2024-06-10 06:09:51 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This code is licensed under the MIT License.
//! @file
//! Types and helpers for using C++ coroutines.
* A wil::task<T> / com_task<T> is a coroutine with the following characteristics:
* - T must be a copyable object, movable object, reference, or void.
* - The coroutine may be awaited at most once. The second await will crash.
* - The coroutine may be abandoned (allowed to destruct without co_await),
* in which case unobserved exceptions are fatal.
* - By default, wil::task resumes on an arbitrary thread.
* - By default, wil::com_task resumes in the same COM apartment.
* - task.resume_any_thread() allows resumption on any thread.
* - task.resume_same_apartment() forces resumption in the same COM apartment.
* The wil::task and wil::com_task are intended to supplement PPL and C++/WinRT,
* not to replace them. It provides coroutine implementations for scenarios that PPL
* and C++/WinRT do not support, but it does not support everything that PPL and
* C++/WinRT do.
* The implementation is optimized on the assumption that the coroutine is
* awaited only once, and that the coroutine is discarded after completion.
* To ensure proper usage, the task object is move-only, and
* co_await takes ownership of the task. See further discussion below.
* Comparison with PPL and C++/WinRT:
* | | PPL | C++/WinRT | wil::*task |
* |-----------------------------------------------------|-----------|-----------|---------------|
* | T can be non-constructible | No | Yes | Yes |
* | T can be void | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* | T can be reference | No | No | Yes |
* | T can be WinRT object | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* | T can be non-WinRT object | Yes | No | Yes |
* | T can be move-only | No | No | Yes |
* | Coroutine can be cancelled | Yes | Yes | No |
* | Coroutine can throw arbitrary exceptions | Yes | No | Yes |
* | Can co_await more than once | Yes | No | No |
* | Can have multiple clients waiting for completion | Yes | No | No |
* | co_await resumes in same COM context | Sometimes | Yes | You choose [1]|
* | Can force co_await to resume in same context | Yes | N/A | Yes [1] |
* | Can force co_await to resume in any thread | Yes | No | Yes |
* | Can change coroutine's resumption model | No | No | Yes |
* | Can wait synchronously | Yes | Yes | Yes [2] |
* | Can be consumed by non-C++ languages | No | Yes | No |
* | Implementation is small and efficient | No | Yes | Yes |
* | Can abandon coroutine (fail to co_await) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* | Exception in abandoned coroutine | Crash | Ignored | Crash |
* | Coroutine starts automatically | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* | Coroutine starts synchronously | No | Yes | Yes |
* | Integrates with C++/WinRT coroutine callouts | No | Yes | No |
* [1] Resumption in the same COM apartment requires that you include COM headers.
* [2] Synchronous waiting requires that you include <synchapi.h> (usually via <windows.h>).
* You can include the COM headers and/or synchapi.h headers, and then
* re-include this header file to activate the features dependent upon
* those headers.
* Examples:
* Implement a coroutine that returns a move-only non-WinRT type
* and which resumes on an arbitrary thread.
* wil::task<wil::unique_cotaskmem_string> GetNameAsync()
* {
* co_await resume_background(); // do work on BG thread
* wil::unique_cotaskmem_string name;
* THROW_IF_FAILED(GetNameSlow(&name));
* co_return name; // awaiter will resume on arbitrary thread
* }
* Consumers:
* winrt::IAsyncAction UpdateNameAsync()
* {
* // wil::task resumes on an arbitrary thread.
* auto name = co_await GetNameAsync();
* // could be on any thread now
* co_await SendNameAsync(name.get());
* }
* winrt::IAsyncAction UpdateNameAsync()
* {
* // override default behavior of wil::task and
* // force it to resume in the same COM apartment.
* auto name = co_await GetNameAsync().resume_same_apartment();
* // so we are still on the UI thread
* NameElement().Text(winrt::hstring(name.get()));
* }
* Conversely, a coroutine that returns a
* wil::com_task<T> defaults to resuming in the same
* COM apartment, but you can allow it to resume on any thread
* by doing co_await GetNameAsync().resume_any_thread().
