mirror of https://github.com/mgba-emu/mgba.git
365 lines
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365 lines
8.5 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Jeffrey Pfau
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "util/vfs.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define PATH_SEP '/'
#include <io.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define PATH_SEP '\\'
struct VFileFD {
struct VFile d;
int fd;
#ifdef _WIN32
static bool _vfdClose(struct VFile* vf);
static off_t _vfdSeek(struct VFile* vf, off_t offset, int whence);
static ssize_t _vfdRead(struct VFile* vf, void* buffer, size_t size);
static ssize_t _vfdReadline(struct VFile* vf, char* buffer, size_t size);
static ssize_t _vfdWrite(struct VFile* vf, const void* buffer, size_t size);
static void* _vfdMap(struct VFile* vf, size_t size, int flags);
static void _vfdUnmap(struct VFile* vf, void* memory, size_t size);
static void _vfdTruncate(struct VFile* vf, size_t size);
static bool _vdClose(struct VDir* vd);
static void _vdRewind(struct VDir* vd);
static struct VDirEntry* _vdListNext(struct VDir* vd);
static struct VFile* _vdOpenFile(struct VDir* vd, const char* path, int mode);
static const char* _vdeName(struct VDirEntry* vde);
struct VFile* VFileOpen(const char* path, int flags) {
if (!path) {
return 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
flags |= O_BINARY;
int fd = open(path, flags, 0666);
return VFileFromFD(fd);
struct VFile* VFileFromFD(int fd) {
if (fd < 0) {
return 0;
struct VFileFD* vfd = malloc(sizeof(struct VFileFD));
if (!vfd) {
return 0;
vfd->fd = fd;
vfd->d.close = _vfdClose;
vfd->d.seek = _vfdSeek;
vfd->d.read = _vfdRead;
vfd->d.readline = _vfdReadline;
vfd->d.write = _vfdWrite;
vfd->d.map = _vfdMap;
vfd->d.unmap = _vfdUnmap;
vfd->d.truncate = _vfdTruncate;
return &vfd->d;
bool _vfdClose(struct VFile* vf) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
if (close(vfd->fd) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
off_t _vfdSeek(struct VFile* vf, off_t offset, int whence) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
return lseek(vfd->fd, offset, whence);
ssize_t _vfdRead(struct VFile* vf, void* buffer, size_t size) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
return read(vfd->fd, buffer, size);
ssize_t _vfdReadline(struct VFile* vf, char* buffer, size_t size) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
size_t bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < size - 1) {
size_t newRead = read(vfd->fd, &buffer[bytesRead], 1);
bytesRead += newRead;
if (!newRead || buffer[bytesRead] == '\n') {
return buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';
ssize_t _vfdWrite(struct VFile* vf, const void* buffer, size_t size) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
return write(vfd->fd, buffer, size);
#ifndef _WIN32
static void* _vfdMap(struct VFile* vf, size_t size, int flags) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
int mmapFlags = MAP_PRIVATE;
if (flags & MAP_WRITE) {
mmapFlags = MAP_SHARED;
return mmap(0, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, mmapFlags, vfd->fd, 0);
static void _vfdUnmap(struct VFile* vf, void* memory, size_t size) {
munmap(memory, size);
static void* _vfdMap(struct VFile* vf, size_t size, int flags) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
int createFlags = PAGE_WRITECOPY;
int mapFiles = FILE_MAP_COPY;
if (flags & MAP_WRITE) {
createFlags = PAGE_READWRITE;
mapFiles = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
size_t location = lseek(vfd->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
size_t fileSize = lseek(vfd->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
lseek(vfd->fd, location, SEEK_SET);
if (size > fileSize) {
size = fileSize;
vfd->hMap = CreateFileMapping((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(vfd->fd), 0, createFlags, 0, size & 0xFFFFFFFF, 0);
return MapViewOfFile(vfd->hMap, mapFiles, 0, 0, size);
static void _vfdUnmap(struct VFile* vf, void* memory, size_t size) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
vfd->hMap = 0;
static void _vfdTruncate(struct VFile* vf, size_t size) {
struct VFileFD* vfd = (struct VFileFD*) vf;
ftruncate(vfd->fd, size);
