
825 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Grund
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#include <nowide/filebuf.hpp>
#include "file_test_helpers.hpp"
#include "test.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace nw = nowide;
using namespace nowide::test;
// Check member types
static_assert(std::is_same<nw::filebuf::char_type, char>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<nw::filebuf::traits_type::char_type, char>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<nw::filebuf::int_type, nw::filebuf::traits_type::int_type>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<nw::filebuf::pos_type, nw::filebuf::traits_type::pos_type>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<nw::filebuf::off_type, nw::filebuf::traits_type::off_type>::value, "!");
using CharTraits = nw::filebuf::traits_type;
const auto eof = CharTraits::eof();
constexpr std::ios_base::openmode make_mode(std::ios_base::openmode flags, bool binary)
return binary ? flags | std::ios_base::binary : flags;
template<class T_FileBuf>
bool open_with_buffer(T_FileBuf& filebuf,
const std::string& filepath,
std::ios_base::openmode flags,
char* buffer,
size_t size)
const bool bufferSet = filebuf.pubsetbuf(buffer, size) != nullptr;
return, flags) && (bufferSet || filebuf.pubsetbuf(buffer, size));
template<class T_FileBuf, size_t T_size>
bool open_with_buffer(T_FileBuf& filebuf,
const std::string& filepath,
std::ios_base::openmode flags,
char (&buffer)[T_size])
return open_with_buffer(filebuf, filepath, flags, buffer, T_size);
template<class T_FileBuf>
bool open_unbuffered(T_FileBuf& filebuf, const std::string& filepath, std::ios_base::openmode flags)
return open_with_buffer(filebuf, filepath, flags, nullptr, 0);
// Read the given number of chars from the buffer, checking that there are that many
template<class T_Buf>
bool skip_chars(T_Buf& buf, size_t num_chars)
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_chars; ++i)
if(buf.sbumpc() == eof)
return false; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
return true;
void test_open_close(const std::string& filepath)
const std::string filepath2 = filepath + ".2";
remove_file_at_exit _(filepath);
remove_file_at_exit _2(filepath2);
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf);
// Opening when already open fails
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == nullptr);
// Still open
TEST(buf.close() == &buf);
// Failed opening did not create file
// But it should work now:
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf);
TEST(buf.close() == &buf);
const auto file_data = create_random_data(20, data_type::text);
create_file(filepath, file_data);
// Can't write to read-only buf
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, std::ios_base::in));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc('a'), eof);
// Even if chars were copied to put area, they cannot be written (in sync)
TEST(buf.sputn("hello", 5) == 0 || buf.pubsync() == -1);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), file_data); // File is unchanged
nw::filebuf buf;
char buffer[3];
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, std::ios_base::in, buffer));
// Also doesn't write when using direct I/O due to data>buffersize (at least in Nowide)
TEST(buf.sputn("hello", 5) == 0 || buf.pubsync() == -1);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), file_data); // File is unchanged
// Can't read from write-only buf
for(const auto flags : {std::ios_base::out, std::ios_base::app})
create_file(filepath, file_data);
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, flags));
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), eof);
char str[3];
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(str, sizeof(str)), 0);
// Putback is also just for reading
TEST(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::end) != std::streampos(-1));
TEST_EQ(buf.sungetc(), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf.sputbackc('t'), eof);
void test_pubseekpos(const std::string& filepath)
const std::string data = create_random_data(BUFSIZ * 4, data_type::binary);
create_file(filepath, data, data_type::binary);
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary) == &buf);
// Fuzzy test: Seek to a couple random positions
std::minstd_rand rng(std::random_device{}());
using pos_type = nw::filebuf::pos_type;
const auto eofPos = pos_type(data.size());
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(0, static_cast<size_t>(eofPos) - 1);
const auto getData = [&](pos_type pos) { return CharTraits::to_int_type(data[static_cast<size_t>(pos)]); };
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
const pos_type pos = distr(rng);
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekpos(pos), pos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), getData(pos));
// Seek to first and last as corner case tests
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekpos(0), pos_type(0));
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[0]));
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekpos(eofPos), eofPos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), eof);
void test_pubseekoff(const std::string& filepath)
const std::string data = create_random_data(BUFSIZ * 4, data_type::binary);
create_file(filepath, data, data_type::binary);
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary) == &buf);
// Fuzzy test: Seek to a couple random positions
std::minstd_rand rng(std::random_device{}());
using pos_type = nw::filebuf::pos_type;
using off_type = nw::filebuf::off_type;
const auto eofPos = pos_type(data.size());
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(0, static_cast<size_t>(eofPos) - 1);
const auto getData = [&](pos_type pos) { return CharTraits::to_int_type(data[static_cast<size_t>(pos)]); };
// tellg/tellp function as called by basic_[io]fstream
const auto tellg = [&]() { return buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur); };
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// beg
pos_type pos = distr(rng);
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(pos, std::ios_base::beg), pos);
TEST_EQ(tellg(), pos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), getData(pos));
// cur
off_type diff = static_cast<pos_type>(distr(rng)) - pos;
pos += diff;
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(diff, std::ios_base::cur), pos);
TEST_EQ(tellg(), pos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), getData(pos));
// end
diff = static_cast<pos_type>(distr(rng)) - eofPos;
pos = eofPos + diff;
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(diff, std::ios_base::end), pos);
TEST_EQ(tellg(), pos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), getData(pos));
// Seek to first and last as corner case tests
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::beg), pos_type(0));
TEST_EQ(tellg(), pos_type(0));
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[0]));
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::end), eofPos);
TEST_EQ(tellg(), eofPos);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetc(), eof);
void test_64_bit_seek(const std::string& filepath)
// Create a value which does not fit into a 32 bit value.
