2014-11-15 21:37:05 +00:00
|######################## [GSdx FX Suite v2.20] ########################|
|########################## By Asmodean ##########################|
|| ||
|| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ||
|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ||
|| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ||
|| of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ||
|| ||
|| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ||
|| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ||
|| GNU General Public License for more details. (c)2014 ||
|| ||
#define GLSL 1
#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
#define GLSL 0
#if defined(SHADER_MODEL) && (SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300)
#error GSdx FX requires shader model 4.0(Direct3D10) or higher. Use GSdx DX10/11.
#include "GSdx_FX_Settings.ini"
#if (GLSL == 1)
#define int2 ivec2
#define float2 vec2
#define float3 vec3
#define float4 vec4
#define float4x3 mat4x3
#define static
#define frac fract
#define mul(x, y) y * x
#define lerp(x,y,s) mix(x,y,s)
#define saturate(x) clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0)
#define SamplerState sampler2D
struct vertex_basic
vec4 p;
vec2 t;
layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;
vec4 p;
vec2 t;
} PSin;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;
layout(std140, binding = 14) uniform cb10
vec2 _xyFrame;
vec4 _rcpFrame;
Texture2D Texture : register(t0);
SamplerState TextureSampler : register(s0);
cbuffer cb0
float2 _xyFrame;
float4 _rcpFrame;
struct VS_INPUT
float4 p : POSITION;
float2 t : TEXCOORD0;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 p : SV_Position;
float2 t : TEXCOORD0;
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 c : SV_Target0;
static float2 screenSize = _xyFrame;
static float2 pixelSize = _rcpFrame.xy;
static float2 invDefocus = float2(1.0 / 3840.0, 1.0 / 2160.0);
static const float3 lumCoeff = float3(0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750);
float RGBLuminance(float3 color)
return dot(color.rgb, lumCoeff);
float4 sample_tex(SamplerState texSample, float2 t)
#if (GLSL == 1)
return texture(texSample, t);
return Texture.Sample(texSample, t);
float4 sample_texLevel(SamplerState texSample, float2 t, float lod)
#if (GLSL == 1)
return textureLod(texSample, t, lod);
return Texture.SampleLevel(texSample, t, lod);
#if (UHQ_FXAA == 1)
#if (SHADER_MODEL >= 0x500)
#define FXAA_HLSL_5 1
#elif (GLSL == 1)
#define FXAA_HLSL_4 1
#if (FxaaQuality == 4)
#define FxaaEdgeThreshold 0.063
#define FxaaEdgeThresholdMin 0.000
#elif (FxaaQuality == 3)
#define FxaaEdgeThreshold 0.125
#define FxaaEdgeThresholdMin 0.0312
#elif (FxaaQuality == 2)
#define FxaaEdgeThreshold 0.166
#define FxaaEdgeThresholdMin 0.0625
#elif (FxaaQuality == 1)
#define FxaaEdgeThreshold 0.250
#define FxaaEdgeThresholdMin 0.0833
#if (FXAA_HLSL_5 == 1)
struct FxaaTex { SamplerState smpl; Texture2D tex; };
#define FxaaTexTop(t, p) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0)
#define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0, o)
#define FxaaTexAlpha4(t, p) t.tex.GatherAlpha(t.smpl, p)
#define FxaaTexOffAlpha4(t, p, o) t.tex.GatherAlpha(t.smpl, p, o)
#define FxaaDiscard clip(-1)
#define FxaaSat(x) saturate(x)
#elif (FXAA_HLSL_4 == 1)
struct FxaaTex { SamplerState smpl; Texture2D tex; };
#define FxaaTexTop(t, p) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0)
#define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0, o)
#define FxaaDiscard clip(-1)
#define FxaaSat(x) saturate(x)
#if (GLSL == 1)
#define FxaaBool bool
#define FxaaDiscard discard
#define FxaaSat(x) clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0)
#define FxaaTex sampler2D
#define FxaaTexTop(t, p) textureLod(t, p, 0.0)
#define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) textureLodOffset(t, p, 0.0, o)
// use #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
#define FxaaTexAlpha4(t, p) textureGather(t, p, 3)
#define FxaaTexOffAlpha4(t, p, o) textureGatherOffset(t, p, o, 3)
#define FxaaTexGreen4(t, p) textureGather(t, p, 1)
#define FxaaTexOffGreen4(t, p, o) textureGatherOffset(t, p, o, 1)
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P0 1.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P1 1.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P2 1.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P3 1.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P4 1.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P5 1.5
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P6 2.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P7 2.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P8 2.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P9 2.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P10 4.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P11 8.0
#define FXAA_QUALITY__P12 8.0
float FxaaLuma(float4 rgba)
rgba.w = RGBLuminance(rgba.xyz);
return rgba.w;
float4 FxaaPixelShader(float2 pos, FxaaTex tex, float2 fxaaRcpFrame, float fxaaSubpix, float fxaaEdgeThreshold, float fxaaEdgeThresholdMin)
float2 posM;
posM.x = pos.x;
posM.y = pos.y;
float4 rgbyM = FxaaTexTop(tex, posM);
float4 luma4A = FxaaTexAlpha4(tex, posM);
float4 luma4B = FxaaTexOffAlpha4(tex, posM, int2(-1, -1));
rgbyM.w = RGBLuminance(rgbyM.xyz);
#define lumaM rgbyM.w
#define lumaE luma4A.z
#define lumaS luma4A.x
#define lumaSE luma4A.y
#define lumaNW luma4B.w
#define lumaN luma4B.z
#define lumaW luma4B.x
float4 rgbyM = FxaaTexTop(tex, posM);
rgbyM.w = RGBLuminance(rgbyM.xyz);
#define lumaM rgbyM.w
float lumaS = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 0, 1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaE = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 1, 0), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 0,-1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaW = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2(-1, 0), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float maxSM = max(lumaS, lumaM);
