Modest cleanups for DSi_NAND (#1714)
* Add a definition for TMD files * Wrap TitleMetadata in a namespace * Add a comment * Remove TitleMetadataCertificate - melonDS ignores it anyway * Refactor the use of title metadata - Move bitwise operations on the title ID into helper methods - Use TitleMetadata objects instead of pointers to raw data * Slight cleanup in DSi_NAND - Replace some constants with sizeof - Use an NDSHeader object instead of a raw array of bytes * Add a DSi_NAND::ImportFile overload that loads a file from memory * Split most of ImportTitle into InitTitleFileStructure - It will be reused in the next commit * Add ability to import title from memory * Fix another potential issue * Fix broken DSiWare installation - The bytes of the title ID/category were being swapped in most places, but not all * Add some logging calls * Declare array sizes in DSi_TMD in decimal, not hex * Add a space after the #endif - To adhere to the style guide * Assert the size of TitleMetadataContent * Change the type of SignatureName * Don't mark the TMD structs as packed * Remove extraneous comments * Cut down some newlines
This commit is contained in:
@ -664,6 +664,40 @@ void debug_listfiles(const char* path)
bool ImportFile(const char* path, const u8* data, size_t len)
if (!data || !len || !path)
return false;
FF_FIL file;
res = f_open(&file, path, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
if (res != FR_OK)
return false;
u8 buf[0x1000];
for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(buf))
{ // For each block in the file...
u32 blocklen;
if ((i + sizeof(buf)) > len)
blocklen = len - i;
blocklen = sizeof(buf);
u32 nwrite;
memcpy(buf, data + i, blocklen);
f_write(&file, buf, blocklen, &nwrite);
Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Imported file from memory to %s\n", path);
return true;
bool ImportFile(const char* path, const char* in)
FF_FIL file;
@ -686,13 +720,13 @@ bool ImportFile(const char* path, const char* in)
u8 buf[0x1000];
for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i += 0x1000)
for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(buf))
u32 blocklen;
if ((i + 0x1000) > len)
if ((i + sizeof(buf)) > len)
blocklen = len - i;
blocklen = 0x1000;
blocklen = sizeof(buf);
u32 nwrite;
fread(buf, blocklen, 1, fin);
@ -702,6 +736,8 @@ bool ImportFile(const char* path, const char* in)
Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Imported file from %s to %s\n", in, path);
return true;
@ -741,6 +777,8 @@ bool ExportFile(const char* path, const char* out)
Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Exported file from %s to %s\n", path, out);
return true;
@ -754,6 +792,7 @@ void RemoveFile(const char* path)
f_chmod(path, 0, AM_RDO);
Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Removed file at %s\n", path);
void RemoveDir(const char* path)
@ -807,6 +846,7 @@ void RemoveDir(const char* path)
Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Removed directory at %s\n", path);
@ -1049,23 +1089,10 @@ bool CreateSaveFile(const char* path, u32 len)
return true;
bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly)
bool InitTitleFileStructure(const NDSHeader& header, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata& tmd, bool readonly)
u8 header[0x1000];
FILE* f = fopen(appfile, "rb");
if (!f) return false;
fread(header, 0x1000, 1, f);
u32 version = (tmd[0x1E4] << 24) | (tmd[0x1E5] << 16) | (tmd[0x1E6] << 8) | tmd[0x1E7];
Log(LogLevel::Info, ".app version: %08x\n", version);
u32 titleid0 = (tmd[0x18C] << 24) | (tmd[0x18D] << 16) | (tmd[0x18E] << 8) | tmd[0x18F];
u32 titleid1 = (tmd[0x190] << 24) | (tmd[0x191] << 16) | (tmd[0x192] << 8) | tmd[0x193];
Log(LogLevel::Info, "Title ID: %08x/%08x\n", titleid0, titleid1);
u32 titleid0 = tmd.GetCategory();
u32 titleid1 = tmd.GetID();
FF_DIR ticketdir;
@ -1079,7 +1106,7 @@ bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly)
sprintf(fname, "0:/ticket/%08x/%08x.tik", titleid0, titleid1);
if (!CreateTicket(fname, *(u32*)&tmd[0x18C], *(u32*)&tmd[0x190], header[0x1E]))
if (!CreateTicket(fname, tmd.GetCategoryNoByteswap(), tmd.GetIDNoByteswap(), header.ROMVersion))
return false;
if (readonly) f_chmod(fname, AM_RDO, AM_RDO);
@ -1098,14 +1125,14 @@ bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly)
// data
sprintf(fname, "0:/title/%08x/%08x/data/public.sav", titleid0, titleid1);
if (!CreateSaveFile(fname, *(u32*)&header[0x238]))
if (!CreateSaveFile(fname, header.DSiPublicSavSize))
