "禁用所有 GS 输出" msgstr "禁用所有 GS 输出"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore components." msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
msgstr "彻底禁用所有的 GS 插件活动;可用于评测 EE 内核组件性能。" msgstr "彻底禁用所有的 GS 插件活动;可用于评测 EE 内核组件性能。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "跳帧" msgstr "跳帧"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "限帧" msgstr "限帧"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:283 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:283
msgid "Cannot load this savestate. The state is from an incompatible edition of PCSX2 that is either newer than this version, or is no longer supported." msgid ""
msgstr "无法读取即时存档。即时存档是由一个不兼容的 PCSX2 版本 (或新或旧) 创建的,或已经不再支持。" "Cannot load this savestate. The state is from an incompatible edition of "
"PCSX2 that is either newer than this version, or is no longer supported."
msgstr ""
"无法读取即时存档。即时存档是由一个不兼容的 PCSX2 版本 (或新或旧) 创建的,或已"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:290 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:290
msgid "Cannot load this savestate. The state is an unsupported version, likely created by a newer edition of PCSX2." msgid ""
msgstr "无法读取即时存档。即时存档是一个不支持的版本。可能是由一个较新版本的 PCSX2 创建。" "Cannot load this savestate. The state is an unsupported version, likely "
"created by a newer edition of PCSX2."
msgstr ""
"无法读取即时存档。即时存档是一个不支持的版本。可能是由一个较新版本的 PCSX2 创"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:326 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:326
msgid "There is no active virtual machine state to download or save." msgid "There is no active virtual machine state to download or save."
msgstr "没有活动的虚拟机状态可供下载或保存。" msgstr "没有活动的虚拟机状态可供下载或保存。"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:520 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:520
msgid "This savestate cannot be loaded because it is not a valid gzip archive. It may have been created by an older unsupported version of PCSX2, or it may be corrupted." msgid ""
msgstr "此即时存档无法加载。它不是一个合法的 gzip 归档。它可能是由一个旧的不受支持的 PCSX2 版本创建的,或可能已损坏。" "This savestate cannot be loaded because it is not a valid gzip archive. It "
"may have been created by an older unsupported version of PCSX2, or it may be "
msgstr ""
"此即时存档无法加载。它不是一个合法的 gzip 归档。它可能是由一个旧的不受支持的 "
"PCSX2 版本创建的,或可能已损坏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:579 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:579
msgid "This file is not a valid PCSX2 savestate. See the logfile for details." msgid "This file is not a valid PCSX2 savestate. See the logfile for details."
msgstr "这不是一个合法的 PCSX2 即时存档。请查看日志文件以获取详细信息。" msgstr "这不是一个合法的 PCSX2 即时存档。请查看日志文件以获取详细信息。"
#: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:598 #: pcsx2/gui/SysState.cpp:598
msgid "This savestate cannot be loaded due to missing critical components. See the log file for details." msgid ""
"This savestate cannot be loaded due to missing critical components. See the "
"log file for details."
msgstr "此即时存档无法加载。关键组件缺失。请参看日志文件以获取详细信息。" msgstr "此即时存档无法加载。关键组件缺失。请参看日志文件以获取详细信息。"
#: pcsx2/gui/i18n.cpp:63 #: pcsx2/gui/i18n.cpp:63
msgid " (default)" msgid " (default)"
msgstr " (默认)" msgstr " (默认)"
#: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:83 #: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:83 pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:151
#: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:151
msgid "The selected BIOS file is not a valid PS2 BIOS. Please re-configure." msgid "The selected BIOS file is not a valid PS2 BIOS. Please re-configure."
msgstr "选择的 BIOS 文件不是一个合法的 PS2 BIOS。请重新配置。" msgstr "选择的 BIOS 文件不是一个合法的 PS2 BIOS。请重新配置。"
#: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:244 #: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:244
msgid "The PS2 BIOS could not be loaded. The BIOS has not been configured, or the configuration has been corrupted. Please re-configure." msgid ""
"The PS2 BIOS could not be loaded. The BIOS has not been configured, or the "
"configuration has been corrupted. Please re-configure."