float minSM = min(lumaS, lumaM);
float maxESM = max(lumaE, maxSM);
float minESM = min(lumaE, minSM);
float maxWN = max(lumaN, lumaW);
float minWN = min(lumaN, lumaW);
float rangeMax = max(maxWN, maxESM);
float rangeMin = min(minWN, minESM);
float range = rangeMax - rangeMin;
float rangeMaxScaled = rangeMax * fxaaEdgeThreshold;
float rangeMaxClamped = max(fxaaEdgeThresholdMin, rangeMaxScaled);
bool earlyExit = range < rangeMaxClamped;
#if (FxaaEarlyExit == 1)
if(earlyExit) { return rgbyM; }
float lumaNW = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2(-1,-1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaSE = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 1, 1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaNE = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 1,-1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaSW = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2(-1, 1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaNE = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2( 1,-1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaSW = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, int2(-1, 1), fxaaRcpFrame.xy));
float lumaNS = lumaN + lumaS;
float lumaWE = lumaW + lumaE;
float subpixRcpRange = 1.0/range;
float subpixNSWE = lumaNS + lumaWE;
float edgeHorz1 = (-2.0 * lumaM) + lumaNS;
float edgeVert1 = (-2.0 * lumaM) + lumaWE;
float lumaNESE = lumaNE + lumaSE;
float lumaNWNE = lumaNW + lumaNE;
float edgeHorz2 = (-2.0 * lumaE) + lumaNESE;
float edgeVert2 = (-2.0 * lumaN) + lumaNWNE;
float lumaNWSW = lumaNW + lumaSW;
float lumaSWSE = lumaSW + lumaSE;
float edgeHorz4 = (abs(edgeHorz1) * 2.0) + abs(edgeHorz2);
float edgeVert4 = (abs(edgeVert1) * 2.0) + abs(edgeVert2);
float edgeHorz3 = (-2.0 * lumaW) + lumaNWSW;
float edgeVert3 = (-2.0 * lumaS) + lumaSWSE;
float edgeHorz = abs(edgeHorz3) + edgeHorz4;
float edgeVert = abs(edgeVert3) + edgeVert4;
float subpixNWSWNESE = lumaNWSW + lumaNESE;
float lengthSign = fxaaRcpFrame.x;
bool horzSpan = edgeHorz >= edgeVert;
float subpixA = subpixNSWE * 2.0 + subpixNWSWNESE;
if(!horzSpan) lumaN = lumaW;
if(!horzSpan) lumaS = lumaE;
if(horzSpan) lengthSign = fxaaRcpFrame.y;
float subpixB = (subpixA * (1.0/12.0)) - lumaM;
float gradientN = lumaN - lumaM;
float gradientS = lumaS - lumaM;
float lumaNN = lumaN + lumaM;
float lumaSS = lumaS + lumaM;
bool pairN = abs(gradientN) >= abs(gradientS);
float gradient = max(abs(gradientN), abs(gradientS));
if(pairN) lengthSign = -lengthSign;
float subpixC = FxaaSat(abs(subpixB) * subpixRcpRange);
float2 posB;
posB.x = posM.x;
posB.y = posM.y;
float2 offNP;
offNP.x = (!horzSpan) ? 0.0 : fxaaRcpFrame.x;
offNP.y = ( horzSpan) ? 0.0 : fxaaRcpFrame.y;
if(!horzSpan) posB.x += lengthSign * 0.5;
if( horzSpan) posB.y += lengthSign * 0.5;
float2 posN;
posN.x = posB.x - offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P0;
posN.y = posB.y - offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P0;
float2 posP;
posP.x = posB.x + offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P0;
posP.y = posB.y + offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P0;
float subpixD = ((-2.0)*subpixC) + 3.0;
float lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN));
float subpixE = subpixC * subpixC;
float lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP));
if(!pairN) lumaNN = lumaSS;
float gradientScaled = gradient * 1.0/4.0;
float lumaMM = lumaM - lumaNN * 0.5;
float subpixF = subpixD * subpixE;
bool lumaMLTZero = lumaMM < 0.0;
lumaEndN -= lumaNN * 0.5;
lumaEndP -= lumaNN * 0.5;
bool doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
bool doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P1;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P1;
bool doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P1;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P1;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P2;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P2;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P2;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P2;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P3;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P3;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P3;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P3;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P4;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P4;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P4;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P4;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P5;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P5;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P5;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P5;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P6;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P6;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P6;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P6;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P7;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P7;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P7;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P7;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P8;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P8;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P8;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P8;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P9;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P9;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P9;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P9;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P10;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P10;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P10;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P10;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P11;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P11;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P11;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P11;
