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Copyright 2016-2023 melonDS team
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef DSI_I2C_H
#define DSI_I2C_H
#include "types.h"
#include "Savestate.h"
namespace melonDS
class DSi_I2CHost;
class DSi_Camera;
class DSi;
class DSi_I2CDevice
DSi_I2CDevice(melonDS::DSi& dsi, DSi_I2CHost* host) : DSi(dsi), Host(host) {}
virtual ~DSi_I2CDevice() {}
virtual void Reset() = 0;
virtual void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) = 0;
virtual void Acquire() = 0;
virtual u8 Read(bool last) = 0;
virtual void Write(u8 val, bool last) = 0;
melonDS::DSi& DSi;
DSi_I2CHost* Host;
class DSi_BPTWL : public DSi_I2CDevice
batteryLevel_Critical = 0x0,
batteryLevel_AlmostEmpty = 0x1,
batteryLevel_Low = 0x3,
batteryLevel_Half = 0x7,
batteryLevel_ThreeQuarters = 0xB,
batteryLevel_Full = 0xF
IRQ_PowerButtonReset = 0x01, // Triggered after releasing the power button quickly
IRQ_PowerButtonShutdown = 0x02, // Triggered after holding the power button for less than a second
IRQ_PowerButtonPressed = 0x08, // Triggered after pressing the power button
IRQ_BatteryEmpty = 0x10, //
IRQ_BatteryLow = 0x20, // Triggered when the battery level reaches 1
IRQ_VolumeSwitchPressed = 0x40, // Triggered once when the volume sliders are first pressed and repeatedly when held down
Bit 2 (0x04) could be set when holding the power button for more than 5 seconds? (forced power off)
It is unknown whether it is set as the console powers off immediately.
Bit 7 (0x80) is unused?
Both bits are never used by the official ARM7 libraries, but could have some undocumented hardware functionality (?).
IRQ_ValidMask = 0x7B,
DSi_BPTWL(melonDS::DSi& dsi, DSi_I2CHost* host);
~DSi_BPTWL() override;
void Reset() override;
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) override;
u8 GetBootFlag() const;
bool GetBatteryCharging() const;
void SetBatteryCharging(bool charging);
u8 GetBatteryLevel() const;
void SetBatteryLevel(u8 batteryLevel);
// 0-31
u8 GetVolumeLevel() const;
void SetVolumeLevel(u8 volume);
// 0-4
u8 GetBacklightLevel() const;
void SetBacklightLevel(u8 backlight);
void DoHardwareReset(bool direct);
void DoShutdown();
// Used by hotkeys
void SetPowerButtonHeld(double time);
void SetPowerButtonReleased(double time);
void SetVolumeSwitchHeld(u32 key);
void SetVolumeSwitchReleased(u32 key);
s32 ProcessVolumeSwitchInput(double time);
void DoPowerButtonPress();
void DoPowerButtonReset();
void DoPowerButtonShutdown();
void DoPowerButtonForceShutdown();
void DoVolumeSwitchPress(u32 key);
void SetIRQ(u8 irqFlag);
void Acquire() override;
u8 Read(bool last) override;
void Write(u8 val, bool last) override;
static const double PowerButtonShutdownTime;
static const double PowerButtonForcedShutdownTime;
static const double VolumeSwitchRepeatStart;
static const double VolumeSwitchRepeatRate;
static const u8 VolumeDownTable[32];
static const u8 VolumeUpTable[32];
double PowerButtonTime;
bool PowerButtonDownFlag;
bool PowerButtonShutdownFlag;
double VolumeSwitchTime;
double VolumeSwitchRepeatTime;
bool VolumeSwitchDownFlag ;
u32 VolumeSwitchKeysDown;
u8 Registers[0x100];
u32 CurPos;
bool GetIRQMode() const;
void ResetButtonState();
bool CheckVolumeSwitchKeysValid() const;
class DSi_I2CHost
DSi_I2CHost(melonDS::DSi& dsi);
void Reset();
void DoSavestate(Savestate* file);
DSi_BPTWL* GetBPTWL() { return BPTWL; }
DSi_Camera* GetOuterCamera() { return Camera0; }
DSi_Camera* GetInnerCamera() { return Camera1; }
u8 ReadCnt() { return Cnt; }
void WriteCnt(u8 val);
u8 ReadData();
void WriteData(u8 val);
melonDS::DSi& DSi;
u8 Cnt;
u8 Data;
DSi_Camera* Camera0; // 78 / facing outside
DSi_Camera* Camera1; // 7A / selfie cam
u8 CurDeviceID;
DSi_I2CDevice* CurDevice;
void GetCurDevice();
#endif // DSI_I2C_H