
312 lines
9.5 KiB

Copyright 2016-2017 StapleButter
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "NDS.h"
#include "GPU3D.h"
namespace GPU3D
namespace SoftRenderer
u8 ColorBuffer[256*192 * 4];
bool Init()
return true;
void DeInit()
void Reset()
memset(ColorBuffer, 0, 256*192 * 4);
void RenderPolygon(Polygon* polygon)
int nverts = polygon->NumVertices;
int vtop = 0, vbot = 0;
s32 ytop = 191, ybot = 0;
s32 scrcoords[10][4];
// find the topmost and bottommost vertices of the polygon
for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++)
Vertex* vtx = polygon->Vertices[i];
s32 posX, posY, posZ;
s32 w = vtx->Position[3];
if (w == 0)
posX = 0;
posY = 0;
posZ = 0;
// TODO: find a way to avoid doing 3 divisions :/
posX = ((s64)vtx->Position[0] << 12) / w;
posY = ((s64)vtx->Position[1] << 12) / w;
posZ = ((s64)vtx->Position[2] << 12) / w;
//s32 posX = vtx->Position[0];
//s32 posY = vtx->Position[1];
//printf("xy: %08X %08X %08X\n", vtx->Position[0], vtx->Position[1], vtx->Position[3]);
//printf("w_inv: %08X res: %08X %08X\n", w_inv, posX, posY);
s32 scrX = (((posX + 0x1000) * Viewport[2]) >> 13) + Viewport[0];
s32 scrY = (((posY + 0x1000) * Viewport[3]) >> 13) + Viewport[1];
s32 scrZ = (vtx->Position[2] + 0x1000) >> 1;
if (scrX > 255) scrX = 255;
if (scrY > 191) scrY = 191;
if (scrZ > 0xFFF) scrZ = 0xFFF;
if (scrX < 0) { printf("!! bad X %d\n", scrX); scrX = 0;}
if (scrY < 0) { printf("!! bad Y %d\n", scrY); scrY = 0;}
scrcoords[i][0] = scrX;
scrcoords[i][1] = 191 - scrY;
scrcoords[i][2] = scrZ;
scrcoords[i][3] = vtx->Position[3];
if (scrcoords[i][1] < ytop)
ytop = scrcoords[i][1];
vtop = i;
if (scrcoords[i][1] > ybot)
ybot = scrcoords[i][1];
vbot = i;
//if (vtx->Color[0]==63 && vtx->Color[1]==0 && vtx->Color[2]==0)
//printf("v%d: %d,%d Z=%f W=%f %d %d\n", i, scrX, 191-scrY, vtx->Position[2]/4096.0f, vtx->Position[3]/4096.0f,
// polygon->FacingView, vtx->Clipped);
// draw, line per line
int lcur = vtop, rcur = vtop;
int lnext, rnext;
s32 lstep, rstep;
//s32 xmin, xmax;
if (polygon->FacingView)
lnext = lcur + 1;
if (lnext >= nverts) lnext = 0;
rnext = rcur - 1;
if (rnext < 0) rnext = nverts - 1;
lnext = lcur - 1;
if (lnext < 0) lnext = nverts - 1;
rnext = rcur + 1;
if (rnext >= nverts) rnext = 0;
/*if ((scrcoords[lnext][1] - scrcoords[lcur][1]) == 0) lstep = 0; else
lstep = ((scrcoords[lnext][0] - scrcoords[lcur][0]) << 12) / (scrcoords[lnext][1] - scrcoords[lcur][1]);
if ((scrcoords[rnext][1] - scrcoords[rcur][1]) == 0) rstep = 0; else
rstep = ((scrcoords[rnext][0] - scrcoords[rcur][0]) << 12) / (scrcoords[rnext][1] - scrcoords[rcur][1]);*/
//xmin = scrcoords[lcur][0] << 12;
//xmax = scrcoords[rcur][0] << 12;
for (s32 y = ytop; y <= ybot; y++)
if (y < ybot)
while (y == scrcoords[lnext][1])
lcur = lnext;
if (polygon->FacingView)
lnext = lcur + 1;
if (lnext >= nverts) lnext = 0;
lnext = lcur - 1;
if (lnext < 0) lnext = nverts - 1;
//lstep = ((scrcoords[lnext][0] - scrcoords[lcur][0]) << 12) / (scrcoords[lnext][1] - scrcoords[lcur][1]);
//xmin = scrcoords[lcur][0] << 12;
if (lcur == vbot) break;
while (y == scrcoords[rnext][1])
rcur = rnext;
if (polygon->FacingView)
rnext = rcur - 1;
if (rnext < 0) rnext = nverts - 1;
rnext = rcur + 1;
if (rnext >= nverts) rnext = 0;
//rstep = ((scrcoords[rnext][0] - scrcoords[rcur][0]) << 12) / (scrcoords[rnext][1] - scrcoords[rcur][1]);