msgstr "PS2 BIOS 不可加载。BIOS 未被配置,或配置已被破坏。请重新配置。" msgstr "PS2 BIOS 不可加载。BIOS 未被配置,或配置已被破坏。请重新配置。"
#: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:251 #: pcsx2/ps2/BiosTools.cpp:251
@ -2426,14 +2519,27 @@ msgstr "配置的 BIOS 文件不存在。请重新配置。"
#: pcsx2/x86/ix86-32/iR5900-32.cpp:578 #: pcsx2/x86/ix86-32/iR5900-32.cpp:578
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "%s Extensions not found. The R5900-32 recompiler requires a host CPU with MMX, SSE, and SSE2 extensions." msgid ""
msgstr "%s 扩展未找到。R5900-32 重编译器需要一个带有 MMX, SSE 及 SSE2 扩展的主机 CPU。" "%s Extensions not found. The R5900-32 recompiler requires a host CPU with "
"MMX, SSE, and SSE2 extensions."
msgstr ""
"%s 扩展未找到。R5900-32 重编译器需要一个带有 MMX, SSE 及 SSE2 扩展的主机 "
#: pcsx2/x86/microVU.cpp:28 #: pcsx2/x86/microVU.cpp:28
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "%s Extensions not found. microVU requires a host CPU with MMX, SSE, and SSE2 extensions." msgid ""
"%s Extensions not found. microVU requires a host CPU with MMX, SSE, and "
"SSE2 extensions."
msgstr "%s 扩展未找到。microVU 需要一个带有 MMX, SSE 及 SSE2 扩展的主机 CPU。" msgstr "%s 扩展未找到。microVU 需要一个带有 MMX, SSE 及 SSE2 扩展的主机 CPU。"
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU 数据块 Hack"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr "提速效果较好,兼容性较高;可能导致图像错误等。"
#~ msgid "Enable game fixes" #~ msgid "Enable game fixes"
#~ msgstr "启用游戏特殊修正" #~ msgstr "启用游戏特殊修正"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-09 11:52+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-09 11:52+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n" "Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n" "Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"可用的虛擬記憶體不足,\n" "可用的虛擬記憶體不足,\n"
"或必備的虛擬記憶體映射已經被其他處理程序、服務,或 DLL 保留。" "或必備的虛擬記憶體映射已經被其他處理程序、服務,或 DLL 保留。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:385 #: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:390
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc" msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"PCSX2 不支援 Playstation 遊戲光碟。\n" "PCSX2 不支援 Playstation 遊戲光碟。\n"
@ -435,33 +435,27 @@ msgstr ""
"滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n" "滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n"
"數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。" "數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"僅對讀取狀態旗標的塊,更新狀態旗標,取代一直更新狀態旗標。\n" "僅對讀取狀態旗標的塊,更新狀態旗標,取代一直更新狀態旗標。\n"
"大部分時間是安全的Super VU 預設做類似的事情。" "大部分時間是安全的Super VU 預設做類似的事情。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"microVU1 獨佔一個執行緒。對於 3 核或更多核的 CPU通常會提升遊戲速度。\n" "microVU1 獨佔一個執行緒。對於 3 核或更多核的 CPU通常會提升遊戲速度。\n"
"對於大多數遊戲是安全的。但是少數遊戲不相容可能會遊戲停止回應。\n" "對於大多數遊戲是安全的。但是少數遊戲不相容可能會遊戲停止回應。\n"
"對顯示卡要求高的遊戲,可能會降低遊戲速度(尤其在雙核心 CPU 上)。" "對顯示卡要求高的遊戲,可能會降低遊戲速度(尤其在雙核心 CPU 上)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:203 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n" "對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n"
"主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n" "主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n"
"不使用此垂直同步方式的遊戲,將會有少量或沒有速度提升。" "不使用此垂直同步方式的遊戲,將會有少量或沒有速度提升。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:208 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n" "主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n"
@ -470,7 +464,7 @@ msgstr ""
"這樣的循環重複一次之後,取決於哪個先到:\n" "這樣的循環重複一次之後,取決於哪個先到:\n"
"我們前進到下次事件或處理器時間片段的結束。" "我們前進到下次事件或處理器時間片段的結束。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:215 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD" msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n" "查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n"
@ -480,20 +474,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable" msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。" msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:223 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading" msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"注意:\n" "注意:\n"
"由於 PS2 的硬體設計,精確的跳框是不可能的。\n" "由於 PS2 的硬體設計,精確的跳框是不可能的。\n"
"啟用跳框將導致一些遊戲出現嚴重的圖形錯誤。" "啟用跳框將導致一些遊戲出現嚴重的圖形錯誤。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"啟用這個選項,若您認為多執行緒圖形模式執行緒的同步正在導致模擬器當掉或圖形錯" "啟用這個選項,若您認為多執行緒圖形模式執行緒的同步正在導致模擬器當掉或圖形錯"
"誤。" "誤。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput" msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n" "移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n"
@ -518,6 +512,11 @@ msgstr ""
"這不是嚴重的錯誤,因為 SuperVU 是過時的。無論如何,您應該使用 microVU 代" "這不是嚴重的錯誤,因為 SuperVU 是過時的。無論如何,您應該使用 microVU 代"
"替。:)" "替。:)"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "假定遙遠未來的塊不需要舊的旗標實例資料。\n"
#~ "非常安全。不曉得會不會令遊戲不正常..."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive" #~ msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""
#~ "可能在 CRT 螢幕上,畫面看起來更好;可能在老舊的顯示卡中,速度稍微快一" #~ "可能在 CRT 螢幕上,畫面看起來更好;可能在老舊的顯示卡中,速度稍微快一"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n" "Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-28 20:27+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-28 12:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-08 19:40+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-08 19:40+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n" "Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n" "Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ msgstr "初始化內部記憶卡插件失敗。"
