2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
# include "Global.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "InputManager.h"
# include "Config.h"
# include "Diagnostics.h"
# include "DeviceEnumerator.h"
# include "KeyboardQueue.h"
# include "WndProcEater.h"
# include "DualShock3.h"
// Needed to know if raw input is available. It requires XP or higher.
# include "RawInput.h"
GeneralConfig config ;
// 1 if running inside a PS2 emulator. Set to 1 on any
// of the PS2-specific functions (PS2EgetLibVersion2, PS2EgetLibType).
// Only affects if I allow read input in GS thread to be set.
u8 ps2e = 0 ;
HWND hWndProp = 0 ;
int selected = 0 ;
// Older versions of PCSX2 don't always create the ini dir on startup, so LilyPad does it
// for it. But if PCSX2 sets the ini path with a call to setSettingsDir, then it means
// we shouldn't make our own.
bool createIniDir = true ;
HWND hWnds [ 2 ] [ 4 ] ;
HWND hWndGeneral = 0 ;
struct GeneralSettingsBool {
wchar_t * name ;
unsigned int ControlId ;
u8 defaultValue ;
} ;
// Ties together config data structure, config files, and general config
// dialog.
const GeneralSettingsBool BoolOptionsInfo [ ] = {
{ L " Force Cursor Hide " , IDC_FORCE_HIDE , 0 } ,
{ L " Mouse Unfocus " , IDC_MOUSE_UNFOCUS , 1 } ,
{ L " Background " , IDC_BACKGROUND , 1 } ,
{ L " Multiple Bindings " , IDC_MULTIPLE_BINDING , 0 } ,
{ L " DirectInput Game Devices " , IDC_G_DI , 1 } ,
{ L " XInput " , IDC_G_XI , 1 } ,
{ L " DualShock 3 " , IDC_G_DS3 , 0 } ,
{ L " Multitap 1 " , IDC_MULTITAP1 , 0 } ,
{ L " Multitap 2 " , IDC_MULTITAP2 , 0 } ,
{ L " Escape Fullscreen Hack " , IDC_ESCAPE_FULLSCREEN_HACK , 1 } ,
{ L " Disable Screen Saver " , IDC_DISABLE_SCREENSAVER , 1 } ,
{ L " Logging " , IDC_DEBUG_FILE , 0 } ,
{ L " Save State in Title " , IDC_SAVE_STATE_TITLE , 1 } ,
{ L " GH2 " , IDC_GH2_HACK , 0 } ,
{ L " Vista Volume " , IDC_VISTA_VOLUME , 1 } ,
} ;
void Populate ( int port , int slot ) ;
void SetupLogSlider ( HWND hWndSlider ) {
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETRANGEMIN , 0 , 1 ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETPAGESIZE , 0 , 1 < < 13 ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETRANGEMAX , 1 , 1 < < 22 ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETTIC , 0 , 1 < < 21 ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETTIC , 0 , 1 < < 20 ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETTIC , 0 , 3 < < 20 ) ;
int GetLogSliderVal ( HWND hWnd , int id ) {
HWND hWndSlider = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , id ) ;
int val = SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_GETPOS , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( val < = ( 1 < < 21 ) ) {
val = ( val + 16 ) > > 5 ;
else {
double v = ( val - ( 1 < < 21 ) ) / ( double ) ( ( 1 < < 22 ) - ( 1 < < 21 ) ) ;
double max = log ( ( double ) ( 1 < < 23 ) ) ;
double min = log ( ( double ) BASE_SENSITIVITY ) ;
v = v * ( max - min ) + min ;
// exp is not implemented in ntdll, so use pow instead.
// More than accurate enough for my needs.
// v = exp(v);
v = pow ( 2.7182818284590451 , v ) ;
if ( v > ( 1 < < 23 ) ) v = ( 1 < < 23 ) ;
val = ( int ) floor ( v + 0.5 ) ;
if ( ! val ) val = 1 ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , id + 1 ) = = BST_CHECKED ) {
val = - val ;
return val ;
void SetLogSliderVal ( HWND hWnd , int id , HWND hWndText , int val ) {
HWND hWndSlider = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , id ) ;
int sliderPos = 0 ;
wchar_t temp [ 30 ] ;
EnableWindow ( hWndSlider , val ! = 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWndText , val ! = 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , id + 1 ) , val ! = 0 ) ;
if ( ! val ) val = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , id + 1 , BST_CHECKED * ( val < 0 ) ) ;
if ( val < 0 ) {
val = - val ;
if ( val < = BASE_SENSITIVITY ) {
sliderPos = val < < 5 ;
else {
double max = log ( ( double ) ( 1 < < 23 ) ) ;
double min = log ( ( double ) BASE_SENSITIVITY ) ;
double v = log ( ( double ) ( val ) ) ;
v = ( v - min ) / ( max - min ) ;
v = ( ( 1 < < 22 ) - ( 1 < < 21 ) ) * v + ( 1 < < 21 ) ;
// _ftol
sliderPos = ( int ) ( floor ( v + 0.5 ) ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndSlider , TBM_SETPOS , 1 , sliderPos ) ;
int val2 = ( int ) ( 1000 * ( __int64 ) val / BASE_SENSITIVITY ) ;
wsprintfW ( temp , L " %i.%03i " , val2 / 1000 , val2 % 1000 ) ;
SetWindowTextW ( hWndText , temp ) ;
void RefreshEnabledDevices ( int updateDeviceList ) {
// Clears all device state.
static int lastXInputState = - 1 ;
if ( updateDeviceList | | lastXInputState ! = config . gameApis . xInput ) {
EnumDevices ( config . gameApis . xInput ) ;
lastXInputState = config . gameApis . xInput ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( ! dev - > attached & & dev - > displayName [ 0 ] ! = ' [ ' ) {
wchar_t * newName = ( wchar_t * ) malloc ( sizeof ( wchar_t ) * ( wcslen ( dev - > displayName ) + 12 ) ) ;
wsprintfW ( newName , L " [Detached] %s " , dev - > displayName ) ;
free ( dev - > displayName ) ;
dev - > displayName = newName ;
if ( ( dev - > type = = KEYBOARD & & dev - > api = = IGNORE_KEYBOARD ) | |
( dev - > type = = KEYBOARD & & dev - > api = = config . keyboardApi ) | |
( dev - > type = = MOUSE & & dev - > api = = config . mouseApi ) | |
( dev - > type = = OTHER & &
2010-04-25 00:31:27 +00:00
( ( dev - > api = = DI & & config . gameApis . directInput ) | |
( dev - > api = = DS3 & & config . gameApis . dualShock3 ) | |
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
( dev - > api = = XINPUT & & config . gameApis . xInput ) ) ) ) {
if ( config . gameApis . dualShock3 & & dev - > api = = DI & & dev - > displayName & &
! wcsicmp ( dev - > displayName , L " DX PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller " ) ) {
dm - > DisableDevice ( i ) ;
else {
dm - > EnableDevice ( i ) ;
else {
dm - > DisableDevice ( i ) ;
// Disables/enables devices as necessary. Also updates diagnostic list
// and pad1/pad2 bindings lists, depending on params. Also updates device
// list, if indicated.
// Must be called at some point when entering config mode, as I disable
// (non-keyboard/mice) devices with no active bindings when the emulator's running.
void RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( int updateDeviceList = 0 , HWND hWnd = 0 , int populate = 0 ) {
RefreshEnabledDevices ( updateDeviceList ) ;
if ( hWnd ) {
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_LIST ) ;
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx ( hWndList , LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER , LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER ) ;
int count = ListView_GetItemCount ( hWndList ) ;
LVITEM item ;
item . iItem = 0 ;
item . iSubItem = 0 ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dm - > numDevices ; j + + ) {
if ( dm - > devices [ j ] - > enabled & & dm - > devices [ j ] - > api ! = IGNORE_KEYBOARD ) {
item . lParam = j ;
item . pszText = dm - > devices [ j ] - > displayName ;
if ( count > 0 ) {
ListView_SetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
count - - ;
else {
ListView_InsertItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
item . iItem + + ;
// This way, won't scroll list to start.