if(doneNP) {
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy));
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy));
if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;
if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;
doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;
doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;
if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P12;
if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P12;
doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);
if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY__P12;
if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY__P12;
float dstN = posM.x - posN.x;
float dstP = posP.x - posM.x;
if(!horzSpan) dstN = posM.y - posN.y;
if(!horzSpan) dstP = posP.y - posM.y;
bool goodSpanN = (lumaEndN < 0.0) != lumaMLTZero;
float spanLength = (dstP + dstN);
bool goodSpanP = (lumaEndP < 0.0) != lumaMLTZero;
float spanLengthRcp = 1.0/spanLength;
bool directionN = dstN < dstP;
float dst = min(dstN, dstP);
bool goodSpan = directionN ? goodSpanN : goodSpanP;
float subpixG = subpixF * subpixF;
float pixelOffset = (dst * (-spanLengthRcp)) + 0.5;
float subpixH = subpixG * fxaaSubpix;
float pixelOffsetGood = goodSpan ? pixelOffset : 0.0;
float pixelOffsetSubpix = max(pixelOffsetGood, subpixH);
if(!horzSpan) posM.x += pixelOffsetSubpix * lengthSign;
if( horzSpan) posM.y += pixelOffsetSubpix * lengthSign;
return float4(FxaaTexTop(tex, posM).xyz, lumaM);
float4 FxaaPass(float4 FxaaColor, float2 texcoord)
FxaaTex tex;
#if(GLSL == 1)
tex = TextureSampler;
vec2 PixelSize = textureSize(tex, 0);
FxaaColor = FxaaPixelShader(texcoord, tex, 1.0/PixelSize.xy, FxaaSubpixMax, FxaaEdgeThreshold, FxaaEdgeThresholdMin);
tex.tex = Texture;
tex.smpl = TextureSampler;
FxaaColor = FxaaPixelShader(texcoord, tex, pixelSize.xy, FxaaSubpixMax, FxaaEdgeThreshold, FxaaEdgeThresholdMin);
return FxaaColor;
float BSpline(float x)
float f = x;
if (f < 0.0)
f = -f;
if (f >= 0.0 && f <= 1.0)
return (2.0 / 3.0) + (0.5) * (f* f * f) - (f*f);
else if (f > 1.0 && f <= 2.0)
return 1.0 / 6.0 * pow((2.0 - f), 3.0);
return 1.0;
float CatMullRom(float x)
float b = 0.0;
float c = 0.5;
float f = x;
if (f < 0.0)
f = -f;
if (f < 1.0)
return ((12.0 - 9.0 * b - 6.0 * c) *
(f * f * f) + (-18.0 + 12.0 * b + 6.0 * c) *
(f * f) + (6.0 - 2.0 * b)) / 6.0;
else if (f >= 1.0 && f < 2.0)
return ((-b - 6.0 * c) * (f * f * f) +
(6.0 * b + 30.0 * c) *(f *f) +
(-(12.0 * b) - 48.0 * c) * f +
8.0 * b + 24.0 * c) / 6.0;
return 0.0;
float Bell(float x)
float f = (x / 2.0) * 1.5;
if (f > -1.5 && f < -0.5)
return(0.5 * pow(f + 1.5, 2.0));
else if (f > -0.5 && f < 0.5)
return 3.0 / 4.0 - (f * f);
else if ((f > 0.5 && f < 1.5))
return(0.5 * pow(f - 1.5, 2.0));
return 0.0;
float Triangular(float x)
x = x / 2.0;
if (x < 0.0)
return (x + 1.0);
return (1.0 - x);
return 0.0;
float Cubic(float coeff)
float4 n = float4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) - coeff;
float4 s = n * n * n;
float x = s.x;
float y = s.y - 4.0 * s.x;
float z = s.z - 4.0 * s.y + 6.0 * s.x;
float w = 6.0 - x - y - z;
return (x + y + z + w) / 4.0;
float4 SampleBiLinear(SamplerState texSample, float2 texcoord)
float texelSizeX = pixelSize.x;
float texelSizeY = pixelSize.y;
int nX = int(texcoord.x * screenSize.x);
int nY = int(texcoord.y * screenSize.y);
float2 uvCoord = float2((float(nX) + OffsetAmount) / screenSize.x, (float(nY) + OffsetAmount) / screenSize.y);
// Take nearest two data in current row.
float4 SampleA = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord);
float4 SampleB = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord + float2(texelSizeX, 0.0));
// Take nearest two data in bottom row.
float4 SampleC = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord + float2(0.0, texelSizeY));
float4 SampleD = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord + float2(texelSizeX, texelSizeY));
float LX = frac(texcoord.x * screenSize.x); //Get Interpolation factor for X direction.
// Interpolate in X direction.
float4 InterpolateA = lerp(SampleA, SampleB, LX); //Top row in X direction.
float4 InterpolateB = lerp(SampleC, SampleD, LX); //Bottom row in X direction.
float LY = frac(texcoord.y * screenSize.y); //Get Interpolation factor for Y direction.
return lerp(InterpolateA, InterpolateB, LY); //Interpolate in Y direction.
float4 BiLinearPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float4 bilinear = SampleBiLinear(TextureSampler, texcoord);
color = lerp(color, bilinear, FilterStrength);
return color;
float4 BicubicFilter(SamplerState texSample, float2 texcoord)
float texelSizeX = pixelSize.x;
float texelSizeY = pixelSize.y;
float4 nSum = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float4 nDenom = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float a = frac(texcoord.x * screenSize.x);
float b = frac(texcoord.y * screenSize.y);
int nX = int(texcoord.x * screenSize.x);
int nY = int(texcoord.y * screenSize.y);
float2 uvCoord = float2(float(nX) / screenSize.x + PixelOffset / screenSize.x,
float(nY) / screenSize.y + PixelOffset / screenSize.y);
for (int m = -1; m <= 2; m++)
for (int n = -1; n <= 2; n++)
float4 Samples = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord +
float2(texelSizeX * float(m), texelSizeY * float(n)));
float vc1 = Interpolation(float(m) - a);