* There is no harm in doing resume_same_apartment() / resume_any_thread() for a
* task that already defaults to resuming in that manner. In fact, awaiting the
* task directly is just a shorthand for awaiting the corresponding
* resume_whatever() method.
* Alternatively, you can just convert between wil::task<T> and wil::com_task<T>
* to change the default resumption context.
* co_await wil::com_task(GetNameAsync()); // now defaults to resume_same_apartment();
* You can store the task in a variable, but since it is a move-only
* object, you will have to use std::move in order to transfer ownership out of
* an lvalue.
* winrt::IAsyncAction SomethingAsync()
* {
* wil::com_task<int> task;
* switch (source)
* {
* // Some of these might return wil::task<int>,
* // but assigning to a wil::com_task<int> will make
* // the task resume in the same COM apartment.
* case widget: task = GetValueFromWidgetAsync(); break;
* case gadget: task = GetValueFromGadgetAsync(); break;
* case doodad: task = GetValueFromDoodadAsync(); break;
* default: FAIL_FAST(); // unknown source
* }
* auto value = co_await std::move(task); // **** need std::move
* DoSomethingWith(value);
* }
* You can wait synchronously by calling get(). The usual caveats
* about synchronous waits on STA threads apply.
* auto value = GetValueFromWidgetAsync().get();
* auto task = GetValueFromWidgetAsync();
* auto value = std::move(task).get(); // **** need std::move
// Detect which version of the coroutine standard we have.
/// @cond
#include <experimental/coroutine>
#define __WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE ::std::experimental
#elif defined(__cpp_impl_coroutine)
#include <coroutine>
#error You must compile with C++20 coroutine support to use coroutine.h.
/// @endcond
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <wil/wistd_memory.h>
#include <wil/wistd_type_traits.h>
#include <wil/result_macros.h>
namespace wil
// There are three general categories of T that you can
// use with a task. We give them these names:
// T = void ("void category")
// T = some kind of reference ("reference category")
// T = non-void non-reference ("object category")
// Take care that the implementation supports all three categories.
// There is a sub-category of object category for move-only types.
// We designed our task to be co_awaitable only once, so that
// it can contain a move-only type. Any transfer of T as an
// object category must be done as an rvalue reference.
template <typename T>
struct task;
template <typename T>
struct com_task;
} // namespace wil
/// @cond
namespace wil::details::coro
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// task and com_task are convertible to each other. However, not
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// all consumers of this header have COM enabled. Support for saving
// COM thread-local error information and restoring it on the resuming
// thread is enabled using these function pointers. If COM is not
// available then they are null and do not get called. If COM is
// enabled then they are filled in with valid pointers and get used.
__declspec(selectany) void*(__stdcall* g_pfnCaptureRestrictedErrorInformation)() WI_PFN_NOEXCEPT = nullptr;
__declspec(selectany) void(__stdcall* g_pfnRestoreRestrictedErrorInformation)(void* restricted_error) WI_PFN_NOEXCEPT = nullptr;
__declspec(selectany) void(__stdcall* g_pfnDestroyRestrictedErrorInformation)(void* restricted_error) WI_PFN_NOEXCEPT = nullptr;
template <typename T>
struct task_promise;
// Unions may not contain references, C++/CX types, or void.
// To work around that, we put everything inside a result_wrapper
// struct, and put the struct in the union. For void,
// we create a special empty structure.
// get_value returns rvalue reference to T for object
// category, or just T itself for void and reference
// category.
// We take advantage of the reference collapsing rules
// so that T&& = T if T is reference category.
template <typename T>
struct result_wrapper
T value;
T get_value()
return wistd::forward<T>(value);
template <>
struct result_wrapper<void>
void get_value()
// The result_holder is basically a
// std::variant<std::monotype, T, std::exception_ptr>
// but with these extra quirks:
// * The only valid transition is monotype -> something-else.