// Use an unsigned intermediate to have the truncation defined to wrap to 0
using unsigned_off_type = std::make_unsigned<nw::filebuf::off_type>::type;
nw::filebuf::off_type offset = static_cast<unsigned_off_type>(std::uint64_t(1) << 33u);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
// if we can't use 64 bit offsets through the API, don't test anything
// coverity[result_independent_of_operands]
if(offset == nw::filebuf::off_type(0))
// coverity[dead_error_line]
return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
#pragma warning(pop)
create_file(filepath, "test");
remove_file_at_exit _(filepath);
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary) == &buf);
const std::streampos knownPos = 2;
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekpos(knownPos), knownPos); // Just to make sure we know where we are
const std::streampos newPos = buf.pubseekoff(offset, std::ios_base::cur);
// On 32 bit mode or when seek beyond EOF is not allowed, the current position should be unchanged
if(newPos == std::streampos(-1))
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur), knownPos);
// libc++ may truncate the 64 bit value when calling fseek which yields an offset of 0
if(newPos == knownPos)
offset = 0; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
TEST_EQ(newPos, offset + knownPos);
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur), newPos);
void test_xsgetn(const std::string& filepath, bool binary)
char buffer[200]{};
const auto dataType = binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text;
const std::string data = create_random_data(sizeof(buffer) + 50, dataType);
create_file(filepath, data, dataType);
for(const bool unbuffered : {false, true})
TEST_CONTEXT((unbuffered ? "unbuffered" : "buffered"));
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(open_unbuffered(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary)));
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary), buffer));
std::string strBuf(data.size() * 2, '\0');
// Reading stops at EOF
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&strBuf[0], strBuf.size()), static_cast<std::streamsize>(data.size()));
TEST_EQ(strBuf, data);
TEST(buf.pubseekpos(0) != std::streampos(-1));
// Read a bit using regular underflow, then via sgetn and again via underflow
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[0]));
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[1]));
// Go definitely over a buffer boundary
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&strBuf[0], strBuf.size()), static_cast<std::streamsize>(strBuf.size()));
TEST_EQ(strBuf, data.substr(2, strBuf.size()));
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[strBuf.size() + 2]));
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[strBuf.size() + 3]));
// Corner cases:
// - sgetn with zero or negative count is a no-op
// - sgetn fails on closed filebuf
for(const bool unbuffered : {false, true})
TEST_CONTEXT((unbuffered ? "unbuffered" : "buffered"));
create_file(filepath, "Hello World");
nw::filebuf buf;
// Set a buffer just to see if it is written to
TEST(open_unbuffered(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary)));
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary), buffer));
std::string str = create_random_data(data.size(), data_type::binary);
const auto origStr = str;
buffer[0] = origStr[0];
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&str[0], 0), 0);
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 7
// GCC may not detect that the negative value is checked by xsgetn
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wrestrict"
// coverity[negative_returns]
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&str[0], -1), 0);
// coverity[negative_returns]
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&str[0], -999), 0);
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 12
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// No read when closed
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&str[0], 1), 0);
TEST_EQ(str, origStr);
TEST_EQ(buffer[0], origStr[0]);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&str[0], str.size()), 0);
TEST_EQ(str, origStr);
TEST_EQ(buffer[0], origStr[0]);
void test_xsputn(const std::string& filepath, bool binary)
char buffer[200]{};
const auto dataType = binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text;
const std::string data = create_random_data(sizeof(buffer) + 50, dataType);
for(const bool unbuffered : {false, true})
TEST_CONTEXT((unbuffered ? "unbuffered" : "buffered"));
nw::filebuf buf;
const auto flags = make_mode(std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary);
TEST(open_unbuffered(buf, filepath, flags));
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, flags, buffer));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, data.size()), static_cast<std::streamsize>(data.size()));
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath, dataType), data);
// Write a bit using regular overflow, then via sputn and back using overflow
TEST(, flags));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc(data[0]), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[0]));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc(data[1]), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[1]));
// This is more than 1 buffer size
std::streamsize numBytesToWrite = data.size() - 4;