while ( count > 0 ) {
ListView_DeleteItem ( hWndList , item . iItem ) ;
count - - ;
if ( populate ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + ) {
Populate ( i & 1 , i > > 1 ) ;
wchar_t * GetCommandStringW ( u8 command , int port , int slot ) {
static wchar_t temp [ 34 ] ;
if ( command > = 0x20 & & command < = 0x27 ) {
if ( config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type = = GuitarPad & & ( command = = 0x20 | | command = = 0x22 ) ) {
HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , 0x10F0 + command ) ;
int res = GetWindowTextW ( hWnd , temp , 20 ) ;
if ( ( unsigned int ) res - 1 < = 18 ) return temp ;
static wchar_t stick [ 2 ] = { ' L ' , ' R ' } ;
static wchar_t * dir [ ] = {
L " Up " , L " Right " ,
L " Down " , L " Left " } ;
wsprintfW ( temp , L " %c-Stick %s " , stick [ ( command - 0x20 ) / 4 ] , dir [ command & 3 ] ) ;
return temp ;
/* Get text from the buttons. */
if ( command > = 0x0C & & command < = 0x28 ) {
HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , 0x10F0 + command ) ;
if ( ! hWnd ) {
wchar_t * strings [ ] = {
L " Lock Buttons " ,
L " Lock Input " ,
L " Lock Direction " ,
L " Mouse " ,
L " Select " ,
L " L3 " ,
L " R3 " ,
L " Start " ,
L " Up " ,
L " Right " ,
L " Down " ,
L " Left " ,
L " L2 " ,
L " R2 " ,
L " L1 " ,
L " R1 " ,
L " Triangle " ,
L " Circle " ,
L " Square " ,
L " Cross " ,
L " L-Stick Up " ,
L " L-Stick Right " ,
L " L-Stick Down " ,
L " L-Stick Left " ,
L " R-Stick Up " ,
L " R-Stick Right " ,
L " R-Stick Down " ,
L " R-Stick Left " ,
L " Analog " ,
} ;
return strings [ command - 0xC ] ;
int res = GetWindowTextW ( hWnd , temp , 20 ) ;
if ( ( unsigned int ) res - 1 < = 18 ) return temp ;
else if ( command = = 0x7F ) {
return L " Ignore Key " ;
return L " " ;
2011-03-25 01:09:18 +00:00
static wchar_t iniFile [ MAX_PATH * 2 ] = L " inis/LilyPad.ini " ;
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
void CALLBACK PADsetSettingsDir ( const char * dir )
2011-03-25 01:09:18 +00:00
//swprintf_s( iniFile, L"%S", (dir==NULL) ? "inis" : dir );
2010-10-05 14:31:17 +00:00
2011-03-25 00:45:43 +00:00
//uint targlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dir, -1, NULL, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP , 0 , dir , - 1 , iniFile , MAX_PATH * 2 ) ;
2011-03-25 01:09:18 +00:00
wcscat_s ( iniFile , L " /LilyPad.ini " ) ;
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
createIniDir = false ;
int GetBinding ( int port , int slot , int index , Device * & dev , Binding * & b , ForceFeedbackBinding * & ffb ) ;
int BindCommand ( Device * dev , unsigned int uid , unsigned int port , unsigned int slot , int command , int sensitivity , int turbo , int deadZone ) ;
int CreateEffectBinding ( Device * dev , wchar_t * effectName , unsigned int port , unsigned int slot , unsigned int motor , ForceFeedbackBinding * * binding ) ;
void SelChanged ( int port , int slot ) {
HWND hWnd = hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ;
if ( ! hWnd ) return ;
HWND hWndTemp , hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_LIST ) ;
int j , i = ListView_GetSelectedCount ( hWndList ) ;
wchar_t * devName = L " N/A " ;
wchar_t * key = L " N/A " ;
wchar_t * command = L " N/A " ;
// Second value is now turbo.
int turbo = - 1 ;
int sensitivity = 0 ;
int deadZone = 0 ;
int nonButtons = 0 ;
// Set if sensitivity != 0, but need to disable flip anyways.
// Only used to relative axes.
int disableFlip = 0 ;
wchar_t temp [ 4 ] [ 1000 ] ;
Device * dev ;
int bFound = 0 ;
int ffbFound = 0 ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb = 0 ;
Binding * b = 0 ;
if ( i > = 1 ) {
int index = - 1 ;
int flipped = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , index , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( index < 0 ) break ;
LVITEMW item ;
item . iItem = index ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . pszText = temp [ 3 ] ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j + + ) {
item . iSubItem = j ;
item . cchTextMax = sizeof ( temp [ 0 ] ) / sizeof ( temp [ 3 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ! ListView_GetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ) break ;
if ( ! bFound & & ! ffbFound )
wcscpy ( temp [ j ] , temp [ 3 ] ) ;
else if ( wcsicmp ( temp [ j ] , temp [ 3 ] ) ) {
int q = 0 ;
while ( temp [ j ] [ q ] = = temp [ 3 ] [ q ] ) q + + ;
if ( q & & temp [ j ] [ q - 1 ] = = ' ' & & temp [ j ] [ q ] & & temp [ j ] [ q + 1 ] = = 0 ) q - - ;
if ( j = = 1 ) {
// Really ugly, but merges labels for multiple directions for same axis.
if ( ( temp [ j ] [ q ] = = 0 | | ( temp [ j ] [ q ] = = ' ' & & temp [ j ] [ q + 2 ] = = 0 ) ) & &
( temp [ 3 ] [ q ] = = 0 | | ( temp [ 3 ] [ q ] = = ' ' & & temp [ 3 ] [ q + 2 ] = = 0 ) ) ) {
temp [ j ] [ q ] = 0 ;
continue ;
// Merge different directions for same stick.
else if ( j = = 2 & & q > 4 ) {
temp [ j ] [ q ] = 0 ;
continue ;
wcscpy ( temp [ j ] , L " * " ) ;
if ( j = = 3 ) {
devName = temp [ 0 ] ;
key = temp [ 1 ] ;
command = temp [ 2 ] ;
if ( GetBinding ( port , slot , index , dev , b , ffb ) ) {
if ( b ) {
bFound + + ;
VirtualControl * control = & dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] ;
// Ignore
if ( b - > command ! = 0x7F ) {
// Only relative axes can't have negative sensitivity.
if ( ( ( control - > uid > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) = = RELAXIS ) {
disableFlip = 1 ;
turbo + = b - > turbo ;
if ( b - > sensitivity < 0 ) {
flipped + + ;
sensitivity - = b - > sensitivity ;
else {
sensitivity + = b - > sensitivity ;
if ( ( ( control - > uid > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) ! = PSHBTN & & ( ( control - > uid > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) ! = TGLBTN ) {
deadZone + = b - > deadZone ;
nonButtons + + ;
else disableFlip = 1 ;
else ffbFound + + ;
if ( ( bFound & & ffbFound ) | | ffbFound > 1 ) {
ffb = 0 ;
turbo = - 1 ;
deadZone = 0 ;
sensitivity = 0 ;
disableFlip = 1 ;
bFound = ffbFound = 0 ;
else if ( bFound ) {
turbo + + ;
sensitivity / = bFound ;
if ( nonButtons ) {
deadZone / = nonButtons ;
if ( bFound > 1 ) disableFlip = 1 ;
else if ( flipped ) {
sensitivity = - sensitivity ;
for ( i = IDC_SLIDER1 ; i < ID_DELETE ; i + + ) {
hWndTemp = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , i ) ;
if ( hWndTemp )
ShowWindow ( hWndTemp , ffb = = 0 ) ;
for ( i = 0x1300 ; i < 0x1400 ; i + + ) {
hWndTemp = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , i ) ;
if ( hWndTemp ) {
int enable = ffb ! = 0 ;
if ( ffb & & i > = IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) {
int index = ( i - IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) / 16 ;
if ( index > = dev - > numFFAxes ) {
enable = 0 ;
else {
int type = i - index * 16 ;
AxisEffectInfo * info = 0 ;
if ( dev - > numFFAxes > index ) {
info = ffb - > axes + index ;
if ( type = = IDC_FF_AXIS1 ) {
// takes care of IDC_FF_AXIS1_FLIP as well.
SetupLogSlider ( hWndTemp ) ;
int force = 0 ;
if ( info ) {
force = info - > force ;
SetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , i , GetDlgItem ( hWnd , i - IDC_FF_AXIS1 + IDC_FF_AXIS1_SCALE ) , force ) ;
else if ( type = = IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) {
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , i , BST_CHECKED * ( info - > force ! = 0 ) ) ;
wsprintfW ( temp [ 0 ] , L " Axis %i " , index + 1 ) ;
if ( dev - > ffAxes [ index ] . displayName & & wcslen ( dev - > ffAxes [ index ] . displayName ) < 50 ) {
wchar_t * end = wcschr ( temp [ 0 ] , 0 ) ;
wsprintfW ( end , L " : %s " , dev - > ffAxes [ index ] . displayName ) ;
SetWindowText ( hWndTemp , temp [ 0 ] ) ;
ShowWindow ( hWndTemp , enable ) ;
if ( ! ffb ) {
SetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , IDC_SLIDER1 , GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_AXIS_SENSITIVITY1 ) , sensitivity ) ;
SetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , IDC_SLIDER_DEADZONE , GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_AXIS_DEADZONE ) , deadZone ) ;
if ( disableFlip ) EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_FLIP1 ) , 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO ) , turbo > = 0 ) ;
if ( turbo > 0 & & turbo < bFound ) {
SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO ) , BM_SETSTYLE , BS_AUTO3STATE , 0 ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO , BST_INDETERMINATE ) ;
else {
SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO ) , BM_SETSTYLE , BS_AUTOCHECKBOX , 0 ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO , BST_CHECKED * ( bFound & & turbo = = bFound ) ) ;
HWND hWndCombo = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_AXIS_DIRECTION ) ;
int enableCombo = 0 ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( b & & bFound = = 1 ) {
VirtualControl * control = & dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] ;
unsigned int uid = control - > uid ;
if ( ( ( uid > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) = = ABSAXIS ) {
enableCombo = 1 ;
wchar_t * endings [ 3 ] = { L " - " , L " + " , L " " } ;
wchar_t * string = temp [ 3 ] ;
wcscpy ( string , key ) ;
wchar_t * end = wcschr ( string , 0 ) ;
int sel = 2 ;
if ( ! ( uid & UID_AXIS ) ) {
end [ - 2 ] = 0 ;
sel = ( end [ - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
end - = 2 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
wcscpy ( end , endings [ i ] ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) string ) ;
if ( i = = sel )
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , i , 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWndCombo , enableCombo ) ;
if ( ! enableCombo ) {
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) key ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_SELECTSTRING , i , ( LPARAM ) key ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hWnd , IDC_AXIS_DEVICE1 , devName ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hWnd , IDC_AXIS_CONTROL1 , command ) ;
else {
wchar_t temp2 [ 2000 ] ;
wsprintfW ( temp2 , L " %s / %s " , devName , command ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hWnd , ID_FF , temp2 ) ;
hWndTemp = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_FF_EFFECT ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndTemp , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dev - > numFFEffectTypes ; i + + ) {
SendMessage ( hWndTemp , CB_INSERTSTRING , i , ( LPARAM ) dev - > ffEffectTypes [ i ] . displayName ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndTemp , CB_SETCURSEL , ffb - > effectIndex , 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWndTemp , dev - > numFFEffectTypes > 1 ) ;
void UnselectAll ( HWND hWnd ) {
int i = ListView_GetSelectedCount ( hWnd ) ;
while ( i - - > 0 ) {
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWnd , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
ListView_SetItemState ( hWnd , index , 0 , LVIS_SELECTED ) ;
int GetItemIndex ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , ForceFeedbackBinding * binding ) {
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
Device * dev2 = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( ! dev2 - > enabled ) continue ;
if ( dev2 ! = dev ) {
count + = dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings + dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ;
continue ;
return count + = dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings + ( binding - dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings ) ;
return - 1 ;
int GetItemIndex ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , Binding * binding ) {
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
Device * dev2 = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( ! dev2 - > enabled ) continue ;
if ( dev2 ! = dev ) {
count + = dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings + dev2 - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ;
continue ;
return count + = binding - dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . bindings ;
return - 1 ;
// Doesn't check if already displayed.
