
2016 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 zerofrog@gmail.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "GS.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "zerogs.h"
#include "targets.h"
#include "x86.h"
#include "Mem_Transmit.h"
#include "Mem_Swizzle.h"
BLOCK m_Blocks[0x40]; // do so blocks are indexable
PCSX2_ALIGNED16(u32 tempblock[64]);
// Add a bunch of local variables that used to be in the TransferHostLocal
// functions, in order to de-macro the TransmitHostLocal macros.
// May be in a class or namespace eventually.
int tempX, tempY;
int pitch, area, fracX;
int nSize;
u8* pstart;
// ------------------------
// | Y |
// ------------------------
// | block | |
// | aligned area | X |
// | | |
// ------------------------
// | Y |
// ------------------------
#define DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(psm, transfersize, T, widthlimit, blockbits, blockwidth, blockheight, TransSfx, SwizzleBlock) \
int TransferHostLocal##psm(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize) \
{ \
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 ); \
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256; \
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/ \
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX; \
const u32 TSize = sizeof(T); \
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel##psm##_0; \
const T* pbuf = (const T*)pbyMem; \
const int tp = TransPitch(2, transfersize); \
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%tp; \
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/tp; \
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew); \
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight); \
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight); \
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth); \
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx; \
if( (gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit ) { \
/* hack */ \
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx); \
if((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit)) { \
/* don't transfer */ \
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/ \
gs.imageTransfer = -1; \
} \
bCanAlign = false; \
} \
/* first align on block boundary */ \
if( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign ) { \
if( !bCanAlign ) \
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */ \
else \
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */ \
if( ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit) ) { \
/* transmit with a width of 1 */ \
if (!TransmitHostLocalY##TransSfx<T>(wp, (1 + (DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End; \
} \
else { \
if (!TransmitHostLocalY##TransSfx<T>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End; \
} \
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) \
goto End; \
} \
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx); \
/* can align! */ \
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx; \
area = pitch*blockheight; \
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX; \
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */ \
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize) & 0xf) == 0; \
/* transfer aligning to blocks */ \
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area) { \
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) ) { \
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize) { \
SwizzleBlock(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(psm,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, \
(u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)); \
} \
} \
else { \
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize) { \
SwizzleBlock##u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(psm,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, \
(u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)); \
} \
} \
/* transfer the rest */ \
if( alignedX < gs.imageEndX ) { \
if (!TransmitHostLocalX##TransSfx<T>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End; \
pbuf -= TransPitch(alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx, transfersize)/TSize; \
} \
else pbuf += (blockheight-1)* TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize; \
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx; \
} \
if( TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 ) { \
if (!TransmitHostLocalY##TransSfx<T>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End; \
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */ \
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 ); \
} \
End: \
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) { \
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ); \
gs.imageTransfer = -1; \
/*int start, end; \
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw); \
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/ \
} \
else { \
/* update new params */ \
gs.imageY = tempY; \
gs.imageX = tempX; \
} \
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2; \
} \
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(32, u32, 2, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock32);
int TransferHostLocal32(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 2;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u32);
const u32 transfersize = 32;
_SwizzleBlock swizzle;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel32_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u32* pbuf = (const u32*)pbyMem;
const int tp2 = TransPitch(2, transfersize);
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%tp2;
nSize = (nQWordSize*4*2)/tp2;
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(gs.imageY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned;
bool bCanAlign = ((MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0) && (gs.imageX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && (alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx));
if ((gs.imageEndX - gs.trxpos.dx) % widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize -
(gs.imageEndY - gs.imageY) * (gs.imageEndX - gs.trxpos.dx)
+ (gs.imageX - gs.trxpos.dx);
if((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(gs.imageY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX - gs.trxpos.dx) % widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX - gs.imageX) % widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, (1 + (DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
//assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX - gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch * blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX - alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize) & 0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if ( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)))