//xmax = scrcoords[rcur][0] << 12;
if (rcur == vbot) break;
Vertex* vlcur = polygon->Vertices[lcur];
Vertex* vlnext = polygon->Vertices[lnext];
Vertex* vrcur = polygon->Vertices[rcur];
Vertex* vrnext = polygon->Vertices[rnext];
s32 lfactor, rfactor;
if (scrcoords[lnext][1] == scrcoords[lcur][1])
lfactor = 0;
lfactor = ((y - scrcoords[lcur][1]) << 12) / (scrcoords[lnext][1] - scrcoords[lcur][1]);
if (scrcoords[rnext][1] == scrcoords[rcur][1])
rfactor = 0;
rfactor = ((y - scrcoords[rcur][1]) << 12) / (scrcoords[rnext][1] - scrcoords[rcur][1]);
s32 xl = scrcoords[lcur][0] + (((scrcoords[lnext][0] - scrcoords[lcur][0]) * lfactor) >> 12);
s32 xr = scrcoords[rcur][0] + (((scrcoords[rnext][0] - scrcoords[rcur][0]) * rfactor) >> 12);
if (xl<0 || xr>255) continue; // hax
//if (vlcur->Color[0]==0 && vlcur->Color[1]==63 && vlcur->Color[2]==0)
/*printf("y:%d xleft:%d xright:%d %d,%d %d,%d | left: %d to %d right: %d to %d\n",
y, xl, xr, lcur, rcur, vtop, vbot,
scrcoords[lcur][0], scrcoords[lnext][0],
scrcoords[rcur][0], scrcoords[rnext][0]);*/
//s32 zl = scrcoords[lcur][2] + (((scrcoords[lnext][2] - scrcoords[lcur][2]) * lfactor) >> 12);
//s32 zr = scrcoords[rcur][2] + (((scrcoords[rnext][2] - scrcoords[rcur][2]) * rfactor) >> 12);
u8 rl = vlcur->Color[0] + (((vlnext->Color[0] - vlcur->Color[0]) * lfactor) >> 12);
u8 gl = vlcur->Color[1] + (((vlnext->Color[1] - vlcur->Color[1]) * lfactor) >> 12);
u8 bl = vlcur->Color[2] + (((vlnext->Color[2] - vlcur->Color[2]) * lfactor) >> 12);
u8 rr = vrcur->Color[0] + (((vrnext->Color[0] - vrcur->Color[0]) * rfactor) >> 12);
u8 gr = vrcur->Color[1] + (((vrnext->Color[1] - vrcur->Color[1]) * rfactor) >> 12);
u8 br = vrcur->Color[2] + (((vrnext->Color[2] - vrcur->Color[2]) * rfactor) >> 12);
s32 xdiv;
if (xr == xl)
xdiv = 0;
xdiv = 0x1000 / (xr - xl);
for (s32 x = xl; x <= xr; x++)
s32 xfactor = (x - xl) * xdiv;
//s32 z = (((zr - zl) * xfactor) >> 12);
//if (zr!=zl) z = (z << 12) / (zr - zl);
//s32 z_inv = ((z>>12)==0) ? 0x1000 : 0x1000000 / (z >> 12);
//xfactor = (xfactor * z_inv) >> 12;
//if (z) xfactor = (xfactor << 12) / z;
// TODO: get rid of this shit
if (x<0 || x>255 || y<0 || y>191)
//printf("BAD COORDS!! %d %d\n", x, y);
x = 0; y = 0;
u8* pixel = &ColorBuffer[((256*y) + x) * 4];
pixel[0] = rl + (((rr - rl) * xfactor) >> 12);
pixel[1] = gl + (((gr - gl) * xfactor) >> 12);
pixel[2] = bl + (((br - bl) * xfactor) >> 12);
pixel[3] = 31; // TODO: alpha
// Z debug
/*u8 zerp = (z * 63) / 0xFFFFFF;
pixel[0] = zerp;
pixel[1] = zerp;
pixel[2] = zerp;*/
/*for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++)
s32 x = scrcoords[i][0];
s32 y = scrcoords[i][1];
u8* pixel = &ColorBuffer[((256*y) + x) * 4];
pixel[0] = 63;
pixel[1] = 63;
pixel[2] = 63;
pixel[3] = 31;
void RenderFrame(Vertex* vertices, Polygon* polygons, int npolys)
// TODO: render translucent polygons last
for (int i = 0; i < 256*192; i++)
((u32*)ColorBuffer)[i] = 0x00000000;
for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++)
/*printf("polygon %d: %d %d %d\n", i, polygons[i].Vertices[0]->Color[0], polygons[i].Vertices[0]->Color[1], polygons[i].Vertices[0]->Color[2]);
for (int j = 0; j < polygons[i].NumVertices; j++)
printf(" %d: %f %f %f\n",
//printf("polygon %d\n", i);
//if (!polygons[i].Vertices[0]->Clipped) continue;
//printf("polygon %d\n", i);
u8* GetLine(int line)
return &ColorBuffer[line * 256 * 4];