include(FindPackageMessage) find_program(CCACHE "ccache") cmake_dependent_option(USE_CCACHE "Use CCache to speed up repeated builds." ON CCACHE OFF) if (NOT CCACHE OR NOT USE_CCACHE) return() endif() # Fedora, and probably also Red Hat-based distros in general, use CCache by default if it's installed on the system. # We'll try to detect this here, and exit if that's the case. # Trying to launch ccache with ccache as we'd otherwise do seems to cause build issues. if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER MATCHES "ccache" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "ccache") return() endif() find_package_message(CCache "Using CCache to speed up compilation" "${USE_CCACHE}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CCACHE}")