msgid "Unloaded Plugin" msgid "Unloaded Plugin"
msgstr "未載入的插件" msgstr "未載入的插件"
#: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:339 #: pcsx2/SaveState.cpp:342
msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version." msgid "Cannot load savestate. It is of an unknown or unsupported version."
msgstr "無法讀取即時存檔,檔案版本未知或不支援。" msgstr "無法讀取即時存檔,檔案版本未知或不支援。"
@ -326,31 +326,31 @@ msgid ""
"successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place." "successfully but could not be moved to its final resting place."
msgstr "即時存檔未能正確地儲存。成功建立暫存檔,但是無法將其移至目的地。" msgstr "即時存檔未能正確地儲存。成功建立暫存檔,但是無法將其移至目的地。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:837 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842
msgid "Safest" msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全" msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:838 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:843
msgid "Safe (faster)" msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全(速度更快)" msgstr "安全(速度更快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:839 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:844
msgid "Balanced" msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡" msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:840 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:845
msgid "Aggressive" msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "激進" msgstr "激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:841 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:846
msgid "Aggressive plus" msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "更加激進" msgstr "更加激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:842 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:847
msgid "Mostly Harmful" msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "基本上有害" msgstr "基本上有害"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:999 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1005 #: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1007 pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:1013
msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied." msgid "Failed to overwrite existing settings file; permission was denied."
msgstr "覆寫現存的設定檔失敗;沒有權限。" msgstr "覆寫現存的設定檔失敗;沒有權限。"
@ -2327,21 +2327,10 @@ msgstr ""
"【推薦】" "【推薦】"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:166
msgid "mVU Block Hack"
msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)" msgid "MTVU (Multi-Threaded microVU1)"
msgstr "MTVU多執行緒 microVU1" msgstr "MTVU多執行緒 microVU1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:170 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:167
msgid "" msgid ""
"Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ " "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause hanging... [Recommended if 3+ "
"cores]" "cores]"
@ -2350,15 +2339,15 @@ msgstr ""
"遊戲停止回應...\n" "遊戲停止回應...\n"
"【推薦 3 核或更多核的 CPU 使用】" "【推薦 3 核或更多核的 CPU 使用】"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:183
msgid "Other Hacks" msgid "Other Hacks"
msgstr "其他駭客" msgstr "其他駭客"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:193 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:185
msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgid "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
msgstr "Enable INTC Spin Detection" msgstr "Enable INTC Spin Detection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:194 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:186
msgid "" msgid ""
"Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. " "Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects. "
"[Recommended]" "[Recommended]"
@ -2366,22 +2355,22 @@ msgstr ""
"對於一些遊戲有巨大的速度提升,\n" "對於一些遊戲有巨大的速度提升,\n"
"幾乎沒有相容性副作用【推薦】" "幾乎沒有相容性副作用【推薦】"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:196 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgid "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
msgstr "Enable Wait Loop Detection" msgstr "Enable Wait Loop Detection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:197 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:189
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]" "Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects. [Recommended]"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"對於一些遊戲有適度的速度提升,\n" "對於一些遊戲有適度的速度提升,\n"
"沒有已知的副作用【推薦】" "沒有已知的副作用【推薦】"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:199 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:191
msgid "Enable fast CDVD" msgid "Enable fast CDVD"
msgstr "Enable fast CDVD" msgstr "Enable fast CDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]" msgid "Fast disc access, less loading times. [Not Recommended]"
msgstr "快速讀取光碟,減少載入時間【不推薦】" msgstr "快速讀取光碟,減少載入時間【不推薦】"
@ -2438,7 +2427,7 @@ msgstr "FPS"
msgid "PAL Framerate:" msgid "PAL Framerate:"
msgstr "PAL 遊戲的畫框速率:" msgstr "PAL 遊戲的畫框速率:"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:166
msgid "" msgid ""
"Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be " "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be "
"valid floating point numerics." "valid floating point numerics."