int ListBoundCommand ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , Binding * b ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return - 1 ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
int index = - 1 ;
if ( hWndList ) {
index = GetItemIndex ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
if ( index > = 0 ) {
LVITEM item ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . pszText = dev - > displayName ;
item . iItem = index ;
item . iSubItem = 0 ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_INSERTITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . iSubItem = 1 ;
item . pszText = dev - > GetVirtualControlName ( & dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_SETITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
item . iSubItem = 2 ;
item . pszText = GetCommandStringW ( b - > command , port , slot ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_SETITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
return index ;
int ListBoundEffect ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , ForceFeedbackBinding * b ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return - 1 ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
int index = - 1 ;
if ( hWndList ) {
index = GetItemIndex ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
if ( index > = 0 ) {
LVITEM item ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . pszText = dev - > displayName ;
item . iItem = index ;
item . iSubItem = 0 ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_INSERTITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . iSubItem = 1 ;
item . pszText = dev - > ffEffectTypes [ b - > effectIndex ] . displayName ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_SETITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
item . iSubItem = 2 ;
wchar_t * ps2Motors [ 2 ] = { L " Big Motor " , L " Small Motor " } ;
item . pszText = ps2Motors [ b - > motor ] ;
SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_SETITEM , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & item ) ;
return index ;
// Only for use with control bindings. Affects all highlighted bindings.
void ChangeValue ( int port , int slot , int * newSensitivity , int * newTurbo , int * newDeadZone ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
int count = ListView_GetSelectedCount ( hWndList ) ;
if ( count < 1 ) return ;
int index = - 1 ;
while ( 1 ) {
index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , index , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( index < 0 ) break ;
Device * dev ;
Binding * b ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb ;
if ( ! GetBinding ( port , slot , index , dev , b , ffb ) | | ffb ) return ;
if ( newSensitivity ) {
// Don't change flip state when modifying multiple controls.
if ( count > 1 & & b - > sensitivity < 0 )
b - > sensitivity = - * newSensitivity ;
b - > sensitivity = * newSensitivity ;
if ( newDeadZone ) {
if ( b - > deadZone ) {
b - > deadZone = * newDeadZone ;
if ( newTurbo ) {
b - > turbo = * newTurbo ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) ;
SelChanged ( port , slot ) ;
// Only for use with effect bindings.
void ChangeEffect ( int port , int slot , int id , int * newForce , unsigned int * newEffectType ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
int i = ListView_GetSelectedCount ( hWndList ) ;
if ( i ! = 1 ) return ;
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
Device * dev ;
Binding * b ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb ;
if ( ! GetBinding ( port , slot , index , dev , b , ffb ) | | b ) return ;
if ( newForce ) {
unsigned int axisIndex = ( id - IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) / 16 ;
if ( axisIndex < ( unsigned int ) dev - > numFFAxes ) {
ffb - > axes [ axisIndex ] . force = * newForce ;
if ( newEffectType & & * newEffectType < ( unsigned int ) dev - > numFFEffectTypes ) {
ffb - > effectIndex = * newEffectType ;
ListView_DeleteItem ( hWndList , index ) ;
index = ListBoundEffect ( port , slot , dev , ffb ) ;
ListView_SetItemState ( hWndList , index , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) ;
SelChanged ( port , slot ) ;
void Populate ( int port , int slot ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return ;
HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
ListView_DeleteAllItems ( hWnd ) ;
int i , j ;
int multipleBinding = config . multipleBinding ;
config . multipleBinding = 1 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < dm - > numDevices ; j + + ) {
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ j ] ;
if ( ! dev - > enabled ) continue ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings ; i + + ) {
ListBoundCommand ( port , slot , dev , dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . bindings + i ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ; i + + ) {
ListBoundEffect ( port , slot , dev , dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings + i ) ;
config . multipleBinding = multipleBinding ;
hWnd = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_FORCEFEEDBACK ) ;
SendMessage ( hWnd , CB_RESETCONTENT , 0 , 0 ) ;
int added = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( dev - > enabled & & dev - > numFFAxes & & dev - > numFFEffectTypes ) {
SendMessage ( hWnd , CB_INSERTSTRING , added , ( LPARAM ) dev - > displayName ) ;
SendMessage ( hWnd , CB_SETITEMDATA , added , i ) ;
added + + ;
SendMessage ( hWnd , CB_SETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWnd , added ! = 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , ID_BIG_MOTOR ) , added ! = 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , ID_SMALL_MOTOR ) , added ! = 0 ) ;
SelChanged ( port , slot ) ;
int WritePrivateProfileInt ( wchar_t * s1 , wchar_t * s2 , int v , wchar_t * ini ) {
wchar_t temp [ 100 ] ;
_itow ( v , temp , 10 ) ;
return WritePrivateProfileStringW ( s1 , s2 , temp , ini ) ;
void SetVolume ( int volume ) {
if ( volume > 100 ) volume = 100 ;
if ( volume < 0 ) volume = 0 ;
config . volume = volume ;
unsigned int val = 0xFFFF * volume / 100 ;
val = val | ( val < < 16 ) ;
for ( int i = waveOutGetNumDevs ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
waveOutSetVolume ( ( HWAVEOUT ) i , val ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Volume " , config . volume , iniFile ) ;
int SaveSettings ( wchar_t * file = 0 ) {
// Need this either way for saving path.
if ( ! file ) {
file = iniFile ;
else {
wchar_t * c = wcsrchr ( file , ' \\ ' ) ;
if ( * c ) {
* c = 0 ;
wcscpy ( config . lastSaveConfigPath , file ) ;
wcscpy ( config . lastSaveConfigFileName , c + 1 ) ;
2010-04-25 00:31:27 +00:00
* c = ' \\ ' ;
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
DeleteFileW ( file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Path " , config . lastSaveConfigPath , iniFile ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Name " , config . lastSaveConfigFileName , iniFile ) ;
// Just check first, last, and all pad bindings. Should be more than enough. No real need to check
// config path.
