first attempt at lighting

This commit is contained in:
StapleButter 2017-03-15 14:41:41 +01:00
parent 74f291757a
commit 4d401422af
1 changed files with 150 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -178,6 +178,17 @@ u32 PolygonMode;
s16 CurVertex[3];
u8 VertexColor[3];
s16 TexCoords[2];
s16 Normal[3];
s16 LightDirection[4][3];
u8 LightColor[4][3];
u8 MatDiffuse[3];
u8 MatAmbient[3];
u8 MatSpecular[3];
u8 MatEmission[3];
bool UseShininessTable;
u8 ShininessTable[128];
u32 PolygonAttr;
u32 CurPolygonAttr;
@ -780,14 +791,14 @@ void SubmitPolygon()
poly->NumVertices += 2;
//if (c==4 && NumPolygons>340) printf("polygon:\n");
for (int i = clipstart; i < c; i++)
CurVertexRAM[NumVertices] = clippedvertices[1][i];
poly->Vertices[i] = &CurVertexRAM[NumVertices];
poly->NumVertices++;//if (c==4 && NumPolygons>340)printf(" - v%d: %08X %08X %08X\n", i, poly->Vertices[i]->Position[0], poly->Vertices[i]->Position[1],poly->Vertices[i]->Position[3]);
if (PolygonMode >= 2)
@ -800,9 +811,7 @@ void SubmitVertex()
s64 vertex[4] = {(s64)CurVertex[0], (s64)CurVertex[1], (s64)CurVertex[2], 0x1000};
Vertex* vertextrans = &TempVertexBuffer[VertexNumInPoly];
if (PolygonMode==0&&NumPolygons>440&&false)printf("raw vertex %d: %08X %08X | %08X %08X %08X %08X\n",
VertexNum, CurVertex[0], CurVertex[1],
vertextrans->Position[0] = (vertex[0]*ClipMatrix[0] + vertex[1]*ClipMatrix[4] + vertex[2]*ClipMatrix[8] + vertex[3]*ClipMatrix[12]) >> 12;
vertextrans->Position[1] = (vertex[0]*ClipMatrix[1] + vertex[1]*ClipMatrix[5] + vertex[2]*ClipMatrix[9] + vertex[3]*ClipMatrix[13]) >> 12;
@ -815,8 +824,8 @@ if (PolygonMode==0&&NumPolygons>440&&false)printf("raw vertex %d: %08X %08X | %0
if ((TexParam >> 30) == 3)
vertextrans->TexCoords[0] = (CurVertex[0]*TexMatrix[0] + CurVertex[1]*TexMatrix[4] + CurVertex[2]*TexMatrix[8] + 0x1000*TexCoords[0]) >> 12;
vertextrans->TexCoords[1] = (CurVertex[0]*TexMatrix[1] + CurVertex[1]*TexMatrix[5] + CurVertex[2]*TexMatrix[9] + 0x1000*TexCoords[1]) >> 12;
vertextrans->TexCoords[0] = (CurVertex[0]*TexMatrix[0] + CurVertex[1]*TexMatrix[4] + CurVertex[2]*TexMatrix[8] + 0x1000*TexCoords[0]) >> 20;
vertextrans->TexCoords[1] = (CurVertex[0]*TexMatrix[1] + CurVertex[1]*TexMatrix[5] + CurVertex[2]*TexMatrix[9] + 0x1000*TexCoords[1]) >> 20;
@ -892,6 +901,71 @@ if (PolygonMode==0&&NumPolygons>440&&false)printf("raw vertex %d: %08X %08X | %0
s32 CalculateLighting()
if ((TexParam >> 30) == 2)
TexCoords[0] = (Normal[0]*TexMatrix[0] + Normal[1]*TexMatrix[4] + Normal[2]*TexMatrix[8] + 0x200*TexCoords[0]) >> 17;
TexCoords[1] = (Normal[0]*TexMatrix[1] + Normal[1]*TexMatrix[5] + Normal[2]*TexMatrix[9] + 0x200*TexCoords[1]) >> 17;
s32 normaltrans[3];
normaltrans[0] = (Normal[0]*VecMatrix[0] + Normal[1]*VecMatrix[4] + Normal[2]*VecMatrix[8]) >> 12;
normaltrans[1] = (Normal[0]*VecMatrix[1] + Normal[1]*VecMatrix[5] + Normal[2]*VecMatrix[9]) >> 12;
normaltrans[2] = (Normal[0]*VecMatrix[2] + Normal[1]*VecMatrix[6] + Normal[2]*VecMatrix[10]) >> 12;
VertexColor[0] = MatEmission[0];
VertexColor[1] = MatEmission[1];
VertexColor[2] = MatEmission[2];
s32 c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (!(CurPolygonAttr & (1<<i)))
s32 difflevel = (LightDirection[i][0]*normaltrans[0] +
LightDirection[i][1]*normaltrans[1] +
LightDirection[i][2]*normaltrans[2]) >> 10;
difflevel = -difflevel;
if (difflevel < 0) difflevel = 0;
s32 shinelevel = (-(LightDirection[i][0]>>1)*normaltrans[0] -
(LightDirection[i][1]>>1)*normaltrans[1] -
((LightDirection[i][2]-0x200)>>1)*normaltrans[2]) >> 10;
if (shinelevel < 0) shinelevel = 0;
shinelevel = (shinelevel * shinelevel) >> 8;
// checkme
if (UseShininessTable)
if (shinelevel > 127) shinelevel = 127;
shinelevel = ShininessTable[shinelevel];
