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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "Threading.h"
using namespace Threading;
// This function re-assigns the console log writer(s) to the specified target. It makes sure
// to flush any contents from the buffered console log (which typically accumulates due to
// log suspension during log file/window re-init operations) into the new log.
// Important! Only Assert and Null console loggers are allowed during C++ startup init (when
// the program or DLL first loads). Other log targets rely on the static buffer and a
// threaded mutex lock, which are only valid after C++ initialization has finished.
void Console_SetActiveHandler( const IConsoleWriter& writer, FILE* flushfp )
(writer.DoWrite != NULL) && (writer.DoWriteLn != NULL) &&
(writer.Newline != NULL) && (writer.SetTitle != NULL) &&
(writer.DoSetColor != NULL),
"Invalid IConsoleWriter object! All function pointer interfaces must be implemented."
if( !ConsoleBuffer_Get().IsEmpty() )
writer.DoWriteLn( ConsoleBuffer_Get() );
Console = writer;
DevCon = writer;
#ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG
DbgCon = writer;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConsoleNull
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void __concall ConsoleNull_SetTitle( const wxString& title ) {}
static void __concall ConsoleNull_DoSetColor( ConsoleColors color ) {}
static void __concall ConsoleNull_Newline() {}
static void __concall ConsoleNull_DoWrite( const wxString& fmt ) {}
static void __concall ConsoleNull_DoWriteLn( const wxString& fmt ) {}
const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Null =
NULL, //ConsoleNull_DoWrite,
NULL, //ConsoleNull_DoWriteLn,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Console_Stdio
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __LINUX__
static __forceinline const wxChar* GetLinuxConsoleColor(ConsoleColors color)
case Color_Black: return L"\033[30m";
case Color_StrongBlack: return L"\033[30m\033[1m";
case Color_Red: return L"\033[31m";
case Color_StrongRed: return L"\033[31m\033[1m";
case Color_Green: return L"\033[32m";
case Color_StrongGreen: return L"\033[32m\033[1m";
case Color_Yellow: return L"\033[33m";
case Color_StrongYellow: return L"\033[33m\033[1m";
case Color_Blue: return L"\033[34m";
case Color_StrongBlue: return L"\033[34m\033[1m";
// No orange, so use magenta.
case Color_Orange:
case Color_Magenta: return L"\033[35m";
case Color_StrongOrange:
case Color_StrongMagenta: return L"\033[35m\033[1m";
case Color_Cyan: return L"\033[36m";
case Color_StrongCyan: return L"\033[36m\033[1m";
// Use 'white' instead of grey.
case Color_Gray:
case Color_White: return L"\033[37m";
case Color_StrongGray:
case Color_StrongWhite: return L"\033[37m\033[1m";
// On some other value being passed, clear any formatting.
case Color_Default:
default: return L"\033[0m";
// One possible default write action at startup and shutdown is to use the stdout.
static void __concall ConsoleStdio_DoWrite( const wxString& fmt )
wxPrintf( fmt );
// Default write action at startup and shutdown is to use the stdout.
static void __concall ConsoleStdio_DoWriteLn( const wxString& fmt )
wxPrintf( fmt + L"\n" );
static void __concall ConsoleStdio_Newline()
wxPrintf( L"\n" );
static void __concall ConsoleStdio_DoSetColor( ConsoleColors color )
#ifdef __LINUX__
static void __concall ConsoleStdio_SetTitle( const wxString& title )
#ifdef __LINUX__
wxPrintf(L"\033]0;" + title + L"\007");
const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Stdio =
ConsoleStdio_DoWrite, // Writes without newlines go to buffer to avoid error log spam.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConsoleAssert
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void __concall ConsoleAssert_DoWrite( const wxString& fmt )
pxFail( L"Console class has not been initialized; Message written:\n\t" + fmt );
static void __concall ConsoleAssert_DoWriteLn( const wxString& fmt )
pxFail( L"Console class has not been initialized; Message written:\n\t" + fmt );
const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Assert =
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConsoleBuffer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static wxString m_buffer;
const wxString& ConsoleBuffer_Get()
return m_buffer;
void ConsoleBuffer_Clear()
// Flushes the contents of the ConsoleBuffer to the specified destination file stream, and
// clears the buffer contents to 0.
