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// Name: wx/xrc/xmlres.h
// Purpose: XML resources
// Author: Vaclav Slavik
// Created: 2000/03/05
// Copyright: (c) 2000 Vaclav Slavik
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_XMLRES_H_
#define _WX_XMLRES_H_
#include "wx/defs.h"
#if wxUSE_XRC
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
#include "wx/arrstr.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
#include "wx/list.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/filesys.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/icon.h"
#include "wx/artprov.h"
#include "wx/colour.h"
#include "wx/vector.h"
#include "wx/xrc/xmlreshandler.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxIconBundle;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XML wxXmlDocument;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_XRC wxXmlSubclassFactory;
class wxXmlSubclassFactories;
class wxXmlResourceModule;
class wxXmlResourceDataRecords;
// These macros indicate current version of XML resources (this information is
// encoded in root node of XRC file as "version" property).
// Rules for increasing version number:
// - change it only if you made incompatible change to the format. Addition
// of new attribute to control handler is _not_ incompatible change, because
// older versions of the library may ignore it.
// - if you change version number, follow these steps:
// - set major, minor and release numbers to respective version numbers of
// the wxWidgets library (see wx/version.h)
// - reset revision to 0 unless the first three are same as before,
// in which case you should increase revision by one
enum wxXmlResourceFlags
// This class holds XML resources from one or more .xml files
// (or derived forms, either binary or zipped -- see manual for
// details).
class WXDLLIMPEXP_XRC wxXmlResource : public wxObject
// Constructor.
// Flags: wxXRC_USE_LOCALE
// translatable strings will be translated via _()
// using the given domain if specified
// subclass property of object nodes will be ignored
// (useful for previews in XRC editors)
// don't check the modification time of the XRC files and
// reload them if they have changed on disk
wxXmlResource(int flags = wxXRC_USE_LOCALE,
const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString);
// Constructor.
// Flags: wxXRC_USE_LOCALE
// translatable strings will be translated via _()
// using the given domain if specified
// subclass property of object nodes will be ignored
// (useful for previews in XRC editors)
wxXmlResource(const wxString& filemask, int flags = wxXRC_USE_LOCALE,
const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString);
// Destructor.
virtual ~wxXmlResource();
// Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask.
// This method understands wxFileSystem URLs if wxUSE_FILESYS.
bool Load(const wxString& filemask);
// Loads resources from single XRC file.
bool LoadFile(const wxFileName& file);
// Loads all XRC files from a directory.
bool LoadAllFiles(const wxString& dirname);
// Unload resource from the given XML file (wildcards not allowed)
bool Unload(const wxString& filename);
// Initialize handlers for all supported controls/windows. This will
// make the executable quite big because it forces linking against
// most of the wxWidgets library.
void InitAllHandlers();
// Initialize only a specific handler (or custom handler). Convention says
// that handler name is equal to the control's name plus 'XmlHandler', for
// example wxTextCtrlXmlHandler, wxHtmlWindowXmlHandler. The XML resource
// compiler (xmlres) can create include file that contains initialization
// code for all controls used within the resource.
void AddHandler(wxXmlResourceHandler *handler);
// Add a new handler at the beginning of the handler list
void InsertHandler(wxXmlResourceHandler *handler);
// Removes all handlers
void ClearHandlers();
// Registers subclasses factory for use in XRC. This function is not meant
// for public use, please see the comment above wxXmlSubclassFactory
// definition.
static void AddSubclassFactory(wxXmlSubclassFactory *factory);
// Loads menu from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
wxMenu *LoadMenu(const wxString& name);
// Loads menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
wxMenuBar *LoadMenuBar(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
wxMenuBar *LoadMenuBar(const wxString& name) { return LoadMenuBar(NULL, name); }
// Loads a toolbar.
wxToolBar *LoadToolBar(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads a dialog. dlg points to parent window (if any).
wxDialog *LoadDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads a dialog. dlg points to parent window (if any). This form
// is used to finish creation of already existing instance (main reason
// for this is that you may want to use derived class with new event table)
// Example (typical usage):
// MyDialog dlg;
// wxTheXmlResource->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog");
// dlg->ShowModal();
bool LoadDialog(wxDialog *dlg, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads a panel. panel points to parent window (if any).
wxPanel *LoadPanel(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads a panel. panel points to parent window (if any). This form
// is used to finish creation of already existing instance.
bool LoadPanel(wxPanel *panel, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Loads a frame.
wxFrame *LoadFrame(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& name);
bool LoadFrame(wxFrame* frame, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name);
// Load an object from the resource specifying both the resource name and
// the classname. This lets you load nonstandard container windows.
