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Copyright 2016-2024 melonDS team
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef NDSCART_H
#define NDSCART_H
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <variant>
#include "types.h"
#include "Savestate.h"
#include "NDS_Header.h"
#include "FATStorage.h"
#include "ROMList.h"
namespace melonDS
class NDS;
namespace melonDS::NDSCart
enum CartType
Default = 0x001,
Retail = 0x101,
RetailNAND = 0x102,
RetailIR = 0x103,
RetailBT = 0x104,
Homebrew = 0x201,
UnlicensedR4 = 0x301
class NDSCartSlot;
/// Arguments used to create and populate an NDS cart of unknown type.
/// Different carts take different subsets of these arguments,
/// but we won't know which ones to use
/// until we parse the header at runtime.
struct NDSCartArgs
/// The arguments used to load a homebrew SD card image.
/// If \c nullopt, then the cart will not have an SD card.
/// Ignored for retail ROMs.
std::optional<FATStorageArgs> SDCard = std::nullopt;
/// Save RAM to load into the cartridge.
/// If \c nullptr, then the cart's SRAM buffer will be empty.
/// Ignored for homebrew ROMs.
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> SRAM = nullptr;
/// The length of the buffer in SRAM.
/// If 0, then the cart's SRAM buffer will be empty.
/// Ignored for homebrew ROMs.
u32 SRAMLength = 0;
// CartCommon -- base code shared by all cart types
class CartCommon
CartCommon(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, bool badDSiDump, ROMListEntry romparams, CartType type, void* userdata);
CartCommon(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, bool badDSiDump, ROMListEntry romparams, CartType type, void* userdata);
virtual ~CartCommon();
[[nodiscard]] u32 Type() const { return CartType; };
[[nodiscard]] u32 Checksum() const;
virtual void Reset();
virtual void SetupDirectBoot(const std::string& romname, NDS& nds);
virtual void DoSavestate(Savestate* file);
virtual int ROMCommandStart(NDS& nds, NDSCart::NDSCartSlot& cartslot, const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len);
virtual void ROMCommandFinish(const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len);
virtual u8 SPIWrite(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last);
virtual u8* GetSaveMemory() { return nullptr; }
virtual const u8* GetSaveMemory() const { return nullptr; }
virtual u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const { return 0; }
virtual void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) {};
[[nodiscard]] const NDSHeader& GetHeader() const { return Header; }
[[nodiscard]] NDSHeader& GetHeader() { return Header; }
/// @return The cartridge's banner if available, or \c nullptr if not.
[[nodiscard]] const NDSBanner* Banner() const;
[[nodiscard]] const ROMListEntry& GetROMParams() const { return ROMParams; };
[[nodiscard]] u32 ID() const { return ChipID; }
[[nodiscard]] const u8* GetROM() const { return ROM.get(); }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetROMLength() const { return ROMLength; }
void ReadROM(u32 addr, u32 len, u8* data, u32 offset) const;
void* UserData;
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> ROM = nullptr;
u32 ROMLength = 0;
u32 ChipID = 0;
bool IsDSi = false;
bool DSiMode = false;
u32 DSiBase = 0;
u32 CmdEncMode = 0;
u32 DataEncMode = 0;
// Kept separate from the ROM data so we can decrypt the modcrypt area
// without touching the overall ROM data
NDSHeader Header {};
ROMListEntry ROMParams {};
const melonDS::NDSCart::CartType CartType = Default;
// CartRetail -- regular retail cart (ROM, SPI SRAM)
class CartRetail : public CartCommon
const u8* rom,
u32 len,
u32 chipid,
bool badDSiDump,
ROMListEntry romparams,
std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram,
u32 sramlen,
void* userdata,
melonDS::NDSCart::CartType type = CartType::Retail
std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom,
u32 len, u32 chipid,
bool badDSiDump,
ROMListEntry romparams,
std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram,
u32 sramlen,
void* userdata,
melonDS::NDSCart::CartType type = CartType::Retail
~CartRetail() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) override;
int ROMCommandStart(NDS& nds, NDSCart::NDSCartSlot& cartslot, const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
u8 SPIWrite(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last) override;
u8* GetSaveMemory() override { return SRAM.get(); }
const u8* GetSaveMemory() const override { return SRAM.get(); }
u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const override { return SRAMLength; }
void ReadROM_B7(u32 addr, u32 len, u8* data, u32 offset) const;
u8 SRAMWrite_EEPROMTiny(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last);
u8 SRAMWrite_EEPROM(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last);
u8 SRAMWrite_FLASH(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last);
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> SRAM = nullptr;
u32 SRAMLength = 0;
u32 SRAMType = 0;
u8 SRAMCmd = 0;
u32 SRAMAddr = 0;
u32 SRAMFirstAddr = 0;
u8 SRAMStatus = 0;
// CartRetailNAND -- retail cart with NAND SRAM (WarioWare DIY, Jam with the Band, ...)