// Consequently, it does not have valueless_by_exception.
template <typename T>
struct result_holder
// The content of the result_holder
// depends on the result_status:
// empty: No active member.
// value: Active member is wrap.
// error: Active member is error.
enum class result_status
result_status status{result_status::empty};
union variant
result_wrapper<T> wrap;
std::exception_ptr error;
} result;
// The restricted error information is lit up when COM headers are
// included. If COM is not available then this will remain null.
// This error information is thread-local so we must save it on suspend
// and restore it on resume so that it propagates to the correct
// thread. It will then be available if the exception proves fatal.
// This object is non-copyable so we do not need to worry about
// supporting AddRef on the restricted error information.
void* restricted_error{nullptr};
// emplace_value will be called with
// * no parameters (void category)
// * The reference type T (reference category)
// * Some kind of reference to T (object category)
// Set the status after constructing the object.
// That way, if object construction throws an exception,
// the holder remains empty.
template <typename... Args>
void emplace_value(Args&&... args)
WI_ASSERT(status == result_status::empty);
new (wistd::addressof(result.wrap)) result_wrapper<T>{wistd::forward<Args>(args)...};
status = result_status::value;
void unhandled_exception() noexcept
if (g_pfnCaptureRestrictedErrorInformation)
WI_ASSERT(restricted_error == nullptr);
restricted_error = g_pfnCaptureRestrictedErrorInformation();
WI_ASSERT(status == result_status::empty);
new (wistd::addressof(result.error)) std::exception_ptr(std::current_exception());
status = result_status::error;
T get_value()
if (status == result_status::value)
return result.wrap.get_value();
WI_ASSERT(status == result_status::error);
if (restricted_error && g_pfnRestoreRestrictedErrorInformation)
std::rethrow_exception(wistd::exchange(result.error, {}));
result_holder() = default;
result_holder(result_holder const&) = delete;
void operator=(result_holder const&) = delete;
~result_holder() noexcept(false)
if (restricted_error && g_pfnDestroyRestrictedErrorInformation)
restricted_error = nullptr;
switch (status)
case result_status::value:
case result_status::error:
// Rethrow unobserved exception. Delete this line to
// discard unobserved exceptions.
if (result.error)
// Most of the work is done in the promise_base,
// It is a CRTP-like base class for task_promise<void> and
// task_promise<non-void> because the language forbids
// a single promise from containing both return_value and
// return_void methods (even if one of them is deleted by SFINAE).
template <typename T>
struct promise_base
// The coroutine state remains alive as long as the coroutine is
// still running (hasn't reached final_suspend) or the associated
// task has not yet abandoned the coroutine (either finished awaiting
// or destructed without awaiting).
// This saves an allocation, but does mean that the local
// frame of the coroutine will remain allocated (with the
// coroutine's imbound parameters still live) until all
// references are destroyed. To force the promise_base to be
// destroyed after co_await, we make the promise_base a
// move-only object and require co_await to be given an rvalue reference.
// Special values for m_waiting.
static void* running_ptr()
return nullptr;
static void* completed_ptr()
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(1);
static void* abandoned_ptr()
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(2);
// The awaiting coroutine is resumed by calling the
// m_resumer with the m_waiting. If the resumer is null,
// then the m_waiting is assumed to be the address of a
// coroutine_handle<>, which is resumed synchronously.
// Externalizing the resumer allows unused awaiters to be
// removed by the linker and removes a hard dependency on COM.
