CFBundleExecutable melonDS CFBundleIconFile melon.icns CFBundleIdentifier net.kuribo64.melonDS CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleVersion ${melonDS_VERSION} CFBundleShortVersionString ${melonDS_VERSION} LSApplicationCategoryType NSHumanReadableCopyright Licensed under GPLv3 NSPrincipalClass NSApplication NSHighResolutionCapable NSMicrophoneUsageDescription We need microphone access so you can use the emulated DS microphone NSCameraUsageDescription Camera access is needed for emulation of the DSi's cameras CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeName Nintendo DS ROM CFBundleTypeExtensions nds srl dsi ids nds.zst srl.zst dsi.zst ids.zst CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeName Game Boy Advance ROM CFBundleTypeExtensions gba agb gba.zst agb.zst CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Alternate CFBundleTypeName Archive containing ROM CFBundleTypeExtensions zip 7z rar tar tar.gz tgz tar.xz txz tar.bz2 tbz2 tar.lz4 tlz4 tar.zst tzst tar.Z taz tar.lz tar.lzma tlz tar.lrz tlrz tar.lzo tzo CFBundleTypeRole Viewer LSHandlerRank Alternate