float4 vecCoeff1 = float4(vc1, vc1, vc1, vc1);
float vc2 = Interpolation(-(float(n) - b));
float4 vecCoeff2 = float4(vc2, vc2, vc2, vc2);
nSum = nSum + (Samples * vecCoeff2 * vecCoeff1);
nDenom = nDenom + (vecCoeff2 * vecCoeff1);
return nSum / nDenom;
float4 BiCubicPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float4 bicubic = BicubicFilter(TextureSampler, texcoord);
color = lerp(color, bicubic, BicubicStrength);
return color;
float4 GaussianPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
if (screenSize.x < 1024 || screenSize.y < 1024)
pixelSize.x /= 2.0;
pixelSize.y /= 2.0;
float2 dx = float2(pixelSize.x * GaussianSpread, 0.0);
float2 dy = float2(0.0, pixelSize.y * GaussianSpread);
float2 dx2 = 2.0 * dx;
float2 dy2 = 2.0 * dy;
float4 gaussian = sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx2 + dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx + dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx + dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx2 + dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx2 + dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx + dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx + dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx2 + dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx2 - dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx - dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx - dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx2 - dy);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx2 - dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx - dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx - dy2);
gaussian += sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx2 - dy2);
gaussian /= 25.0;
color = lerp(color, gaussian, FilterAmount);
return color;
float4 BicubicScalar(in SamplerState tex, in float2 uv, in float2 texSize)
float2 inputSize = float2(1.0/texSize.x, 1.0/texSize.y);
float2 coord_hg = uv * texSize - 0.5;
float2 index = floor(coord_hg);
float2 f = coord_hg - index;
#if (GLSL == 1)
mat4 M = mat4( -1.0, 3.0,-3.0, 1.0, 3.0,-6.0, 3.0, 0.0,
-3.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
float4x4 M = { -1.0, 3.0,-3.0, 1.0, 3.0,-6.0, 3.0, 0.0,
-3.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
M /= 6.0;
float4 wx = mul(float4(f.x*f.x*f.x, f.x*f.x, f.x, 1.0), M);
float4 wy = mul(float4(f.y*f.y*f.y, f.y*f.y, f.y, 1.0), M);
float2 w0 = float2(wx.x, wy.x);
float2 w1 = float2(wx.y, wy.y);
float2 w2 = float2(wx.z, wy.z);
float2 w3 = float2(wx.w, wy.w);
float2 g0 = w0 + w1;
float2 g1 = w2 + w3;
float2 h0 = w1 / g0 - 1.0;
float2 h1 = w3 / g1 + 1.0;
float2 coord00 = index + h0;
float2 coord10 = index + float2(h1.x, h0.y);
float2 coord01 = index + float2(h0.x, h1.y);
float2 coord11 = index + h1;
coord00 = (coord00 + 0.5) * inputSize;
coord10 = (coord10 + 0.5) * inputSize;
coord01 = (coord01 + 0.5) * inputSize;
coord11 = (coord11 + 0.5) * inputSize;
float4 tex00 = sample_texLevel(tex, coord00, 0);
float4 tex10 = sample_texLevel(tex, coord10, 0);
float4 tex01 = sample_texLevel(tex, coord01, 0);
float4 tex11 = sample_texLevel(tex, coord11, 0);
tex00 = lerp(tex01, tex00, float4(g0.y, g0.y, g0.y, g0.y));
tex10 = lerp(tex11, tex10, float4(g0.y, g0.y, g0.y, g0.y));
float4 res = lerp(tex10, tex00, float4(g0.x, g0.x, g0.x, g0.x));
return res;
float4 BiCubicScalarPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
color = BicubicScalar(TextureSampler, texcoord, screenSize);
return color;
float3 PixelPos(float xpos, float ypos)
return sample_tex(TextureSampler, float2(xpos, ypos)).rgb;
float4 WeightQuad(float x)
#define FIX(c) max(abs(c), 1e-5);
const float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
float4 weight = FIX(PI * float4(1.0 + x, x, 1.0 - x, 2.0 - x));
float4 ret = sin(weight) * sin(weight / 2.0) / (weight * weight);
return ret / dot(ret, float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
float3 LineRun(float ypos, float4 xpos, float4 linetaps)
return mul(linetaps, float4x3(
PixelPos(xpos.x, ypos),
PixelPos(xpos.y, ypos),
PixelPos(xpos.z, ypos),
PixelPos(xpos.w, ypos)));
float4 LanczosScalar(float2 texcoord, float2 inputSize)
float2 stepxy = float2(1.0/inputSize.x, 1.0/inputSize.y);
float2 pos = texcoord + stepxy;
float2 f = frac(pos / stepxy);
float2 xystart = (-2.0 - f) * stepxy + pos;
float4 xpos = float4(xystart.x,
xystart.x + stepxy.x,
xystart.x + stepxy.x * 2.0,
xystart.x + stepxy.x * 3.0);
float4 linetaps = WeightQuad(f.x);
float4 columntaps = WeightQuad(f.y);
// final sum and weight normalization
return float4(mul(columntaps, float4x3(
LineRun(xystart.y, xpos, linetaps),
LineRun(xystart.y + stepxy.y, xpos, linetaps),
LineRun(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 2.0, xpos, linetaps),
LineRun(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 3.0, xpos, linetaps))), 1.0);
float4 LanczosScalarPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
color = LanczosScalar(texcoord, screenSize);
return color;
float3 RGBGammaToLinear(float3 color, float gamma)
color = saturate(color);
color.r = (color.r <= 0.0404482362771082) ?
color.r / 12.92 : pow((color.r + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma);
color.g = (color.g <= 0.0404482362771082) ?
color.g / 12.92 : pow((color.g + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma);
color.b = (color.b <= 0.0404482362771082) ?
color.b / 12.92 : pow((color.b + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma);
return color;
float3 LinearToRGBGamma(float3 color, float gamma)
color = saturate(color);
color.r = (color.r <= 0.00313066844250063) ?
color.r * 12.92 : 1.055 * pow(color.r, 1.0 / gamma) - 0.055;
color.g = (color.g <= 0.00313066844250063) ?
color.g * 12.92 : 1.055 * pow(color.g, 1.0 / gamma) - 0.055;
color.b = (color.b <= 0.00313066844250063) ?