// Using nullptr to represent the default resumer avoids a
// CFG check.
void(__stdcall* m_resumer)(void*);
std::atomic<void*> m_waiting{running_ptr()};
result_holder<T> m_holder;
// Make it easier to access our CRTP derived class.
using Promise = task_promise<T>;
auto as_promise() noexcept
return static_cast<Promise*>(this);
// Make it easier to access the coroutine handle.
auto as_handle() noexcept
return __WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<Promise>::from_promise(*as_promise());
auto get_return_object() noexcept
// let the compiler construct the task / com_task from the promise.
return as_promise();
void destroy()
// The client lost interest in the coroutine, either because they are discarding
// the result without awaiting (risky!), or because they have finished awaiting.
// Discarding the result without awaiting is risky because any exception in the coroutine
// will be unobserved and result in a crash. If you want to disallow it, then
// raise an exception if waiting == running_ptr.
void abandon()
auto waiting = m_waiting.exchange(abandoned_ptr(), std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (waiting != running_ptr())
__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::suspend_never initial_suspend() noexcept
return {};
template <typename... Args>
void emplace_value(Args&&... args)
void unhandled_exception() noexcept
void resume_waiting_coroutine(void* waiting) const
if (m_resumer)
auto final_suspend() noexcept
struct awaiter : __WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::suspend_always
promise_base& self;
void await_suspend(__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<>) const noexcept
// Need acquire so we can read from m_resumer.
// Need release so that the results are published in the case that nobody
// is awaiting right now, so that the eventual awaiter (possibly on another thread)
// can read the results.
auto waiting = self.m_waiting.exchange(completed_ptr(), std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (waiting == abandoned_ptr())
else if (waiting != running_ptr())
WI_ASSERT(waiting != completed_ptr());
return awaiter{{}, *this};
// The remaining methods are used by the awaiters.
bool client_await_ready()
// Need acquire in case the coroutine has already completed,
// so we can read the results. This matches the release in
// the final_suspend's await_suspend.
auto waiting = m_waiting.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
WI_ASSERT((waiting == running_ptr()) || (waiting == completed_ptr()));
return waiting != running_ptr();
auto client_await_suspend(void* waiting, void(__stdcall* resumer)(void*))
// "waiting" needs to be a pointer to an object. We reserve the first 16
// pseudo-pointers as sentinels.
WI_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(waiting) > 16);
m_resumer = resumer;
// Acquire to ensure that we can read the results of the return value, if the coroutine is completed.
// Release to ensure that our resumption state is published, if the coroutine is not completed.
auto previous = m_waiting.exchange(waiting, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// Suspend if the coroutine is still running.
// Otherwise, the coroutine is completed: Nobody will resume us, so we will have to resume ourselves.
WI_ASSERT((previous == running_ptr()) || (previous == completed_ptr()));
return previous == running_ptr();
T client_await_resume()
return m_holder.get_value();
template <typename T>
struct task_promise : promise_base<T>
template <typename U>
void return_value(U&& value)
template <typename Dummy = void>
wistd::enable_if_t<!wistd::is_reference_v<T>, Dummy> return_value(T const& value)
template <>
struct task_promise<void> : promise_base<void>
void return_void()
template <typename T>
struct promise_deleter
void operator()(promise_base<T>* promise) const noexcept
template <typename T>
using promise_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<promise_base<T>, promise_deleter<T>>;
template <typename T>
struct agile_awaiter
agile_awaiter(promise_ptr<T>&& initial) : promise(wistd::move(initial))
promise_ptr<T> promise;
bool await_ready()
return promise->client_await_ready();
auto await_suspend(__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<> handle)
// Use the default resumer.
return promise->client_await_suspend(handle.address(), nullptr);
T await_resume()
return promise->client_await_resume();
template <typename T>
struct task_base
auto resume_any_thread() && noexcept
return agile_awaiter<T>{wistd::move(promise)};
// You must #include <ole2.h> before <wil/coroutine.h> to enable apartment-aware awaiting.
auto resume_same_apartment() && noexcept;
// Compiler error message metaprogramming: Tell people that they
// need to use std::move() if they try to co_await an lvalue.
