
98 lines
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Copyright 2016-2017 StapleButter
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef GPU2D_H
#define GPU2D_H
class GPU2D
GPU2D(u32 num);
void Reset();
void SetFramebuffer(u32* buf);
u8 Read8(u32 addr);
u16 Read16(u32 addr);
u32 Read32(u32 addr);
void Write8(u32 addr, u8 val);
void Write16(u32 addr, u16 val);
void Write32(u32 addr, u32 val);
void DrawScanline(u32 line);
void VBlank();
void BGExtPalDirty(u32 base);
void OBJExtPalDirty();
u16* GetBGExtPal(u32 slot, u32 pal);
u16* GetOBJExtPal(u32 pal);
u32 Num;
u32* Framebuffer;
u32 DispCnt;
u16 BGCnt[4];
u16 BGXPos[4];
u16 BGYPos[4];
s32 BGXRef[2];
s32 BGYRef[2];
s32 BGXRefInternal[2];
s32 BGYRefInternal[2];
s16 BGRotA[2];
s16 BGRotB[2];
s16 BGRotC[2];
s16 BGRotD[2];
u16 BlendCnt;
u8 EVA, EVB;
u8 EVY;
u32 CaptureCnt;
u16 MasterBrightness;
u16 BGExtPalCache[4][16*256];
u16 OBJExtPalCache[16*256];
u32 BGExtPalStatus[4];
u32 OBJExtPalStatus;
template<u32 bgmode> void DrawScanlineBGMode(u32 line, u32* spritebuf, u32* dst);
void DrawScanline_Mode1(u32 line, u32* dst);
void DrawPixel(u32* dst, u16 color, u32 flag);
void DrawBG_3D(u32 line, u32* dst);
void DrawBG_Text(u32 line, u32* dst, u32 num);
void DrawBG_Extended(u32 line, u32* dst, u32 bgnum);
void InterleaveSprites(u32* buf, u32 prio, u32* dst);
void DrawSprites(u32 line, u32* dst);
void DrawSprite_Rotscale(u16* attrib, u16* rotparams, u32 boundwidth, u32 boundheight, u32 width, u32 height, s32 xpos, u32 ypos, u32* dst);
void DrawSprite_Normal(u16* attrib, u32 width, s32 xpos, u32 ypos, u32* dst);
void DoCapture(u32 line, u32 width, u32* src);