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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "Threading.h"
#include "wxGuiTools.h"
using namespace Threading;
class pxPingEvent;
class pxMessageBoxEvent;
DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( pxEvt_Ping, -1 )
DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( pxEvt_MessageBox, -1 )
DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( pxEvt_DeleteObject, -1 )
//DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE( pxEvt_Assertion, -1 )
struct MsgboxEventResult
Semaphore WaitForMe;
int result;
result = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MsgButtons
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MsgButtons
m_OK :1,
m_Cancel :1,
m_Yes :1,
m_No :1,
m_Apply :1,
m_Abort :1,
m_Retry :1,
m_Ignore :1,
m_Reset :1,
m_Close :1;
wxString m_CustomLabel;
MsgButtons() { bitset = 0; }
MsgButtons& OK() { m_OK = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Cancel() { m_Cancel = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Apply() { m_Apply = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Yes() { m_Yes = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& No() { m_No = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& ToAll() { m_AllowToAll = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Abort() { m_Abort = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Retry() { m_Retry = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Ignore() { m_Ignore = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Reset() { m_Reset = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Close() { m_Close = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& Custom( const wxString& label)
m_CustomLabel = label;
return *this;
MsgButtons& OKCancel() { m_OK = m_Cancel = true; return *this; }
MsgButtons& YesNo() { m_Yes = m_No = true; return *this; }
bool HasOK() const { return m_OK; }
bool HasCancel() const { return m_Cancel; }
bool HasApply() const { return m_Apply; }
bool HasYes() const { return m_Yes; }
bool HasNo() const { return m_No; }
bool AllowsToAll() const{ return m_AllowToAll; }
bool HasAbort() const { return m_Abort; }
bool HasRetry() const { return m_Retry; }
bool HasIgnore() const { return m_Ignore; }
bool HasReset() const { return m_Reset; }
bool HasClose() const { return m_Close; }
bool HasCustom() const { return !m_CustomLabel.IsEmpty(); }
const wxString& GetCustomLabel() const { return m_CustomLabel; }
bool Allows( wxWindowID id ) const;
void SetBestFocus( wxWindow* dialog ) const;
void SetBestFocus( wxWindow& dialog ) const;
bool operator ==( const MsgButtons& right ) const
return OpEqu( bitset );
bool operator !=( const MsgButtons& right ) const
return !OpEqu( bitset );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ModalButtonPanel
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ModalButtonPanel : public wxPanelWithHelpers
ModalButtonPanel( wxWindow* window, const MsgButtons& buttons );
virtual ~ModalButtonPanel() throw() { }
virtual void AddActionButton( wxWindowID id );
virtual void AddCustomButton( wxWindowID id, const wxString& label );
virtual void OnActionButtonClicked( wxCommandEvent& evt );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BaseMessageBoxEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseMessageBoxEvent : public wxEvent
MsgboxEventResult* m_Instdata;
wxString m_Content;
virtual ~BaseMessageBoxEvent() throw() { }
virtual BaseMessageBoxEvent *Clone() const { return new BaseMessageBoxEvent(*this); }
explicit BaseMessageBoxEvent( int msgtype=pxEvt_MessageBox, const wxString& content=wxEmptyString );
BaseMessageBoxEvent( MsgboxEventResult& instdata, const wxString& content );
BaseMessageBoxEvent( const wxString& content );
BaseMessageBoxEvent( const BaseMessageBoxEvent& event );
BaseMessageBoxEvent& SetInstData( MsgboxEventResult& instdata );
virtual void IssueDialog();
virtual int _DoDialog() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxMessageBoxEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This event type is used to transfer message boxes to the main UI thread, and return the
// result of the box. It's the only way a message box can be issued from non-main threads
// with complete safety in wx2.8.
// For simplicity sake this message box only supports two basic designs. The main design
// is a generic message box with confirmation buttons of your choosing. Additionally you
// can specify a "scrollableContent" text string, which is added into a read-only richtext
// control similar to the console logs and such.
