#include "gba-audio.h" #include "gba.h" #include "gba-io.h" #include "gba-thread.h" #include const unsigned GBA_AUDIO_SAMPLES = 512; const unsigned GBA_AUDIO_FIFO_SIZE = 8 * sizeof(int32_t); #define SWEEP_CYCLES (GBA_ARM7TDMI_FREQUENCY / 128) static int32_t _updateSquareChannel(struct GBAAudioSquareControl* envelope, int duty); static void _updateEnvelope(struct GBAAudioEnvelope* envelope); static void _updateSweep(struct GBAAudioChannel1* ch); static int32_t _updateChannel1(struct GBAAudioChannel1* ch); static int32_t _updateChannel2(struct GBAAudioChannel2* ch); static int32_t _updateChannel3(struct GBAAudioChannel3* ch); static int32_t _updateChannel4(struct GBAAudioChannel4* ch); static void _sample(struct GBAAudio* audio); void GBAAudioInit(struct GBAAudio* audio) { audio->nextEvent = 0; audio->nextCh1 = 0; audio->nextCh2 = 0; audio->nextCh3 = 0; audio->nextCh4 = 0; audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; audio->ch1.control.nextStep = 0; audio->ch1.nextSweep = INT_MAX; audio->ch1.sample = 0; audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; audio->ch2.control.nextStep = 0; audio->ch2.sample = 0; audio->ch4.sample = 0; audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; audio->eventDiff = 0; audio->nextSample = 0; audio->sampleRate = 0x8000; audio->soundcntLo = 0; audio->soundcntHi = 0; audio->sampleInterval = GBA_ARM7TDMI_FREQUENCY / audio->sampleRate; CircleBufferInit(&audio->left, GBA_AUDIO_SAMPLES * sizeof(int32_t)); CircleBufferInit(&audio->right, GBA_AUDIO_SAMPLES * sizeof(int32_t)); CircleBufferInit(&audio->chA.fifo, GBA_AUDIO_FIFO_SIZE); CircleBufferInit(&audio->chB.fifo, GBA_AUDIO_FIFO_SIZE); pthread_mutex_init(&audio->bufferMutex, 0); } void GBAAudioDeinit(struct GBAAudio* audio) { CircleBufferDeinit(&audio->left); CircleBufferDeinit(&audio->right); CircleBufferDeinit(&audio->chA.fifo); CircleBufferDeinit(&audio->chB.fifo); pthread_mutex_destroy(&audio->bufferMutex); } int32_t GBAAudioProcessEvents(struct GBAAudio* audio, int32_t cycles) { audio->nextEvent -= cycles; audio->eventDiff += cycles; while (audio->nextEvent <= 0) { audio->nextEvent = INT_MAX; audio->nextCh1 -= audio->eventDiff; audio->nextCh2 -= audio->eventDiff; audio->nextCh3 -= audio->eventDiff; audio->nextCh4 -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep != INT_MAX) { audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep <= 0) { _updateEnvelope(&audio->ch1.envelope); if (audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep; } } } if (audio->ch1.nextSweep != INT_MAX) { audio->ch1.nextSweep -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->ch1.nextSweep <= 0) { _updateSweep(&audio->ch1); if (audio->ch1.nextSweep < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->ch1.nextSweep; } } } if (audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep != INT_MAX) { audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep <= 0) { _updateEnvelope(&audio->ch2.envelope); if (audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep; } } } if (audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep != INT_MAX) { audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep <= 0) { _updateEnvelope(&audio->ch4.envelope); if (audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep; } } } if ((audio->ch1Right || audio->ch1Left) && audio->nextCh1 <= 0) { audio->nextCh1 += _updateChannel1(&audio->ch1); if (audio->nextCh1 < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->nextCh1; } } if ((audio->ch2Right || audio->ch2Left) && audio->nextCh2 <= 0) { audio->nextCh2 += _updateChannel2(&audio->ch2); if (audio->nextCh2 < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->nextCh2; } } if ((audio->ch3Right || audio->ch3Left) && audio->nextCh3 <= 0) { audio->nextCh3 += _updateChannel3(&audio->ch3); if (audio->nextCh3 < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->nextCh3; } } if ((audio->ch4Right || audio->ch4Left) && audio->nextCh4 <= 0) { audio->nextCh4 += _updateChannel4(&audio->ch4); if (audio->nextCh4 < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->nextCh4; } } audio->nextSample -= audio->eventDiff; if (audio->nextSample <= 0) { _sample(audio); audio->nextSample += audio->sampleInterval; } if (audio->nextSample < audio->nextEvent) { audio->nextEvent = audio->nextSample; } audio->eventDiff = 0; } return audio->nextEvent; } void GBAAudioScheduleFifoDma(struct GBAAudio* audio, int number, struct GBADMA* info) { switch (info->dest) { case BASE_IO | REG_FIFO_A_LO: audio->chA.dmaSource = number; break; case BASE_IO | REG_FIFO_B_LO: audio->chB.dmaSource = number; break; default: GBALog(audio->p, GBA_LOG_GAME_ERROR, "Invalid FIFO destination: 0x%08X", info->dest); return; } info->dstControl = DMA_FIXED; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND1CNT_LO(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch1.sweep.packed = value; if (!audio->ch1.sweep.time) { audio->ch1.nextSweep = INT_MAX; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND1CNT_HI(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch1.envelope.packed = value; if (audio->ch1.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND1CNT_X(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch1.control.packed = value; audio->ch1.control.currentFrequency = audio->ch1.control.frequency; if (audio->ch1.control.restart) { if (audio->ch1.sweep.time) { audio->ch1.nextSweep = audio->ch1.sweep.time * SWEEP_CYCLES; } audio->ch1.envelope.currentVolume = audio->ch1.envelope.initialVolume; if (audio->ch1.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch1.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } audio->nextCh1 = 0; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND2CNT_LO(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch2.envelope.packed = value; if (audio->ch2.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND2CNT_HI(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch2.control.packed = value; audio->ch2.control.currentFrequency = audio->ch2.control.frequency; if (audio->ch2.control.restart) { audio->ch2.envelope.currentVolume = audio->ch2.envelope.initialVolume; if (audio->ch2.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch2.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } audio->nextCh2 = 0; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND3CNT_LO(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch3.bank.packed = value; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND3CNT_HI(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch3.wave.packed = value; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND3CNT_X(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch3.control.packed = value; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND4CNT_LO(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch4.envelope.packed = value; if (audio->ch4.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUND4CNT_HI(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->ch4.control.packed = value; if (audio->ch4.control.restart) { audio->ch4.envelope.currentVolume = audio->ch4.envelope.initialVolume; if (audio->ch4.envelope.stepTime) { audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep = 0; } else { audio->ch4.envelope.nextStep = INT_MAX; } if (audio->ch4.control.power) { audio->ch4.lfsr = 0x40; } else { audio->ch4.lfsr = 0x4000; } audio->nextCh4 = 0; } } void GBAAudioWriteSOUNDCNT_LO(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->soundcntLo = value; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUNDCNT_HI(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->soundcntHi = value; } void GBAAudioWriteSOUNDCNT_X(struct GBAAudio* audio, uint16_t value) { audio->soundcntX = (value & 0xF0) | (audio->soundcntX & 0x0F); } void GBAAudioWriteWaveRAM(struct GBAAudio* audio, int address, uint32_t value) { GBALog(audio->p, GBA_LOG_STUB, "Audio unimplemented"); } void GBAAudioWriteFIFO(struct GBAAudio* audio, int address, uint32_t value) { struct CircleBuffer* fifo; switch (address) { case REG_FIFO_A_LO: fifo = &audio->chA.fifo; break; case REG_FIFO_B_LO: fifo = &audio->chB.fifo; break; default: GBALog(audio->p, GBA_LOG_ERROR, "Bad FIFO write to address 0x%03x", address); return; } while (!CircleBufferWrite32(fifo, value)) { int32_t dummy; CircleBufferRead32(fifo, &dummy); } } void GBAAudioSampleFIFO(struct GBAAudio* audio, int fifoId) { struct