@ -2446,19 +2435,19 @@ msgstr ""
"當解析 NTSC 遊戲或 PAL 遊戲的畫框速率設定時出現錯誤。設定值必須是有效的浮點" "當解析 NTSC 遊戲或 PAL 遊戲的畫框速率設定時出現錯誤。設定值必須是有效的浮點"
"數。" "數。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:180 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184
msgid "Disabled [default]" msgid "Disabled [default]"
msgstr "停用【預設】" msgstr "停用【預設】"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:184 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188
msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)" msgid "Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable)"
msgstr "僅在渦輪加速時跳框(按 TAB 啟動)" msgstr "僅在渦輪加速時跳框(按 TAB 啟動)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:188 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:192
msgid "Constant skipping" msgid "Constant skipping"
msgstr "恆定的跳框" msgstr "恆定的跳框"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:190 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:194
msgid "" msgid ""
"Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still " "Normal and Turbo limit rates skip frames. Slow motion mode will still "
"disable frameskipping." "disable frameskipping."
@ -2466,19 +2455,19 @@ msgstr ""
"普通模式和渦輪加速模式有限制速度,能夠跳框\n" "普通模式和渦輪加速模式有限制速度,能夠跳框\n"
"慢動作模式依然會停用跳框" "慢動作模式依然會停用跳框"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:213 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:217
msgid "Frames to Draw" msgid "Frames to Draw"
msgstr "繪製的畫框" msgstr "繪製的畫框"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:218 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:222
msgid "Frames to Skip" msgid "Frames to Skip"
msgstr "跳過的畫框" msgstr "跳過的畫框"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:294 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298
msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS" msgid "Use Synchronized MTGS"
msgstr "使用同步的多執行緒圖形模式" msgstr "使用同步的多執行緒圖形模式"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "" msgid ""
"For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially " "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially "
"very slow." "very slow."
@ -2486,11 +2475,11 @@ msgstr ""
"僅用於排除多執行緒圖形模式潛在的程式錯誤,\n" "僅用於排除多執行緒圖形模式潛在的程式錯誤,\n"
"因為速度可能非常慢" "因為速度可能非常慢"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:298 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Disable all GS output" msgid "Disable all GS output"
msgstr "停止輸出遊戲畫面" msgstr "停止輸出遊戲畫面"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:303
msgid "" msgid ""
"Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore " "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore "
"components." "components."
@ -2498,11 +2487,11 @@ msgstr ""
"完全停止圖形插件所有的活動;\n" "完全停止圖形插件所有的活動;\n"
"適合用來做 EEcore 的效能測試" "適合用來做 EEcore 的效能測試"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:316 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:320
msgid "Frame Skipping" msgid "Frame Skipping"
msgstr "跳框" msgstr "跳框"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:319 #: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:323
msgid "Framelimiter" msgid "Framelimiter"
msgstr "畫框限制" msgstr "畫框限制"
@ -2576,6 +2565,15 @@ msgid ""
"SSE2 extensions." "SSE2 extensions."
msgstr "%s 指令集未找到。microVU 要求 CPU 支援 MMX、SSE、SSE2。" msgstr "%s 指令集未找到。microVU 要求 CPU 支援 MMX、SSE、SSE2。"
#~ msgid "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgstr "mVU Block Hack"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause bad graphics, SPS, etc..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "不錯的速度提升而且相容性高;可能導致\n"
#~ "圖像變得糟糕、有尖刺的多邊形,等等..."
#~ msgid "" #~ msgid ""
#~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause garbage graphics, SPS, " #~ "Good Speedup and High Compatibility; may cause garbage graphics, SPS, "
#~ "etc... [Recommended]" #~ "etc... [Recommended]"