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#ifndef _C4_YML_COMMON_HPP_
#define _C4_YML_COMMON_HPP_
/** @file common.hpp Common utilities and infrastructure used by ryml. */
#include <cstddef>
#include <c4/substr.hpp>
#include <c4/yml/export.hpp>
// Specify groups to have a predefined topic order in doxygen:
/** @defgroup doc_quickstart Quickstart
* Example code for every feature.
/** @defgroup doc_parse Parse utilities
* @see sample::sample_parse_in_place
* @see sample::sample_parse_in_arena
* @see sample::sample_parse_file
* @see sample::sample_parse_reuse_tree
* @see sample::sample_parse_reuse_parser
* @see sample::sample_parse_reuse_tree_and_parser
* @see sample::sample_location_tracking
/** @defgroup doc_emit Emit utilities
* Utilities to emit YAML and JSON, either to a memory buffer or to a
* file or ostream-like class.
* @see sample::sample_emit_to_container
* @see sample::sample_emit_to_stream
* @see sample::sample_emit_to_file
* @see sample::sample_emit_nested_node
* @see sample::sample_emit_style
/** @defgroup doc_node_type Node types
/** @defgroup doc_tree Tree utilities
* @see sample::sample_quick_overview
* @see sample::sample_iterate_trees
* @see sample::sample_create_trees
* @see sample::sample_tree_arena
* @see sample::sample_static_trees
* @see sample::sample_location_tracking
* @see sample::sample_docs
* @see sample::sample_anchors_and_aliases
* @see sample::sample_tags
/** @defgroup doc_node_classes Node classes
* High-level node classes.
* @see sample::sample_quick_overview
* @see sample::sample_iterate_trees
* @see sample::sample_create_trees
* @see sample::sample_tree_arena
/** @defgroup doc_callbacks Callbacks for errors and allocation
* Functions called by ryml to allocate/free memory and to report
* errors.
* @see sample::sample_error_handler
* @see sample::sample_global_allocator
* @see sample::sample_per_tree_allocator
/** @defgroup doc_serialization Serialization/deserialization
* Contains information on how to serialize and deserialize
* fundamental types, user scalar types, user container types and
* interop with std scalar/container types.
/** @defgroup doc_tag_utils Tag utilities
* @see sample::sample_tags
/** @defgroup doc_preprocessors Preprocessors
* Functions for preprocessing YAML prior to parsing.
// document macros for doxygen
#ifdef __DOXYGEN__ // defined in Doxyfile::PREDEFINED
/** define this macro with a boolean value to enable/disable
* assertions to check preconditions and assumptions throughout the
* codebase; this causes a slowdown of the code, and larger code
* size. By default, this macro is defined unless NDEBUG is defined
* (see C4_USE_ASSERT); as a result, by default this macro is truthy
* only in debug builds. */
/** (Undefined by default) Define this macro to disable ryml's default
* implementation of the callback functions; see @ref c4::yml::Callbacks */
/** (Undefined by default) When this macro is defined (and
* @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is not defined), the default error
* handler will throw C++ exceptions of type `std::runtime_error`. */
/** Conditionally expands to `noexcept` when @ref RYML_USE_ASSERT is 0 and
* is empty otherwise. The user is unable to override this macro. */
/** @cond dev*/
# define RYML_ASSERT(cond) RYML_CHECK(cond)
# define RYML_ASSERT_MSG(cond, msg) RYML_CHECK_MSG(cond, msg)
# define _RYML_CB_ASSERT(cb, cond) _RYML_CB_CHECK((cb), (cond))
# define RYML_ASSERT(cond)
# define RYML_ASSERT_MSG(cond, msg)
# define _RYML_CB_ASSERT(cb, cond)
# define RYML_NOEXCEPT noexcept
#define RYML_CHECK(cond) \
do { \
if(C4_UNLIKELY(!(cond))) \
{ \
c4::yml::error("check failed: " #cond, c4::yml::Location(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0)); \
} \
} while(0)
#define RYML_CHECK_MSG(cond, msg) \
do \
{ \
if(C4_UNLIKELY(!(cond))) \
{ \
c4::yml::error(msg ": check failed: " #cond, c4::yml::Location(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0)); \
} \
} while(0)
