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/* ****************************************************************************
* PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2014 TASS Belgium NV. Some rights reserved.
* See COPYING, LICENSE.GPLv2 and LICENSE.GPLv3 for usage.
* .
* Author: Toon Stegen, Jelle De Vleeschouwer
* ****************************************************************************/
#include "pico_dns_common.h"
#include "pico_tree.h"
#include "pico_ipv4.h"
/* ********************************* CONFIG ***********************************/
#define PICO_MDNS_PROBE_UNICAST 1 /* Probe queries as QU-questions */
#define PICO_MDNS_CONTINUOUS_REFRESH 0 /* Continuously update cache */
#define PICO_MDNS_ALLOW_CACHING 1 /* Enable caching on this host */
#define PICO_MDNS_DEFAULT_TTL 120 /* Default TTL of mDNS records */
#define PICO_MDNS_SERVICE_TTL 120 /* Default TTL of SRV/TXT/PTR/NSEC */
/* Amount of probes to send:
RFC6762: 8.1. Probing:
250 ms after the first query, the host should send a second; then,
250 ms after that, a third. If, by 250 ms after the third probe, no
conflicting Multicast DNS responses have been received, the host may
move to the next step, announcing.
/* Amount of announcements to send: (we've opted for 1 extra for robustness)
RFC6762: 8.3. Announcing:
The Multicast DNS responder MUST send at least two unsolicited
responses, one second apart. To provide increased robustness against
packet loss, a responder MAY send up to eight unsolicited responses,
provided that the interval between unsolicited responses increases by
at least a factor of two with every response sent.
/* ****************************************************************************/
/* To make mDNS records unique or shared records */
/* To indicate if we reclaim or not */
/* Flag to check for when records are returned, to determine the hostname */
(((x)->flags) & PICO_MDNS_RECORD_HOSTNAME) ? (1) : (0)
/* --- MDNS resource record --- */
struct pico_mdns_record
struct pico_dns_record *record; /* DNS Resource Record */
uint32_t current_ttl; /* Current TTL */
uint8_t flags; /* Resource Record flags */
uint8_t claim_id; /* Claim ID number */
/* ****************************************************************************
* Compares 2 mDNS records by type, name AND rdata for a truly unique result
* @param ra mDNS record A
* @param rb mDNS record B
* @return 0 when records are equal, returns difference when they're not.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_record_cmp( void *a, void *b );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Deletes a single mDNS resource record.
* @param record Void-pointer to mDNS Resource Record. Can be used with pico_-
* tree-destroy.
* @return Returns 0 on success, something else on failure.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_record_delete( void **record );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Creates a single standalone mDNS resource record with given name, type and
* data to register on the network.
* @param url DNS rrecord name in URL format. Will be converted to DNS
* name notation format.
* @param _rdata Memory buffer with data to insert in the resource record. If
* data of record should contain a DNS name, the name in the
* databuffer needs to be in URL-format.
* @param datalen The exact length in bytes of the _rdata-buffer. If data of
* record should contain a DNS name, datalen needs to be
* pico_dns_strlen(_rdata).
* @param rtype DNS type of the resource record to be.
* @param rclass DNS class of the resource record to be.
* @param rttl DNS ttl of the resource record to be.
* @param flags You can specify if the mDNS record should be a shared record
* rather than a unique record.
* @return Pointer to newly created mDNS resource record.
* ****************************************************************************/
struct pico_mdns_record *
pico_mdns_record_create( const char *url,
void *_rdata,
uint16_t datalen,
uint16_t rtype,
uint32_t rttl,
uint8_t flags );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Definition of DNS record tree
* ****************************************************************************/
typedef struct pico_tree pico_mdns_rtree;
pico_mdns_rtree (name) = {&LEAF, pico_mdns_record_cmp}
#define PICO_MDNS_RTREE_DESTROY(rtree) \
pico_tree_destroy((rtree), pico_mdns_record_delete)
#define PICO_MDNS_RTREE_ADD(tree, record) \
pico_tree_insert((tree), (record))
/* ****************************************************************************
* API-call to query a record with a certain URL and type. First checks the
* Cache for this record. If no cache-entry is found, a query will be sent on
* the wire for this record.
* @param url URL to query for.
* @param type DNS type top query for.
* @param callback Callback to call when records are found for the query.
* @return 0 when query is correctly parsed, something else on failure.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_getrecord( const char *url, uint16_t type,
void (*callback)(pico_mdns_rtree *,
char *,
void *),
void *arg );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Claim all different mDNS records in a tree in a single API-call. All records
* in tree are called in a single new claim-session.
* @param rtree mDNS record tree with records to claim
* @param callback Callback to call when all record are properly claimed.
* @return 0 When claiming didn't horribly fail.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_claim( pico_mdns_rtree record_tree,
void (*callback)(pico_mdns_rtree *,
char *,
void *),
void *arg );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Tries to claim a hostname for this machine. Claims automatically a
* unique A record with the IPv4-address of this host.
* The hostname won't be set directly when this functions returns,
* but only if the claiming of the unique record succeeded.
* Init-callback will be called when the hostname-record is successfully
* registered.
* @param url URL to set the hostname to.
* @param arg Argument to pass to the init-callback.
* @return 0 when the host started registering the hostname-record successfully,
* Returns something else when it didn't succeeded.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_tryclaim_hostname( const char *url, void *arg );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Get the current hostname for this machine.
* @return Returns the hostname for this machine when the module is initialised
* Returns NULL when the module is not initialised.
* ****************************************************************************/
const char *
pico_mdns_get_hostname( void );
/* ****************************************************************************
* Initialises the entire mDNS-module and sets the hostname for this machine.
* Sets up the global mDNS socket properly and calls callback when succeeded.
* Only when the module is properly initialised records can be registered on
* the module.
* @param hostname URL to set the hostname to.
* @param address IPv4-address of this host to bind to.
* @param callback Callback to call when the hostname is registered and
* also the global mDNS module callback. Gets called when
* Passive conflicts occur, so changes in records can be
* tracked in this callback.
* @param arg Argument to pass to the init-callback.
* @return 0 when the module is properly initialised and the host started regis-
* tering the hostname. Returns something else went the host failed
* initialising the module or registering the hostname.
* ****************************************************************************/
pico_mdns_init( const char *hostname,
struct pico_ip4 address,
void (*callback)(pico_mdns_rtree *,
char *,
void *),
void *arg );
#endif /* _INCLUDE_PICO_MDNS */