284 lines
7.8 KiB
284 lines
7.8 KiB
Created on: Mar 15, 2020
Copyright 2020 flyinghead
This file is part of flycast.
flycast is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
flycast is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with flycast. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Optical communication board (837-13691)
// Ring topology
// 10 Mbps
// Max packet size 0x4000
#include "naomi_m3comm.h"
#include "naomi_regs.h"
#include "hw/holly/sb.h"
#include "hw/sh4/sh4_mem.h"
#include "network/naomi_network.h"
#include "emulator.h"
#include "rend/gui.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
constexpr u16 COMM_CTRL_CPU_RAM = 1 << 0;
constexpr u16 COMM_CTRL_RESET = 1 << 5; // rising edge
constexpr u16 COMM_CTRL_G1DMA = 1 << 14; // active low
struct CommBoardStat
u16 transmode; // communication mode (0: master, positive value: slave)
u16 totalnode; // Total number of nodes (same value is entered in upper and lower 8 bits)
u16 nodeID; // Local node ID (the same value is entered in the upper and lower 8 bits)
u16 transcnt; // counter (value increases by 1 per frame)
u16 cts; // CTS timer value (for debugging)
u16 dma_rx_addr; // DMA receive address (for debugging)
u16 dma_rx_size; // DMA receive size (for debugging)
u16 dma_tx_addr; // DMA transmit address (for debugging)
u16 dma_tx_size; // DMA transmission size (for debugging)
u16 dummy[7];
#if !defined(__OpenBSD__)
static inline u16 swap16(u16 w)
return (w >> 8) | (w << 8);
static void vblankCallback(Event event, void *param) {
((NaomiM3Comm *)param)->vblank();
void NaomiM3Comm::closeNetwork()
EventManager::unlisten(Event::VBlank, vblankCallback, this);
void NaomiM3Comm::connectNetwork()
gui_display_notification("Network started", 5000);
packet_number = 0;
slot_count = naomiNetwork.getSlotCount();
slot_id = naomiNetwork.getSlotId();
if (slot_count >= 2)
EventManager::listen(Event::VBlank, vblankCallback, this);
bool NaomiM3Comm::receiveNetwork()
const u32 slot_size = swap16(*(u16*)&m68k_ram[0x204]);
const u32 packet_size = slot_size * slot_count;
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> buf(new u8[packet_size]);
u16 packetNumber;
if (!naomiNetwork.receive(buf.get(), packet_size, &packetNumber))
return false;
*(u16*)&comm_ram[6] = swap16(packetNumber);
memcpy(&comm_ram[0x100 + slot_size], buf.get(), packet_size);
return true;
void NaomiM3Comm::sendNetwork()
const u32 packet_size = swap16(*(u16*)&m68k_ram[0x204]) * slot_count;
naomiNetwork.send(&comm_ram[0x100], packet_size, packet_number);
u32 NaomiM3Comm::ReadMem(u32 address, u32 size)
switch (address & 255)
case NAOMI_COMM2_CTRL_addr & 255:
return comm_ctrl;
case NAOMI_COMM2_OFFSET_addr & 255:
return comm_offset;
case NAOMI_COMM2_DATA_addr & 255:
u16 value;
if (comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_CPU_RAM)
value = *(u16*)&m68k_ram[comm_offset];
// TODO u16 *commram = (u16*)membank("comm_ram")->base();
value = *(u16*)&comm_ram[comm_offset];
value = swap16(value);
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_DATA %s read @ %04x: %x", (comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_CPU_RAM) ? "m68k ram" : "comm ram", comm_offset, value);
comm_offset += 2;
return value;
case NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS0_addr & 255:
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS0 read %x", comm_status0);
return comm_status0;
case NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1_addr & 255:
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1 read %x", comm_status1);
return comm_status1;
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NaomiM3Comm::ReadMem unmapped: %08x sz %d", address, size);
return 0xffffffff;
void NaomiM3Comm::connectedState()
memset(&comm_ram[0xf000], 0, 16);
comm_ram[0xf000] = 1;
comm_ram[0xf001] = 1;