#if defined(RYML_DBG) && !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(C4_NO_DEBUG_BREAK)
# define RYML_DEBUG_BREAK() \
{ \
if(c4::get_error_flags() & c4::ON_ERROR_DEBUGBREAK) \
{ \
} \
/** @endcond */
namespace c4 {
namespace yml {
enum : size_t {
/** a null position */
npos = size_t(-1),
/** an index to none */
NONE = size_t(-1)
//! holds a position into a source buffer
struct RYML_EXPORT LineCol
//! number of bytes from the beginning of the source buffer
size_t offset;
//! line
size_t line;
//! column
size_t col;
LineCol() : offset(), line(), col() {}
//! construct from line and column
LineCol(size_t l, size_t c) : offset(0), line(l), col(c) {}
//! construct from offset, line and column
LineCol(size_t o, size_t l, size_t c) : offset(o), line(l), col(c) {}
//! a source file position
struct RYML_EXPORT Location : public LineCol
csubstr name;
operator bool () const { return !name.empty() || line != 0 || offset != 0; }
Location() : LineCol(), name() {}
Location( size_t l, size_t c) : LineCol{ l, c}, name( ) {}
Location( csubstr n, size_t l, size_t c) : LineCol{ l, c}, name(n) {}
Location( csubstr n, size_t b, size_t l, size_t c) : LineCol{b, l, c}, name(n) {}
Location(const char *n, size_t l, size_t c) : LineCol{ l, c}, name(to_csubstr(n)) {}
Location(const char *n, size_t b, size_t l, size_t c) : LineCol{b, l, c}, name(to_csubstr(n)) {}
/** @addtogroup doc_callbacks
* @{ */
struct Callbacks;
/** set the global callbacks for the library; after a call to this
* function, these callbacks will be used by newly created objects
* (unless they are copying older objects with different
* callbacks). If @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is defined, it is
* mandatory to call this function prior to using any other library
* facility.
* @warning This function is NOT thread-safe.
* @warning the error callback must never return: see @ref pfn_error
* for more details */
RYML_EXPORT void set_callbacks(Callbacks const& c);
/** get the global callbacks
* @warning This function is not thread-safe. */
RYML_EXPORT Callbacks const& get_callbacks();
/** set the global callbacks back to their defaults ()
* @warning This function is not thread-safe. */
RYML_EXPORT void reset_callbacks();
/** the type of the function used to report errors
* @warning When given by the user, this function MUST interrupt
* execution, typically by either throwing an exception, or using
* `std::longjmp()` ([see
* documentation](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/program/setjmp))
* or by calling `std::abort()`. If the function returned, the parser
* would enter into an infinite loop, or the program may crash. */
using pfn_error = void (*) (const char* msg, size_t msg_len, Location location, void *user_data);
/** the type of the function used to allocate memory; ryml will only
* allocate memory through this callback. */
using pfn_allocate = void* (*)(size_t len, void* hint, void *user_data);
/** the type of the function used to free memory; ryml will only free
* memory through this callback. */
using pfn_free = void (*)(void* mem, size_t size, void *user_data);
/** a c-style callbacks class. Can be used globally by the library
* and/or locally by @ref Tree and @ref Parser objects. */
struct RYML_EXPORT Callbacks
void * m_user_data;
pfn_allocate m_allocate;
pfn_free m_free;
pfn_error m_error;
/** Construct an object with the default callbacks. If
* @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is defined, the object will have null
* members.*/
/** Construct an object with the given callbacks.
* @param user_data Data to be forwarded in every call to a callback.
* @param alloc A pointer to an allocate function. Unless
* @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is defined, when this
* parameter is null, will fall back to ryml's default
* alloc implementation.
* @param free A pointer to a free function. Unless
* @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is defined, when this
* parameter is null, will fall back to ryml's default free
* implementation.
