/* Copyright (c) 2015 Yuri Kunde Schlesner * Copyright (c) 2016 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <3ds.h> #include <3ds/gpu/gpu.h> #include <3ds/gpu/gx.h> #include #include #include #include "ctr-gpu.h" #include "uishader_v.h" #include "uishader_v.shbin.h" #include "uishader_g.h" #include "uishader_g.shbin.h" struct ctrUIVertex { short x, y; short w, h; short u, v; short uw, vh; u32 abgr; }; #define MAX_NUM_QUADS 1024 #define VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE MAX_NUM_QUADS * sizeof(struct ctrUIVertex) static struct ctrUIVertex* ctrVertexBuffer = NULL; static int ctrNumVerts = 0; static int ctrVertStart = 0; static C3D_Tex* activeTexture = NULL; static shaderProgram_s gpuShader; static DVLB_s* vertexShader = NULL; static DVLB_s* geometryShader = NULL; bool ctrInitGpu() { // Load vertex shader binary vertexShader = DVLB_ParseFile((u32*) uishader_v, uishader_v_size); if (vertexShader == NULL) { return false; } // Load geometry shader binary geometryShader = DVLB_ParseFile((u32*) uishader_g, uishader_g_size); if (geometryShader == NULL) { return false; } // Create shader shaderProgramInit(&gpuShader); Result res = shaderProgramSetVsh(&gpuShader, &vertexShader->DVLE[0]); if (res < 0) { return false; } res = shaderProgramSetGsh(&gpuShader, &geometryShader->DVLE[0], 3); if (res < 0) { return false; } C3D_BindProgram(&gpuShader); // Allocate buffers ctrVertexBuffer = linearAlloc(VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE); if (ctrVertexBuffer == NULL) { return false; } C3D_CullFace(GPU_CULL_NONE); C3D_DepthTest(false, GPU_ALWAYS, GPU_WRITE_ALL); C3D_AlphaBlend(GPU_BLEND_ADD, GPU_BLEND_ADD, GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); C3D_AlphaTest(false, GPU_ALWAYS, 0); C3D_BlendingColor(0); C3D_AttrInfo* attrInfo = C3D_GetAttrInfo(); AttrInfo_Init(attrInfo); AttrInfo_AddLoader(attrInfo, 0, GPU_SHORT, 4); // in_pos AttrInfo_AddLoader(attrInfo, 1, GPU_SHORT, 4); // in_tc0 AttrInfo_AddLoader(attrInfo, 2, GPU_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4); // in_col return true; } void ctrDeinitGpu() { if (ctrVertexBuffer) { linearFree(ctrVertexBuffer); ctrVertexBuffer = NULL; } shaderProgramFree(&gpuShader); if (vertexShader) { DVLB_Free(vertexShader); vertexShader = NULL; } if (geometryShader) { DVLB_Free(geometryShader); geometryShader = NULL; } } void ctrSetViewportSize(s16 w, s16 h) { C3D_SetViewport(0, 0, h, w); C3D_Mtx projectionMtx; Mtx_OrthoTilt(&projectionMtx, 0.0, w, h, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); C3D_FVUnifMtx4x4(GPU_GEOMETRY_SHADER, GSH_FVEC_projectionMtx, &projectionMtx); } void ctrActivateTexture(C3D_Tex* texture) { if (texture == activeTexture) { return; } if (activeTexture) { ctrFlushBatch(); } activeTexture = texture; C3D_TexBind(0, activeTexture); C3D_TexEnv* env = C3D_GetTexEnv(0); C3D_TexEnvOp(env, C3D_Both, 0, 0, 0); if (texture->fmt < GPU_LA8) { C3D_TexEnvSrc(env, C3D_Both, GPU_TEXTURE0, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, 0); C3D_TexEnvFunc(env, C3D_Both, GPU_MODULATE); } else { C3D_TexEnvSrc(env, C3D_RGB, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, 0, 0); C3D_TexEnvSrc(env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_TEXTURE0, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, 0); C3D_TexEnvFunc(env, C3D_RGB, GPU_REPLACE); C3D_TexEnvFunc(env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_MODULATE); } C3D_Mtx textureMtx = { .m = { // Rows are in the order w z y x, because ctrulib 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f / activeTexture->width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f / activeTexture->height, 0.0f } }; C3D_FVUnifMtx2x4(GPU_GEOMETRY_SHADER, GSH_FVEC_textureMtx, &textureMtx); } void ctrAddRectScaled(u32 color, s16 x, s16 y, s16 w, s16 h, s16 u, s16 v, s16 uw, s16 vh) { if (ctrNumVerts + ctrVertStart == MAX_NUM_QUADS) { ctrFlushBatch(); C3D_Flush(); ctrNumVerts = 0; ctrVertStart = 0; } struct ctrUIVertex* vtx = &ctrVertexBuffer[ctrVertStart + ctrNumVerts]; vtx->x = x; vtx->y = y; vtx->w = w; vtx->h = h; vtx->u = u; vtx->v = v; vtx->uw = uw; vtx->vh = vh; vtx->abgr = color; ++ctrNumVerts; } void ctrAddRect(u32 color, s16 x, s16 y, s16 u, s16 v, s16 w, s16 h) { ctrAddRectScaled(color, x, y, w, h, u, v, w, h); } void ctrFlushBatch(void) { if (ctrNumVerts == 0) { return; } C3D_BufInfo* bufInfo = C3D_GetBufInfo(); BufInfo_Init(bufInfo); BufInfo_Add(bufInfo, &ctrVertexBuffer[ctrVertStart], sizeof(struct ctrUIVertex), 3, 0x210); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(&ctrVertexBuffer[ctrVertStart], sizeof(struct ctrUIVertex) * ctrNumVerts); C3D_DrawArrays(GPU_GEOMETRY_PRIM, 0, ctrNumVerts); ctrVertStart += ctrNumVerts; ctrNumVerts = 0; } void ctrFinalize(void) { ctrFlushBatch(); C3D_Flush(); ctrNumVerts = 0; ctrVertStart = 0; }