color.b * 12.92 : 1.055 * pow(color.b, 1.0 / gamma) - 0.055;
return color;
float4 GammaPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
const float GammaConst = 2.233;
color.rgb = RGBGammaToLinear(color.rgb, GammaConst);
color.rgb = LinearToRGBGamma(color.rgb, float(Gamma));
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return color;
float4 SampleBicubic(in SamplerState texSample, in float2 texcoord)
float texelSizeX = pixelSize.x * float(SharpenBias);
float texelSizeY = pixelSize.y * float(SharpenBias);
float4 nSum = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float4 nDenom = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float a = frac(texcoord.x * screenSize.x);
float b = frac(texcoord.y * screenSize.y);
int nX = int(texcoord.x * screenSize.x);
int nY = int(texcoord.y * screenSize.y);
float2 uvCoord = float2(float(nX) / screenSize.x, float(nY) / screenSize.y);
for (int m = -1; m <= 2; m++)
for (int n = -1; n <= 2; n++)
float4 Samples = sample_tex(texSample, uvCoord +
float2(texelSizeX * float(m), texelSizeY * float(n)));
float vc1 = Cubic(float(m) - a);
float4 vecCoeff1 = float4(vc1, vc1, vc1, vc1);
float vc2 = Cubic(-(float(n) - b));
float4 vecCoeff2 = float4(vc2, vc2, vc2, vc2);
nSum = nSum + (Samples * vecCoeff2 * vecCoeff1);
nDenom = nDenom + (vecCoeff2 * vecCoeff1);
return nSum / nDenom;
float4 TexSharpenPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float3 calcSharpen = lumCoeff * float(SharpenStrength);
float4 blurredColor = SampleBicubic(TextureSampler, texcoord);
float3 sharpenedColor = (color.rgb - blurredColor.rgb);
float sharpenLuma = dot(sharpenedColor, calcSharpen);
sharpenLuma = clamp(sharpenLuma, -float(SharpenClamp), float(SharpenClamp));
color.rgb = color.rgb + sharpenLuma;
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
#if (DebugSharpen == 1)
color = saturate(0.5f + (sharpenLuma * 4)).rrrr;
return saturate(color);
float4 VibrancePass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
#if (GLSL == 1)
float3 luma = float3(RGBLuminance(color.rgb));
float luma = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
float colorMax = max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b));
float colorMin = min(color.r, min(color.g, color.b));
float colorSaturation = colorMax - colorMin;
color.rgb = lerp(luma, color.rgb, (1.0 + (Vibrance * (1.0 - (sign(Vibrance) * colorSaturation)))));
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return saturate(color); //Debug: return colorSaturation.xxxx;
#if (BLENDED_BLOOM == 1)
float3 BlendAddLight(float3 color, float3 bloom)
return saturate(color + bloom);
float3 BlendScreen(float3 color, float3 bloom)
return (color + bloom) - (color * bloom);
float3 BlendLuma(float3 color, float3 bloom)
return lerp((color * bloom), (1.0 - ((1.0 - color) * (1.0 - bloom))), RGBLuminance(color + bloom));
float3 BlendGlow(float3 color, float3 bloom)
float3 glow = step(0.5, color);
glow = lerp((color + bloom) - (color * bloom), (bloom + bloom) - (bloom * bloom), glow);
return glow;
float3 BlendOverlay(float3 color, float3 bloom)
float3 overlay = step(0.5, color);
overlay = lerp((color * bloom * 2.0), (1.0 - (2.0 * (1.0 - color) * (1.0 - bloom))), overlay);
return overlay;
float4 PyramidFilter(SamplerState tex, float2 texcoord, float2 width)
float4 color = sample_tex(tex, texcoord + float2(0.5, 0.5) * width);
color += sample_tex(tex, texcoord + float2(-0.5, 0.5) * width);
color += sample_tex(tex, texcoord + float2(0.5, -0.5) * width);
color += sample_tex(tex, texcoord + float2(-0.5, -0.5) * width);
color *= 0.25;
return color;
float3 BloomCorrection(float3 color)
float X = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(BloomReds) / 2.0));
float Y = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(BloomGreens) / 2.0));
float Z = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(BloomBlues) / 2.0));
color.r = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-BloomReds) * (color.r - 0.5))) - X) / (1.0 - 2.0 * X);
color.g = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-BloomGreens) * (color.g - 0.5))) - Y) / (1.0 - 2.0 * Y);
color.b = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-BloomBlues) * (color.b - 0.5))) - Z) / (1.0 - 2.0 * Z);
return color;
float4 BloomPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
const float defocus = 1.25;
float4 bloom = PyramidFilter(TextureSampler, texcoord, pixelSize * defocus);
float2 dx = float2(invDefocus.x * float(BloomWidth), 0.0);
float2 dy = float2(0.0, invDefocus.y * float(BloomWidth));
float2 mdx = mul(2.0, dx);
float2 mdy = mul(2.0, dy);
float4 bloomBlend = bloom * 0.22520613262190495;
bloomBlend += 0.002589001911021066 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdx + mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx + mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.024146616900339800 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx + mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.002589001911021066 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdx + mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdx + dy);
bloomBlend += 0.044875475183061630 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx + dy);
bloomBlend += 0.100529757860782610 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dy);
bloomBlend += 0.044875475183061630 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx + dy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdx + dy);
bloomBlend += 0.024146616900339800 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdx);
bloomBlend += 0.100529757860782610 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx);
bloomBlend += 0.100529757860782610 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx);
bloomBlend += 0.024146616900339800 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdx);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdx - dy);
bloomBlend += 0.044875475183061630 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx - dy);
bloomBlend += 0.100529757860782610 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dy);
bloomBlend += 0.044875475183061630 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx - dy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdx - dy);
bloomBlend += 0.002589001911021066 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdx - mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - dx - mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.024146616900339800 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.010778807494659370 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + dx - mdy);
bloomBlend += 0.002589001911021066 * sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + mdx - mdy);
bloomBlend = lerp(color, bloomBlend, float(BlendStrength));
bloom.rgb = BloomType(bloom.rgb, bloomBlend.rgb);
bloom.rgb = BloomCorrection(bloom.rgb);
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
bloom.a = RGBLuminance(bloom.rgb);
color = lerp(color, bloom, float(BloomStrength));
return color;
float3 FilmicTonemap(float3 color)
float3 Q = color.xyz;
float A = 0.10;
float B = float(BlackLevels);
float C = 0.10;
float D = float(ToneAmount);
float E = 0.02;
float F = 0.30;
float W = float(WhitePoint);
float3 numerator = ((Q*(A*Q + C*B) + D*E) / (Q*(A*Q + B) + D*F)) - E / F;
float denominator = ((W*(A*W + C*B) + D*E) / (W*(A*W + B) + D*F)) - E / F;
color.xyz = numerator / denominator;
return saturate(color);
float3 ColorShift(float3 color)
float3 colMood;
colMood.r = float(RedShift);
colMood.g = float(GreenShift);
colMood.b = float(BlueShift);
float fLum = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
#if (GLSL == 1)
// Is HLSL float3(x) equivalent to float3(x,x,x) ?
