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Copyright 2016-2024 melonDS team
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef GBACART_H
#define GBACART_H
#include <memory>
#include "types.h"
#include "Savestate.h"
namespace melonDS::GBACart
enum CartType
Default = 0x001,
Game = 0x101,
GameSolarSensor = 0x102,
RAMExpansion = 0x201,
RumblePak = 0x202,
// CartCommon -- base code shared by all cart types
class CartCommon
virtual ~CartCommon() = default;
[[nodiscard]] u32 Type() const { return CartType; }
virtual u32 Checksum() const { return 0; }
virtual void Reset();
virtual void DoSavestate(Savestate* file);
virtual int SetInput(int num, bool pressed);
virtual u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) const;
virtual void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val);
virtual u8 SRAMRead(u32 addr);
virtual void SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val);
[[nodiscard]] virtual const u8* GetROM() const { return nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] virtual u32 GetROMLength() const { return 0; }
virtual u8* GetSaveMemory() const;
virtual u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const;
virtual void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen);
CartCommon(GBACart::CartType type);
friend class GBACartSlot;
GBACart::CartType CartType;
// CartGame -- regular retail game cart (ROM, SRAM)
class CartGame : public CartCommon
CartGame(const u8* rom, u32 len, const u8* sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata, GBACart::CartType type = GBACart::CartType::Game);
CartGame(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata, GBACart::CartType type = GBACart::CartType::Game);
~CartGame() override;
u32 Checksum() const override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) const override;
void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) override;
u8 SRAMRead(u32 addr) override;
void SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val) override;
[[nodiscard]] const u8* GetROM() const override { return ROM.get(); }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetROMLength() const override { return ROMLength; }
u8* GetSaveMemory() const override;
u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const override;
void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) override;
virtual void ProcessGPIO();
u8 SRAMRead_EEPROM(u32 addr);
void SRAMWrite_EEPROM(u32 addr, u8 val);
u8 SRAMRead_FLASH(u32 addr);
void SRAMWrite_FLASH(u32 addr, u8 val);
u8 SRAMRead_SRAM(u32 addr);
void SRAMWrite_SRAM(u32 addr, u8 val);
void* UserData;
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> ROM;
u32 ROMLength;
u16 data;
u16 direction;
u16 control;
} GPIO {};
enum SaveType
// from DeSmuME
u8 state;
u8 cmd;
u8 device;
u8 manufacturer;
u8 bank;
} SRAMFlashState {};
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> SRAM = nullptr;
u32 SRAMLength = 0;
SaveType SRAMType = S_NULL;
void SetupSave(u32 type);
// CartGameSolarSensor -- Boktai game cart
class CartGameSolarSensor : public CartGame
CartGameSolarSensor(const u8* rom, u32 len, const u8* sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
CartGameSolarSensor(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& rom, u32 len, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sram, u32 sramlen, void* userdata);
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
int SetInput(int num, bool pressed) override;
void SetLightLevel(u8 level) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] u8 GetLightLevel() const noexcept { return LightLevel; }
void ProcessGPIO() override;
static const int kLuxLevels[11];
bool LightEdge = false;
u8 LightCounter = 0;
u8 LightSample = 0;
u8 LightLevel = 0;
// CartRAMExpansion -- RAM expansion cart (DS browser, ...)
class CartRAMExpansion : public CartCommon
~CartRAMExpansion() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) const override;
void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) override;
u8 RAM[0x800000] {};
u16 RAMEnable = 0;
// CartRumblePak -- DS Rumble Pak (used in various NDS games)
class CartRumblePak : public CartCommon
CartRumblePak(void* userdata);
~CartRumblePak() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) const override;
void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) override;
void* UserData;
u16 RumbleState = 0;
// possible inputs for GBA carts that might accept user input
Input_SolarSensorDown = 0,
class GBACartSlot
GBACartSlot(melonDS::NDS& nds, std::unique_ptr<CartCommon>&& cart = nullptr) noexcept;
~GBACartSlot() noexcept = default;
void Reset() noexcept;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) noexcept;
/// Ejects the cart in the GBA slot (if any)
/// and inserts the given one.