struct VDirEntryDE {
struct VDirEntry d;
struct dirent* ent;
struct VDirDE {
struct VDir d;
DIR* de;
struct VDirEntryDE vde;
char* path;
struct VDir* VDirOpen(const char* path) {
DIR* de = opendir(path);
if (!de) {
return 0;
struct VDirDE* vd = malloc(sizeof(struct VDirDE));
if (!vd) {
return 0;
vd->d.close = _vdClose;
vd->d.rewind = _vdRewind;
vd->d.listNext = _vdListNext;
vd->d.openFile = _vdOpenFile;
vd->path = strdup(path);
vd->de = de;
vd->vde.d.name = _vdeName;
return &vd->d;
struct VFile* VDirOptionalOpenFile(struct VDir* dir, const char* realPath, const char* prefix, const char* suffix, int mode) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
struct VFile* vf;
if (!dir) {
if (!realPath) {
return 0;
char* dotPoint = strrchr(realPath, '.');
if (dotPoint - realPath + 1 >= PATH_MAX - 1) {
return 0;
if (dotPoint > strrchr(realPath, '/')) {
int len = dotPoint - realPath;
strncpy(path, realPath, len);
path[len] = 0;
strncat(path + len, suffix, PATH_MAX - len - 1);
} else {
snprintf(path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s%s", realPath, suffix);
vf = VFileOpen(path, mode);
} else {
snprintf(path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s%s", prefix, suffix);
vf = dir->openFile(dir, path, mode);
return vf;
struct VFile* VDirOptionalOpenIncrementFile(struct VDir* dir, const char* realPath, const char* prefix, const char* infix, const char* suffix, int mode) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
char realPrefix[PATH_MAX];
realPrefix[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
if (!dir) {
if (!realPath) {
return 0;
const char* separatorPoint = strrchr(realPath, '/');
const char* dotPoint;
size_t len;
if (!separatorPoint) {
strcpy(path, "./");
separatorPoint = realPath;
dotPoint = strrchr(realPath, '.');
} else {
path[0] = '\0';
dotPoint = strrchr(separatorPoint, '.');
if (separatorPoint - realPath + 1 >= PATH_MAX - 1) {
return 0;
len = separatorPoint - realPath;
strncat(path, realPath, len);
path[len] = '\0';
if (dotPoint - realPath + 1 >= PATH_MAX - 1) {
return 0;
if (dotPoint >= separatorPoint) {
len = dotPoint - separatorPoint;
} else {
len = PATH_MAX - 1;
strncpy(realPrefix, separatorPoint, len);
realPrefix[len] = '\0';
prefix = realPrefix;
dir = VDirOpen(path);
if (!dir) {
// This shouldn't be possible
return 0;
struct VDirEntry* dirent;
size_t prefixLen = strlen(prefix);
size_t infixLen = strlen(infix);
unsigned next = 0;
while ((dirent = dir->listNext(dir))) {
const char* filename = dirent->name(dirent);
char* dotPoint = strrchr(filename, '.');
size_t len = strlen(filename);
if (dotPoint) {
len = (dotPoint - filename);
const char* separator = strnrstr(filename, infix, len);
if (!separator) {
len = separator - filename;
if (len != prefixLen) {
if (strncmp(filename, prefix, prefixLen) == 0) {
int nlen;
separator += infixLen;
snprintf(path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%%u%s%%n", suffix);
unsigned increment;
if (sscanf(separator, path, &increment, &nlen) < 1) {
len = strlen(separator);
if (nlen < (ssize_t) len) {
if (next <= increment) {
next = increment + 1;
snprintf(path, PATH_MAX - 1, "%s%s%u%s", prefix, infix, next, suffix);
path[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0';
return dir->openFile(dir, path, mode);
bool _vdClose(struct VDir* vd) {
struct VDirDE* vdde = (struct VDirDE*) vd;
if (closedir(vdde->de) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
void _vdRewind(struct VDir* vd) {
struct VDirDE* vdde = (struct VDirDE*) vd;
struct VDirEntry* _vdListNext(struct VDir* vd) {
struct VDirDE* vdde = (struct VDirDE*) vd;
vdde->vde.ent = readdir(vdde->de);
if (vdde->vde.ent) {
return &vdde->vde.d;
return 0;
struct VFile* _vdOpenFile(struct VDir* vd, const char* path, int mode) {
struct VDirDE* vdde = (struct VDirDE*) vd;
if (!path) {
return 0;
const char* dir = vdde->path;
char* combined = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(path) + strlen(dir) + 2));
sprintf(combined, "%s%c%s", dir, PATH_SEP, path);
struct VFile* file = VFileOpen(combined, mode);
return file;
const char* _vdeName(struct VDirEntry* vde) {
struct VDirEntryDE* vdede = (struct VDirEntryDE*) vde;
if (vdede->ent) {
return vdede->ent->d_name;
return 0;