int noError = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo ) / sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo [ 0 ] ) ; i + + ) {
noError & = WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , BoolOptionsInfo [ i ] . name , config . bools [ i ] , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Close Hacks " , config . closeHacks , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Keyboard Mode " , config . keyboardApi , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Mouse Mode " , config . mouseApi , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Volume " , config . volume , file ) ;
for ( int port = 0 ; port < 2 ; port + + ) {
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < 4 ; slot + + ) {
wchar_t temp [ 50 ] ;
wsprintf ( temp , L " Pad %i %i " , port , slot ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( temp , L " Mode " , config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type , file ) ;
noError & = WritePrivateProfileInt ( temp , L " Auto Analog " , config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . autoAnalog , file ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
wchar_t id [ 50 ] ;
wchar_t temp [ 50 ] , temp2 [ 1000 ] ;
wsprintfW ( id , L " Device %i " , i ) ;
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
wchar_t * name = dev - > displayName ;
while ( name [ 0 ] = = ' [ ' ) {
wchar_t * name2 = wcschr ( name , ' ] ' ) ;
if ( ! name2 ) break ;
name = name2 + 1 ;
while ( iswspace ( name [ 0 ] ) ) name + + ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Display Name " , name , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Instance ID " , dev - > instanceID , file ) ;
if ( dev - > productID ) {
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Product ID " , dev - > productID , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( id , L " API " , dev - > api , file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileInt ( id , L " Type " , dev - > type , file ) ;
int ffBindingCount = 0 ;
int bindingCount = 0 ;
for ( int port = 0 ; port < 2 ; port + + ) {
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < 4 ; slot + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings ; j + + ) {
Binding * b = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . bindings + j ;
VirtualControl * c = & dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] ;
wsprintfW ( temp , L " Binding %i " , bindingCount + + ) ;
wsprintfW ( temp2 , L " 0x%08X, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i " , c - > uid , port , b - > command , b - > sensitivity , b - > turbo , slot , b - > deadZone ) ;
noError & = WritePrivateProfileStringW ( id , temp , temp2 , file ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ; j + + ) {
ForceFeedbackBinding * b = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings + j ;
ForceFeedbackEffectType * eff = & dev - > ffEffectTypes [ b - > effectIndex ] ;
wsprintfW ( temp , L " FF Binding %i " , ffBindingCount + + ) ;
wsprintfW ( temp2 , L " %s %i, %i, %i " , eff - > effectID , port , b - > motor , slot ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < dev - > numFFAxes ; k + + ) {
ForceFeedbackAxis * axis = dev - > ffAxes + k ;
AxisEffectInfo * info = b - > axes + k ;
wsprintfW ( wcschr ( temp2 , 0 ) , L " , %i, %i " , axis - > id , info - > force ) ;
noError & = WritePrivateProfileStringW ( id , temp , temp2 , file ) ;
if ( ! noError ) {
MessageBoxA ( hWndProp , " Unable to save settings. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected, the file isn't write protected, and that the app has permissions to write to the directory. On Vista, try running in administrator mode. " , " Error Writing Configuration File " , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ) ;
return ! noError ;
u8 GetPrivateProfileBool ( wchar_t * s1 , wchar_t * s2 , int def , wchar_t * ini ) {
return ( 0 ! = GetPrivateProfileIntW ( s1 , s2 , def , ini ) ) ;
int LoadSettings ( int force , wchar_t * file ) {
if ( dm & & ! force ) return 0 ;
2010-04-25 00:31:27 +00:00
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
if ( createIniDir )
CreateDirectory ( L " inis " , 0 ) ;
createIniDir = false ;
// Could just do ClearDevices() instead, but if I ever add any extra stuff,
// this will still work.
UnloadConfigs ( ) ;
dm = new InputDeviceManager ( ) ;
if ( ! file ) {
file = iniFile ;
GetPrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Path " , L " inis " , config . lastSaveConfigPath , sizeof ( config . lastSaveConfigPath ) , file ) ;
GetPrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Name " , L " LilyPad.lily " , config . lastSaveConfigFileName , sizeof ( config . lastSaveConfigFileName ) , file ) ;
else {
wchar_t * c = wcsrchr ( file , ' \\ ' ) ;
if ( c ) {
* c = 0 ;
wcscpy ( config . lastSaveConfigPath , file ) ;
wcscpy ( config . lastSaveConfigFileName , c + 1 ) ;
* c = ' \\ ' ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Path " , config . lastSaveConfigPath , iniFile ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( L " General Settings " , L " Last Config Name " , config . lastSaveConfigFileName , iniFile ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo ) / sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo [ 0 ] ) ; i + + ) {
config . bools [ i ] = GetPrivateProfileBool ( L " General Settings " , BoolOptionsInfo [ i ] . name , BoolOptionsInfo [ i ] . defaultValue , file ) ;
config . closeHacks = ( u8 ) GetPrivateProfileIntW ( L " General Settings " , L " Close Hacks " , 0 , file ) ;
if ( config . closeHacks & 1 ) config . closeHacks & = ~ 2 ;
config . keyboardApi = ( DeviceAPI ) GetPrivateProfileIntW ( L " General Settings " , L " Keyboard Mode " , WM , file ) ;
if ( ! config . keyboardApi ) config . keyboardApi = WM ;
config . mouseApi = ( DeviceAPI ) GetPrivateProfileIntW ( L " General Settings " , L " Mouse Mode " , 0 , file ) ;
config . volume = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " General Settings " , L " Volume " , 100 , file ) ;
os . dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof ( os ) ;
config . osVersion = 0 ;
if ( GetVersionEx ( & os ) ) {
config . osVersion = os . dwMajorVersion ;
if ( config . osVersion < 6 ) config . vistaVolume = 0 ;
if ( ! config . vistaVolume ) config . volume = 100 ;
if ( config . vistaVolume ) SetVolume ( config . volume ) ;
if ( ! InitializeRawInput ( ) ) {
if ( config . keyboardApi = = RAW ) config . keyboardApi = WM ;
if ( config . mouseApi = = RAW ) config . mouseApi = WM ;
if ( config . debug ) {
CreateDirectory ( L " logs " , 0 ) ;
for ( int port = 0 ; port < 2 ; port + + ) {
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < 4 ; slot + + ) {
wchar_t temp [ 50 ] ;
wsprintf ( temp , L " Pad %i %i " , port , slot ) ;
config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type = ( PadType ) GetPrivateProfileInt ( temp , L " Mode " , Dualshock2Pad , file ) ;
config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . autoAnalog = GetPrivateProfileBool ( temp , L " Auto Analog " , 0 , file ) ;
int i = 0 ;
int multipleBinding = config . multipleBinding ;
// Disabling multiple binding only prevents new multiple bindings.
config . multipleBinding = 1 ;
while ( 1 ) {
wchar_t id [ 50 ] ;
wchar_t temp [ 50 ] , temp2 [ 1000 ] , temp3 [ 1000 ] , temp4 [ 1000 ] ;
wsprintfW ( id , L " Device %i " , i + + ) ;
if ( ! GetPrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Display Name " , 0 , temp2 , 1000 , file ) | | ! temp2 [ 0 ] | |
! GetPrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Instance ID " , 0 , temp3 , 1000 , file ) | | ! temp3 [ 0 ] ) {
if ( i > = 100 ) break ;
continue ;
wchar_t * id2 = 0 ;
if ( GetPrivateProfileStringW ( id , L " Product ID " , 0 , temp4 , 1000 , file ) & & temp4 [ 0 ] )
id2 = temp4 ;
int api = GetPrivateProfileIntW ( id , L " API " , 0 , file ) ;
int type = GetPrivateProfileIntW ( id , L " Type " , 0 , file ) ;
if ( ! api | | ! type ) continue ;
Device * dev = new Device ( ( DeviceAPI ) api , ( DeviceType ) type , temp2 , temp3 , id2 ) ;
dev - > attached = 0 ;
dm - > AddDevice ( dev ) ;
int j = 0 ;
int last = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
wsprintfW ( temp , L " Binding %i " , j + + ) ;
if ( ! GetPrivateProfileStringW ( id , temp , 0 , temp2 , 1000 , file ) ) {
if ( j > = 100 ) {
if ( ! last ) break ;
last = 0 ;
continue ;
last = 1 ;
unsigned int uid ;
int port , command , sensitivity , turbo , slot = 0 , deadZone = 0 ;
int w = 0 ;
char string [ 1000 ] ;
while ( temp2 [ w ] ) {
string [ w ] = ( char ) temp2 [ w ] ;
w + + ;
string [ w ] = 0 ;
int len = sscanf ( string , " %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i , %i " , & uid , & port , & command , & sensitivity , & turbo , & slot , & deadZone ) ;
if ( len > = 5 & & type ) {
VirtualControl * c = dev - > GetVirtualControl ( uid ) ;
if ( ! c ) c = dev - > AddVirtualControl ( uid , - 1 ) ;
if ( c ) {
BindCommand ( dev , uid , port , slot , command , sensitivity , turbo , deadZone ) ;
j = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
wsprintfW ( temp , L " FF Binding %i " , j + + ) ;
if ( ! GetPrivateProfileStringW ( id , temp , 0 , temp2 , 1000 , file ) ) {
if ( j > = 10 ) {
if ( ! last ) break ;
last = 0 ;
continue ;
last = 1 ;
int port , slot , motor ;
int w = 0 ;
char string [ 1000 ] ;
char effect [ 1000 ] ;
while ( temp2 [ w ] ) {
string [ w ] = ( char ) temp2 [ w ] ;
w + + ;
string [ w ] = 0 ;
// wcstok not in ntdll. More effore than its worth to shave off
// whitespace without it.
if ( sscanf ( string , " %s %i , %i , %i " , effect , & port , & motor , & slot ) = = 4 ) {
char * s = strchr ( strchr ( strchr ( string , ' , ' ) + 1 , ' , ' ) + 1 , ' , ' ) ;
if ( ! s ) continue ;
s + + ;
w = 0 ;
while ( effect [ w ] ) {
temp2 [ w ] = effect [ w ] ;
w + + ;
temp2 [ w ] = 0 ;
ForceFeedbackEffectType * eff = dev - > GetForcefeedbackEffect ( temp2 ) ;
if ( ! eff ) {
// At the moment, don't record effect types.
