This commit is contained in:
Arisotura 2019-05-14 17:45:16 +02:00
parent 71ecb6a65b
commit 4d427c9d2d
1 changed files with 267 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -168,7 +168,198 @@ flat in uvec3 fPolygonAttr;
layout(location=0) out vec4 oColor;
layout(location=1) out uvec3 oAttr;
vec4 TextureLookup(ivec2 st)
int TexcoordWrap(int c, int maxc, uint mode)
if ((mode & (1<<0)) != 0)
if ((mode & (1<<2)) != 0 && (c & maxc) != 0)
return (maxc-1) - (c & (maxc-1));
return (c & (maxc-1));
return clamp(c, 0, maxc-1);
vec4 TextureFetch_A3I5(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
pixel.a = (pixel.r & 0xE0);
pixel.a = (pixel.a >> 3) + (pixel.a >> 6);
pixel.r &= 0x1F;
addr.y = (addr.y << 3) + int(pixel.r);
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, float(pixel.a)/31.0);
vec4 TextureFetch_I2(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode, float alpha0)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x) >> 2;
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
pixel.r >>= (2 * (st.x & 3));
pixel.r &= 0x03;
addr.y = (addr.y << 2) + int(pixel.r);
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
vec4 TextureFetch_I4(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode, float alpha0)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x) >> 1;
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
if ((st.x & 1) != 0) pixel.r >>= 4;
else pixel.r &= 0x0F;
addr.y = (addr.y << 3) + int(pixel.r);
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
vec4 TextureFetch_I8(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode, float alpha0)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
addr.y = (addr.y << 3) + int(pixel.r);
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
vec4 TextureFetch_Compressed(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y & 0x3FC) * (st.z>>2)) + (st.x & 0x3FC) + (st.y & 0x3);
uvec4 p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
uint val = (p.r >> (2 * (st.x & 0x3))) & 0x3;
int slot1addr = 0x20000 + ((addr.x & 0x1FFFC) >> 1);
if (addr.x >= 0x40000) slot1addr += 0x10000;
uint palinfo;
p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(slot1addr&0x3FF, slot1addr>>10), 0);
palinfo = p.r;
p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(slot1addr&0x3FF, slot1addr>>10), 0);
palinfo |= (p.r << 8);
addr.y = (addr.y << 3) + ((int(palinfo) & 0x3FFF) << 1);
palinfo >>= 14;
if (val == 0)
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (val == 1)
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (val == 2)
if (palinfo == 1)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb + color1.rgb) / 2.0, 1.0);
else if (palinfo == 3)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb*5.0 + color1.rgb*3.0) / 8.0, 1.0);
addr.y += 2;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
if (palinfo == 2)
addr.y += 3;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (palinfo == 3)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb*3.0 + color1.rgb*5.0) / 8.0, 1.0);
return vec4(0.0);
vec4 TextureFetch_A5I3(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
pixel.a = (pixel.r & 0xF8) >> 3;
pixel.r &= 0x07;
addr.y = (addr.y << 3) + int(pixel.r);
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(addr.y&0x3FF, addr.y>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, float(pixel.a)/31.0);
vec4 TextureFetch_Direct(ivec2 addr, ivec4 st, uint wrapmode)
st.x = TexcoordWrap(st.x, st.z, wrapmode>>0);
st.y = TexcoordWrap(st.y, st.w, wrapmode>>1);
addr.x += ((st.y * st.z) + st.x) << 1;
uvec4 pixelL = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
uvec4 pixelH = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(addr.x&0x3FF, addr.x>>10), 0);
vec4 color;
color.r = float(pixelL.r & 0x1F) / 31.0;
color.g = float((pixelL.r >> 5) | ((pixelH.r & 0x03) << 3)) / 31.0;
color.b = float((pixelH.r & 0x7C) >> 2) / 31.0;
color.a = float(pixelH.r >> 7);
return color;
vec4 TextureLookup_Nearest(vec2 st)
uint attr = fPolygonAttr.y;
uint paladdr = fPolygonAttr.z;
@ -179,195 +370,19 @@ vec4 TextureLookup(ivec2 st)
int tw = 8 << int((attr >> 20) & 0x7);
int th = 8 << int((attr >> 23) & 0x7);
ivec4 st_full = ivec4(ivec2(st), tw, th);
int vramaddr = int(attr & 0xFFFF) << 3;
if ((attr & (1<<16)) != 0)
if ((attr & (1<<18)) != 0)
if ((st.x & tw) != 0)
st.x = (tw-1) - (st.x & (tw-1));
st.x = (st.x & (tw-1));
st.x &= (tw-1);
st.x = clamp(st.x, 0, tw-1);
if ((attr & (1<<17)) != 0)
if ((attr & (1<<19)) != 0)
if ((st.y & th) != 0)
st.y = (th-1) - (st.y & (th-1));
st.y = (st.y & (th-1));
st.y &= (th-1);
st.y = clamp(st.y, 0, th-1);
ivec2 vramaddr = ivec2(int(attr & 0xFFFF) << 3, int(paladdr));
uint wrapmode = attr >> 16;
uint type = (attr >> 26) & 0x7;
if (type == 1)
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
pixel.a = (pixel.r & 0xE0);
pixel.a = (pixel.a >> 3) + (pixel.a >> 6);
pixel.r &= 0x1F;
paladdr = (paladdr << 3) + pixel.r;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, float(pixel.a)/31.0);
else if (type == 2)
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x) >> 2;
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
pixel.r >>= (2 * (st.x & 3));
pixel.r &= 0x03;
paladdr = (paladdr << 2) + pixel.r;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
else if (type == 3)
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x) >> 1;
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
if ((st.x & 1) != 0) pixel.r >>= 4;
else pixel.r &= 0x0F;
paladdr = (paladdr << 3) + pixel.r;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
else if (type == 4)
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
paladdr = (paladdr << 3) + pixel.r;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, max(step(1,pixel.r),alpha0));
else if (type == 5)
vramaddr += ((st.y & 0x3FC) * (tw>>2)) + (st.x & 0x3FC) + (st.y & 0x3);