* @param error A pointer to an error function, which must never
* return (see @ref pfn_error). Unless
* @ref RYML_NO_DEFAULT_CALLBACKS is defined, when this
* parameter is null, will fall back to ryml's default
* error implementation.
Callbacks(void *user_data, pfn_allocate alloc, pfn_free free, pfn_error error);
bool operator!= (Callbacks const& that) const { return !operator==(that); }
bool operator== (Callbacks const& that) const
return (m_user_data == that.m_user_data &&
m_allocate == that.m_allocate &&
m_free == that.m_free &&
m_error == that.m_error);
/** @} */
/// @cond dev
// BEWARE! MSVC requires that [[noreturn]] appears before RYML_EXPORT
[[noreturn]] RYML_EXPORT void error(Callbacks const& cb, const char *msg, size_t msg_len, Location loc);
[[noreturn]] RYML_EXPORT void error(const char *msg, size_t msg_len, Location loc);
[[noreturn]] inline void error(const char *msg, size_t msg_len)
error(msg, msg_len, Location{});
template<size_t N>
[[noreturn]] inline void error(const char (&msg)[N], Location loc)
error(msg, N-1, loc);
template<size_t N>
[[noreturn]] inline void error(const char (&msg)[N])
error(msg, N-1, Location{});
#define _RYML_CB_ERR(cb, msg_literal) \
do \
{ \
const char msg[] = msg_literal; \
c4::yml::error((cb), \
msg, sizeof(msg), \
c4::yml::Location(__FILE__, 0, __LINE__, 0)); \
} while(0)
#define _RYML_CB_CHECK(cb, cond) \
do \
{ \
if(!(cond)) \
{ \
const char msg[] = "check failed: " #cond; \
c4::yml::error((cb), \
msg, sizeof(msg), \
c4::yml::Location(__FILE__, 0, __LINE__, 0)); \
} \
} while(0)
#define _RYML_CB_ALLOC_HINT(cb, T, num, hint) (T*) (cb).m_allocate((num) * sizeof(T), (hint), (cb).m_user_data)
#define _RYML_CB_ALLOC(cb, T, num) _RYML_CB_ALLOC_HINT((cb), (T), (num), nullptr)
#define _RYML_CB_FREE(cb, buf, T, num) \
do { \
(cb).m_free((buf), (num) * sizeof(T), (cb).m_user_data); \
(buf) = nullptr; \
} while(0)
namespace detail {
template<int8_t signedval, uint8_t unsignedval>
struct _charconstant_t
: public std::conditional<std::is_signed<char>::value,
std::integral_constant<int8_t, signedval>,
std::integral_constant<uint8_t, unsignedval>>::type
#define _RYML_CHCONST(signedval, unsignedval) ::c4::yml::detail::_charconstant_t<INT8_C(signedval), UINT8_C(unsignedval)>::value
} // namespace detail
namespace detail {
struct _SubstrWriter
substr buf;
size_t pos;
_SubstrWriter(substr buf_, size_t pos_=0) : buf(buf_), pos(pos_) {}
void append(csubstr s)
if(s.len && pos + s.len <= buf.len)
memcpy(buf.str + pos, s.str, s.len);
pos += s.len;
void append(char c)
if(pos < buf.len)
buf.str[pos] = c;
void append_n(char c, size_t numtimes)
if(numtimes && pos + numtimes < buf.len)
memset(buf.str + pos, c, numtimes);
pos += numtimes;
size_t slack() const { return pos <= buf.len ? buf.len - pos : 0; }
size_t excess() const { return pos > buf.len ? pos - buf.len : 0; }
//! get the part written so far
csubstr curr() const { return pos <= buf.len ? buf.first(pos) : buf; }
//! get the part that is still free to write to (the remainder)
substr rem() { return pos < buf.len ? buf.sub(pos) : buf.last(0); }
size_t advance(size_t more) { pos += more; return pos; }
} // namespace detail
/// @endcond
} // namespace yml
} // namespace c4
#endif /* _C4_YML_COMMON_HPP_ */