colMood = lerp(float3(0.0), colMood, saturate(fLum * 2.0));
colMood = lerp(colMood, float3(1.0), saturate(fLum - 0.5) * 2.0);
colMood = lerp(0.0, colMood, saturate(fLum * 2.0));
colMood = lerp(colMood, 1.0, saturate(fLum - 0.5) * 2.0);
float3 colOutput = lerp(color, colMood, saturate(fLum * float(ShiftRatio)));
return colOutput;
float3 ColorCorrection(float3 color)
float X = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(RedCurve) / 2.0));
float Y = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(GreenCurve) / 2.0));
float Z = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(BlueCurve) / 2.0));
color.r = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-RedCurve) * (color.r - 0.5))) - X) / (1.0 - 2.0 * X);
color.g = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-GreenCurve) * (color.g - 0.5))) - Y) / (1.0 - 2.0 * Y);
color.b = (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(float(-BlueCurve) * (color.b - 0.5))) - Z) / (1.0 - 2.0 * Z);
return saturate(color);
float4 TonemapPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
const float delta = 0.001f;
const float wpoint = pow(1.002f, 2.0f);
if (CorrectionPalette == 1) { color.rgb = ColorCorrection(color.rgb); }
if (FilmicProcess == 1) { color.rgb = ColorShift(color.rgb); }
if (FilmicProcess == 0) { color.rgb = FilmicTonemap(color.rgb); }
// RGB -> XYZ conversion
#if (GLSL == 1)
// GLSL is column major whereas HLSL is row major ...
const mat3 RGB2XYZ = mat3 ( 0.4124564, 0.2126729, 0.0193339, // first column (not row)
0.3575761, 0.7151522, 0.1191920, // 2nd column
0.1804375, 0.0721750, 0.9503041 ); // 3rd column
const float3x3 RGB2XYZ = { 0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375,
0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750,
0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041 };
#if (GLSL == 1)
float3 XYZ = RGB2XYZ * color.rgb;
float3 XYZ = mul(RGB2XYZ, color.rgb);
// XYZ -> Yxy conversion
float3 Yxy;
Yxy.r = XYZ.g; // copy luminance Y
Yxy.g = XYZ.r / (XYZ.r + XYZ.g + XYZ.b); // x = X / (X + Y + Z)
Yxy.b = XYZ.g / (XYZ.r + XYZ.g + XYZ.b); // y = Y / (X + Y + Z)
if (CorrectionPalette == 2) { Yxy.rgb = ColorCorrection(Yxy.rgb); }
// (Lp) Map average luminance to the middlegrey zone by scaling pixel luminance
#if (TonemapType == 1)
float Lp = Yxy.r * float(Exposure) / (float(Luminance) + delta);
#elif (TonemapType == 2)
float Lp = Yxy.r * FilmicTonemap(Yxy.rrr).r / RGBLuminance(Yxy.rrr) *
float(Exposure) / (float(Luminance) + delta);
// (Ld) Scale all luminance within a displayable range of 0 to 1
Yxy.r = (Lp * (1.0 + Lp / wpoint)) / (1.0 + Lp);
if (FilmicProcess == 1) { Yxy.r = FilmicTonemap(Yxy.rgb).r; }
// Yxy -> XYZ conversion
XYZ.r = Yxy.r * Yxy.g / Yxy.b; // X = Y * x / y
XYZ.g = Yxy.r; // copy luminance Y
XYZ.b = Yxy.r * (1.0 - Yxy.g - Yxy.b) / Yxy.b; // Z = Y * (1-x-y) / y
if (CorrectionPalette == 3) { XYZ.rgb = ColorCorrection(XYZ.rgb); }
// XYZ -> RGB conversion
#if (GLSL == 1)
// GLSL is column major whereas HLSL is row major ...