// Only used internally, anyways, so not an issue.
dev - > AddFFEffectType ( temp2 , temp2 , EFFECT_CONSTANT ) ;
// eff = &dev->ffEffectTypes[dev->numFFEffectTypes-1];
ForceFeedbackBinding * b ;
CreateEffectBinding ( dev , temp2 , port , slot , motor , & b ) ;
if ( b ) {
while ( 1 ) {
int axisID = atoi ( s ) ;
if ( ! ( s = strchr ( s , ' , ' ) ) ) break ;
s + + ;
int force = atoi ( s ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < dev - > numFFAxes ; i + + ) {
if ( axisID = = dev - > ffAxes [ i ] . id ) break ;
if ( i = = dev - > numFFAxes ) {
dev - > AddFFAxis ( L " ? " , axisID ) ;
b - > axes [ i ] . force = force ;
if ( ! ( s = strchr ( s , ' , ' ) ) ) break ;
s + + ;
config . multipleBinding = multipleBinding ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
inline int GetPort ( HWND hWnd , int * slot ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( hWnds ) / sizeof ( hWnds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ; i + + ) {
if ( hWnds [ i & 1 ] [ i > > 1 ] = = hWnd ) {
* slot = i > > 1 ;
return i & 1 ;
* slot = 0 ;
return 0 ;
void Diagnostics ( HWND hWnd ) {
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_LIST ) ;
if ( ! hWndList ) return ;
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( index < 0 ) return ;
LVITEM item ;
memset ( & item , 0 , sizeof ( item ) ) ;
item . mask = LVIF_PARAM ;
item . iSubItem = 0 ;
item . iItem = index ;
if ( ! ListView_GetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ) return ;
Diagnose ( item . lParam , hWnd ) ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 0 , hWnd , 1 ) ;
int GetBinding ( int port , int slot , int index , Device * & dev , Binding * & b , ForceFeedbackBinding * & ffb ) {
ffb = 0 ;
b = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
dev = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( ! dev - > enabled ) continue ;
if ( index < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings ) {
b = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . bindings + index ;
return 1 ;
index - = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings ;
if ( index < dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ) {
ffb = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings + index ;
return 1 ;
index - = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ;
return 0 ;
// Only used when deleting things from ListView. Will remove from listview if needed.
void DeleteBinding ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , Binding * b ) {
if ( dev - > enabled & & hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) {
int count = GetItemIndex ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
if ( count > = 0 ) {
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
if ( hWndList ) {
ListView_DeleteItem ( hWndList , count ) ;
Binding * bindings = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . bindings ;
int i = b - bindings ;
memmove ( bindings + i , bindings + i + 1 , sizeof ( Binding ) * ( dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings - i - 1 ) ) ;
dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings - - ;
void DeleteBinding ( int port , int slot , Device * dev , ForceFeedbackBinding * b ) {
if ( dev - > enabled & & hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) {
int count = GetItemIndex ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
if ( count > = 0 ) {
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
if ( hWndList ) {
ListView_DeleteItem ( hWndList , count ) ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * bindings = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings ;
int i = b - bindings ;
memmove ( bindings + i , bindings + i + 1 , sizeof ( Binding ) * ( dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings - i - 1 ) ) ;
dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings - - ;
int DeleteByIndex ( int port , int slot , int index ) {
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb ;
Binding * b ;
Device * dev ;
if ( GetBinding ( port , slot , index , dev , b , ffb ) ) {
if ( b ) {
DeleteBinding ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
else {
DeleteBinding ( port , slot , dev , ffb ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int DeleteSelected ( int port , int slot ) {
if ( ! hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) return 0 ;
HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem ( hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] , IDC_LIST ) ;
int changes = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWnd , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( index < 0 ) break ;
changes + = DeleteByIndex ( port , slot , index ) ;
//ShowScrollBar(hWnd, SB_VERT, 1);
return changes ;
int CreateEffectBinding ( Device * dev , wchar_t * effectID , unsigned int port , unsigned int slot , unsigned int motor , ForceFeedbackBinding * * binding ) {
// Checks needed because I use this directly when loading bindings.
// Note: dev->numFFAxes *can* be 0, for loading from file.
* binding = 0 ;
if ( port > 1 | | slot > 3 | | motor > 1 | | ! dev - > numFFEffectTypes ) {
return - 1 ;
ForceFeedbackEffectType * eff = 0 ;
if ( effectID ) {
eff = dev - > GetForcefeedbackEffect ( effectID ) ;
if ( ! eff ) {
eff = dev - > ffEffectTypes ;
if ( ! eff ) {
return - 1 ;
int effectIndex = eff - dev - > ffEffectTypes ;
dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings = ( ForceFeedbackBinding * ) realloc ( dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings , ( dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings + 1 ) * sizeof ( ForceFeedbackBinding ) ) ;
int newIndex = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ;
while ( newIndex & & dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings [ newIndex - 1 ] . motor > = motor ) {
dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings [ newIndex ] = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings [ newIndex - 1 ] ;
newIndex - - ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * b = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . ffBindings + newIndex ;
b - > axes = ( AxisEffectInfo * ) calloc ( dev - > numFFAxes , sizeof ( AxisEffectInfo ) ) ;
b - > motor = motor ;
b - > effectIndex = effectIndex ;
dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings + + ;
if ( binding ) * binding = b ;
return ListBoundEffect ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
int BindCommand ( Device * dev , unsigned int uid , unsigned int port , unsigned int slot , int command , int sensitivity , int turbo , int deadZone ) {
// Checks needed because I use this directly when loading bindings.
if ( port > 1 | | slot > 3 ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( ! sensitivity ) sensitivity = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
if ( ( uid > > 16 ) & ( PSHBTN | TGLBTN ) ) {
deadZone = 0 ;
else if ( ! deadZone ) {
if ( ( uid > > 16 ) & PRESSURE_BTN ) {
deadZone = 1 ;
else {
// Relative axes can have negative sensitivity.
else if ( ( ( uid > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) = = RELAXIS ) {
sensitivity = abs ( sensitivity ) ;
VirtualControl * c = dev - > GetVirtualControl ( uid ) ;
if ( ! c ) return - 1 ;
// Add before deleting. Means I won't scroll up one line when scrolled down to bottom.
int controlIndex = c - dev - > virtualControls ;
int index = 0 ;
PadBindings * p = dev - > pads [ port ] + slot ;
p - > bindings = ( Binding * ) realloc ( p - > bindings , ( p - > numBindings + 1 ) * sizeof ( Binding ) ) ;
for ( index = p - > numBindings ; index > 0 ; index - - ) {
if ( p - > bindings [ index - 1 ] . controlIndex < controlIndex ) break ;
p - > bindings [ index ] = p - > bindings [ index - 1 ] ;
Binding * b = p - > bindings + index ;
p - > numBindings + + ;
b - > command = command ;
b - > controlIndex = controlIndex ;
b - > turbo = turbo ;
b - > sensitivity = sensitivity ;
b - > deadZone = deadZone ;
// Where it appears in listview.
int count = ListBoundCommand ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
int newBindingIndex = index ;
index = 0 ;
while ( index < p - > numBindings ) {
if ( index = = newBindingIndex ) {
index + + ;
continue ;
b = p - > bindings + index ;
int nuke = 0 ;
if ( config . multipleBinding ) {
if ( b - > controlIndex = = controlIndex & & b - > command = = command )
nuke = 1 ;
else {
int uid2 = dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] . uid ;
if ( b - > controlIndex = = controlIndex | | ( ! ( ( uid2 ^ uid ) & 0xFFFFFF ) & & ( ( uid | uid2 ) & ( UID_POV | UID_AXIS ) ) ) )
nuke = 1 ;
if ( ! nuke ) {
index + + ;
continue ;
if ( index < newBindingIndex ) {
newBindingIndex - - ;
count - - ;
DeleteBinding ( port , slot , dev , b ) ;
if ( ! config . multipleBinding ) {
for ( int port2 = 0 ; port2 < 2 ; port2 + + ) {
for ( int slot2 = 0 ; slot2 < 4 ; slot2 + + ) {
if ( port2 = = port & & slot2 = = slot ) continue ;
PadBindings * p = dev - > pads [ port2 ] + slot2 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p - > numBindings ; i + + ) {
Binding * b = p - > bindings + i ;
int uid2 = dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] . uid ;
if ( b - > controlIndex = = controlIndex | | ( ! ( ( uid2 ^ uid ) & 0xFFFFFF ) & & ( ( uid | uid2 ) & ( UID_POV | UID_AXIS ) ) ) ) {
DeleteBinding ( port2 , slot2 , dev , b ) ;
i - - ;
return count ;
// Does nothing, but makes sure I'm overriding the dialog's window proc, to block
// default key handling.
ExtraWndProcResult DoNothingWndProc ( HWND hWnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam , LRESULT * output ) {
void EndBinding ( HWND hWnd ) {
if ( selected ) {
KillTimer ( hWnd , 1 ) ;
int needRefreshDevices = 0 ;
// If binding ignore keyboard, this will disable it and enable other devices.
