/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gba-config.h" #include "platform/commandline.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #define PATH_SEP "\\" #else #define PATH_SEP "/" #endif #define SECTION_NAME_MAX 128 static const char* _lookupValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key) { const char* value; if (config->port) { value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key); if (value) { return value; } } value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->configTable, 0, key); if (value) { return value; } if (config->port) { value = ConfigurationGetValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key); if (value) { return value; } } return ConfigurationGetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, key); } static bool _lookupCharValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, char** out) { const char* value = _lookupValue(config, key); if (!value) { return false; } if (*out) { free(*out); } *out = strdup(value); return true; } static bool _lookupIntValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, int* out) { const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key); if (!charValue) { return false; } char* end; long value = strtol(charValue, &end, 10); if (*end) { return false; } *out = value; return true; } static bool _lookupUIntValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned* out) { const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key); if (!charValue) { return false; } char* end; unsigned long value = strtoul(charValue, &end, 10); if (*end) { return false; } *out = value; return true; } static bool _lookupFloatValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, float* out) { const char* charValue = _lookupValue(config, key); if (!charValue) { return false; } char* end; float value = strtof(charValue, &end); if (*end) { return false; } *out = value; return true; } void GBAConfigInit(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* port) { ConfigurationInit(&config->configTable); ConfigurationInit(&config->defaultsTable); if (port) { config->port = malloc(strlen("ports.") + strlen(port) + 1); snprintf(config->port, strlen("ports.") + strlen(port) + 1, "ports.%s", port); } else { config->port = 0; } } void GBAConfigDeinit(struct GBAConfig* config) { ConfigurationDeinit(&config->configTable); ConfigurationDeinit(&config->defaultsTable); free(config->port); } bool GBAConfigLoad(struct GBAConfig* config) { char path[PATH_MAX]; GBAConfigDirectory(path, PATH_MAX); strncat(path, PATH_SEP "config.ini", PATH_MAX - strlen(path)); return ConfigurationRead(&config->configTable, path); } bool GBAConfigSave(const struct GBAConfig* config) { char path[PATH_MAX]; GBAConfigDirectory(path, PATH_MAX); strncat(path, PATH_SEP "config.ini", PATH_MAX - strlen(path)); return ConfigurationWrite(&config->configTable, path); } void GBAConfigDirectory(char* out, size_t outLength) { #ifndef _WIN32 char* home = getenv("HOME"); snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config", home); mkdir(out, 0755); snprintf(out, outLength, "%s/.config/%s", home, BINARY_NAME); mkdir(out, 0755); #else char home[MAX_PATH]; SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, home); snprintf(out, outLength, "%s\\%s", home, PROJECT_NAME); CreateDirectoryA(out, NULL); #endif } const char* GBAConfigGetValue(const struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key) { return _lookupValue(config, key); } void GBAConfigSetValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, const char* value) { ConfigurationSetValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetIntValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, int value) { ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetUIntValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned value) { ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetFloatValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, float value) { ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->configTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetDefaultValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, const char* value) { ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetDefaultIntValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, int value) { ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetDefaultUIntValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, unsigned value) { ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigSetDefaultFloatValue(struct GBAConfig* config, const char* key, float value) { ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->defaultsTable, config->port, key, value); } void GBAConfigMap(const struct GBAConfig* config, struct GBAOptions* opts) { _lookupCharValue(config, "bios", &opts->bios); _lookupIntValue(config, "logLevel", &opts->logLevel); _lookupIntValue(config, "frameskip", &opts->frameskip); _lookupIntValue(config, "rewindBufferCapacity", &opts->rewindBufferCapacity); _lookupIntValue(config, "rewindBufferInterval", &opts->rewindBufferInterval); _lookupFloatValue(config, "fpsTarget", &opts->fpsTarget); unsigned audioBuffers; if (_lookupUIntValue(config, "audioBuffers", &audioBuffers)) { opts->audioBuffers = audioBuffers; } int fakeBool; if (_lookupIntValue(config, "audioSync", &fakeBool)) { opts->audioSync = fakeBool; } if (_lookupIntValue(config, "videoSync", &fakeBool)) { opts->videoSync = fakeBool; } if (_lookupIntValue(config, "lockAspectRatio", &fakeBool)) { opts->lockAspectRatio = fakeBool; } if (_lookupIntValue(config, "resampleVideo", &fakeBool)) { opts->resampleVideo = fakeBool; } if (_lookupIntValue(config, "skipBios", &fakeBool)) { opts->skipBios = fakeBool; } if (_lookupIntValue(config, "rewindEnable", &fakeBool)) { opts->rewindEnable = fakeBool; } _lookupIntValue(config, "fullscreen", &opts->fullscreen); _lookupIntValue(config, "width", &opts->width); _lookupIntValue(config, "height", &opts->height); char* idleOptimization = 0; if (_lookupCharValue(config, "idleOptimization", &idleOptimization)) { if (strcasecmp(idleOptimization, "ignore") == 0) { opts->idleOptimization = IDLE_LOOP_IGNORE; } else if (strcasecmp(idleOptimization, "remove") == 0) { opts->idleOptimization = IDLE_LOOP_REMOVE; } else if (strcasecmp(idleOptimization, "detect") == 0) { opts->idleOptimization = IDLE_LOOP_DETECT; } free(idleOptimization); } } void GBAConfigLoadDefaults(struct GBAConfig* config, const struct GBAOptions* opts) { ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "bios", opts->bios); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "skipBios", opts->skipBios); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "logLevel", opts->logLevel); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "frameskip", opts->frameskip); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "rewindEnable", opts->rewindEnable); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "rewindBufferCapacity", opts->rewindBufferCapacity); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "rewindBufferInterval", opts->rewindBufferInterval); ConfigurationSetFloatValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "fpsTarget", opts->fpsTarget); ConfigurationSetUIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "audioBuffers", opts->audioBuffers); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "audioSync", opts->audioSync); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "videoSync", opts->videoSync); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "fullscreen", opts->fullscreen); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "width", opts->width); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "height", opts->height); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "lockAspectRatio", opts->lockAspectRatio); ConfigurationSetIntValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "resampleVideo", opts->resampleVideo); switch (opts->idleOptimization) { case IDLE_LOOP_IGNORE: ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "idleOptimization", "ignore"); break; case IDLE_LOOP_REMOVE: ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "idleOptimization", "remove"); break; case IDLE_LOOP_DETECT: ConfigurationSetValue(&config->defaultsTable, 0, "idleOptimization", "detect"); break; } } // These two are basically placeholders in case the internal layout changes, e.g. for loading separate files struct Configuration* GBAConfigGetInput(struct GBAConfig* config) { return &config->configTable; } struct Configuration* GBAConfigGetOverrides(struct GBAConfig* config) { return &config->configTable; } void GBAConfigFreeOpts(struct GBAOptions* opts) { free(opts->bios); opts->bios = 0; }