swizzle = SwizzleBlock32;
swizzle = SwizzleBlock32u;
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
u8 *temp = pstart + getPixelAddress_0(32, tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8;
swizzle(temp, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize), 0xffffffff);
/* transfer the rest */
if( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX - gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight - 1)* TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0)
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
End: if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY )
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(32Z, u32, 2, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock32);
int TransferHostLocal32Z(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 2;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u32);
const u32 transfersize = 32;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel32Z_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u32* pbuf = (const u32*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if ( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock32(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(32Z,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock32u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(32Z,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX - gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u32>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(24, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _24, SwizzleBlock24);
int TransferHostLocal24(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 8;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 24;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel24_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize) & 0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock24(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(24,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock24u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(24,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(24Z, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _24, SwizzleBlock24);
int TransferHostLocal24Z(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 8;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 24;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel24Z_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock24(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock24u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0)
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_24<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16);
int TransferHostLocal16(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 16;
const u32 blockwidth = 16;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u16);
const u32 transfersize = 16;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel16_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u16* pbuf = (const u16*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)* TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(pitch, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16S, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16);
int TransferHostLocal16S(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 16;
const u32 blockwidth = 16;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u16);
const u32 transfersize = 16;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel16S_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u16* pbuf = (const u16*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16S,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16S,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1) * TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16Z, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16);
int TransferHostLocal16Z(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 16;
const u32 blockwidth = 16;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u16);
const u32 transfersize = 16;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel16Z_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u16* pbuf = (const u16*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16Z,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16Z,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16SZ, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16);
int TransferHostLocal16SZ(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 16;
const u32 blockwidth = 16;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u16);
const u32 transfersize = 16;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel16SZ_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u16* pbuf = (const u16*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16SZ,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock16u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(16SZ,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u16>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(8, u8, 4, 8, 16, 16, _, SwizzleBlock8);
int TransferHostLocal8(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 8;
const u32 blockwidth = 16;
const u32 blockheight = 16;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 8;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel8_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf +=TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock8(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(8,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock8u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(8,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch(alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx, transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4, u8, 8, 4, 32, 16, _4, SwizzleBlock4);
int TransferHostLocal4(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 8;
const u32 blockbits = 4;
const u32 blockwidth = 32;
const u32 blockheight = 16;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 4;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel4_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4u(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(8H, u8, 4, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock8H);
int TransferHostLocal8H(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 4;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 8;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel8H_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock8H(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(8H,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock8Hu(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(8H,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4HL, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _4, SwizzleBlock4HL);
