/* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef VECTOR_H #define VECTOR_H #include CXX_GUARD_START #define DECLARE_VECTOR(NAME, TYPE) \ struct NAME { \ TYPE* vector; \ size_t size; \ size_t capacity; \ }; \ void NAME ## Init(struct NAME* vector, size_t capacity); \ void NAME ## Deinit(struct NAME* vector); \ TYPE* NAME ## GetPointer(struct NAME* vector, size_t location); \ TYPE const* NAME ## GetConstPointer(const struct NAME* vector, size_t location); \ TYPE* NAME ## Append(struct NAME* vector); \ void NAME ## Clear(struct NAME* vector); \ void NAME ## Resize(struct NAME* vector, ssize_t change); \ void NAME ## Shift(struct NAME* vector, size_t location, size_t difference); \ void NAME ## Unshift(struct NAME* vector, size_t location, size_t difference); \ void NAME ## EnsureCapacity(struct NAME* vector, size_t capacity); \ size_t NAME ## Size(const struct NAME* vector); \ size_t NAME ## Index(const struct NAME* vector, const TYPE* member); #define DEFINE_VECTOR(NAME, TYPE) \ void NAME ## Init(struct NAME* vector, size_t capacity) { \ vector->size = 0; \ if (capacity == 0) { \ capacity = 4; \ } \ vector->capacity = capacity; \ vector->vector = malloc(sizeof(TYPE) * capacity); \ } \ void NAME ## Deinit(struct NAME* vector) { \ free(vector->vector); \ vector->vector = 0; \ vector->capacity = 0; \ } \ TYPE* NAME ## GetPointer(struct NAME* vector, size_t location) { \ return &vector->vector[location]; \ } \ TYPE const* NAME ## GetConstPointer(const struct NAME* vector, size_t location) { \ return &vector->vector[location]; \ } \ TYPE* NAME ## Append(struct NAME* vector) { \ NAME ## Resize(vector, 1); \ return &vector->vector[vector->size - 1]; \ } \ void NAME ## Resize(struct NAME* vector, ssize_t change) { \ if (change > 0) { \ NAME ## EnsureCapacity(vector, vector->size + change); \ } \ vector->size += change; \ } \ void NAME ## Clear(struct NAME* vector) { \ vector->size = 0; \ } \ void NAME ## EnsureCapacity(struct NAME* vector, size_t capacity) { \ if (capacity <= vector->capacity) { \ return; \ } \ while (capacity > vector->capacity) { \ vector->capacity <<= 1; \ } \ vector->vector = realloc(vector->vector, vector->capacity * sizeof(TYPE)); \ } \ void NAME ## Shift(struct NAME* vector, size_t location, size_t difference) { \ memmove(&vector->vector[location], &vector->vector[location + difference], (vector->size - location - difference) * sizeof(TYPE)); \ vector->size -= difference; \ } \ void NAME ## Unshift(struct NAME* vector, size_t location, size_t difference) { \ NAME ## Resize(vector, difference); \ memmove(&vector->vector[location + difference], &vector->vector[location], (vector->size - location - difference) * sizeof(TYPE)); \ } \ size_t NAME ## Size(const struct NAME* vector) { \ return vector->size; \ } \ size_t NAME ## Index(const struct NAME* vector, const TYPE* member) { \ return member - (const TYPE*) vector->vector; \ } \ CXX_GUARD_END #endif