
298 lines
6.6 KiB

Copyright 2016-2024 melonDS team
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef WIFI_H
#define WIFI_H
#include "Savestate.h"
namespace melonDS
class WifiAP;
class NDS;
class Wifi
W_ID = 0x000,
W_ModeReset = 0x004,
W_ModeWEP = 0x006,
W_TXStatCnt = 0x008,
W_IF = 0x010,
W_IE = 0x012,
W_MACAddr0 = 0x018,
W_MACAddr1 = 0x01A,
W_MACAddr2 = 0x01C,
W_BSSID0 = 0x020,
W_BSSID1 = 0x022,
W_BSSID2 = 0x024,
W_AIDLow = 0x028,
W_AIDFull = 0x02A,
W_TXRetryLimit = 0x02C,
W_RXCnt = 0x030,
W_WEPCnt = 0x032,
W_TRXPower = 0x034,
W_PowerUS = 0x036,
W_PowerTX = 0x038,
W_PowerState = 0x03C,
W_PowerForce = 0x040,
W_PowerDownCtrl = 0x48,
W_Random = 0x044,
W_RXBufBegin = 0x050,
W_RXBufEnd = 0x052,
W_RXBufWriteCursor = 0x054,
W_RXBufWriteAddr = 0x056,
W_RXBufReadAddr = 0x058,
W_RXBufReadCursor = 0x05A,
W_RXBufCount = 0x05C,
W_RXBufDataRead = 0x060,
W_RXBufGapAddr = 0x062,
W_RXBufGapSize = 0x064,
W_TXBufWriteAddr = 0x068,
W_TXBufCount = 0x06C,
W_TXBufDataWrite = 0x070,
W_TXBufGapAddr = 0x074,
W_TXBufGapSize = 0x076,
W_TXSlotBeacon = 0x080,
W_TXBeaconTIM = 0x084,
W_ListenCount = 0x088,
W_BeaconInterval = 0x08C,
W_ListenInterval = 0x08E,
W_TXSlotCmd = 0x090,
W_TXSlotReply1 = 0x094,
W_TXSlotReply2 = 0x098,
W_TXSlotLoc1 = 0x0A0,
W_TXSlotLoc2 = 0x0A4,
W_TXSlotLoc3 = 0x0A8,
W_TXReqReset = 0x0AC,
W_TXReqSet = 0x0AE,
W_TXReqRead = 0x0B0,
W_TXSlotReset = 0x0B4,
W_TXBusy = 0x0B6,
W_TXStat = 0x0B8,
W_Preamble = 0x0BC,
W_CmdTotalTime = 0x0C0,
W_CmdReplyTime = 0x0C4,
W_RXFilter = 0x0D0,
W_RXLenCrop = 0x0DA,
W_RXFilter2 = 0x0E0,
W_USCountCnt = 0x0E8,
W_USCompareCnt = 0x0EA,
W_CmdCountCnt = 0x0EE,
W_USCount0 = 0x0F8,
W_USCount1 = 0x0FA,
W_USCount2 = 0x0FC,
W_USCount3 = 0x0FE,
W_USCompare0 = 0x0F0,
W_USCompare1 = 0x0F2,
W_USCompare2 = 0x0F4,
W_USCompare3 = 0x0F6,
W_ContentFree = 0x10C,
W_PreBeacon = 0x110,
W_CmdCount = 0x118,
W_BeaconCount1 = 0x11C,
W_BeaconCount2 = 0x134,
W_BBCnt = 0x158,
W_BBWrite = 0x15A,
W_BBRead = 0x15C,
W_BBBusy = 0x15E,
W_BBMode = 0x160,
W_BBPower = 0x168,
W_RFData2 = 0x17C,
W_RFData1 = 0x17E,
W_RFBusy = 0x180,
W_RFCnt = 0x184,
W_TXHeaderCnt = 0x194,
W_RFPins = 0x19C,
W_RXStatIncIF = 0x1A8,
W_RXStatIncIE = 0x1AA,
W_RXStatHalfIF = 0x1AC,
W_RXStatHalfIE = 0x1AE,
W_TXErrorCount = 0x1C0,
W_RXCount = 0x1C4,
W_CMDStat0 = 0x1D0,
W_CMDStat1 = 0x1D2,
W_CMDStat2 = 0x1D4,
W_CMDStat3 = 0x1D6,
W_CMDStat4 = 0x1D8,
W_CMDStat5 = 0x1DA,
W_CMDStat6 = 0x1DC,