int TransferHostLocal4HL(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 8;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 4;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel4HL_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/ TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4HL(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4HL,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4HLu(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4HL,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
//DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4HH, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _4, SwizzleBlock4HH);
int TransferHostLocal4HH(const void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
const u32 widthlimit = 8;
const u32 blockbits = 32;
const u32 blockwidth = 8;
const u32 blockheight = 8;
const u32 TSize = sizeof(u8);
const u32 transfersize = 4;
_writePixel_0 wp = writePixel4HH_0;
assert( gs.imageTransfer == 0 );
pstart = g_pbyGSMemory + gs.dstbuf.bp*256;
/*const u8* pendbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem + nQWordSize*4;*/
tempY = gs.imageY; tempX = gs.imageX;
const u8* pbuf = (const u8*)pbyMem;
int nLeftOver = (nQWordSize*4*2)%(TransPitch(2, transfersize));
nSize = nQWordSize*4*2/TransPitch(2, transfersize);
nSize = min(nSize, gs.imageWnew * gs.imageHnew);
int endY = ROUND_UPPOW2(tempY, blockheight);
int alignedY = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndY, blockheight);
int alignedX = ROUND_DOWNPOW2(gs.imageEndX, blockwidth);
bool bAligned, bCanAlign = MOD_POW2(gs.trxpos.dx, blockwidth) == 0 && (tempX == gs.trxpos.dx) && (alignedY > endY) && alignedX > gs.trxpos.dx;
if ((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit)
/* hack */
int testwidth = (int)nSize - (gs.imageEndY-tempY)*(gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)+(tempX-gs.trxpos.dx);
if ((testwidth <= widthlimit) && (testwidth >= -widthlimit))
/* don't transfer */
/*DEBUG_LOG("bad texture %s: %d %d %d\n", #psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.imageEndX, nQWordSize);*/
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
bCanAlign = false;
/* first align on block boundary */
if ( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) || !bCanAlign )
if ( !bCanAlign )
endY = gs.imageEndY; /* transfer the whole image */
assert( endY < gs.imageEndY); /* part of alignment condition */
if (((gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx)%widthlimit) || ((gs.imageEndX-tempX)%widthlimit))
/* transmit with a width of 1 */
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, (1+(DSTPSM == 0x14)), endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, endY, pbuf)) goto End;
if( nSize == 0 || tempY == gs.imageEndY ) goto End;
assert( MOD_POW2(tempY, blockheight) == 0 && tempX == gs.trxpos.dx);
/* can align! */
pitch = gs.imageEndX-gs.trxpos.dx;
area = pitch*blockheight;
fracX = gs.imageEndX-alignedX;
/* on top of checking whether pbuf is aligned, make sure that the width is at least aligned to its limits (due to bugs in pcsx2) */
bAligned = !((uptr)pbuf & 0xf) && (TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)&0xf) == 0;
/* transfer aligning to blocks */
for(; tempY < alignedY && nSize >= area; tempY += blockheight, nSize -= area)
if( bAligned || ((DSTPSM==PSMCT24) || (DSTPSM==PSMT8H) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HH) || (DSTPSM==PSMT4HL)) )
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4HH(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4HH,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
for(int tempj = gs.trxpos.dx; tempj < alignedX; tempj += blockwidth, pbuf += TransPitch(blockwidth, transfersize)/TSize)
SwizzleBlock4HHu(pstart + getPixelAddress_0(4HH,tempj, tempY, gs.dstbuf.bw)*blockbits/8, (u8*)pbuf, TransPitch(pitch, transfersize));
/* transfer the rest */
if ( alignedX < gs.imageEndX )
if (!TransmitHostLocalX_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, blockheight, alignedX, pbuf)) goto End;
pbuf -= TransPitch((alignedX-gs.trxpos.dx), transfersize)/TSize;
pbuf += (blockheight-1)*TransPitch(pitch, transfersize)/TSize;
tempX = gs.trxpos.dx;
if (TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 > 0 )
if (!TransmitHostLocalY_4<u8>(wp, widthlimit, gs.imageEndY, pbuf)) goto End;
/* sometimes wrong sizes are sent (tekken tag) */
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || TransPitch(nSize, transfersize)/4 <= 2 );
if( tempY >= gs.imageEndY ) {
assert( gs.imageTransfer == -1 || tempY == gs.imageEndY );
gs.imageTransfer = -1;
/*int start, end;
ZeroGS::GetRectMemAddress(start, end, gs.dstbuf.psm, gs.trxpos.dx, gs.trxpos.dy, gs.imageWnew, gs.imageHnew, gs.dstbuf.bp, gs.dstbuf.bw);
ZeroGS::g_MemTargs.ClearRange(start, end);*/
else {
/* update new params */
gs.imageY = tempY;
gs.imageX = tempX;
return (nSize * TransPitch(2, transfersize) + nLeftOver)/2;
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(32, 32, u32, 2, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock32); // 32/8/4 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(32Z, 32, u32, 2, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock32); // 32/8/4 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(24, 24, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _24, SwizzleBlock24); // 24/8/1 = 3
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(24Z, 24, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _24, SwizzleBlock24); // 24/8/1 = 3
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16, 16, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16); // 16/8/2 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16S, 16, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16); // 16/8/2 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16Z, 16, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16); // 16/8/2 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(16SZ, 16, u16, 4, 16, 16, 8, _, SwizzleBlock16); // 16/8/2 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(8, 8, u8, 4, 8, 16, 16, _, SwizzleBlock8); // 8/8/1 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4, 4, u8, 8, 4, 32, 16, _4, SwizzleBlock4); // 4/8/1 = 1/2
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(8H, 8, u8, 4, 32, 8, 8, _, SwizzleBlock8H); // 8/8/1 = 1
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4HL, 4, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _4, SwizzleBlock4HL); // 4/8/1 = 1/2
DEFINE_TRANSFERLOCAL(4HH, 4, u8, 8, 32, 8, 8, _4, SwizzleBlock4HH); // 4/8/1 = 1/2