VertexColor[0] += ((((MatSpecular[0]+1) * (LightColor[i][0]+1) * (shinelevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[0] += ((((MatDiffuse[0]+1) * (LightColor[i][0]+1) * (difflevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[0] += ((((MatAmbient[0]+1) * (LightColor[i][0]+1)) - 1) >> 5);
VertexColor[1] += ((((MatSpecular[1]+1) * (LightColor[i][1]+1) * (shinelevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[1] += ((((MatDiffuse[1]+1) * (LightColor[i][1]+1) * (difflevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[1] += ((((MatAmbient[1]+1) * (LightColor[i][1]+1)) - 1) >> 5);
VertexColor[2] += ((((MatSpecular[2]+1) * (LightColor[i][2]+1) * (shinelevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[2] += ((((MatDiffuse[2]+1) * (LightColor[i][2]+1) * (difflevel+1)) - 1) >> 13);
VertexColor[2] += ((((MatAmbient[2]+1) * (LightColor[i][2]+1)) - 1) >> 5);
if (VertexColor[0] > 31) VertexColor[0] = 31;
if (VertexColor[1] > 31) VertexColor[1] = 31;
if (VertexColor[2] > 31) VertexColor[2] = 31;
// checkme: cycle count
return c;
void CmdFIFOWrite(CmdFIFOEntry& entry)
@ -1033,6 +1107,8 @@ void ExecuteCommand()
memcpy(PosMatrix, PosMatrixStack[PosMatrixStackPointer], 16*4);
if (MatrixMode == 2)
memcpy(VecMatrix, PosMatrix, 16*4);
GXStat |= (1<<14);
ClipMatrixDirty = true;
@ -1084,6 +1160,8 @@ void ExecuteCommand()
memcpy(PosMatrix, PosMatrixStack[addr], 16*4);
if (MatrixMode == 2)
memcpy(VecMatrix, PosMatrix, 16*4);
ClipMatrixDirty = true;
@ -1243,9 +1321,11 @@ void ExecuteCommand()
case 0x21:
// TODO: more cycles if lights are enabled
// TODO also texcoords if needed
case 0x21: // normal
Normal[0] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x000003FF) << 6) >> 6;
Normal[1] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x000FFC00) >> 4) >> 6;
Normal[2] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x3FF00000) >> 14) >> 6;
CycleCount += CalculateLighting();
case 0x22: // texcoord
@ -1309,6 +1389,66 @@ void ExecuteCommand()
TexPalette = ExecParams[0] & 0x1FFF;
case 0x30: // diffuse/ambient material
MatDiffuse[0] = ExecParams[0] & 0x1F;
MatDiffuse[1] = (ExecParams[0] >> 5) & 0x1F;
MatDiffuse[2] = (ExecParams[0] >> 10) & 0x1F;
MatAmbient[0] = (ExecParams[0] >> 16) & 0x1F;
MatAmbient[1] = (ExecParams[0] >> 21) & 0x1F;
MatAmbient[2] = (ExecParams[0] >> 26) & 0x1F;
if (ExecParams[0] & 0x8000)
VertexColor[0] = MatDiffuse[0];
VertexColor[1] = MatDiffuse[1];
VertexColor[2] = MatDiffuse[2];
case 0x31: // specular/emission material
MatSpecular[0] = ExecParams[0] & 0x1F;
MatSpecular[1] = (ExecParams[0] >> 5) & 0x1F;
MatSpecular[2] = (ExecParams[0] >> 10) & 0x1F;
MatEmission[0] = (ExecParams[0] >> 16) & 0x1F;
MatEmission[1] = (ExecParams[0] >> 21) & 0x1F;
MatEmission[2] = (ExecParams[0] >> 26) & 0x1F;
UseShininessTable = (ExecParams[0] & 0x8000) != 0;
case 0x32: // light direction
u32 l = ExecParams[0] >> 30;
s16 dir[3];
dir[0] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x000003FF) << 6) >> 6;
dir[1] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x000FFC00) >> 4) >> 6;
dir[2] = (s16)((ExecParams[0] & 0x3FF00000) >> 14) >> 6;
LightDirection[l][0] = (dir[0]*VecMatrix[0] + dir[1]*VecMatrix[4] + dir[2]*VecMatrix[8]) >> 12;
LightDirection[l][1] = (dir[0]*VecMatrix[1] + dir[1]*VecMatrix[5] + dir[2]*VecMatrix[9]) >> 12;
LightDirection[l][2] = (dir[0]*VecMatrix[2] + dir[1]*VecMatrix[6] + dir[2]*VecMatrix[10]) >> 12;
case 0x33: // light color
u32 l = ExecParams[0] >> 30;
LightColor[l][0] = ExecParams[0] & 0x1F;
LightColor[l][1] = (ExecParams[0] >> 5) & 0x1F;
LightColor[l][2] = (ExecParams[0] >> 10) & 0x1F;
case 0x34: // shininess table
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i += 4)
u32 val = ExecParams[i >> 2];
ShininessTable[i + 0] = val & 0xFF;
ShininessTable[i + 1] = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;
ShininessTable[i + 2] = (val >> 16) & 0xFF;
ShininessTable[i + 3] = val >> 24;
case 0x40: // begin polygons
PolygonMode = ExecParams[0] & 0x3;
VertexNum = 0;