//-#[ANTIALIASING TECHNIQUES] [1=ON|0=OFF] #READ: For best results: Use gsdx fx antialiasing OR FS filtering. Not both.
#define UHQ_FXAA 0 //#High Quality Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing. Adapted for GSdx from Timothy Lottes FXAA 3.11. If using GSdx's internal FXAA, this equals FXAA2x. [3D]
//-#[FS SCALING TECHNIQUES] [1=ON|0=OFF] #READ: For best results: Only enable one type of filtering at one time. Use post antialiasing OR FS filtering, not both.
//-#[LIGHTING & COLOUR] [1=ON|0=OFF] #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. [For High Dynamic Range(HDR) use Bloom & Tonemapping together]
#define BLENDED_BLOOM 1 //#High Quality Bloom, using blend techniques. Blooms naturally, per environment.
#define SCENE_TONEMAPPING 1 //#Scene Tonemapping & RGB Colour Correction. Corrects colour, and tone maps the scene.
#define GAMMA_CORRECTION 1 //#RGB Gamma Correction. sRGB->Linear->sRGB correction curve. Enable for games with incorrect gamma.
#define TEXTURE_SHARPEN 0 //#Bicubic Texture Unsharpen Mask. Looks similar to a negative LOD bias. Enhances texture fidelity.
//-#[TV EMU TECHNIQUES] [1=ON|0=OFF] #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. These effects are typically used to simulated older TVs/CRT etc.
#define PX_BORDER 0 //#Creates a pixel border, as a workaround for the bright edge that using hardware antialiasing(MSAA) can cause. (Ported by request from SFX).
#define FxaaEarlyExit 1 //[0 or 1] Use Fxaa early exit pathing. When enabled: Only luma edge pixels are antialiased. When disabled: the entire scene is antialiased(FSAA).
#define Interpolation Triangular //[CatMullRom, Bell, BSpline, Triangular, Cubic] Type of interpolation to use. From left to right is lighter<-->stronger filtering.
#define Exposure 1.00 //[0.10 to 2.00] White correction (brightness) Higher values for more Exposure, lower for less.
#define Luminance 1.00 //[0.10 to 2.00] Luminance average (luminance correction) Higher values to decrease luminance average, lower values to increase luminance.
#define WhitePoint 1.02 //[0.10 to 2.00] Whitepoint avg (lum correction) Use to alter the scene whitepoint average. Raising can give a cinema look.
#define CorrectionPalette 1 //[0|1|2|3] The colour correction palette type. 1: RGB, 2: YUV, 3: XYZ, 0: off. 1 is default. This requires tone mapping enabled.
#define RedCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Red channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals red reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define GreenCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Green channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals green reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define BlueCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Blue channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals blue reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define FilmicProcess 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic cross processing. Alters the mood of the scene, for more of a filmic look. Typically best suited to realistic style games.
#define RedShift 0.50 //[0.10 to 1.00] Red colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the red balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define GreenShift 0.45 //[0.10 to 1.00] Green colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the green balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define BlueShift 0.45 //[0.10 to 1.00] Blue colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the blue balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define ShiftRatio 0.25 //[0.10 to 1.00] The blending ratio for the base colour and the colour shift. Higher for a stronger effect. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define SharpeningType 2 //[1 or 2] The type of sharpening to use. Type 1 is a High Pass Gaussian. Type 2 is a higher quality(slightly slower) Bicubic Sampling type.
#define SharpenStrength 0.75 //[0.10 to 1.00] Strength of the texture luma sharpening effect. This is the maximum strength that will be used.
#define SharpenClamp 0.015 //[0.005 to 0.500] Reduces the clamping/limiting on the maximum amount of sharpening each pixel recieves. Raise this to reduce the clamping.
#define SharpenBias 1.00 //[1.00 to 4.00] Sharpening edge bias. Lower values for clean subtle sharpen, and higher values for a deeper textured sharpen.
#define DebugSharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the sharpening effect. Useful for fine-tuning. Best to disable other effects, to see edge detection clearly.
#define RedGrading 1.00 //[0.0 to 3.0] Red colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the red channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GreenGrading 1.00 //[0.0 to 3.0] Green colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Green channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define BlueGrading 1.00 //[0.0 to 3.0] Blue colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Blue channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GradingStrength 0.25 //[0.00 to 1.00] The overall max strength of the colour grading effect. Raise to increase, lower to decrease the amount.
#define Correlation 1.00 //[0.10 to 1.00] Correlation between the base colour, and the grading influence. Lower = more of the scene is graded, Higher = less of the scene is graded.
#define EdgeStrength 1.50 //[0.00 to 4.00] Overall strength of the cel edge outline effect. 0.00 = no outlines.
#define EdgeFilter 0.60 //[0.10 to 2.00] Filters out fainter cel edges. Use it for balancing the cel edge density. EG: for faces, foliage, etc. Raise to filter out more edges.
#define EdgeThickness 1.00 //[0.50 to 4.00] Thickness of the cel edges. Increase for thicker outlining. Note: when downsampling, raise this further to keep the edges as noticeable.
#define PaletteType 2 //[1|2|3] The colour palette to use. 1 is Game Original, 2 is Animated Shading, 3 is Water Painting (Default is 2: Animated Shading). #!Options below don't affect palette 1.
#define UseYuvLuma 0 //[0 or 1] Uses YUV luma calculations, or base colour luma calculations. Yuv luma can produce a better shaded look, but if it looks odd, disable it for that game.
#define LumaConversion 1 //[0 or 1] Uses BT.601, or BT.709, RGB<-YUV->RGB conversions. Some games prefer 601, but most prefer 709. BT.709 is typically recommended.
#define ColorRounding 1 //[0 or 1] Uses rounding methods on colors. This can emphasise shaded toon colors. Looks good in some games, and odd in others. Try it in-game and see.
#define BorderWidth float2(2, 2) //[0 to 2048, 0 to 2048] (X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels.
#define BorderColor float3(0, 0, 0) //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white.