diff --git a/doc/mgba-qt.6 b/doc/mgba-qt.6 index 1687e7f32..1c79de2c9 100644 --- a/doc/mgba-qt.6 +++ b/doc/mgba-qt.6 @@ -11,10 +11,27 @@ .Nd Game Boy Advance emulator .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm mgba-qt +.Op Fl b Ar biosfile +.Op Fl p Ar patchfile +.Op Fl s Ar n .Ar file .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a Game Boy Advance emulator. +The options are as follows: +.Bl -tag -width Ds +.It Fl b Ar biosfile , Fl -bios Ar biosfile +Specify a BIOS file to use during boot. +If this flag is omitted, +.Nm +will use a high\(hylevel emulated BIOS. +.It Fl p Ar patchfile , Fl -patch Ar patchfile +Specify a patch file in IPS or UPS format. +.It Fl s Ar n , Fl -frameskip Ar n +Skip every +.Ar n +frames. +.El .Sh CONTROLS The default controls are as follows: .Bl -hang -width "Frame advance" -compact