void TransferLocalHost32(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost24(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost16(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost16S(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost8(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost4(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost8H(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost4HL(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost4HH(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost32Z(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost24Z(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost16Z(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
void TransferLocalHost16SZ(void* pbyMem, u32 nQWordSize)
#define FILL_BLOCK(bw, bh, ox, oy, mult, psm, psmcol) { \
b.vTexDims = Vector(BLOCK_TEXWIDTH/(float)(bw), BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT/(float)bh, 0, 0); \
b.vTexBlock = Vector((float)bw/BLOCK_TEXWIDTH, (float)bh/BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT, ((float)ox+0.2f)/BLOCK_TEXWIDTH, ((float)oy+0.05f)/BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT); \
b.width = bw; \
b.height = bh; \
b.colwidth = bh / 4; \
b.colheight = bw / 8; \
b.bpp = 32/mult; \
b.pageTable = &g_pageTable##psm[0][0]; \
b.blockTable = &g_blockTable##psm[0][0]; \
b.columnTable = &g_columnTable##psmcol[0][0]; \
assert( sizeof(g_pageTable##psm) == bw*bh*sizeof(g_pageTable##psm[0][0]) ); \
psrcf = (float*)&vBlockData[0] + ox + oy * BLOCK_TEXWIDTH; \
psrcw = (u16*)&vBlockData[0] + ox + oy * BLOCK_TEXWIDTH; \
for(i = 0; i < bh; ++i) { \
for(j = 0; j < bw; ++j) { \
/* fill the table */ \
u32 u = g_blockTable##psm[(i / b.colheight)][(j / b.colwidth)] * 64 * mult + g_columnTable##psmcol[i%b.colheight][j%b.colwidth]; \
b.pageTable[i*bw+j] = u; \
if( floatfmt ) { \
psrcf[i*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+j] = (float)(u) / (float)(GPU_TEXWIDTH*mult); \
} \
else { \
psrcw[i*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+j] = u; \
} \
} \
} \
if( floatfmt ) { \
assert( floatfmt ); \
psrcv = (Vector*)&vBilinearData[0] + ox + oy * BLOCK_TEXWIDTH; \
for(i = 0; i < bh; ++i) { \
for(j = 0; j < bw; ++j) { \
Vector* pv = &psrcv[i*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+j]; \
pv->x = psrcf[i*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+j]; \
pv->y = psrcf[i*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+((j+1)%bw)]; \
pv->z = psrcf[((i+1)%bh)*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+j]; \
pv->w = psrcf[((i+1)%bh)*BLOCK_TEXWIDTH+((j+1)%bw)]; \
} \
} \
} \
b.getPixelAddress = getPixelAddress##psm; \
b.getPixelAddress_0 = getPixelAddress##psm##_0; \
b.writePixel = writePixel##psm; \
b.writePixel_0 = writePixel##psm##_0; \
b.readPixel = readPixel##psm; \
b.readPixel_0 = readPixel##psm##_0; \
b.TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal##psm; \
b.TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost##psm; \
} \
void BLOCK::FillBlocks(vector<char>& vBlockData, vector<char>& vBilinearData, int floatfmt)
vBlockData.resize(BLOCK_TEXWIDTH * BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT * (floatfmt ? 4 : 2));
if( floatfmt )
vBilinearData.resize(BLOCK_TEXWIDTH * BLOCK_TEXHEIGHT * sizeof(Vector));
int i, j;
float* psrcf = NULL;
u16* psrcw = NULL;
Vector* psrcv = NULL;
memset(m_Blocks, 0, sizeof(m_Blocks));
// 32
FILL_BLOCK(64, 32, 0, 0, 1, 32, 32);
m_Blocks[PSMCT32] = b;
// 24 (same as 32 except write/readPixel are different)
m_Blocks[PSMCT24] = b;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].writePixel = writePixel24;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].writePixel_0 = writePixel24_0;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].readPixel = readPixel24;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].readPixel_0 = readPixel24_0;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal24;
m_Blocks[PSMCT24].TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost24;
// 8H (same as 32 except write/readPixel are different)
m_Blocks[PSMT8H] = b;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].writePixel = writePixel8H;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].writePixel_0 = writePixel8H_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].readPixel = readPixel8H;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].readPixel_0 = readPixel8H_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal8H;
m_Blocks[PSMT8H].TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost8H;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL] = b;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].writePixel = writePixel4HL;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].writePixel_0 = writePixel4HL_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].readPixel = readPixel4HL;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].readPixel_0 = readPixel4HL_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal4HL;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HL].TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost4HL;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH] = b;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].writePixel = writePixel4HH;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].writePixel_0 = writePixel4HH_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].readPixel = readPixel4HH;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].readPixel_0 = readPixel4HH_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal4HH;
m_Blocks[PSMT4HH].TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost4HH;
// 32z
FILL_BLOCK(64, 32, 64, 0, 1, 32Z, 32);
m_Blocks[PSMT32Z] = b;
// 24Z (same as 32Z except write/readPixel are different)
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z] = b;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].writePixel = writePixel24Z;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].writePixel_0 = writePixel24Z_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].readPixel = readPixel24Z;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].readPixel_0 = readPixel24Z_0;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].TransferHostLocal = TransferHostLocal24Z;
m_Blocks[PSMT24Z].TransferLocalHost = TransferLocalHost24Z;
// 16
FILL_BLOCK(64, 64, 0, 32, 2, 16, 16);
m_Blocks[PSMCT16] = b;
// 16s
FILL_BLOCK(64, 64, 64, 32, 2, 16S, 16);
m_Blocks[PSMCT16S] = b;
// 16z
FILL_BLOCK(64, 64, 0, 96, 2, 16Z, 16);
m_Blocks[PSMT16Z] = b;
// 16sz
FILL_BLOCK(64, 64, 64, 96, 2, 16SZ, 16);
m_Blocks[PSMT16SZ] = b;
// 8
FILL_BLOCK(128, 64, 0, 160, 4, 8, 8);
m_Blocks[PSMT8] = b;
// 4
FILL_BLOCK(128, 128, 0, 224, 8, 4, 4);
m_Blocks[PSMT4] = b;