wxObject *LoadObject(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname)
return DoLoadObject(parent, name, classname, false /* !recursive */);
// Load an object from the resource specifying both the resource name and
// the classname. This form lets you finish the creation of an existing
// instance.
bool LoadObject(wxObject *instance,
wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname)
return DoLoadObject(instance, parent, name, classname, false);
// These versions of LoadObject() look for the object with the given name
// recursively (breadth first) and can be used to instantiate an individual
// control defined anywhere in an XRC file. No check is done that the name
// is unique, it's up to the caller to ensure this.
wxObject *LoadObjectRecursively(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname)
return DoLoadObject(parent, name, classname, true /* recursive */);
bool LoadObjectRecursively(wxObject *instance,
wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname)
return DoLoadObject(instance, parent, name, classname, true);
// Loads a bitmap resource from a file.
wxBitmap LoadBitmap(const wxString& name);
// Loads an icon resource from a file.
wxIcon LoadIcon(const wxString& name);
// Attaches an unknown control to the given panel/window/dialog.
// Unknown controls are used in conjunction with <object class="unknown">.
bool AttachUnknownControl(const wxString& name, wxWindow *control,
wxWindow *parent = NULL);
// Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML
// resource. If an unknown str_id is requested (i.e. other than wxID_XXX
// or integer), a new record is created which associates the given string
// with a number. If value_if_not_found == wxID_NONE, the number is obtained via
// wxWindow::NewControlId(). Otherwise value_if_not_found is used.
// Macro XRCID(name) is provided for convenient use in event tables.
static int GetXRCID(const wxString& str_id, int value_if_not_found = wxID_NONE)
{ return DoGetXRCID(str_id.mb_str(), value_if_not_found); }
// version for internal use only
static int DoGetXRCID(const char *str_id, int value_if_not_found = wxID_NONE);
// Find the string ID with the given numeric value, returns an empty string
// if no such ID is found.
// Notice that unlike GetXRCID(), which is fast, this operation is slow as
// it checks all the IDs used in XRC.
static wxString FindXRCIDById(int numId);
// Returns version information (a.b.c.d = d+ 256*c + 256^2*b + 256^3*a).
long GetVersion() const { return m_version; }
// Compares resources version to argument. Returns -1 if resources version
// is less than the argument, +1 if greater and 0 if they equal.
int CompareVersion(int major, int minor, int release, int revision) const
long diff = GetVersion() -
(major*256*256*256 + minor*256*256 + release*256 + revision);
if ( diff < 0 )
return -1;
else if ( diff > 0 )
return +1;
return 0;
//// Singleton accessors.
// Gets the global resources object or creates one if none exists.
static wxXmlResource *Get();
// Sets the global resources object and returns a pointer to the previous one (may be NULL).
static wxXmlResource *Set(wxXmlResource *res);
// Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of wxXRC_USE_LOCALE and wxXRC_NO_SUBCLASSING.
int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
// Set flags after construction.
void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; }
// Get/Set the domain to be passed to the translation functions, defaults
// to empty string (no domain).
const wxString& GetDomain() const { return m_domain; }
void SetDomain(const wxString& domain);
// This function returns the wxXmlNode containing the definition of the
// object with the given name or NULL.
// It can be used to access additional information defined in the XRC file
// and not used by wxXmlResource itself.
const wxXmlNode *GetResourceNode(const wxString& name) const
{ return GetResourceNodeAndLocation(name, wxString(), true); }
// reports input error at position 'context'
void ReportError(const wxXmlNode *context, const wxString& message);
// override this in derived class to customize errors reporting
virtual void DoReportError(const wxString& xrcFile, const wxXmlNode *position,
const wxString& message);
// Load the contents of a single file and returns its contents as a new
// wxXmlDocument (which will be owned by caller) on success or NULL.
wxXmlDocument *DoLoadFile(const wxString& file);
// Scans the resources list for unloaded files and loads them. Also reloads
// files that have been modified since last loading.
bool UpdateResources();
// Common implementation of GetResourceNode() and FindResource(): searches
// all top-level or all (if recursive == true) nodes if all loaded XRC
// files and returns the node, if found, as well as the path of the file it
// was found in if path is non-NULL
wxXmlNode *GetResourceNodeAndLocation(const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname,
bool recursive = false,
wxString *path = NULL) const;
// Note that these functions are used outside of wxWidgets itself, e.g.