uvec4 p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
uint val = (p.r >> (2 * (st.x & 0x3))) & 0x3;
int slot1addr = 0x20000 + ((vramaddr & 0x1FFFC) >> 1);
if (vramaddr >= 0x40000) slot1addr += 0x10000;
uint palinfo;
p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(slot1addr&0x3FF, slot1addr>>10), 0);
palinfo = p.r;
p = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(slot1addr&0x3FF, slot1addr>>10), 0);
palinfo |= (p.r << 8);
paladdr = (paladdr << 3) + ((palinfo & 0x3FFF) << 1);
palinfo >>= 14;
if (val == 0)
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (val == 1)
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (val == 2)
if (palinfo == 1)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb + color1.rgb) / 2.0, 1.0);
else if (palinfo == 3)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb*5.0 + color1.rgb*3.0) / 8.0, 1.0);
paladdr += 2;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
if (palinfo == 2)
paladdr += 3;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
else if (palinfo == 3)
vec4 color0 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
vec4 color1 = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4((color0.rgb*3.0 + color1.rgb*5.0) / 8.0, 1.0);
return vec4(0.0);
else if (type == 6)
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x);
uvec4 pixel = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
pixel.a = (pixel.r & 0xF8) >> 3;
pixel.r &= 0x07;
paladdr = (paladdr << 3) + pixel.r;
vec4 color = texelFetch(TexPalMem, ivec2(paladdr&0x3FF, paladdr>>10), 0);
return vec4(color.rgb, float(pixel.a)/31.0);
vramaddr += ((st.y * tw) + st.x) << 1;
uvec4 pixelL = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
uvec4 pixelH = texelFetch(TexMem, ivec2(vramaddr&0x3FF, vramaddr>>10), 0);
vec4 color;
color.r = float(pixelL.r & 0x1F) / 31.0;
color.g = float((pixelL.r >> 5) | ((pixelH.r & 0x03) << 3)) / 31.0;
color.b = float((pixelH.r & 0x7C) >> 2) / 31.0;
color.a = float(pixelH.r >> 7);
return color;
vec4 TextureLookup_Nearest(vec2 texcoord)
return TextureLookup(ivec2(texcoord));
if (type == 5) return TextureFetch_Compressed(vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode);
else if (type == 2) return TextureFetch_I2 (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 3) return TextureFetch_I4 (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 4) return TextureFetch_I8 (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 1) return TextureFetch_A3I5 (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode);
else if (type == 6) return TextureFetch_A5I3 (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode);
else return TextureFetch_Direct (vramaddr, st_full, wrapmode);
vec4 TextureLookup_Linear(vec2 texcoord)
@ -375,10 +390,71 @@ vec4 TextureLookup_Linear(vec2 texcoord)
ivec2 intpart = ivec2(texcoord);
vec2 fracpart = fract(texcoord);
vec4 A = TextureLookup(intpart);
vec4 B = TextureLookup(intpart + ivec2(1,0));
vec4 C = TextureLookup(intpart + ivec2(0,1));
vec4 D = TextureLookup(intpart + ivec2(1,1));
uint attr = fPolygonAttr.y;
uint paladdr = fPolygonAttr.z;
float alpha0;
if ((attr & (1<<29)) != 0) alpha0 = 0.0;
else alpha0 = 1.0;
int tw = 8 << int((attr >> 20) & 0x7);
int th = 8 << int((attr >> 23) & 0x7);
ivec4 st_full = ivec4(intpart, tw, th);
ivec2 vramaddr = ivec2(int(attr & 0xFFFF) << 3, int(paladdr));
uint wrapmode = attr >> 16;
vec4 A, B, C, D;
uint type = (attr >> 26) & 0x7;
if (type == 5)
A = TextureFetch_Compressed(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode);
B = TextureFetch_Compressed(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode);
C = TextureFetch_Compressed(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode);
D = TextureFetch_Compressed(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode);
else if (type == 2)
A = TextureFetch_I2(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode, alpha0);
B = TextureFetch_I2(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
C = TextureFetch_I2(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
D = TextureFetch_I2(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 3)
A = TextureFetch_I4(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode, alpha0);
B = TextureFetch_I4(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
C = TextureFetch_I4(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
D = TextureFetch_I4(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 4)
A = TextureFetch_I8(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode, alpha0);
B = TextureFetch_I8(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
C = TextureFetch_I8(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
D = TextureFetch_I8(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode, alpha0);
else if (type == 1)
A = TextureFetch_A3I5(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode);
B = TextureFetch_A3I5(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode);
C = TextureFetch_A3I5(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode);
D = TextureFetch_A3I5(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode);
else if (type == 6)
A = TextureFetch_A5I3(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode);
B = TextureFetch_A5I3(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode);
C = TextureFetch_A5I3(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode);
D = TextureFetch_A5I3(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode);
A = TextureFetch_Direct(vramaddr, st_full , wrapmode);
B = TextureFetch_Direct(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,0,0,0), wrapmode);
C = TextureFetch_Direct(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(0,1,0,0), wrapmode);
D = TextureFetch_Direct(vramaddr, st_full + ivec4(1,1,0,0), wrapmode);
float fx = fracpart.x;
vec4 AB;