# The entire codebase quite reasonably does things like #include <SDL2/SDL.h> or <epoxy/gl.h> # CMake apparently doesn't think you should be doing this, so just includes $PREFIX/include/packagename for a given # package as include directories when using `target_link_libraries` with an imported target, this hacky function fixes # that up so includes can keep working as they always did but we can still use fancy imported targets. # This is stupid. function(fix_interface_includes) foreach (target ${ARGN}) set(NEW_DIRS) get_target_property(DIRS "${target}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) if (NOT DIRS) continue() endif() foreach (DIR ${DIRS}) get_filename_component(PARENT_DIR "${DIR}" DIRECTORY) if (PARENT_DIR MATCHES "include$") list(APPEND NEW_DIRS "${PARENT_DIR}") endif() endforeach() list(APPEND DIRS ${NEW_DIRS}) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${DIRS}") endforeach() endfunction()