comm_ram[0xf002] = m68k_ram[0x204];
comm_ram[0xf003] = m68k_ram[0x205];
u32 slot_size = swap16(*(u16*)&m68k_ram[0x204]);
CommBoardStat& stat = *(CommBoardStat *)&comm_ram[0];
memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat));
stat.transmode = swap16(slot_id == 0 ? 0 : 1);
stat.totalnode = slot_count | (slot_count << 8);
stat.nodeID = slot_id | (slot_id << 8);
stat.cts = swap16(slot_id == 0 ? 0x7830 : 0x73a2);
stat.dma_rx_addr = swap16(0x100 + slot_size);
stat.dma_rx_size = swap16(slot_size * slot_count);
stat.dma_tx_addr = swap16(0x100);
stat.dma_tx_size = swap16(slot_size * slot_count);
comm_status0 = 0xff01; // But 1 at connect time before f000 is read
comm_status1 = (slot_count << 8) | slot_id;
void NaomiM3Comm::WriteMem(u32 address, u32 data, u32 size)
switch (address & 255)
case NAOMI_COMM2_CTRL_addr & 255:
// bit 0: access RAM is 0 - communication RAM / 1 - M68K RAM
// bit 1: comm RAM bank (seems R/O for SH4)
// bit 5: M68K Reset
// bit 6: ???
// bit 7: might be M68K IRQ 5 or 2 - set to 0 by nlCbIntr()
// bit 14: G1 DMA bus master 0 - active / 1 - disabled
// bit 15: 0 - enable / 1 - disable this device ???
if ((comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_RESET) == 0 && (data & COMM_CTRL_RESET) != 0)
memset(&comm_ram[0], 0, 32);
comm_status0 = 0; // varies...
comm_status1 = 0;
comm_ctrl = (u16)data;
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_CTRL = %x", comm_ctrl);
case NAOMI_COMM2_OFFSET_addr & 255:
comm_offset = (u16)data;
//DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_OFFSET set to %x", comm_offset);
case NAOMI_COMM2_DATA_addr & 255:
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_DATA written @ %04x %04x", comm_offset, (u16)data);
data = swap16(data);
if (comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_CPU_RAM)
*(u16*)&m68k_ram[comm_offset] = (u16)data;
*(u16*)&comm_ram[comm_offset] = (u16)data;
comm_offset += 2;
case NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS0_addr & 255:
comm_status0 = (u16)data;
//DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS0 set to %x", comm_status0);
case NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1_addr & 255:
comm_status1 = (u16)data;
//DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NAOMI_COMM2_STATUS1 set to %x", comm_status1);
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NaomiM3Comm::WriteMem: %x <= %x sz %d", address, data, size);
bool NaomiM3Comm::DmaStart(u32 addr, u32 data)
if (comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_G1DMA)
return false;
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "NaomiM3Comm: DMA addr %08X <-> %04x len %d %s", SB_GDSTAR, comm_offset, SB_GDLEN, SB_GDDIR == 0 ? "OUT" : "IN");
if (SB_GDDIR == 0)
// Network write
for (u32 i = 0; i < SB_GDLEN; i++)
comm_ram[comm_offset++] = ReadMem8_nommu(SB_GDSTAR + i);
// Network read
if (SB_GDLEN == 32 && (comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_CPU_RAM) == 0)
char buf[32 * 5 + 1];
buf[0] = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < SB_GDLEN; i++)
u8 value = comm_ram[comm_offset + i];
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%02x ", value);
DEBUG_LOG(NAOMI, "Comm RAM read @%x: %s", comm_offset, buf);
for (u32 i = 0; i < SB_GDLEN; i++)
WriteMem8_nommu(SB_GDSTAR + i, comm_ram[comm_offset++]);
return true;
void NaomiM3Comm::vblank()
if ((comm_ctrl & COMM_CTRL_RESET) == 0 || comm_status1 == 0)
using the_clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
the_clock::time_point start = the_clock::now();
try {
bool received = false;
do {
received = receiveNetwork();
} while (!received && the_clock::now() - start < std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
if (!received)
INFO_LOG(NETWORK, "No data received");
} catch (const FlycastException& e) {
comm_status0 = 0;
comm_status1 = 0;