void ConsoleBuffer_FlushToFile( FILE *fp )
if( fp == NULL || m_buffer.IsEmpty() ) return;
User Interface: * Fixed and added better Emulation/System menu updating. Suspend/Resume is more consistent, and Reset grays itself out after being used. * Entering plugin configurations auto-suspends the emulator. * Changing plugins in the Configuration PAnel takes effect now without a restart. * Added preliminary support for an ExtensibleConfirmation Dialog box (contains a sizer you can add content to, and also has an optional "[x] Do not show this again" checkbox). Bugfixes: * Added some mutex protection to cdvdNewDiskCB; "just in case." * Resolved several recursion and deadlock scenarios when (very!) rapidly suspending, resuming, and resetting the emu. Developments / Code Cleanups: * Renamed SysCoreThread ExecutionModes: Suspend/Resume are now Opened/Closed (which more accurately reflects the fact they opena nd close the plugins, and helps avoid ambiguity with the "Paused" state). * Added Exception::ThreadTimedOut, which is now thrown from Semaphore::Wait when recursive wxApp::Yield() calls are detected, and a deadlock occurs (basically cancels the current action which, most of the time, allows for full recovery). * Major Threading namespace cleanups, documentations, etc. * Removed wxScopedArray (scopedarray.h) and replaced it with a better implemeneted ScopedArray class. * Removed toUTF8 class, which I only added a couple weeks ago because I didn't realize wxCharBuffer had an implicit typecast to (char*). * Implemented more Source/Listener events for Pcsx2App. CoreThread events are sourced properly now, and added SettingsApplied and SettingsLoadSave Sources. git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2010 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
2009-10-16 03:58:29 +00:00
px_fputs( fp, m_buffer.ToUTF8() );
static void __concall ConsoleBuffer_DoWrite( const wxString& fmt )
m_buffer += fmt;
static void __concall ConsoleBuffer_DoWriteLn( const wxString& fmt )
m_buffer += fmt + L"\n";
const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_Buffered =
ConsoleBuffer_DoWrite, // Writes without newlines go to buffer to avoid assertion spam.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Console_wxLogError
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void __concall Console_wxLogError_DoWriteLn( const wxString& fmt )
if( !m_buffer.IsEmpty() )
wxLogError( m_buffer );
wxLogError( fmt );
const IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter_wxError =
ConsoleBuffer_DoWrite, // Writes without newlines go to buffer to avoid error log spam.
// Sanity check: truncate strings if they exceed 512k in length. Anything like that
// is either a bug or really horrible code that needs to be stopped before it causes
// system deadlock.
static const int MaxFormattedStringLength = 0x80000;
template< typename CharType >
class FormatBuffer : public Mutex
bool& clearbit;
SafeArray<CharType> buffer;
FormatBuffer( bool& bit_to_clear_on_destruction ) :
clearbit( bit_to_clear_on_destruction )
, buffer( 4096, wxsFormat( L"%s Format Buffer", (sizeof(CharType)==1) ? "Ascii" : "Unicode" ) )
virtual ~FormatBuffer() throw()
clearbit = true;
Wait(); // lock the mutex, just in case.
static bool ascii_buffer_is_deleted = false;
static bool unicode_buffer_is_deleted = false;
static FormatBuffer<char> ascii_buffer( ascii_buffer_is_deleted );
static FormatBuffer<wxChar> unicode_buffer( unicode_buffer_is_deleted );
static void format_that_ascii_mess( SafeArray<char>& buffer, const char* fmt, va_list argptr )
while( true )
int size = buffer.GetLength();
int len = vsnprintf(buffer.GetPtr(), size, fmt, argptr);
// some implementations of vsnprintf() don't NUL terminate
// the string if there is not enough space for it so
// always do it manually
buffer[size-1] = '\0';
if( size >= MaxFormattedStringLength ) break;
// vsnprintf() may return either -1 (traditional Unix behavior) or the
// total number of characters which would have been written if the
// buffer were large enough (newer standards such as Unix98)
if ( len < 0 )
len = size + (size/4);
if ( len < size ) break;
buffer.ExactAlloc( len + 1 );
// performing an assertion or log of a truncated string is unsafe, so let's not; even
// though it'd be kinda nice if we did.
static void format_that_unicode_mess( SafeArray<wxChar>& buffer, const wxChar* fmt, va_list argptr)
while( true )
int size = buffer.GetLength();
int len = wxVsnprintf(buffer.GetPtr(), size, fmt, argptr);
// some implementations of vsnprintf() don't NUL terminate
// the string if there is not enough space for it so
// always do it manually
buffer[size-1] = L'\0';
if( size >= MaxFormattedStringLength ) break;
// vsnprintf() may return either -1 (traditional Unix behavior) or the
// total number of characters which would have been written if the
// buffer were large enough (newer standards such as Unix98)
if ( len < 0 )
len = size + (size/4);
if ( len < size ) break;
buffer.ExactAlloc( len + 1 );
// performing an assertion or log of a truncated string is unsafe, so let's not; even
// though it'd be kinda nice if we did.