// there are several known cases of inheriting from wxXmlResource just to
// be able to call FindResource() so we keep them for compatibility even if
// their names are not really consistent with GetResourceNode() public
// function and FindResource() is also non-const because it changes the
// current path of m_curFileSystem to ensure that relative paths work
// correctly when CreateResFromNode() is called immediately afterwards
// (something const public function intentionally does not do)
// Returns the node containing the resource with the given name and class
// name unless it's empty (then any class matches) or NULL if not found.
wxXmlNode *FindResource(const wxString& name, const wxString& classname,
bool recursive = false);
// Helper function used by FindResource() to look under the given node.
wxXmlNode *DoFindResource(wxXmlNode *parent, const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname, bool recursive) const;
// Creates a resource from information in the given node
// (Uses only 'handlerToUse' if != NULL)
wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent,
wxObject *instance = NULL,
wxXmlResourceHandler *handlerToUse = NULL)
return node ? DoCreateResFromNode(*node, parent, instance, handlerToUse)
// Helper of Load() and Unload(): returns the URL corresponding to the
// given file if it's indeed a file, otherwise returns the original string
// unmodified
static wxString ConvertFileNameToURL(const wxString& filename);
// loading resources from archives is impossible without wxFileSystem
// Another helper: detect if the filename is a ZIP or XRS file
static bool IsArchive(const wxString& filename);
#endif // wxUSE_FILESYSTEM
wxXmlResourceDataRecords& Data() { return *m_data; }
const wxXmlResourceDataRecords& Data() const { return *m_data; }
// the real implementation of CreateResFromNode(): this should be only
// called if node is non-NULL
wxObject *DoCreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode& node,
wxObject *parent,
wxObject *instance,
wxXmlResourceHandler *handlerToUse = NULL);
// common part of LoadObject() and LoadObjectRecursively()
wxObject *DoLoadObject(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname,
bool recursive);
bool DoLoadObject(wxObject *instance,
wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& classname,
bool recursive);
long m_version;
int m_flags;
wxVector<wxXmlResourceHandler*> m_handlers;
wxXmlResourceDataRecords *m_data;
wxFileSystem m_curFileSystem;
wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem() { return m_curFileSystem; }
// domain to pass to translation functions, if any.
wxString m_domain;
friend class wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl;
friend class wxXmlResourceModule;
friend class wxIdRangeManager;
friend class wxIdRange;
static wxXmlSubclassFactories *ms_subclassFactories;
// singleton instance:
static wxXmlResource *ms_instance;
// This macro translates string identifier (as used in XML resource,
// e.g. <menuitem id="my_menu">...</menuitem>) to integer id that is needed by
// wxWidgets event tables.
// Example:
// BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
// EVT_MENU(XRCID("quit"), MyFrame::OnQuit)
// EVT_MENU(XRCID("about"), MyFrame::OnAbout)
// EVT_MENU(XRCID("new"), MyFrame::OnNew)
// EVT_MENU(XRCID("open"), MyFrame::OnOpen)
#define XRCID(str_id) \
// This macro returns pointer to particular control in dialog
// created using XML resources. You can use it to set/get values from
// controls.
// Example:
// wxDialog dlg;
// wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog");
// XRCCTRL(dlg, "my_textctrl", wxTextCtrl)->SetValue(wxT("default value"));
#define XRCCTRL(window, id, type) \
(wxStaticCast((window).FindWindow(XRCID(id)), type))
// This macro returns pointer to sizer item
// Example:
// <object class="spacer" name="area">
// <size>400, 300</size>
// </object>
// wxSizerItem* item = XRCSIZERITEM(*this, "area")
#define XRCSIZERITEM(window, id) \
((window).GetSizer() ? (window).GetSizer()->GetItemById(XRCID(id)) : NULL)
// wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl is the back-end of the wxXmlResourceHander class to
// really implementing all its functionality. It is defined in the "xrc"
// library unlike wxXmlResourceHandler itself which is defined in "core" to
// allow inheriting from it in the code from the other libraries too.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_XRC wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl : public wxXmlResourceHandlerImplBase
// Constructor.
wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl(wxXmlResourceHandler *handler);
// Destructor.
virtual ~wxXmlResourceHandlerImpl() {}
// Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node.
// Should check for validity.
// parent is a higher-level object (usually window, dialog or panel)
// that is often necessary to create the resource.
// If instance is non-NULL it should not create a new instance via 'new' but
// should rather use this one, and call its Create method.
wxObject *CreateResource(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent,
wxObject *instance);
// --- Handy methods:
// Returns true if the node has a property class equal to classname,
// e.g. <object class="wxDialog">.
bool IsOfClass(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& classname) const;
// Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE
// The problem is, <tag>content<tag> is represented as
// wxXML_ENTITY_NODE name="tag", content=""
// |-- wxXML_TEXT_NODE or
// wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE name="" content="content"
wxString GetNodeContent(const wxXmlNode *node);
// Check to see if a parameter exists.
bool HasParam(const wxString& param);
// Finds the node or returns NULL.
wxXmlNode *GetParamNode(const wxString& param);
// Finds the parameter value or returns the empty string.
wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& param);
// Returns the parameter value from given node.
wxString GetParamValue(const wxXmlNode* node);
// Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..."