GBAAudioFIFO* channel; if (fifoId == 0) { channel = &audio->chA; } else if (fifoId == 1) { channel = &audio->chB; } else { GBALog(audio->p, GBA_LOG_ERROR, "Bad FIFO write to address 0x%03x", fifoId); return; } if (CircleBufferSize(&channel->fifo) <= 4 * sizeof(int32_t)) { struct GBADMA* dma = &audio->p->memory.dma[channel->dmaSource]; dma->nextCount = 4; GBAMemoryServiceDMA(&audio->p->memory, channel->dmaSource, dma); } CircleBufferRead8(&channel->fifo, &channel->sample); } static int32_t _updateSquareChannel(struct GBAAudioSquareControl* control, int duty) { control->hi = !control->hi; int period = 16 * (2048 - control->currentFrequency); switch (duty) { case 0: return control->hi ? period : period * 7; case 1: return control->hi ? period * 2 : period * 6; case 2: return period * 4; case 3: return control->hi ? period * 6 : period * 2; default: // This should never be hit return period * 4; } } static void _updateEnvelope(struct GBAAudioEnvelope* envelope) { if (envelope->direction) { ++envelope->currentVolume; } else { --envelope->currentVolume; } if (envelope->currentVolume >= 15) { envelope->currentVolume = 15; envelope->nextStep = INT_MAX; } else if (envelope->currentVolume <= 0) { envelope->currentVolume = 0; envelope->nextStep = INT_MAX; } else { envelope->nextStep += envelope->stepTime * (GBA_ARM7TDMI_FREQUENCY >> 6); } } static void _updateSweep(struct GBAAudioChannel1* ch) { if (ch->sweep.direction) { int currentFrequency = ch->control.currentFrequency; currentFrequency -= currentFrequency >> ch->sweep.shift; if (currentFrequency >= 0) { ch->control.currentFrequency = currentFrequency; } } else { int currentFrequency = ch->control.currentFrequency; currentFrequency += currentFrequency >> ch->sweep.shift; if (currentFrequency < 2048) { ch->control.currentFrequency = currentFrequency; } else { // TODO: Stop playing } } ch->nextSweep += ch->sweep.time * SWEEP_CYCLES; } static int32_t _updateChannel1(struct GBAAudioChannel1* ch) { int timing = _updateSquareChannel(&ch->control, ch->envelope.duty); ch->sample = ch->control.hi * 0x10 - 0x8; ch->sample *= ch->envelope.currentVolume; return timing; } static int32_t _updateChannel2(struct GBAAudioChannel2* ch) { int timing = _updateSquareChannel(&ch->control, ch->envelope.duty); ch->sample = ch->control.hi * 0x10 - 0x8; ch->sample *= ch->envelope.currentVolume; return timing; } static int32_t _updateChannel3(struct GBAAudioChannel3* ch) { return INT_MAX / 4; } static int32_t _updateChannel4(struct GBAAudioChannel4* ch) { int lsb = ch->lfsr & 1; ch->sample = lsb * 0x10 - 0x8; ch->sample *= ch->envelope.currentVolume; ch->lfsr >>= 1; ch->lfsr ^= (lsb * 0x60) << (ch->control.power ? 0 : 8); int timing = ch->control.ratio ? 2 * ch->control.ratio : 1; timing <<= ch->control.frequency; timing *= 32; return timing; } static void _sample(struct GBAAudio* audio) { int32_t sampleLeft = 0; int32_t sampleRight = 0; int psgShift = 2 - audio->volume; if (audio->ch1Left) { sampleLeft += audio->ch1.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->ch1Right) { sampleRight += audio->ch1.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->ch2Left) { sampleLeft += audio->ch2.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->ch2Right) { sampleRight += audio->ch2.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->ch4Left) { sampleLeft += audio->ch4.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->ch4Right) { sampleRight += audio->ch4.sample >> psgShift; } if (audio->chALeft) { sampleLeft += (audio->chA.sample << 2) >> !audio->volumeChA; } if (audio->chARight) { sampleRight += (audio->chA.sample << 2) >> !audio->volumeChA; } if (audio->chBLeft) { sampleLeft += (audio->chB.sample << 2) >> !audio->volumeChB; } if (audio->chBRight) { sampleRight += (audio->chB.sample << 2) >> !audio->volumeChB; } pthread_mutex_lock(&audio->bufferMutex); while (CircleBufferSize(&audio->left) + (GBA_AUDIO_SAMPLES * 2 / 5) >= audio->left.capacity) { if (!audio->p->sync->audioWait) { break; } GBASyncProduceAudio(audio->p->sync, &audio->bufferMutex); } CircleBufferWrite32(&audio->left, sampleLeft); CircleBufferWrite32(&audio->right, sampleRight); pthread_mutex_unlock(&audio->bufferMutex); }