return false;
sprintf(fname, "0:/title/%08x/%08x/data/private.sav", titleid0, titleid1);
if (!CreateSaveFile(fname, *(u32*)&header[0x23C]))
if (!CreateSaveFile(fname, header.DSiPrivateSavSize))
return false;
if (header[0x1BF] & 0x04)
if (header.AppFlags & 0x04)
// custom banner file
sprintf(fname, "0:/title/%08x/%08x/data/banner.sav", titleid0, titleid1);
@ -1117,8 +1144,8 @@ bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly)
u8 bannersav[0x4000];
memset(bannersav, 0, 0x4000);
f_write(&file, bannersav, 0x4000, &nwrite);
memset(bannersav, 0, sizeof(bannersav));
f_write(&file, bannersav, sizeof(bannersav), &nwrite);
@ -1133,18 +1160,81 @@ bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly)
return false;
f_write(&file, tmd, 0x208, &nwrite);
f_write(&file, &tmd, sizeof(DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata), &nwrite);
if (readonly) f_chmod(fname, AM_RDO, AM_RDO);
return true;
bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata& tmd, bool readonly)
NDSHeader header {};
FILE* f = fopen(appfile, "rb");
if (!f) return false;
fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, f);
u32 version = tmd.Contents.GetVersion();
Log(LogLevel::Info, ".app version: %08x\n", version);
u32 titleid0 = tmd.GetCategory();
u32 titleid1 = tmd.GetID();
Log(LogLevel::Info, "Title ID: %08x/%08x\n", titleid0, titleid1);
if (!InitTitleFileStructure(header, tmd, readonly))
Log(LogLevel::Error, "ImportTitle: failed to initialize file structure for imported title\n");
return false;
// executable
char fname[128];
sprintf(fname, "0:/title/%08x/%08x/content/", titleid0, titleid1, version);
if (!ImportFile(fname, appfile))
Log(LogLevel::Error, "ImportTitle: failed to create executable (%d)\n", res);
Log(LogLevel::Error, "ImportTitle: failed to create executable\n");
return false;
if (readonly) f_chmod(fname, AM_RDO, AM_RDO);
return true;
bool ImportTitle(const u8* app, size_t appLength, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata& tmd, bool readonly)
if (!app || appLength < sizeof(NDSHeader))
return false;
NDSHeader header {};
memcpy(&header, app, sizeof(header));
u32 version = tmd.Contents.GetVersion();
Log(LogLevel::Info, ".app version: %08x\n", version);
u32 titleid0 = tmd.GetCategory();
u32 titleid1 = tmd.GetID();
Log(LogLevel::Info, "Title ID: %08x/%08x\n", titleid0, titleid1);
if (!InitTitleFileStructure(header, tmd, readonly))
Log(LogLevel::Error, "ImportTitle: failed to initialize file structure for imported title\n");
return false;
// executable
char fname[128];
sprintf(fname, "0:/title/%08x/%08x/content/", titleid0, titleid1, version);
if (!ImportFile(fname, app, appLength))
Log(LogLevel::Error, "ImportTitle: failed to create executable\n");
return false;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "types.h"
#include "NDS_Header.h"
#include "DSi_TMD.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ void PatchUserData();
void ListTitles(u32 category, std::vector<u32>& titlelist);
bool TitleExists(u32 category, u32 titleid);
void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, NDSHeader* header, NDSBanner* banner);
bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly);
bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata& tmd, bool readonly);
bool ImportTitle(const u8* app, size_t appLength, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata& tmd, bool readonly);
void DeleteTitle(u32 category, u32 titleid);
u32 GetTitleDataMask(u32 category, u32 titleid);
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Copyright 2016-2023 melonDS team
This file is part of melonDS.
melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with melonDS. If not, see
#ifndef DSI_TMD_H
#define DSI_TMD_H
#include "types.h"
#include <array>
namespace DSi_TMD
struct TitleMetadataContent {
u8 ContentId[4]; /// Content ID (00,00,00,vv) ;lowercase/hex ;""
u8 ContentIndex[2]; /// Content Index (00,00)
u8 ContentType[2]; /// Content Type (00,01) ;aka DSi .app
u8 ContentSize[8]; /// Content Size (00,00,00,00,00,19,E4,00)
u8 ContentSha1Hash[20]; /// Content SHA1 (on decrypted ".app" file)
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetVersion() const noexcept
return (ContentId[0] << 24) | (ContentId[1] << 16) | (ContentId[2] << 8) | ContentId[3];
static_assert(sizeof(TitleMetadataContent) == 36, "TitleMetadataContent is not 36 bytes!");
/// Metadata for a DSiWare title.
/// Used to install DSiWare titles to NAND.