W_CMDStat7 = 0x1DE,
W_TXSeqNo = 0x210,
W_RFStatus = 0x214,
W_IFSet = 0x21C,
W_RXTXAddr = 0x268,
Wifi(melonDS::NDS& nds);
void Reset();
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file);
void SetPowerCnt(u32 val);
void USTimer(u32 param);
u16 Read(u32 addr);
void Write(u32 addr, u16 val);
const u8* GetMAC() const;
const u8* GetBSSID() const;
melonDS::NDS& NDS;
u8 RAM[0x2000];
u16 IO[0x1000>>1];
static const u8 MPCmdMAC[6];
static const u8 MPReplyMAC[6];
static const u8 MPAckMAC[6];
static const int kTimerInterval = 8;
static const u32 kTimeCheckMask = ~(kTimerInterval - 1);
bool Enabled;
bool PowerOn;
s32 TimerError;
u16 Random;
// general, always-on microsecond counter
u64 USTimestamp;
u64 USCounter;
u64 USCompare;
bool BlockBeaconIRQ14;
u32 CmdCounter;
u8 BBRegs[0x100];
u8 BBRegsRO[0x100];
u8 RFVersion;
u32 RFRegs[0x40];
u32 RFChannelIndex[2];
u32 RFChannelData[14][2];
int CurChannel;
struct TXSlot
bool Valid;
u16 Addr;
u16 Length;
u8 Rate;
u8 CurPhase;
int CurPhaseTime;
u32 HalfwordTimeMask;
TXSlot TXSlots[6];
u8 TXBuffer[0x2000];
u8 RXBuffer[2048];
u32 RXBufferPtr;
int RXTime;
u32 RXHalfwordTimeMask;
u32 ComStatus; // 0=waiting for packets 1=receiving 2=sending
u32 TXCurSlot;
u32 RXCounter;
int MPReplyTimer;
u16 MPClientMask, MPClientFail;
u8 MPClientReplies[15*1024];
u16 MPLastSeqno;
int USUntilPowerOn;
bool IsMP;
bool IsMPClient;
u64 NextSync; // for clients: timestamp for next sync point
u64 RXTimestamp;
class WifiAP* WifiAP;
void ScheduleTimer(bool first);
void UpdatePowerOn();
void CheckIRQ(u16 oldflags);
void SetIRQ(u32 irq);
void SetIRQ13();
void SetIRQ14(int source);
void SetIRQ15();
void SetStatus(u32 status);
void UpdatePowerStatus(int power);
int PreambleLen(int rate) const;
u32 NumClients(u16 bitmask) const;
void IncrementTXCount(const TXSlot* slot);
void ReportMPReplyErrors(u16 clientfail);
void TXSendFrame(const TXSlot* slot, int num);
void StartTX_LocN(int nslot, int loc);
void StartTX_Cmd();
void StartTX_Beacon();
void FireTX();
void SendMPDefaultReply();
void SendMPReply(u16 clienttime, u16 clientmask);
void SendMPAck(u16 cmdcount, u16 clientfail);
bool ProcessTX(TXSlot* slot, int num);
void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr, u16 inc = 2);
void StartRX();
void FinishRX();
void MPClientReplyRX(int client);
bool CheckRX(int type);
void MSTimer();
void ChangeChannel();
void RFTransfer_Type2();
void RFTransfer_Type3();