// 0xFF is used for testing force feedback. I disable all other devices first
// just so I don't needlessly steal the mouse.
if ( selected = = 0x7F | | selected = = 0xFF ) {
needRefreshDevices = 1 ;
selected = 0 ;
dm - > ReleaseInput ( ) ;
ClearKeyQueue ( ) ;
hWndButtonProc . Release ( ) ;
// Safest to do this last.
if ( needRefreshDevices ) {
RefreshEnabledDevices ( ) ;
INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc ( HWND hWnd , unsigned int msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) {
int index = ( hWnd = = PropSheet_IndexToHwnd ( hWndProp , 1 ) ) ;
int slot ;
int port = GetPort ( hWnd , & slot ) ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_LIST ) ;
switch ( msg ) {
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx ( hWndList , LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER , LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER ) ;
c . mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH ;
c . cx = 101 ;
c . pszText = L " Device " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 0 , & c ) ;
c . cx = 70 ;
c . pszText = L " PC Control " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 1 , & c ) ;
c . cx = 84 ;
c . pszText = L " PS2 Control " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 2 , & c ) ;
selected = 0 ;
port = ( int ) ( ( PROPSHEETPAGE * ) lParam ) - > lParam & 1 ;
slot = ( int ) ( ( PROPSHEETPAGE * ) lParam ) - > lParam > > 1 ;
hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] = hWnd ;
SetupLogSlider ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_SLIDER1 ) ) ;
SetupLogSlider ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_SLIDER_DEADZONE ) ) ;
if ( port | | slot )
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , ID_IGNORE ) , 0 ) ;
Populate ( port , slot ) ;
break ;
if ( wParam = = DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED ) {
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 1 , hWndGeneral , 1 ) ;
break ;
case WM_TIMER :
// ignore generic timer callback and handle the hwnd-specific one which comes later
if ( hWnd = = 0 ) return 0 ;
if ( ! selected | | selected = = 0xFF ) {
// !selected is mostly for device added/removed when binding.
selected = 0xFF ;
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
else {
unsigned int uid ;
int value ;
// The old code re-bound our button hWndProcEater to GetDlgItem(hWnd, selected). But at best hWnd
// was null (WM_TIMER is passed twice, once with a null parameter, and a second time that is hWnd
// specific), and at worst 'selected' is a post-processed code "based" on cmd, so GetDlgItem
// *always* returned NULL anyway. This resulted in hWndButton being null, which meant Device code
// used hWnd instead. This may have caused odd behavior since the callbacks were still all eaten
// by the initial GetDlgItem(hWnd, cmd) selection made when the timer was initialized.
2010-04-25 00:31:27 +00:00
2010-04-24 21:37:39 +00:00
InitInfo info = { selected = = 0x7F , 1 , hWndProp , & hWndButtonProc } ;
Device * dev = dm - > GetActiveDevice ( & info , & uid , & index , & value ) ;
if ( dev ) {
int command = selected ;
// Good idea to do this first, as BindCommand modifies the ListView, which will
// call it anyways, which is a bit funky.
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
UnselectAll ( hWndList ) ;
int index = - 1 ;
if ( command = = 0x7F & & dev - > api = = IGNORE_KEYBOARD ) {
index = BindCommand ( dev , uid , 0 , 0 , command , BASE_SENSITIVITY , 0 , 0 ) ;
else if ( command < 0x30 ) {
index = BindCommand ( dev , uid , port , slot , command , BASE_SENSITIVITY , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( index > = 0 ) {
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnds [ port ] [ slot ] ) ;
ListView_SetItemState ( hWndList , index , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ) ;
ListView_EnsureVisible ( hWndList , index , 0 ) ;
break ;
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
break ;
// Load();
break ;
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
break ;
case WM_NOTIFY :
PSHNOTIFY * n = ( PSHNOTIFY * ) lParam ;
if ( n - > hdr . hwndFrom = = hWndProp ) {
switch ( n - > hdr . code ) {
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
return 0 ;
return 0 ;
case PSN_APPLY :
return 1 ;
break ;
else if ( n - > hdr . idFrom = = IDC_LIST ) {
static int NeedUpdate = 0 ;
if ( n - > hdr . code = = LVN_KEYDOWN ) {
if ( key - > wVKey = = VK_DELETE | |
key - > wVKey = = VK_BACK ) {
if ( DeleteSelected ( port , slot ) )
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnds [ 0 ] ) ;
// Update sensitivity and motor/binding display on redraw
// rather than on itemchanged. This reduces blinking, as
// I get 3 LVN_ITEMCHANGED messages, and first is sent before
// the new item is set as being selected.
else if ( n - > hdr . code = = LVN_ITEMCHANGED ) {
NeedUpdate = 1 ;
else if ( n - > hdr . code = = NM_CUSTOMDRAW & & NeedUpdate ) {
NeedUpdate = 0 ;
SelChanged ( port , slot ) ;
break ;
int id = GetDlgCtrlID ( ( HWND ) lParam ) ;
int val = GetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , id ) ;
if ( id = = IDC_SLIDER1 ) {
ChangeValue ( port , slot , & val , 0 , 0 ) ;
else if ( id = = IDC_SLIDER_DEADZONE ) {
ChangeValue ( port , slot , 0 , 0 , & val ) ;
else {
ChangeEffect ( port , slot , id , & val , 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_AXIS_DIRECTION ) {
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( index > = 0 ) {
int cbsel = SendMessage ( ( HWND ) lParam , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( cbsel > = 0 ) {
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb ;
Binding * b ;
Device * dev ;
if ( GetBinding ( port , slot , index , dev , b , ffb ) ) {
const static unsigned int axisUIDs [ 3 ] = { UID_AXIS_NEG , UID_AXIS_POS , UID_AXIS } ;
int uid = dev - > virtualControls [ b - > controlIndex ] . uid ;
uid = ( uid & 0x00FFFFFF ) | axisUIDs [ cbsel ] ;
Binding backup = * b ;
DeleteSelected ( port , slot ) ;
int index = BindCommand ( dev , uid , port , slot , backup . command , backup . sensitivity , backup . turbo , backup . deadZone ) ;
ListView_SetItemState ( hWndList , index , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_FF_EFFECT ) {
int typeIndex = SendMessage ( ( HWND ) lParam , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( typeIndex > = 0 )
ChangeEffect ( port , slot , 0 , 0 , ( unsigned int * ) & typeIndex ) ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED ) {
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
int cmd = LOWORD ( wParam ) ;
if ( cmd = = ID_DELETE ) {
if ( DeleteSelected ( port , slot ) )
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else if ( cmd = = ID_CLEAR ) {
while ( DeleteByIndex ( port , slot , 0 ) ) PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else if ( cmd = = ID_BIG_MOTOR | | cmd = = ID_SMALL_MOTOR ) {
int i = ( int ) SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_FORCEFEEDBACK ) , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( i > = 0 ) {
unsigned int index = ( unsigned int ) SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_FORCEFEEDBACK ) , CB_GETITEMDATA , i , 0 ) ;
if ( index < ( unsigned int ) dm - > numDevices ) {
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ index ] ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * b ;
wchar_t * effectID = 0 ;
if ( dev - > api = = DI ) {
// Constant effect.
if ( cmd = = ID_BIG_MOTOR ) effectID = L " 13541C20-8E33-11D0-9AD0-00A0C9A06E35 " ;
// Square.
else effectID = L " 13541C22-8E33-11D0-9AD0-00A0C9A06E35 " ;
int count = CreateEffectBinding ( dev , effectID , port , slot , cmd - ID_BIG_MOTOR , & b ) ;
if ( b ) {
int needSet = 1 ;
if ( dev - > api = = XINPUT & & dev - > numFFAxes = = 2 ) {
needSet = 0 ;
if ( cmd = = ID_BIG_MOTOR ) {
b - > axes [ 0 ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
else {
b - > axes [ 1 ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
else if ( dev - > api = = DS3 & & dev - > numFFAxes = = 2 ) {
needSet = 0 ;
if ( cmd = = ID_BIG_MOTOR ) {
b - > axes [ 0 ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
else {
b - > axes [ 1 ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
else if ( dev - > api = = DI ) {
int bigIndex = 0 , littleIndex = 0 ;
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < dev - > numFFAxes ; j + + ) {
// DI object instance. 0 is x-axis, 1 is y-axis.
int instance = ( dev - > ffAxes [ j ] . id > > 8 ) & 0xFFFF ;
if ( instance = = 0 ) {
bigIndex = j ;
else if ( instance = = 1 ) {
littleIndex = j ;
needSet = 0 ;
if ( cmd = = ID_BIG_MOTOR ) {
b - > axes [ bigIndex ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
b - > axes [ littleIndex ] . force = 1 ;
else {
b - > axes [ bigIndex ] . force = 1 ;
b - > axes [ littleIndex ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
if ( needSet ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 & & j < dev - > numFFAxes ; j + + ) {
b - > axes [ j ] . force = BASE_SENSITIVITY ;
UnselectAll ( hWndList ) ;
ListView_SetItemState ( hWndList , count , LVIS_SELECTED , LVIS_SELECTED ) ;
ListView_EnsureVisible ( hWndList , count , 0 ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else if ( cmd = = ID_CONTROLS ) {
UnselectAll ( hWndList ) ;
else if ( cmd = = ID_TEST ) {
// Just in case...
if ( selected ) break ;
Device * dev ;
Binding * b ;
ForceFeedbackBinding * ffb = 0 ;
int selIndex = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
if ( selIndex > = 0 ) {
if ( GetBinding ( port , slot , selIndex , dev , b , ffb ) ) {
selected = 0xFF ;
hWndButtonProc . SetWndHandle ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , cmd ) ) ;
InitInfo info = { 0 , 1 , hWndProp , & hWndButtonProc } ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
if ( dm - > devices [ i ] ! = dev ) {
dm - > DisableDevice ( i ) ;
dm - > Update ( & info ) ;
dm - > PostRead ( ) ;
dev - > SetEffect ( ffb , 255 ) ;
Sleep ( 200 ) ;
dm - > Update ( & info ) ;
SetTimer ( hWnd , 1 , 3000 , 0 ) ;
else if ( ( cmd > = ID_LOCK_BUTTONS & & cmd < = ID_ANALOG ) | | cmd = = ID_IGNORE ) { // || cmd == ID_FORCE_FEEDBACK) {
// Messes up things, unfortunately.