// Only understands flags added with AddStyle
int GetStyle(const wxString& param = wxT("style"), int defaults = 0);
// Gets text from param and does some conversions:
// - replaces \n, \r, \t by respective chars (according to C syntax)
// - replaces _ by & and __ by _ (needed for _File => &File because of XML)
// - calls wxGetTranslations (unless disabled in wxXmlResource)
wxString GetText(const wxString& param, bool translate = true);
// Returns the XRCID.
int GetID();
// Returns the resource name.
wxString GetName();
// Gets a bool flag (1, t, yes, on, true are true, everything else is false).
bool GetBool(const wxString& param, bool defaultv = false);
// Gets an integer value from the parameter.
long GetLong(const wxString& param, long defaultv = 0);
// Gets a float value from the parameter.
float GetFloat(const wxString& param, float defaultv = 0);
// Gets colour in HTML syntax (#RRGGBB).
wxColour GetColour(const wxString& param, const wxColour& defaultv = wxNullColour);
// Gets the size (may be in dialog units).
wxSize GetSize(const wxString& param = wxT("size"),
wxWindow *windowToUse = NULL);
// Gets the position (may be in dialog units).
wxPoint GetPosition(const wxString& param = wxT("pos"));
// Gets a dimension (may be in dialog units).
wxCoord GetDimension(const wxString& param, wxCoord defaultv = 0,
wxWindow *windowToUse = NULL);
// Gets a direction, complains if the value is invalid.
wxDirection GetDirection(const wxString& param, wxDirection dirDefault = wxLEFT);
// Gets a bitmap.
wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxString& param = wxT("bitmap"),
const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER,
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
// Gets a bitmap from an XmlNode.
wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxXmlNode* node,
const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER,
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
// Gets an icon.
wxIcon GetIcon(const wxString& param = wxT("icon"),
const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER,
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
// Gets an icon from an XmlNode.
wxIcon GetIcon(const wxXmlNode* node,
const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER,
wxSize size = wxDefaultSize);
// Gets an icon bundle.
wxIconBundle GetIconBundle(const wxString& param,
const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER);
// Gets an image list.
wxImageList *GetImageList(const wxString& param = wxT("imagelist"));
// Gets an animation.
wxAnimation* GetAnimation(const wxString& param = wxT("animation"));
// Gets a font.
wxFont GetFont(const wxString& param = wxT("font"), wxWindow* parent = NULL);
// Gets the value of a boolean attribute (only "0" and "1" are valid values)
bool GetBoolAttr(const wxString& attr, bool defaultv);
// Sets common window options.
void SetupWindow(wxWindow *wnd);
// Creates children.
void CreateChildren(wxObject *parent, bool this_hnd_only = false);
// Helper function.
void CreateChildrenPrivately(wxObject *parent, wxXmlNode *rootnode = NULL);
// Creates a resource from a node.
wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node,
wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance = NULL);
// helper
wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem();
// reports input error at position 'context'
void ReportError(wxXmlNode *context, const wxString& message);
// reports input error at m_node
void ReportError(const wxString& message);
// reports input error when parsing parameter with given name
void ReportParamError(const wxString& param, const wxString& message);
// Programmer-friendly macros for writing XRC handlers:
#define XRC_MAKE_INSTANCE(variable, classname) \
classname *variable = NULL; \
if (m_instance) \
variable = wxStaticCast(m_instance, classname); \
if (!variable) \
variable = new classname;
// FIXME -- remove this $%^#$%#$@# as soon as Ron checks his changes in!!
WXDLLIMPEXP_XRC void wxXmlInitResourceModule();
// This class is used to create instances of XRC "object" nodes with "subclass"
// property. It is _not_ supposed to be used by XRC users, you should instead
// register your subclasses via wxWidgets' RTTI mechanism. This class is useful
// only for language bindings developer who need a way to implement subclassing
// in wxWidgets ports that don't support wxRTTI (e.g. wxPython).
class WXDLLIMPEXP_XRC wxXmlSubclassFactory
// Try to create instance of given class and return it, return NULL on
// failure:
virtual wxObject *Create(const wxString& className) = 0;
virtual ~wxXmlSubclassFactory() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Backward compatibility macros. Do *NOT* use, they may disappear in future
versions of the XRC library!
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#endif // wxUSE_XRC
#endif // _WX_XMLRES_H_