// Future consideration: If wxWidgets 3.0 has improved thread safety, then it should probably
// be reasonable for it to work with a more flexable model where the dialog can be created
// on a child thread, passed to the main thread, where ShowModal() is run (keeping the nested
// message pumps on the main thread where they belong). But so far this is not possible,
// because of various subtle issues in wx2.8 design.
class pxMessageBoxEvent : public BaseMessageBoxEvent
typedef BaseMessageBoxEvent _parent;
wxString m_Title;
MsgButtons m_Buttons;
virtual ~pxMessageBoxEvent() throw() { }
virtual pxMessageBoxEvent *Clone() const { return new pxMessageBoxEvent(*this); }
explicit pxMessageBoxEvent( int msgtype=pxEvt_MessageBox );
pxMessageBoxEvent( MsgboxEventResult& instdata, const wxString& title, const wxString& content, const MsgButtons& buttons );
pxMessageBoxEvent( const wxString& title, const wxString& content, const MsgButtons& buttons );
pxMessageBoxEvent( const pxMessageBoxEvent& event );
pxMessageBoxEvent& SetInstData( MsgboxEventResult& instdata );
virtual int _DoDialog() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxAssertionEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class pxAssertionEvent : public BaseMessageBoxEvent
typedef BaseMessageBoxEvent _parent;
wxString m_Stacktrace;
virtual ~pxAssertionEvent() throw() { }
virtual pxAssertionEvent *Clone() const { return new pxAssertionEvent(*this); }
pxAssertionEvent( MsgboxEventResult& instdata, const wxString& content, const wxString& trace );
pxAssertionEvent( const wxString& content, const wxString& trace );
pxAssertionEvent( const pxAssertionEvent& event );
pxAssertionEvent& SetInstData( MsgboxEventResult& instdata );
pxAssertionEvent& SetStacktrace( const wxString& trace );
virtual int _DoDialog() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxStuckThreadEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class pxStuckThreadEvent : public BaseMessageBoxEvent
typedef BaseMessageBoxEvent _parent;
Threading::PersistentThread& m_Thread;
virtual ~pxStuckThreadEvent() throw() { }
virtual pxStuckThreadEvent *Clone() const { return new pxStuckThreadEvent(*this); }
pxStuckThreadEvent( PersistentThread& thr );
pxStuckThreadEvent( MsgboxEventResult& instdata, PersistentThread& thr );
pxStuckThreadEvent( const pxStuckThreadEvent& src);
virtual int _DoDialog() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxPingEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class pxPingEvent : public wxEvent
Semaphore* m_PostBack;
virtual ~pxPingEvent() throw() { }
virtual pxPingEvent *Clone() const { return new pxPingEvent(*this); }
explicit pxPingEvent( int msgtype, Semaphore* sema=NULL );
explicit pxPingEvent( Semaphore* sema=NULL );
pxPingEvent( const pxPingEvent& src );
Semaphore* GetSemaphore() { return m_PostBack; }
typedef void FnType_VoidMethod();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxAppWithHelpers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxAppWithHelpers : public wxApp
typedef wxApp _parent;
std::vector<Semaphore*> m_PingWhenIdle;
std::vector<IDeletableObject*> m_DeleteWhenIdle;
Threading::Mutex m_DeleteIdleLock;
wxTimer m_PingTimer;
virtual ~wxAppWithHelpers() {}
void CleanUp();
void DeleteObject( IDeletableObject& obj );
void DeleteObject( IDeletableObject* obj )
if( obj == NULL ) return;
DeleteObject( *obj );
void PostCommand( void* clientData, int evtType, int intParam=0, long longParam=0, const wxString& stringParam=wxEmptyString );
void PostCommand( int evtType, int intParam=0, long longParam=0, const wxString& stringParam=wxEmptyString );
void PostMethod( FnType_VoidMethod* method );
void Ping();
bool OnInit();
//int OnExit();
void PingDispatcher( const char* action );
void DeletionDispatcher();
void OnIdleEvent( wxIdleEvent& evt );
void OnPingEvent( pxPingEvent& evt );
void OnPingTimeout( wxTimerEvent& evt );
void OnMessageBox( BaseMessageBoxEvent& evt );
void OnDeleteObject( wxCommandEvent& evt );
namespace Msgbox
extern int ShowModal( BaseMessageBoxEvent& evt );