mirror of https://github.com/mgba-emu/mgba.git
457 lines
15 KiB
457 lines
15 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Jeffrey Pfau
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include <mgba/core/config.h>
#include <mgba/core/version.h>
#include <mgba-util/formatting.h>
#include <mgba-util/string.h>
#include <mgba-util/vfs.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#ifdef PSP2
#include <psp2/io/stat.h>
#ifdef _3DS
#include <mgba-util/platform/3ds/3ds-vfs.h>
#define SECTION_NAME_MAX 128
struct mCoreConfigEnumerateData {
void (*handler)(const char* key, const char* value, enum mCoreConfigLevel type, void* user);
const char* prefix;
void* user;
enum mCoreConfigLevel level;
static const char* _lookupValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key) {
const char* value;
if (config->port) {
value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->overridesTable, config->port, key);
if (value) {
return value;
value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->overridesTable, 0, key);
if (value) {
return value;
if (config->port) {
value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key);
if (value) {
return value;
value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->configTable, 0, key);
if (value) {
return value;
if (config->port) {
value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key);
if (value) {
return value;
return ConfigurationGetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, key);
static bool _lookupCharValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, char** out) {
const char* value = _lookupValue(config, key);
if (!value) {
return false;
if (*out) {
*out = strdup(value);
return true;
static bool _lookupIntValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, int* out) {
const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key);
if (!charValue) {
return false;
char* end;
long value = strtol(charValue, &end, 10);
if (end == &charValue[1] && *end == 'x') {
value = strtol(charValue, &end, 16);
if (*end) {
return false;
*out = value;
return true;
static bool _lookupUIntValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned* out) {
const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key);
if (!charValue) {
return false;
char* end;
unsigned long value = strtoul(charValue, &end, 10);
if (*end) {
return false;
*out = value;
return true;
static bool _lookupFloatValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, float* out) {
const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key);
if (!charValue) {
return false;
char* end;
float value = strtof_u(charValue, &end);
if (*end) {
return false;
*out = value;
return true;
void mCoreConfigInit(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* port) {
if (port) {
config->port = malloc(strlen("ports.") + strlen(port) + 1);
snprintf(config->port, strlen("ports.") + strlen(port) + 1, "ports.%s", port);
} else {
config->port = 0;
void mCoreConfigDeinit(struct mCoreConfig* config) {
#if !defined(MINIMAL_CORE) || MINIMAL_CORE < 2
bool mCoreConfigLoad(struct mCoreConfig* config) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
mCoreConfigDirectory(path, PATH_MAX);
strncat(path, PATH_SEP "config.ini", PATH_MAX - strlen(path));
return mCoreConfigLoadPath(config, path);
bool mCoreConfigSave(const struct mCoreConfig* config) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
mCoreConfigDirectory(path, PATH_MAX);
strncat(path, PATH_SEP "config.ini", PATH_MAX - strlen(path));
return mCoreConfigSavePath(config, path);
bool mCoreConfigLoadPath(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* path) {
return ConfigurationRead(&config->configTable, path);
bool mCoreConfigSavePath(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* path) {
return ConfigurationWrite(&config->configTable, path);
void mCoreConfigMakePortable(const struct mCoreConfig* config) {
struct VFile* portable = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
char out[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t wprojectName[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, projectName, -1, wprojectName, MAX_PATH);
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);
GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wpath, MAX_PATH);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wpath, -1, out, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
StringCchCatA(out, MAX_PATH, "\\portable.ini");
portable = VFileOpen(out, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
#elif defined(PSP2) || defined(_3DS) || defined(__SWITCH__) || defined(GEKKO)
// Already portable
char out[PATH_MAX];
getcwd(out, PATH_MAX);
strncat(out, PATH_SEP "portable.ini", PATH_MAX - strlen(out));
portable = VFileOpen(out, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
if (portable) {
void mCoreConfigDirectory(char* out, size_t outLength) {
struct VFile* portable;
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t wprojectName[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, projectName, -1, wprojectName, MAX_PATH);
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);
GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wpath, MAX_PATH);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wpath, -1, out, outLength, 0, 0);
StringCchCatA(out, outLength, "\\portable.ini");
portable = VFileOpen(out, O_RDONLY);
if (portable) {
} else {
wchar_t* home;
SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, 0, NULL, &home);
StringCchPrintfW(wpath, MAX_PATH, L"%ws\\%ws", home, wprojectName);
CreateDirectoryW(wpath, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wpath, -1, out, outLength, 0, 0);
#elif defined(PSP2)
snprintf(out, outLength, "ux0:data/%s", projectName);
sceIoMkdir(out, 0777);
#elif defined(GEKKO) || defined(__SWITCH__)
snprintf(out, outLength, "/%s", projectName);
mkdir(out, 0777);
#elif defined(_3DS)
snprintf(out, outLength, "/%s", projectName);
FSUSER_CreateDirectory(sdmcArchive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, out), 0);
getcwd(out, outLength);
strncat(out, PATH_SEP "portable.ini", outLength - strlen(out));
portable = VFileOpen(out, O_RDONLY);
if (portable) {
getcwd(out, outLength);
char* xdgConfigHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (xdgConfigHome && xdgConfigHome[0] == '/') {
snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/%s", xdgConfigHome, binaryName);
mkdir(out, 0755);
char* home = getenv("HOME");
snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config", home);
mkdir(out, 0755);
snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config/%s", home, binaryName);
mkdir(out, 0755);
const char* mCoreConfigGetValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key) {
return _lookupValue(config, key);
bool mCoreConfigGetIntValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, int* value) {
return _lookupIntValue(config, key, value);
bool mCoreConfigGetUIntValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned* value) {
return _lookupUIntValue(config, key, value);
bool mCoreConfigGetFloatValue(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, float* value) {
return _lookupFloatValue(config, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, const char* value) {
ConfigurationSetValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, int value) {
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetUIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned value) {
ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetFloatValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, float value) {
ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetDefaultValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, const char* value) {
ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetDefaultIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, int value) {
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetDefaultUIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned value) {
ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetDefaultFloatValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, float value) {
ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetOverrideValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, const char* value) {
ConfigurationSetValue(&config->overridesTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetOverrideIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, int value) {
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->overridesTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetOverrideUIntValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned value) {
ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->overridesTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigSetOverrideFloatValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* key, float value) {
ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->overridesTable, config->port, key, value);
void mCoreConfigCopyValue(struct mCoreConfig* config, const struct mCoreConfig* src, const char* key) {
const char* value = mCoreConfigGetValue(src, key);
if (!value) {
mCoreConfigSetValue(config, key, value);
void mCoreConfigMap(const struct mCoreConfig* config, struct mCoreOptions* opts) {
_lookupCharValue(config, "bios", &opts->bios);
_lookupCharValue(config, "shader", &opts->shader);
_lookupIntValue(config, "logLevel", &opts->logLevel);
_lookupIntValue(config, "frameskip", &opts->frameskip);
_lookupIntValue(config, "volume", &opts->volume);
_lookupIntValue(config, "rewindBufferCapacity", &opts->rewindBufferCapacity);
_lookupFloatValue(config, "fpsTarget", &opts->fpsTarget);
unsigned audioBuffers;
if (_lookupUIntValue(config, "audioBuffers", &audioBuffers)) {
opts->audioBuffers = audioBuffers;
_lookupUIntValue(config, "sampleRate", &opts->sampleRate);
int fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "useBios", &fakeBool)) {
opts->useBios = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "audioSync", &fakeBool)) {
opts->audioSync = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "videoSync", &fakeBool)) {
opts->videoSync = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "lockAspectRatio", &fakeBool)) {
opts->lockAspectRatio = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "lockIntegerScaling", &fakeBool)) {
opts->lockIntegerScaling = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "interframeBlending", &fakeBool)) {
opts->interframeBlending = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "resampleVideo", &fakeBool)) {
opts->resampleVideo = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "suspendScreensaver", &fakeBool)) {
opts->suspendScreensaver = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "mute", &fakeBool)) {
opts->mute = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "skipBios", &fakeBool)) {
opts->skipBios = fakeBool;
if (_lookupIntValue(config, "rewindEnable", &fakeBool)) {
opts->rewindEnable = fakeBool;
_lookupIntValue(config, "fullscreen", &opts->fullscreen);
_lookupIntValue(config, "width", &opts->width);
_lookupIntValue(config, "height", &opts->height);
_lookupCharValue(config, "savegamePath", &opts->savegamePath);
_lookupCharValue(config, "savestatePath", &opts->savestatePath);
_lookupCharValue(config, "screenshotPath", &opts->screenshotPath);
_lookupCharValue(config, "patchPath", &opts->patchPath);
_lookupCharValue(config, "cheatsPath", &opts->cheatsPath);
void mCoreConfigLoadDefaults(struct mCoreConfig* config, const struct mCoreOptions* opts) {
ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "bios", opts->bios);
ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "shader", opts->shader);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "skipBios", opts->skipBios);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "useBios", opts->useBios);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "logLevel", opts->logLevel);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "frameskip", opts->frameskip);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "rewindEnable", opts->rewindEnable);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "rewindBufferCapacity", opts->rewindBufferCapacity);
ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "fpsTarget", opts->fpsTarget);
ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "audioBuffers", opts->audioBuffers);
ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "sampleRate", opts->sampleRate);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "audioSync", opts->audioSync);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "videoSync", opts->videoSync);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "fullscreen", opts->fullscreen);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "width", opts->width);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "height", opts->height);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "volume", opts->volume);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "mute", opts->mute);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "lockAspectRatio", opts->lockAspectRatio);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "lockIntegerScaling", opts->lockIntegerScaling);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "resampleVideo", opts->resampleVideo);
ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "suspendScreensaver", opts->suspendScreensaver);
static void _configEnum(const char* key, const char* value, void* user) {
struct mCoreConfigEnumerateData* data = user;
if (!data->prefix || startswith(key, data->prefix)) {
data->handler(key, value, data->level, data->user);
void mCoreConfigEnumerate(const struct mCoreConfig* config, const char* prefix, void (*handler)(const char* key, const char* value, enum mCoreConfigLevel type, void* user), void* user) {
struct mCoreConfigEnumerateData handlerData = { handler, prefix, user, mCONFIG_LEVEL_DEFAULT };
ConfigurationEnumerate(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, _configEnum, &handlerData);
handlerData.level = mCONFIG_LEVEL_CUSTOM;
ConfigurationEnumerate(&config->configTable, config->port, _configEnum, &handlerData);
handlerData.level = mCONFIG_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
ConfigurationEnumerate(&config->overridesTable, config->port, _configEnum, &handlerData);
// These two are basically placeholders in case the internal layout changes, e.g. for loading separate files
struct Configuration* mCoreConfigGetInput(struct mCoreConfig* config) {
return &config->configTable;
struct Configuration* mCoreConfigGetOverrides(struct mCoreConfig* config) {
return &config->configTable;
const struct Configuration* mCoreConfigGetOverridesConst(const struct mCoreConfig* config) {
return &config->configTable;
void mCoreConfigFreeOpts(struct mCoreOptions* opts) {
opts->bios = 0;
opts->shader = 0;
opts->savegamePath = 0;
opts->savestatePath = 0;
opts->screenshotPath = 0;
opts->patchPath = 0;
opts->cheatsPath = 0;