
114 lines
3.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GS.h"
#include "Win32.h"
extern HINSTANCE hInst;
void SaveConfig()
char szValue[256];
const std::string iniFile(s_strIniPath + "zzogl-pg.ini");
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.interlace);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "Interlace", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.aa);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "Antialiasing", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.bilinear);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "Bilinear", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.zz_options);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "ZZOptions", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.hacks);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "AdvancedOptions", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.width);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "Width", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.height);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "Height", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
sprintf(szValue, "%u", conf.SkipDraw);
WritePrivateProfileString("Settings", "SkipDraw", szValue, iniFile.c_str());
void LoadConfig()
char szValue[256];
const std::string iniFile(s_strIniPath + "zzogl-pg.ini");
memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(conf));
conf.interlace = 0; // on, mode 1
conf.mrtdepth = 1;
conf.zz_options._u32 = 0;
conf.hacks._u32 = 0;
conf.bilinear = 1;
conf.width = 640;
conf.height = 480;
conf.SkipDraw = 0;
FILE *fp = fopen(iniFile.c_str(), "rt");
if (!fp)
SysMessage("Unable to open ZZOgl-PG's ini file!");
CreateDirectory(s_strIniPath.c_str(), NULL);
SaveConfig();//save and return
return ;
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "Interlace", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.interlace = (u8)strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "Antialiasing", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.aa = (u8)strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "ZZOptions", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.zz_options._u32 = strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "AdvancedOptions", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.hacks._u32 = strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "Bilinear", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.bilinear = (u8)strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "Width", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.width = strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "Height", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.height = strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
GetPrivateProfileString("Settings", "SkipDraw", NULL, szValue, 20, iniFile.c_str());
conf.SkipDraw = strtoul(szValue, NULL, 10);
if (conf.aa < 0 || conf.aa > 4) conf.aa = 0;
conf.isWideScreen = (conf.widescreen() != 0);
switch (conf.zz_options.dimensions)
case GSDim_640:
conf.width = 640;
conf.height = conf.isWideScreen ? 360 : 480;
case GSDim_800:
conf.width = 800;
conf.height = conf.isWideScreen ? 450 : 600;
case GSDim_1024:
conf.width = 1024;
conf.height = conf.isWideScreen ? 576 : 768;
case GSDim_1280:
conf.width = 1280;
conf.height = conf.isWideScreen ? 720 : 960;
// turn off all hacks by default
if (conf.width <= 0 || conf.height <= 0)
conf.width = 640;
conf.height = 480;