class CartRetailNAND : public CartRetail
CartRetailNAND(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
CartRetailNAND(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
~CartRetailNAND() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) override;
int ROMCommandStart(NDS& nds, NDSCart::NDSCartSlot& cartslot, const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
void ROMCommandFinish(const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
u8 SPIWrite(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last) override;
void BuildSRAMID();
u32 SRAMBase = 0;
u32 SRAMWindow = 0;
u8 SRAMWriteBuffer[0x800] {};
u32 SRAMWritePos = 0;
// CartRetailIR -- SPI IR device and SRAM
class CartRetailIR : public CartRetail
CartRetailIR(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, u32 irversion, bool badDSiDump, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
CartRetailIR(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, u32 irversion, bool badDSiDump, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
~CartRetailIR() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
u8 SPIWrite(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last) override;
u32 IRVersion = 0;
u8 IRCmd = 0;
// CartRetailBT - Pok<6F>mon Typing Adventure (SPI BT controller)
class CartRetailBT : public CartRetail
CartRetailBT(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
CartRetailBT(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
~CartRetailBT() override;
u8 SPIWrite(u8 val, u32 pos, bool last) override;
// CartSD -- any 'cart' with an SD card slot
class CartSD : public CartCommon
CartSD(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, void* userdata, std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard = std::nullopt);
CartSD(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, void* userdata, std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard = std::nullopt);
~CartSD() override;
[[nodiscard]] const std::optional<FATStorage>& GetSDCard() const noexcept { return SD; }
void SetSDCard(FATStorage&& sdcard) noexcept { SD = std::move(sdcard); }
void SetSDCard(std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard) noexcept
SD = std::move(sdcard);
sdcard = std::nullopt;
// moving from an optional doesn't set it to nullopt,
// it just leaves behind an optional with a moved-from value
void SetSDCard(std::optional<FATStorageArgs>&& args) noexcept
// Close the open SD card (if any) so that its contents are flushed to disk.
// Also, if args refers to the same image file that SD is currently using,
// this will ensure that we don't have two open read-write handles
// to the same file.
SD = std::nullopt;
if (args)
SD = FATStorage(std::move(*args));
args = std::nullopt;
// moving from an optional doesn't set it to nullopt,
// it just leaves behind an optional with a moved-from value
void ApplyDLDIPatchAt(u8* binary, u32 dldioffset, const u8* patch, u32 patchlen, bool readonly) const;
void ApplyDLDIPatch(const u8* patch, u32 patchlen, bool readonly);
void ReadROM_B7(u32 addr, u32 len, u8* data, u32 offset) const;
std::optional<FATStorage> SD {};
// CartHomebrew -- homebrew 'cart' (no SRAM, DLDI)
class CartHomebrew : public CartSD
CartHomebrew(const u8* rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, void* userdata, std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard = std::nullopt);
CartHomebrew(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, void* userdata, std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard = std::nullopt);
~CartHomebrew() override;
void Reset() override;
void SetupDirectBoot(const std::string& romname, NDS& nds) override;
int ROMCommandStart(NDS& nds, NDSCart::NDSCartSlot& cartslot, const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
void ROMCommandFinish(const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
// CartR4 -- unlicensed R4 'cart' (NDSCartR4.cpp)
enum CartR4Type
/* non-SDHC carts */
CartR4TypeM3Simply = 0,
CartR4TypeR4 = 1,
/* SDHC carts */
CartR4TypeAce3DS = 2
enum CartR4Language
CartR4LanguageJapanese = (7 << 3) | 1,
CartR4LanguageEnglish = (7 << 3) | 2,
CartR4LanguageFrench = (2 << 3) | 2,
CartR4LanguageKorean = (4 << 3) | 2,
CartR4LanguageSimplifiedChinese = (6 << 3) | 3,
CartR4LanguageTraditionalChinese = (7 << 3) | 3
class CartR4 : public CartSD
CartR4(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, u32 chipid, ROMListEntry romparams, CartR4Type ctype, CartR4Language clanguage, void* userdata,
std::optional<FATStorage>&& sdcard = std::nullopt);
~CartR4() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
int ROMCommandStart(NDS& nds, NDSCart::NDSCartSlot& cartslot, const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
void ROMCommandFinish(const u8* cmd, u8* data, u32 len) override;
inline u32 GetAdjustedSector(u32 sector) const
return R4CartType >= CartR4TypeAce3DS ? sector : sector >> 9;
u16 GetEncryptionKey(u16 sector);
void ReadSDToBuffer(u32 sector, bool rom);
u64 SDFATEntrySectorGet(u32 entry, u32 addr);
s32 EncryptionKey;
u32 FATEntryOffset[2];
u8 Buffer[512];
u8 InitStatus;
CartR4Type R4CartType;
CartR4Language CartLanguage;
bool BufferInitialized;
class NDSCartSlot
explicit NDSCartSlot(melonDS::NDS& nds, std::unique_ptr<CartCommon>&& rom = nullptr) noexcept;
~NDSCartSlot() noexcept;
void Reset() noexcept;
void ResetCart() noexcept;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) noexcept;
void DecryptSecureArea(u8* out) noexcept;
/// Loads a Nintendo DS cart object into the cart slot.