struct cannot_await_lvalue_use_std_move
void await_ready()
cannot_await_lvalue_use_std_move operator co_await() & = delete;
// You must #include <synchapi.h> (usually via <windows.h>) to enable synchronous waiting.
decltype(auto) get() &&;
task_base(task_promise<T>* initial = nullptr) noexcept : promise(initial)
template <typename D>
D& assign(D* self, task_base&& other) noexcept
static_cast<task_base&>(*this) = wistd::move(other);
return *self;
promise_ptr<T> promise;
static void __stdcall wake_by_address(void* completed);
} // namespace wil::details::coro
/// @endcond
namespace wil
// Must write out both classes separately
// Cannot use deduction guides with alias template type prior to C++20.
template <typename T>
struct task : details::coro::task_base<T>
using base = details::coro::task_base<T>;
// Constructing from task_promise<T>* cannot be explicit because get_return_object relies on implicit conversion.
task(details::coro::task_promise<T>* initial = nullptr) noexcept : base(initial)
explicit task(base&& other) noexcept : base(wistd::move(other))
task& operator=(base&& other) noexcept
return base::assign(this, wistd::move(other));
using base::operator co_await;
auto operator co_await() && noexcept
return wistd::move(*this).resume_any_thread();
template <typename T>
struct com_task : details::coro::task_base<T>
using base = details::coro::task_base<T>;
// Constructing from task_promise<T>* cannot be explicit because get_return_object relies on implicit conversion.
com_task(details::coro::task_promise<T>* initial = nullptr) noexcept : base(initial)
explicit com_task(base&& other) noexcept : base(wistd::move(other))
com_task& operator=(base&& other) noexcept
return base::assign(this, wistd::move(other));
using base::operator co_await;
auto operator co_await() && noexcept
// You must #include <ole2.h> before <wil/coroutine.h> to enable non-agile awaiting.
return wistd::move(*this).resume_same_apartment();
template <typename T>
task(com_task<T>&&) -> task<T>;
template <typename T>
com_task(task<T>&&) -> com_task<T>;
} // namespace wil
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct __WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_traits<wil::task<T>, Args...>
using promise_type = wil::details::coro::task_promise<T>;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct __WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_traits<wil::com_task<T>, Args...>
using promise_type = wil::details::coro::task_promise<T>;
// Can re-include this header after including synchapi.h (usually via windows.h) to enable synchronous wait.
namespace wil::details::coro
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) task_base<T>::get() &&
if (!promise->client_await_ready())
bool completed = false;
if (promise->client_await_suspend(&completed, wake_by_address))
bool pending = false;
while (!completed)
WaitOnAddress(&completed, &pending, sizeof(pending), INFINITE);
return std::exchange(promise, {})->client_await_resume();
template <typename T>
void __stdcall task_base<T>::wake_by_address(void* completed)
*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(completed) = true;
} // namespace wil::details::coro
// Can re-include this header after including COM header files to enable non-agile tasks.
#include <ctxtcall.h>
#include <wil/com.h>
#include <roerrorapi.h>
namespace wil::details::coro
inline void* __stdcall CaptureRestrictedErrorInformation() noexcept
IRestrictedErrorInfo* restrictedError = nullptr;
return restrictedError; // the returned object includes a strong reference
inline void __stdcall RestoreRestrictedErrorInformation(_In_ void* restricted_error) noexcept
inline void __stdcall DestroyRestrictedErrorInformation(_In_ void* restricted_error) noexcept
struct apartment_info
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APTTYPE aptType{};
APTTYPEQUALIFIER aptTypeQualifier{};
2024-06-10 06:09:51 +00:00
void load()
if (FAILED(CoGetApartmentType(&aptType, &aptTypeQualifier)))
// If COM is not initialized, then act as if we are running
// on the implicit MTA.
aptType = APTTYPE_MTA;
// apartment_resumer resumes a coroutine in a captured apartment.
struct apartment_resumer
static auto as_self(void* p)
return reinterpret_cast<apartment_resumer*>(p);
static bool is_sta()
apartment_info info;
switch (info.aptType)
return true;
return info.aptTypeQualifier == APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_STA || info.aptTypeQualifier == APTTYPEQUALIFIER_NA_ON_MAINSTA;
return false;
static wil::com_ptr<IContextCallback> current_context()
wil::com_ptr<IContextCallback> context;
// This will fail if COM is not initialized. Treat as implicit MTA.