// thread-local console indentation setting.
static __threadlocal int conlog_Indent = 0;
// thread-local console color storage.
static __threadlocal ConsoleColors conlog_Color = DefaultConsoleColor;
static wxString ascii_format_string(const char* fmt, va_list argptr)
if( ascii_buffer_is_deleted )
SafeArray<char> localbuf( 4096, L"Temporary Ascii Formatting Buffer" );
format_that_ascii_mess( localbuf, fmt, argptr );
return fromUTF8( localbuf.GetPtr() );
ScopedLock locker( ascii_buffer );
format_that_ascii_mess( ascii_buffer.buffer, fmt, argptr );
return fromUTF8( ascii_buffer.buffer.GetPtr() );
static wxString unicode_format_string(const wxChar* fmt, va_list argptr)
if( unicode_buffer_is_deleted )
SafeArray<wxChar> localbuf( 4096, L"Temporary Unicode Formatting Buffer" );
format_that_unicode_mess( localbuf, fmt, argptr );
return localbuf.GetPtr();
ScopedLock locker( unicode_buffer );
format_that_unicode_mess( unicode_buffer.buffer, fmt, argptr );
return unicode_buffer.buffer.GetPtr();
// =====================================================================================================
// IConsole Interfaces
// =====================================================================================================
// (all non-virtual members that do common work and then pass the result through DoWrite
// or DoWriteLn)
// Parameters:
// glob_indent - this parameter is used to specify a global indentation setting. It is used by
// WriteLn function, but defaults to 0 for Notice and Error calls. Local indentation always
// applies to all writes.
wxString IConsoleWriter::_addIndentation( const wxString& src, int glob_indent=0 ) const
const int indent = glob_indent + _imm_indentation;
if( indent == 0 ) return src;
wxArrayString pieces;
SplitString( pieces, src, L'\n' );
const wxString indentStr( L'\t', indent );
wxString result;
result.reserve( src.Length() + 24 );
JoinString( result, pieces, L'\n' + indentStr );
return indentStr + result;
// Sets the indentation to be applied to all WriteLn's. The indentation is added to the
// primary write, and to any newlines specified within the write. Note that this applies
// to calls to WriteLn *only* -- calls to Write bypass the indentation parser.
const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::SetIndent( int tabcount ) const
conlog_Indent += tabcount;
pxAssert( conlog_Indent >= 0 );
return *this;
IConsoleWriter IConsoleWriter::Indent( int tabcount ) const
IConsoleWriter retval = *this;
retval._imm_indentation = tabcount;
return retval;
// Changes the active console color.
// This color will be unset by calls to colored text methods
// such as ErrorMsg and Notice.
const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::SetColor( ConsoleColors color ) const
pxAssertMsg( color >= Color_Current && color < ConsoleColors_Count, "Invalid ConsoleColor specified." );
if( conlog_Color != color )
DoSetColor( conlog_Color = color );
return *this;
ConsoleColors IConsoleWriter::GetColor() const
return conlog_Color;
// Restores the console color to default (usually black, or low-intensity white if the console uses a black background)
const IConsoleWriter& IConsoleWriter::ClearColor() const
if( conlog_Color != DefaultConsoleColor )
DoSetColor( conlog_Color = DefaultConsoleColor );
return *this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ASCII/UTF8 (char*)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool IConsoleWriter::Write( const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWrite == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
DoWrite( ascii_format_string(fmt, args) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Write( ConsoleColors color, const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWrite == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( color );
DoWrite( ascii_format_string(fmt, args) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn( const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( ascii_format_string(fmt, args), conlog_Indent ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn( ConsoleColors color, const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( color );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( ascii_format_string(fmt, args), conlog_Indent ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Error( const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( Color_StrongRed );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( ascii_format_string(fmt, args) ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Warning( const char* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( Color_StrongOrange );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( ascii_format_string(fmt, args) ) );
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FmtWrite Variants - Unicode/UTF16 style
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool IConsoleWriter::Write( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWrite == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
DoWrite( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Write( ConsoleColors color, const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWrite == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( color );
DoWrite( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ), conlog_Indent ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::WriteLn( ConsoleColors color, const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( color );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ), conlog_Indent ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Error( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( Color_StrongRed );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ) ) );
return false;
bool IConsoleWriter::Warning( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) const
if( DoWriteLn == NULL ) return false;
va_list args;
ConsoleColorScope cs( Color_StrongOrange );
DoWriteLn( _addIndentation( unicode_format_string( fmt, args ) ) );
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Writer for C++ init / startup:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In GUI modes under Windows I default to Assert, because windows lacks a qualified universal
// program console. In console mode I use Stdio instead, since the program is pretty well
// promised a valid console in any platform (except maybe Macs, which probably consider consoles
// a fundamental design flaw or something).
#if wxUSE_GUI && defined(__WXMSW__)
# define _DefaultWriter_ ConsoleWriter_Assert
# define _DefaultWriter_ ConsoleWriter_Stdio
// Important! Only Assert and Null console loggers are allowed for initial console targeting.
// Other log targets rely on the static buffer and a threaded mutex lock, which are only valid
// after C++ initialization has finished.
IConsoleWriter Console = _DefaultWriter_;
IConsoleWriter DevConWriter= _DefaultWriter_;
#ifdef PCSX2_DEBUG
IConsoleWriter DbgConWriter= _DefaultWriter_;