const mat3 XYZ2RGB = mat3 ( 3.2404542, -0.9692660, 0.0556434, // first column (not row)
-1.5371385, 1.8760108, -0.2040259, // 2nd column
-0.4985314, 0.0415560, 1.0572252 ); // 3rd column
const float3x3 XYZ2RGB = { 3.2404542,-1.5371385,-0.4985314,
-0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560,
0.0556434,-0.2040259, 1.0572252 };
#if (GLSL == 1)
color.rgb = XYZ2RGB * XYZ;
color.rgb = mul(XYZ2RGB, XYZ);
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return saturate(color);
float4 ContrastPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float CurveBlend = CurvesContrast;
#if (CurveType != 2)
#if (GLSL == 1)
float3 luma = float3(RGBLuminance(color.rgb));
float3 luma = (float3)RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
float3 chroma = color.rgb - luma;
#if (CurveType == 2)
float3 x = color.rgb;
#elif (CurveType == 1)
float3 x = chroma;
x = x * 0.5 + 0.5;
float3 x = luma;
//S-Curve - Cubic Bezier spline
float3 a = float3(0.00, 0.00, 0.00); //start point
float3 b = float3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25); //control point 1
float3 c = float3(0.80, 0.80, 0.80); //control point 2
float3 d = float3(1.00, 1.00, 1.00); //endpoint
float3 ab = lerp(a, b, x); //point between a and b (green)
float3 bc = lerp(b, c, x); //point between b and c (green)
float3 cd = lerp(c, d, x); //point between c and d (green)
float3 abbc = lerp(ab, bc, x); //point between ab and bc (blue)
float3 bccd = lerp(bc, cd, x); //point between bc and cd (blue)
float3 dest = lerp(abbc, bccd, x); //point on the bezier-curve (black)
x = dest;
#if (CurveType == 0) //Only Luma
x = lerp(luma, x, CurveBlend);
color.rgb = x + chroma;
#elif (CurveType == 1) //Only Chroma
x = x * 2 - 1;
float3 LColor = luma + x;
color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, LColor, CurveBlend);
#elif (CurveType == 2) //Both Luma and Chroma
float3 LColor = x;
color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, LColor, CurveBlend);
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return saturate(color);
#if (CEL_SHADING == 1)
float3 GetYUV(float3 RGB)
#if (GLSL == 1)
const mat3 RGB2YUV = mat3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
-0.09991,-0.33609, 0.436,
0.615, -0.55861, -0.05639);
return (RGB * RGB2YUV);
const float3x3 RGB2YUV = { 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722,
-0.09991,-0.33609, 0.436,
0.615, -0.55861, -0.05639 };
return mul(RGB2YUV, RGB);
float3 GetRGB(float3 YUV)
#if (GLSL == 1)
const mat3 YUV2RGB = mat3(1.000, 0.000, 1.28033,
1.000, 2.12798, 0.000);
return (YUV * YUV2RGB);
const float3x3 YUV2RGB = { 1.000, 0.000, 1.28033,
1.000, 2.12798, 0.000 };
return mul(YUV2RGB, YUV);
float4 CelPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float3 yuv;
float3 sum = color.rgb;
const int NUM = 9;
const float2 RoundingOffset = float2(0.25, 0.25);
const float3 thresholds = float3(9.0, 8.0, 6.0);
float lum[NUM];
float3 col[NUM];
float2 set[NUM] = {
float2(-0.0078125, -0.0078125),
float2(0.00, -0.0078125),
float2(0.0078125, -0.0078125),
float2(-0.0078125, 0.00),
float2(0.00, 0.00),
float2(0.0078125, 0.00),
float2(-0.0078125, 0.0078125),
float2(0.00, 0.0078125),
float2(0.0078125, 0.0078125) };
for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
col[i] = sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + set[i] * RoundingOffset).rgb;
#if (ColorRounding == 1)
col[i].r = round(col[i].r * thresholds.r) / thresholds.r;
col[i].g = round(col[i].g * thresholds.g) / thresholds.g;
col[i].b = round(col[i].b * thresholds.b) / thresholds.b;
lum[i] = RGBLuminance(col[i].xyz);
yuv = GetYUV(col[i]);
#if (UseYuvLuma == 0)
yuv.r = round(yuv.r * thresholds.r) / thresholds.r;
yuv.r = saturate(round(yuv.r * lum[i]) / thresholds.r + lum[i]);
yuv = GetRGB(yuv);
sum += yuv;
float3 shadedColor = (sum / NUM);
float2 pixel = float2(pixelSize.x * EdgeThickness, pixelSize.y * EdgeThickness);
float edgeX = dot(sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + pixel).rgb, lumCoeff);
edgeX = dot(float4(sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord - pixel).rgb, edgeX), float4(lumCoeff, -1.0));
float edgeY = dot(sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + float2(pixel.x, -pixel.y)).rgb, lumCoeff);
edgeY = dot(float4(sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord + float2(-pixel.x, pixel.y)).rgb, edgeY), float4(lumCoeff, -1.0));
float edge = dot(float2(edgeX, edgeY), float2(edgeX, edgeY));
#if (PaletteType == 1)
color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, color.rgb + pow(edge, EdgeFilter) * -EdgeStrength, EdgeStrength);
#elif (PaletteType == 2)
color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb + pow(edge, EdgeFilter) * -EdgeStrength, shadedColor, 0.30);
#elif (PaletteType == 3)
color.rgb = lerp(shadedColor + edge * -EdgeStrength, pow(edge, EdgeFilter) * -EdgeStrength + color.rgb, 0.5);
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return saturate(color);
#if (COLOR_GRADING == 1)
float RGBCVtoHUE(float3 RGB, float C, float V)
float3 Delta = (V - RGB) / C;
Delta.rgb -= Delta.brg;
Delta.rgb += float3(2.0, 4.0, 6.0);
Delta.brg = step(V, RGB) * Delta.brg;
float H;
H = max(Delta.r, max(Delta.g, Delta.b));
return frac(H / 6);
float3 RGBtoHSV(float3 RGB)
float3 HSV = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
HSV.z = max(RGB.r, max(RGB.g, RGB.b));
float M = min(RGB.r, min(RGB.g, RGB.b));
float C = HSV.z - M;
if (C != 0)
HSV.y = C / HSV.z;