// Do not use IID_PPV_ARGS to avoid ambiguity between ::IUnknown and winrt::IUnknown.
CoGetObjectContext(__uuidof(IContextCallback), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&context));
return context;
__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<> waiter;
wil::com_ptr<IContextCallback> context{nullptr};
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apartment_info info{};
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HRESULT resume_result = S_OK;
void capture_context(__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<> handle)
waiter = handle;
context = current_context();
if (context == nullptr)
static void __stdcall resume_in_context(void* parameter)
auto self = as_self(parameter);
if (self->context == nullptr || self->context == current_context())
self->context = nullptr; // removes the context cleanup from the resume path
else if (is_sta())
submit_threadpool_callback(resume_context, self);
static void submit_threadpool_callback(PTP_SIMPLE_CALLBACK callback, void* context)
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback(callback, context, nullptr));
static void CALLBACK resume_context(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE /*instance*/, void* parameter)
void resume_context_sync()
ComCallData data{};
data.pUserDefined = this;
// The call to resume_apartment_callback will destruct the context.
// Capture into a local so we don't destruct it while it's in use.
// This also removes the context cleanup from the resume path.
auto local_context = wistd::move(context);
auto result =
local_context->ContextCallback(resume_apartment_callback, &data, IID_ICallbackWithNoReentrancyToApplicationSTA, 5, nullptr);
if (FAILED(result))
// Unable to resume on the correct apartment.
// Resume on the wrong apartment, but tell the coroutine why.
resume_result = result;
static HRESULT CALLBACK resume_apartment_callback(ComCallData* data) noexcept
return S_OK;
void check()
// The COM awaiter captures the COM context when the co_await begins.
// When the co_await completes, it uses that COM context to resume execution.
// This follows the same algorithm employed by C++/WinRT, which has features like
// avoiding stack buildup and proper handling of the neutral apartment.
// It does, however, introduce fail-fast code paths if thread pool tasks cannot
// be submitted. (Those fail-fasts could be removed by preallocating the tasks,
// but that means paying an up-front cost for something that may never end up used,
// as well as introducing extra cleanup code in the fast-path.)
template <typename T>
struct com_awaiter : agile_awaiter<T>
com_awaiter(promise_ptr<T>&& initial) : agile_awaiter<T>(wistd::move(initial))
apartment_resumer resumer;
auto await_suspend(__WI_COROUTINE_NAMESPACE::coroutine_handle<> handle)
return this->promise->client_await_suspend(wistd::addressof(resumer), apartment_resumer::resume_in_context);
decltype(auto) await_resume()
return agile_awaiter<T>::await_resume();
template <typename T>
auto task_base<T>::resume_same_apartment() && noexcept
return com_awaiter<T>{wistd::move(promise)};
} // namespace wil::details::coro
// This section is lit up when COM headers are available. Initialize the global function
// pointers such that error information can be saved and restored across thread boundaries.
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WI_HEADER_INITIALIZATION_FUNCTION(CoroutineRestrictedErrorInitialize, [] {
2024-06-10 06:09:51 +00:00
::wil::details::coro::g_pfnCaptureRestrictedErrorInformation = ::wil::details::coro::CaptureRestrictedErrorInformation;
::wil::details::coro::g_pfnRestoreRestrictedErrorInformation = ::wil::details::coro::RestoreRestrictedErrorInformation;
::wil::details::coro::g_pfnDestroyRestrictedErrorInformation = ::wil::details::coro::DestroyRestrictedErrorInformation;
return 1;