/// The cart slot takes ownership of the cart object and its underlying resources
/// and re-encrypts the ROM's secure area if necessary.
/// If a cartridge is already inserted, it is first ejected
/// and its state is discarded.
/// If the provided cart is not valid,
/// then the currently-loaded ROM will not be ejected.
/// @param cart Movable reference to the cart,
/// or \c nullptr to eject the cart.
/// @post If the cart was successfully loaded,
/// then \c cart will be \c nullptr
/// and \c Cart will contain the object that \c cart previously pointed to.
/// Otherwise, \c cart and \c Cart will be both be unchanged.
void SetCart(std::unique_ptr<CartCommon>&& cart) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] CartCommon* GetCart() noexcept { return Cart.get(); }
[[nodiscard]] const CartCommon* GetCart() const noexcept { return Cart.get(); }
void SetupDirectBoot(const std::string& romname) noexcept;
/// This function is intended to allow frontends to save and load SRAM
/// without using melonDS APIs.
/// Modifying the emulated SRAM for any other reason is strongly discouraged.
/// The returned pointer may be invalidated if the emulator is reset,
/// or when a new game is loaded.
/// Consequently, don't store the returned pointer for any longer than necessary.
/// @returns Pointer to this cart's SRAM if a cart is loaded and supports SRAM, otherwise \c nullptr.
[[nodiscard]] const u8* GetSaveMemory() const noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemory() : nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] u8* GetSaveMemory() noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemory() : nullptr; }
void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) noexcept;
/// @returns The length of the buffer returned by ::GetSaveMemory()
/// if a cart is loaded and supports SRAM, otherwise zero.
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemoryLength() : 0; }
/// @return The cart that was in the slot before it was ejected,
/// or \c nullptr if the slot was already empty.
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> EjectCart() noexcept;
u32 ReadROMData() noexcept;
void WriteROMData(u32 val) noexcept;
void WriteSPICnt(u16 val) noexcept;
void WriteROMCnt(u32 val) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] u8 ReadSPIData() const noexcept;
void WriteSPIData(u8 val) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] u8 GetROMCommand(u8 index) const noexcept { return ROMCommand[index]; }
void SetROMCommand(u8 index, u8 val) noexcept { ROMCommand[index] = val; }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetROMCnt() const noexcept { return ROMCnt; }
[[nodiscard]] u16 GetSPICnt() const noexcept { return SPICnt; }
void SetSPICnt(u16 val) noexcept { SPICnt = val; }
friend class CartCommon;
melonDS::NDS& NDS;
u16 SPICnt = 0;
u32 ROMCnt = 0;
std::array<u8, 8> ROMCommand {};
u8 SPIData = 0;
u32 SPIDataPos = 0;
bool SPIHold = false;
u32 ROMData = 0;
std::array<u8, 0x4000> TransferData {};
u32 TransferPos = 0;
u32 TransferLen = 0;
u32 TransferDir = 0;
std::array<u8, 8> TransferCmd {};
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> Cart = nullptr;
std::array<u32, 0x412> Key1_KeyBuf {};
u64 Key2_X = 0;
u64 Key2_Y = 0;
void Key1_Encrypt(u32* data) const noexcept;
void Key1_Decrypt(u32* data) const noexcept;
void Key1_ApplyKeycode(u32* keycode, u32 mod) noexcept;
void Key1_LoadKeyBuf(bool dsi) noexcept;
void Key1_InitKeycode(bool dsi, u32 idcode, u32 level, u32 mod) noexcept;
void Key2_Encrypt(const u8* data, u32 len) noexcept;
void ROMEndTransfer(u32 param) noexcept;
void ROMPrepareData(u32 param) noexcept;
void AdvanceROMTransfer() noexcept;
void SPITransferDone(u32 param) noexcept;
/// Parses the given ROM data and constructs a \c NDSCart::CartCommon subclass
/// that can be inserted into the emulator or used to extract information about the cart beforehand.
/// @param romdata The ROM data to parse.
/// The returned cartridge will contain a copy of this data,
/// so the caller may deallocate \c romdata after this function returns.
/// @param romlen The length of the ROM data in bytes.
/// @param sdcard The arguments to use for initializing the SD card.
/// Ignored if the parsed ROM is not homebrew.
/// If not given, the cart will not have an SD card.
/// @returns A \c NDSCart::CartCommon object representing the parsed ROM,
/// or \c nullptr if the ROM data couldn't be parsed.
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(const u8* romdata, u32 romlen, void* userdata = nullptr, std::optional<NDSCartArgs>&& args = std::nullopt);
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& romdata, u32 romlen, void* userdata = nullptr, std::optional<NDSCartArgs>&& args = std::nullopt);