return HSV;
float3 HUEtoRGB(float H)
float R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(float3(R, G, B));
float3 HSVtoRGB(float3 HSV)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSV.x);
return ((RGB - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z;
float3 HSVComplement(float3 HSV)
float3 complement = HSV;
complement.x -= 0.5;
if (complement.x < 0.0) { complement.x += 1.0; }
float HueLerp(float h1, float h2, float v)
float d = abs(h1 - h2);
if (d <= 0.5)
{ return lerp(h1, h2, v); }
else if (h1 < h2)
{ return frac(lerp((h1 + 1.0), h2, v)); }
{ return frac(lerp(h1, (h2 + 1.0), v)); }
float4 ColorGrading(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float3 guide = float3(RedGrading, GreenGrading, BlueGrading);
float amount = GradingStrength;
float correlation = Correlation;
float concentration = 2.00;
float3 colorHSV = RGBtoHSV(color.rgb);
float3 huePoleA = RGBtoHSV(guide);
float3 huePoleB = HSVComplement(huePoleA);
float dist1 = abs(colorHSV.x - huePoleA.x); if (dist1 > 0.5) dist1 = 1.0 - dist1;
float dist2 = abs(colorHSV.x - huePoleB.x); if (dist2 > 0.5) dist2 = 1.0 - dist2;
float descent = smoothstep(0.0, correlation, colorHSV.y);
float3 HSVColor = colorHSV;
if (dist1 < dist2)
float c = descent * amount * (1.0 - pow((dist1 * 2.0), 1.0 / concentration));
HSVColor.x = HueLerp(colorHSV.x, huePoleA.x, c);
HSVColor.y = lerp(colorHSV.y, huePoleA.y, c);
float c = descent * amount * (1.0 - pow((dist2 * 2.0), 1.0 / concentration));
HSVColor.x = HueLerp(colorHSV.x, huePoleB.x, c);
HSVColor.y = lerp(colorHSV.y, huePoleB.y, c);
color.rgb = HSVtoRGB(HSVColor);
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return saturate(color);
#if (SCANLINES == 1)
float4 ScanlinesPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord, float4 fragcoord)
float4 intensity;
#if (GLSL == 1)
fragcoord = gl_FragCoord;
#if (ScanlineType == 0)
if (frac(fragcoord.y * 0.25) > ScanlineScale)
#elif (ScanlineType == 1)
if (frac(fragcoord.x * 0.25) > ScanlineScale)
#elif (ScanlineType == 2)
if (frac(fragcoord.x * 0.25) > ScanlineScale && frac(fragcoord.y * 0.5) > ScanlineScale)
intensity = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
intensity = smoothstep(0.2, ScanlineBrightness, color) + normalize(float4(color.xyz, RGBLuminance(color.xyz)));
float level = (4.0 - texcoord.x) * ScanlineIntensity;
color = intensity * (0.5 - level) + color * 1.1;
return color;
#if (VIGNETTE == 1)
float4 VignettePass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
const float2 VignetteCenter = float2(0.500, 0.500);
float2 tc = texcoord - VignetteCenter;
tc *= float2((2560.0 / 1440.0), VignetteRatio);
tc /= VignetteRadius;
float v = dot(tc, tc);
color.rgb *= (1.0 + pow(v, VignetteSlope * 0.25) * -VignetteAmount);
return color;
#if (DITHERING == 1)
float4 DitherPass(float4 color, float2 texcoord)
float ditherSize = 2.0;
float ditherBits = 8.0;
#if DitherMethod == 2 //random subpixel dithering
float seed = dot(texcoord, float2(12.9898, 78.233));
float sine = sin(seed);
float noise = frac(sine * 43758.5453 + texcoord.x);
float ditherShift = (1.0 / (pow(2.0, ditherBits) - 1.0));
float ditherHalfShift = (ditherShift * 0.5);
ditherShift = ditherShift * noise - ditherHalfShift;
color.rgb += float3(-ditherShift, ditherShift, -ditherShift);
#else //Ordered dithering
float gridPosition = frac(dot(texcoord, (screenSize / ditherSize)) + (0.5 / ditherSize));
float ditherShift = (0.75) * (1.0 / (pow(2, ditherBits) - 1.0));
float3 RGBShift = float3(ditherShift, -ditherShift, ditherShift);
RGBShift = lerp(2.0 * RGBShift, -2.0 * RGBShift, gridPosition);
color.rgb += RGBShift;
color.a = RGBLuminance(color.rgb);
return color;
float4 BorderPass(float4 colorInput, float2 tex)
float3 border_color_float = BorderColor / 255.0;
float2 border = (_rcpFrame.xy * BorderWidth);
float2 within_border = saturate((-tex * tex + tex) - (-border * border + border));
#if (GLSL == 1)
// FIXME GLSL any only support bvec so try to mix it with notEqual
bvec2 cond = notEqual( within_border, vec2(0.0f) );
colorInput.rgb = all(cond) ? colorInput.rgb : border_color_float;
colorInput.rgb = all(within_border) ? colorInput.rgb : border_color_float;
return colorInput;
#if (GLSL == 1)
void ps_main()
PS_OUTPUT ps_main(VS_OUTPUT input)
#if (GLSL == 1)
float2 texcoord = PSin.t;
float4 position = PSin.p;
float4 color = texture(TextureSampler, texcoord);
PS_OUTPUT output;
float2 texcoord = input.t;
float4 position = input.p;
float4 color = sample_tex(TextureSampler, texcoord);
color = BiLinearPass(color, texcoord);
color = GaussianPass(color, texcoord);
color = BiCubicPass(color, texcoord);
color = BiCubicScalarPass(color, texcoord);
color = LanczosScalarPass(color, texcoord);
#if (UHQ_FXAA == 1)
color = FxaaPass(color, texcoord);
color = TexSharpenPass(color, texcoord);
#if (CEL_SHADING == 1)
color = CelPass(color, texcoord);
#if (SCANLINES == 1)
color = ScanlinesPass(color, texcoord, position);
#if (BLENDED_BLOOM == 1)
color = BloomPass(color, texcoord);
color = TonemapPass(color, texcoord);
color = VibrancePass(color, texcoord);
#if (COLOR_GRADING == 1)
color = ColorGrading(color, texcoord);
color = ContrastPass(color, texcoord);
color = GammaPass(color, texcoord);
#if (VIGNETTE == 1)
color = VignettePass(color, texcoord);
#if (PX_BORDER == 1)
color = BorderPass(color, texcoord);
#if (DITHERING == 1)
color = DitherPass(color, texcoord);
#if (GLSL == 1)
SV_Target0 = color;
output.c = color;
return output;