/// @see
struct TitleMetadata
u32 SignatureType;
u8 Signature[256];
u8 SignatureAlignment[60];
char SignatureName[64];
u8 TmdVersion;
u8 CaCrlVersion;
u8 SignerCrlVersion;
u8 Padding0;
u8 SystemVersion[8];
u8 TitleId[8];
u32 TitleType;
u8 GroupId[2];
u8 PublicSaveSize[4];
u8 PrivateSaveSize[4];
u8 Padding1[4];
u8 SrlFlag;
u8 Padding2[3];
u8 AgeRatings[16];
u8 Padding3[30];
u32 AccessRights;
u16 TitleVersion;
u16 NumberOfContents; /// There's always one or zero content entries in practice
u16 BootContentIndex;
u8 Padding4[2];
TitleMetadataContent Contents;
[[nodiscard]] bool HasPublicSaveData() const noexcept { return GetPublicSaveSize() != 0; }
[[nodiscard]] bool HasPrivateSaveData() const noexcept { return GetPrivateSaveSize() != 0; }
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetPublicSaveSize() const noexcept
return (PublicSaveSize[0] << 24) | (PublicSaveSize[1] << 16) | (PublicSaveSize[2] << 8) | PublicSaveSize[3];
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetPrivateSaveSize() const noexcept
return (PrivateSaveSize[0] << 24) | (PrivateSaveSize[1] << 16) | (PrivateSaveSize[2] << 8) | PrivateSaveSize[3];
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetCategory() const noexcept
return (TitleId[0] << 24) | (TitleId[1] << 16) | (TitleId[2] << 8) | TitleId[3];
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetCategoryNoByteswap() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<const u32&>(TitleId);
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetID() const noexcept
return (TitleId[4] << 24) | (TitleId[5] << 16) | (TitleId[6] << 8) | TitleId[7];
[[nodiscard]] u32 GetIDNoByteswap() const noexcept
return *reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&TitleId[4]);
static_assert(sizeof(TitleMetadata) == 520, "TitleMetadata is not 520 bytes!");
#endif // DSI_TMD_H
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void TitleManagerDialog::done(int r)
void TitleManagerDialog::on_btnImportTitle_clicked()
TitleImportDialog* importdlg = new TitleImportDialog(this, importAppPath, importTmdData, importReadOnly);
TitleImportDialog* importdlg = new TitleImportDialog(this, importAppPath, &importTmdData, importReadOnly);
connect(importdlg, &TitleImportDialog::finished, this, &TitleManagerDialog::onImportTitleFinished);
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ void TitleManagerDialog::onImportTitleFinished(int res)
if (res != QDialog::Accepted) return;
u32 titleid[2];
titleid[0] = (importTmdData[0x18C] << 24) | (importTmdData[0x18D] << 16) | (importTmdData[0x18E] << 8) | importTmdData[0x18F];
titleid[1] = (importTmdData[0x190] << 24) | (importTmdData[0x191] << 16) | (importTmdData[0x192] << 8) | importTmdData[0x193];
titleid[0] = importTmdData.GetCategory();
titleid[1] = importTmdData.GetID();
// remove anything that might hinder the install
DSi_NAND::DeleteTitle(titleid[0], titleid[1]);
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void TitleManagerDialog::onExportTitleData()
TitleImportDialog::TitleImportDialog(QWidget* parent, QString& apppath, u8* tmd, bool& readonly)
TitleImportDialog::TitleImportDialog(QWidget* parent, QString& apppath, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata* tmd, bool& readonly)
: QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::TitleImportDialog), appPath(apppath), tmdData(tmd), readOnly(readonly)
@ -440,12 +440,12 @@ void TitleImportDialog::accept()
fread(tmdData, 0x208, 1, f);
fread((void *) tmdData, sizeof(DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata), 1, f);
u32 tmdtitleid[2];
tmdtitleid[0] = (tmdData[0x18C] << 24) | (tmdData[0x18D] << 16) | (tmdData[0x18E] << 8) | tmdData[0x18F];
tmdtitleid[1] = (tmdData[0x190] << 24) | (tmdData[0x191] << 16) | (tmdData[0x192] << 8) | tmdData[0x193];
tmdtitleid[0] = tmdData->GetCategory();
tmdtitleid[1] = tmdData->GetID();
if (tmdtitleid[1] != titleid[0] || tmdtitleid[0] != titleid[1])
@ -507,11 +507,11 @@ void TitleImportDialog::tmdDownloaded()
netreply->read((char*)tmdData, 520);
netreply->read((char*)tmdData, sizeof(*tmdData));
u32 tmdtitleid[2];
tmdtitleid[0] = (tmdData[0x18C] << 24) | (tmdData[0x18D] << 16) | (tmdData[0x18E] << 8) | tmdData[0x18F];
tmdtitleid[1] = (tmdData[0x190] << 24) | (tmdData[0x191] << 16) | (tmdData[0x192] << 8) | tmdData[0x193];
tmdtitleid[0] = tmdData->GetCategory();
tmdtitleid[1] = tmdData->GetID();
if (tmdtitleid[1] != titleid[0] || tmdtitleid[0] != titleid[1])
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include "DSi_TMD.h"
namespace Ui
class TitleManagerDialog;
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ private:
Ui::TitleManagerDialog* ui;
QString importAppPath;
u8 importTmdData[0x208];
DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata importTmdData;
bool importReadOnly;
QAction* actImportTitleData[3];
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ class TitleImportDialog : public QDialog
explicit TitleImportDialog(QWidget* parent, QString& apppath, u8* tmd, bool& readonly);
explicit TitleImportDialog(QWidget* parent, QString& apppath, const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata* tmd, bool& readonly);
private slots:
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ private:
QNetworkReply* netreply;
QString& appPath;
u8* tmdData;
const DSi_TMD::TitleMetadata* tmdData;
bool& readOnly;
u32 titleid[2];
Reference in New Issue