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(&data[2], numBytesToWrite), numBytesToWrite);
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc(data[data.size() - 2]), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[data.size() - 2]));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc(data[data.size() - 1]), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[data.size() - 1]));
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath, dataType), data);
// Corner cases:
// - sputn with zero or negative count is a no-op
// - sputn fails on closed filebuf
for(const bool unbuffered : {false, true})
TEST_CONTEXT((unbuffered ? "unbuffered" : "buffered"));
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(open_unbuffered(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary)));
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary), buffer));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, 0), 0);
// coverity[negative_returns]
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, -1), 0);
// coverity[negative_returns]
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, -999), 0);
// No write when closed
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, 1), 0);
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, data.size()), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "");
void test_read_write_switch(const std::string& filepath, bool binary)
// Switching between read and write requires a seek or (for W->R) a sync
const std::string data = "1234567890";
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(, make_mode(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary)));
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(, data.size()), static_cast<std::streamsize>(data.size()));
// W->R via seek
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '1');
// R->W via seek
const auto pos = buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur);
TEST(pos != std::streampos(-1));
// W->R via sync
TEST(buf.pubsync() == 0);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '3');
// R->W via seek
const auto pos2 = buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur);
// Read right back
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekpos(pos2), pos2);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), 'c');
// R->W
buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur);
// Sync & seek
TEST(buf.pubsync() == 0);
TEST(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur) != std::streampos(-1));
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '6');
// R->W
buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur);
// Seek & sync
TEST(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur) != std::streampos(-1));
TEST(buf.pubsync() == 0);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '8');
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "1b3cd6e890");
void subtest_sync(const std::string& filepath, bool binary, const std::string& data)
nw::filebuf buf;
// Use a small buffer to force filling it up w/o requiring to write lot's of data
char buffer[3];
buf.pubsetbuf(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
const auto flags = make_mode(std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary);
// Do a series of single-char and multi-char writes with varying size combinations
// Especially test the case of only single-char and only multi-char ops
for(unsigned singleCharOps = 0; singleCharOps <= 3; ++singleCharOps)
// Write less than buffer size, 1 or 2 buffers or even more, assuming buffer size of 3
for(size_t bufSize : {0, 2, 3, 6, 7})
if(singleCharOps + bufSize == 0u)
TEST(, flags));
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.size();)
TEST_CONTEXT("sc:" << singleCharOps << " buf:" << bufSize << " i:" << i);
for(unsigned j = 0; j < singleCharOps && i < data.size(); ++j, ++i)
TEST_EQ(buf.sputc(data[i]), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[i]));
if(bufSize != 0u)
const auto remainSize = std::min(data.size() - i, bufSize);
TEST_EQ(buf.sputn(&data[i], remainSize), static_cast<std::streamsize>(remainSize));
i += remainSize;
TEST_EQ(buf.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath, binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text), data.substr(0, i));
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath, binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text), data);
void subtest_singlechar_positioning(const std::string& filepath, bool binary, const std::string& data)
nw::filebuf buf;
// Use a small buffer to force filling it up w/o requiring to write lot's of data
char buffer[3]{};
const auto mode = make_mode(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc, binary);
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, mode, buffer));
// Put each char and record its position
std::vector<nw::filebuf::pos_type> pos(data.size());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
pos[i] = buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur);
// Go back to start and verify reading yields the same data and positions
buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::beg);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
TEST_CONTEXT("Position " << i);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[i]));
TEST_EQ(buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur), pos[i]);
void subtest_singlechar_multichar_reads(const std::string& filepath, bool binary, const std::string& data)