/// To insert a cart that does not require ROM data
/// (such as the RAM expansion pack),
/// create it manually with std::make_unique and pass it here.
/// @param cart Movable \c unique_ptr to the GBA cart object.
/// May be \c nullptr, in which case the cart slot remains empty.
/// @post \c cart is \c nullptr and the underlying object
/// is moved into the cart slot.
void SetCart(std::unique_ptr<CartCommon>&& cart) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] CartCommon* GetCart() noexcept { return Cart.get(); }
[[nodiscard]] const CartCommon* GetCart() const noexcept { return Cart.get(); }
/// @return The cart that was in the cart slot if any,
/// or \c nullptr if the cart slot was empty.
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> EjectCart() noexcept;
// TODO: make more flexible, support nonbinary inputs
int SetInput(int num, bool pressed) noexcept;
void SetOpenBusDecay(u16 val) noexcept { OpenBusDecay = val; }
u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) const noexcept;
void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) noexcept;
u8 SRAMRead(u32 addr) noexcept;
void SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val) noexcept;
/// This function is intended to allow frontends to save and load SRAM
/// without using melonDS APIs.
/// Modifying the emulated SRAM for any other reason is strongly discouraged.
/// The returned pointer may be invalidated if the emulator is reset,
/// or when a new game is loaded.
/// Consequently, don't store the returned pointer for any longer than necessary.
/// @returns Pointer to this cart's SRAM if a cart is loaded and supports SRAM, otherwise \c nullptr.
[[nodiscard]] u8* GetSaveMemory() noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemory() : nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] const u8* GetSaveMemory() const noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemory() : nullptr; }
/// Sets the loaded cart's SRAM.
/// Does nothing if no cart is inserted
/// or the inserted cart doesn't support SRAM.
/// @param savedata Buffer containing the raw contents of the SRAM.
/// The contents of this buffer are copied into the cart slot,
/// so the caller may dispose of it after this method returns.
/// @param savelen The length of the buffer in \c savedata, in bytes.
void SetSaveMemory(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) noexcept;
/// @returns The length of the buffer returned by ::GetSaveMemory()
/// if a cart is loaded and supports SRAM, otherwise zero.
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetSaveMemoryLength() const noexcept { return Cart ? Cart->GetSaveMemoryLength() : 0; }
melonDS::NDS& NDS;
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> Cart = nullptr;
u16 OpenBusDecay = 0;
/// Parses the given ROM data and constructs a \c GBACart::CartCommon subclass
/// that can be inserted into the emulator or used to extract information about the cart beforehand.
/// @param romdata The ROM data to parse.
/// The returned cartridge will contain a copy of this data,
/// so the caller may deallocate \c romdata after this function returns.
/// @param romlen The length of the ROM data in bytes.
/// @returns A \c GBACart::CartCommon object representing the parsed ROM,
/// or \c nullptr if the ROM data couldn't be parsed.
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(const u8* romdata, u32 romlen, void* userdata = nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& romdata, u32 romlen, void* userdata = nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(const u8* romdata, u32 romlen, const u8* sramdata, u32 sramlen, void* userdata = nullptr);
/// @param romdata The ROM data to parse. Will be moved-from.
/// @param romlen Length of romdata in bytes.
/// @param sramdata The save data to add to the cart.
/// May be \c nullptr, in which case the cart will have no save data.
/// @param sramlen Length of sramdata in bytes.
/// May be zero, in which case the cart will have no save data.
/// @return Unique pointer to the parsed GBA cart,
/// or \c nullptr if there was an error.
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> ParseROM(std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& romdata, u32 romlen, std::unique_ptr<u8[]>&& sramdata, u32 sramlen, void* userdata = nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<CartCommon> LoadAddon(int type, void* userdata);
#endif // GBACART_H