// End binding on a bunch of notification messages, and
// this will send a bunch.
// UnselectAll(hWndList);
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
if ( cmd ! = ID_IGNORE ) {
selected = cmd - ( ID_SELECT - 0x10 ) ;
else {
selected = 0x7F ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
if ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > api ! = IGNORE_KEYBOARD ) {
dm - > DisableDevice ( i ) ;
else {
dm - > EnableDevice ( i ) ;
hWndButtonProc . SetWndHandle ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , cmd ) ) ;
hWndButtonProc . Eat ( DoNothingWndProc , 0 ) ;
InitInfo info = { selected = = 0x7F , 1 , hWndProp , & hWndButtonProc } ;
int w = timeGetTime ( ) ;
dm - > Update ( & info ) ;
dm - > PostRead ( ) ;
// Workaround for things that return 0 on first poll and something else ever after.
Sleep ( 80 ) ;
dm - > Update ( & info ) ;
dm - > PostRead ( ) ;
SetTimer ( hWnd , 1 , 30 , 0 ) ;
if ( cmd = = IDC_TURBO ) {
// Don't allow setting it back to indeterminate.
SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO ) , BM_SETSTYLE , BS_AUTOCHECKBOX , 0 ) ;
int turbo = ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_TURBO ) = = BST_CHECKED ) ;
ChangeValue ( port , slot , 0 , & turbo , 0 ) ;
else if ( cmd = = IDC_FLIP1 ) {
int val = GetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , IDC_SLIDER1 ) ;
ChangeValue ( port , slot , & val , 0 , 0 ) ;
else if ( cmd > = IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED & & cmd < IDC_FF_AXIS8_ENABLED + 16 ) {
int index = ( cmd - IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) / 16 ;
int val = GetLogSliderVal ( hWnd , 16 * index + IDC_FF_AXIS1 ) ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , 16 * index + IDC_FF_AXIS1_ENABLED ) ! = BST_CHECKED ) {
val = 0 ;
ChangeEffect ( port , slot , cmd , & val , 0 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return 0 ;
// Returns 0 if pad doesn't exist due to mtap settings, as a convenience.
int GetPadString ( wchar_t * string , unsigned int port , unsigned int slot ) {
if ( ! slot & & ! config . multitap [ port ] ) {
wsprintfW ( string , L " Pad %i " , port + 1 ) ;
else {
wsprintfW ( string , L " Pad %i%c " , port + 1 , ' A ' + slot ) ;
if ( ! config . multitap [ port ] ) return 0 ;
return 1 ;
void UpdatePadPages ( ) {
HPROPSHEETPAGE pages [ 10 ] ;
int count = 0 ;
memset ( hWnds , 0 , sizeof ( hWnds ) ) ;
int slot = 0 ;
for ( int port = 0 ; port < 2 ; port + + ) {
for ( int slot = 0 ; slot < 4 ; slot + + ) {
if ( config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type = = DisabledPad ) continue ;
wchar_t title [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! GetPadString ( title , port , slot ) ) continue ;
ZeroMemory ( & psp , sizeof ( psp ) ) ;
psp . dwSize = sizeof ( psp ) ;
psp . hInstance = hInst ;
psp . pfnDlgProc = DialogProc ;
psp . lParam = port | ( slot < < 1 ) ;
psp . pszTitle = title ;
if ( config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type ! = GuitarPad )
psp . pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDD_CONFIG ) ;
pages [ count ] = CreatePropertySheetPage ( & psp ) ;
if ( pages [ count ] ) count + + ;
while ( SendMessage ( hWndProp , PSM_INDEXTOPAGE , 1 , 0 ) ) {
PropSheet_RemovePage ( hWndProp , 1 , 0 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
PropSheet_AddPage ( hWndProp , pages [ i ] ) ;
int ListIndexToPortAndSlot ( int index , int * port , int * slot ) {
if ( index < 0 | | index > = 2 + 3 * ( config . multitap [ 0 ] + config . multitap [ 1 ] ) ) {
* port = 0 ;
* slot = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( index < 1 + 3 * config . multitap [ 0 ] ) {
* port = 0 ;
* slot = index ;
else {
* port = 1 ;
* slot = index - 1 - 3 * config . multitap [ 0 ] ;
return 1 ;
void UpdatePadList ( HWND hWnd ) {
static u8 recurse = 0 ;
if ( recurse ) return ;
recurse = 1 ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PAD_LIST ) ;
HWND hWndCombo = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PAD_TYPE ) ;
HWND hWndAnalog = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_ANALOG_START1 ) ;
int slot ;
int port ;
int index = 0 ;
wchar_t * padTypes [ ] = { L " Unplugged " , L " Dualshock 2 " , L " Guitar " } ;
for ( port = 0 ; port < 2 ; port + + ) {
for ( slot = 0 ; slot < 4 ; slot + + ) {
wchar_t text [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! GetPadString ( text , port , slot ) ) continue ;
LVITEM item ;
item . iItem = index ;
item . iSubItem = 0 ;
item . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
item . pszText = text ;
if ( SendMessage ( hWndList , LVM_GETITEMCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) < = index ) {
ListView_InsertItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
else {
ListView_SetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
item . iSubItem = 1 ;
if ( 2 < ( unsigned int ) config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type ) config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type = Dualshock2Pad ;
item . pszText = padTypes [ config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type ] ;
//if (!slot && !config.padConfigs[port][slot].type)
// item.pszText = L"Unplugged (Kinda)";
ListView_SetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
item . iSubItem = 2 ;
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
Device * dev = dm - > devices [ i ] ;
if ( ! dev - > enabled ) continue ;
count + = dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numBindings + dev - > pads [ port ] [ slot ] . numFFBindings ;
wsprintf ( text , L " %i " , count ) ;
item . pszText = text ;
ListView_SetItem ( hWndList , & item ) ;
index + + ;
while ( ListView_DeleteItem ( hWndList , index ) ) ;
int sel = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
int enable ;
if ( ! ListIndexToPortAndSlot ( sel , & port , & slot ) ) {
enable = 0 ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , - 1 , 0 ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_ANALOG_START1 , BST_UNCHECKED ) ;
else {
enable = 1 ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type , 0 ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_ANALOG_START1 , BST_CHECKED * config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . autoAnalog ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWndCombo , enable ) ;
EnableWindow ( hWndAnalog , enable ) ;
recurse = 0 ;
INT_PTR CALLBACK GeneralDialogProc ( HWND hWnd , unsigned int msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) {
int i ;
HWND hWndList = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PAD_LIST ) ;
switch ( msg ) {
HWND hWndCombo = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PAD_TYPE ) ;
if ( SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) = = 0 ) {
c . mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH ;
c . cx = 50 ;
c . pszText = L " Pad " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 0 , & c ) ;
c . cx = 120 ;
c . pszText = L " Type " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 1 , & c ) ;
c . cx = 70 ;
c . pszText = L " Bindings " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hWndList , 2 , & c ) ;
selected = 0 ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) L " Unplugged " ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) L " Dualshock 2 " ) ;
SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) L " Guitar " ) ;
UpdatePadPages ( ) ;
hWndGeneral = hWnd ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 0 , hWnd , 0 ) ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
if ( ! DualShock3Possible ( ) ) {
config . gameApis . dualShock3 = 0 ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_G_DS3 ) , 0 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo ) / sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo [ 0 ] ) ; j + + ) {
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , BoolOptionsInfo [ j ] . ControlId , BST_CHECKED * config . bools [ j ] ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK1 , BST_CHECKED * ( config . closeHacks & 1 ) ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK2 , BST_CHECKED * ( ( config . closeHacks & 2 ) > > 1 ) ) ;
if ( config . osVersion < 6 ) EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_VISTA_VOLUME ) , 0 ) ;
if ( config . keyboardApi < 0 | | config . keyboardApi > 3 ) config . keyboardApi = NO_API ;
CheckRadioButton ( hWnd , IDC_KB_DISABLE , IDC_KB_RAW , IDC_KB_DISABLE + config . keyboardApi ) ;
if ( config . mouseApi < 0 | | config . mouseApi > 3 ) config . mouseApi = NO_API ;
CheckRadioButton ( hWnd , IDC_M_DISABLE , IDC_M_RAW , IDC_M_DISABLE + config . mouseApi ) ;
if ( ! InitializeRawInput ( ) ) {
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_KB_RAW ) , 0 ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_M_RAW ) , 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( wParam = = DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED ) {
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 1 , hWndGeneral , 1 ) ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
break ;
if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_PAD_TYPE ) {
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE ) {
HWND hWndCombo = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PAD_TYPE ) ;
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
int sel = SendMessage ( hWndCombo , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
int port , slot ;
if ( sel < 0 | | ! ListIndexToPortAndSlot ( index , & port , & slot ) ) break ;
if ( sel ! = config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type ) {
config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . type = ( PadType ) sel ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
UpdatePadPages ( ) ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 0 , hWnd , 1 ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED & & ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_LOAD | | LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_SAVE ) ) {
memset ( & ofn , 0 , sizeof ( ofn ) ) ;
ofn . lStructSize = sizeof ( ofn ) ;
ofn . hwndOwner = hWnd ;
ofn . lpstrFilter = L " LilyPad Config Files \0 *.lily \0 All Files \0 *.* \0 \0 " ;
wchar_t file [ MAX_PATH + 1 ] ;
ofn . lpstrFile = file ;
ofn . nMaxFile = MAX_PATH ;
wcscpy ( file , config . lastSaveConfigFileName ) ;
ofn . lpstrInitialDir = config . lastSaveConfigPath ;
if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_LOAD ) {
ofn . lpstrTitle = L " Load LilyPad Configuration " ;
ofn . Flags | = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST ;
if ( GetOpenFileNameW ( & ofn ) ) {
LoadSettings ( 1 , ofn . lpstrFile ) ;
GeneralDialogProc ( hWnd , WM_INITDIALOG , 0 , 0 ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else {
ofn . lpstrTitle = L " Save LilyPad Configuration " ;
if ( GetSaveFileNameW ( & ofn ) ) {
if ( SaveSettings ( ofn . lpstrFile ) = = - 1 ) {
MessageBox ( hWnd , L " Save fail " , L " Couldn't save file. " , MB_OK ) ;
break ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_TEST ) {
Diagnostics ( hWnd ) ;
RefreshEnabledDevices ( ) ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_REFRESH ) {
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 1 , hWnd , 1 ) ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
else if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_ANALOG_START1 ) {
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
int port , slot ;
if ( ! ListIndexToPortAndSlot ( index , & port , & slot ) ) break ;
config . padConfigs [ port ] [ slot ] . autoAnalog = ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_ANALOG_START1 ) = = BST_CHECKED ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
else {
int t = IDC_CLOSE_HACK1 ;
int test = LOWORD ( wParam ) ;
if ( test = = IDC_CLOSE_HACK1 ) {
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK2 , BST_UNCHECKED ) ;
else if ( test = = IDC_CLOSE_HACK2 ) {
CheckDlgButton ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK1 , BST_UNCHECKED ) ;
int mtap = config . multitap [ 0 ] + 2 * config . multitap [ 1 ] ;
int vistaVol = config . vistaVolume ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo ) / sizeof ( BoolOptionsInfo [ 0 ] ) ; j + + ) {
config . bools [ j ] = ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , BoolOptionsInfo [ j ] . ControlId ) = = BST_CHECKED ) ;
config . closeHacks = ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK1 ) = = BST_CHECKED ) |
( ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_CLOSE_HACK2 ) = = BST_CHECKED ) < < 1 ) ;
if ( ! config . vistaVolume ) {
if ( vistaVol ) {
// Restore volume if just disabled. Don't touch, otherwise, just in case
// sound plugin plays with it.
SetVolume ( 100 ) ;
config . vistaVolume = 100 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) {
if ( i & & IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_KB_DISABLE + i ) = = BST_CHECKED ) {
config . keyboardApi = ( DeviceAPI ) i ;
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hWnd , IDC_M_DISABLE + i ) = = BST_CHECKED ) {
config . mouseApi = ( DeviceAPI ) i ;
if ( mtap ! = config . multitap [ 0 ] + 2 * config . multitap [ 1 ] ) {
UpdatePadPages ( ) ;
RefreshEnabledDevicesAndDisplay ( 0 , hWnd , 1 ) ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
break ;
case WM_NOTIFY :
PSHNOTIFY * n = ( PSHNOTIFY * ) lParam ;
if ( n - > hdr . hwndFrom = = hWndProp ) {
switch ( n - > hdr . code ) {
EndBinding ( hWnd ) ;
return 0 ;
//selected = 0;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
return 0 ;
case PSN_APPLY :
selected = 0 ;
if ( SaveSettings ( ) ) {
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
else if ( n - > hdr . idFrom = = IDC_LIST & & n - > hdr . code = = NM_DBLCLK ) {
Diagnostics ( hWnd ) ;
else if ( n - > hdr . idFrom = = IDC_PAD_LIST ) {
if ( n - > hdr . code = = LVN_ITEMCHANGED ) {
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
if ( n - > hdr . code = = NM_RCLICK ) {
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( hWndList , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
int port1 , slot1 , port2 , slot2 ;
if ( ! ListIndexToPortAndSlot ( index , & port1 , & slot1 ) ) break ;
HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu ( ) ;
if ( ! hMenu ) break ;
for ( port2 = 1 ; port2 > = 0 ; port2 - - ) {
for ( slot2 = 3 ; slot2 > = 0 ; slot2 - - ) {
wchar_t text [ 40 ] ;
wchar_t pad [ 20 ] ;
if ( ! GetPadString ( pad , port2 , slot2 ) ) continue ;
info . cbSize = sizeof ( info ) ;
info . fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_ID ;
info . dwTypeData = text ;
if ( port2 = = port1 & & slot2 = = slot1 ) {
int index = GetMenuItemCount ( hMenu ) ;
wsprintfW ( text , L " Clear %s Bindings " , pad ) ;
info . wID = - 1 ;
InsertMenuItemW ( hMenu , index , 1 , & info ) ;
info . fMask = MIIM_TYPE ;
info . fType = MFT_SEPARATOR ;
InsertMenuItemW ( hMenu , index , 1 , & info ) ;
else {
info . wID = port2 + 2 * slot2 + 1 ;
wsprintfW ( text , L " Swap with %s " , pad ) ;
InsertMenuItemW ( hMenu , 0 , 1 , & info ) ;
POINT pos ;
GetCursorPos ( & pos ) ;
short res = TrackPopupMenuEx ( hMenu , TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD , pos . x , pos . y , hWndProp , 0 ) ;
DestroyMenu ( hMenu ) ;
if ( ! res ) break ;
if ( res > 0 ) {
res - - ;
slot2 = res / 2 ;
port2 = res & 1 ;
PadConfig padCfgTemp = config . padConfigs [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] ;
config . padConfigs [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] = config . padConfigs [ port2 ] [ slot2 ] ;
config . padConfigs [ port2 ] [ slot2 ] = padCfgTemp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
if ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > type = = IGNORE ) continue ;
PadBindings bindings = dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] ;
dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] = dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port2 ] [ slot2 ] ;
dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port2 ] [ slot2 ] = bindings ;
else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dm - > numDevices ; i + + ) {
if ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > type = = IGNORE ) continue ;
free ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] . bindings ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] . numFFBindings ; j + + ) {
free ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] . ffBindings [ j ] . axes ) ;
free ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] . ffBindings ) ;
memset ( & dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] , 0 , sizeof ( dm - > devices [ i ] - > pads [ port1 ] [ slot1 ] ) ) ;
UpdatePadPages ( ) ;
UpdatePadList ( hWnd ) ;
PropSheet_Changed ( hWndProp , hWnd ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return 0 ;
int CALLBACK PropSheetProc ( HWND hWnd , UINT msg , LPARAM lParam ) {
if ( hWnd ) hWndProp = hWnd ;
return 0 ;
void Configure ( ) {
// Can end up here without PADinit() being called first.
LoadSettings ( ) ;
// Can also end up here after running emulator a bit, and possibly
// disabling some devices due to focus changes, or releasing mouse.
RefreshEnabledDevices ( 0 ) ;
memset ( hWnds , 0 , sizeof ( hWnds ) ) ;
ZeroMemory ( & psp , sizeof ( psp ) ) ;
psp . dwSize = sizeof ( psp ) ;
psp . hInstance = hInst ;
psp . pfnDlgProc = GeneralDialogProc ;
psp . pszTitle = L " General " ;
psp . pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDD_GENERAL ) ;
HPROPSHEETPAGE page = CreatePropertySheetPage ( & psp ) ;
if ( ! page ) return ;
ZeroMemory ( & psh , sizeof ( psh ) ) ;
psh . dwSize = sizeof ( PROPSHEETHEADER ) ;
psh . pfnCallback = PropSheetProc ;
psh . hwndParent = GetActiveWindow ( ) ;
psh . nPages = 1 ;
psh . phpage = & page ;
wchar_t title [ 200 ] ;
GetNameAndVersionString ( title ) ;
wcscat ( title , L " Settings " ) ;
psh . pszCaption = title ;
PropertySheet ( & psh ) ;
LoadSettings ( 1 ) ;
memset ( hWnds , 0 , sizeof ( hWnds ) ) ;
void UnloadConfigs ( ) {
if ( dm ) {
delete dm ;
dm = 0 ;