create_file(filepath, data, binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text);
nw::filebuf buf;
// Use a small buffer to force filling it up w/o requiring to write lot's of data
char buffer[3]{};
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary), buffer));
// Do a series of single-char and multi-char reads with varying size combinations
// Especially test the case of only single-char and only multi-char ops
for(unsigned singleCharOps = 0; singleCharOps <= 3; ++singleCharOps)
// Read less than buffer size, 1 or 2 buffers or even more, assuming buffer size of 3
for(size_t bufSize : {0, 2, 3, 6, 7})
if(singleCharOps + bufSize == 0u)
std::string outBuf(bufSize, '\0');
buf.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::beg);
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.size();)
TEST_CONTEXT("sc:" << singleCharOps << " buf:" << bufSize << " i:" << i);
for(unsigned j = 0; j < singleCharOps && i < data.size(); ++j, ++i)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), CharTraits::to_int_type(data[i]));
if(bufSize == 0u)
const size_t readSize = std::min(data.size() - i, bufSize);
TEST_EQ(buf.sgetn(&outBuf.front(), bufSize), static_cast<std::streamsize>(readSize));
if(readSize < bufSize)
TEST_EQ(outBuf, data.substr(i, readSize));
i += bufSize;
void test_sungetc(const std::string& filepath, bool binary)
const std::string data = "012345\n6";
create_file(filepath, data, binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text);
// Use a small buffer to force filling it up w/o requiring to write lot's of data
char buffer[4];
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary), buffer));
// Nothing to unget at beginning of file
TEST_EQ(buf.sungetc(), eof);
// Able to unget first char and get it again
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '0');
TEST(buf.sungetc() != eof);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '0');
// Able to unget and reread after filling up new buffer
TEST(skip_chars(buf, sizeof(buffer) - 1u)); // skip remaining chars
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '4');
TEST(buf.sungetc() != eof);
// Ungetting multiple chars may or may not be possible
if(buf.sungetc() != eof)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '3');
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '4');
// \n also works
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '5');
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '\n');
TEST(buf.sungetc() != eof);
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '\n');
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '6');
TEST(buf.sungetc() != eof);
if(buf.sungetc() != eof)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '\n');
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), '6');
// Go back as far as possible
auto idx = data.size();
while(buf.sungetc() != eof)
TEST(idx > 0u);
TEST(idx < data.size()); // At least 1
// Get all put back chars
for(; idx < data.size(); ++idx)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), data[idx]);
void test_sputbackc(const std::string& filepath, bool binary)
const std::string data = "012345\n6";
create_file(filepath, data, binary ? data_type::binary : data_type::text);
// Use a small buffer to force filling it up w/o requiring to write lot's of data
char buffer[4];
nw::filebuf buf;
TEST(open_with_buffer(buf, filepath, make_mode(std::ios_base::in, binary), buffer));
TEST(skip_chars(buf, data.size()));
// Put back same chars explicitly (as many as possible)
auto idx = data.size();
auto res = buf.sputbackc((idx > 0u) ? data[idx - 1] : 'z');
if(res == eof)
TEST(idx > 0u);
TEST_EQ(res, data[idx - 1]);
TEST(idx < data.size()); // At least 1
// Get all put back chars
for(; idx < data.size(); ++idx)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), data[idx]);
// Put back different chars (as many as possible)
const std::string data2 = "789\nab\nc";
TEST_EQ(data.size(), data2.size());
idx = data2.size();
auto res = buf.sputbackc((idx > 0u) ? data2[idx - 1] : 'z');
if(res == eof)
TEST(idx > 0u);
TEST_EQ(res, data2[idx - 1]);
break; // Some stdlibs fail on putting back multiple different chars
// At least 1 when using custom filebuf
// But e.g. libc++ doesn't allow putting back a different char
TEST(idx < data2.size());
// Get all put back chars
for(; idx < data2.size(); ++idx)
TEST_EQ(buf.sbumpc(), data2[idx]);
void test_textmode(const std::string& filepath)
// Test input, output and getting the file position works for text files with newlines
const std::string data = []() {
// Some simple test data
std::string result = "1234567890";
// Line break after every char
result.reserve(result.size() + 27 * 2);
for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c)
(result += c) += '\n';
// Some continuous line breaks
result.append(4, '\n');
return result;
subtest_singlechar_positioning(filepath, false, data);
subtest_singlechar_multichar_reads(filepath, false, data);
subtest_sync(filepath, false, data);
// Almost the same test as test_textmode but uses a binary stream.
// Useful as the buffer handling is very different
void test_binarymode(const std::string& filepath)
const std::string data = "123" + create_random_data(65, data_type::binary);
subtest_singlechar_positioning(filepath, true, data);
subtest_singlechar_multichar_reads(filepath, true, data);
subtest_sync(filepath, true, data);
void test_swap(const std::string& filepath)
const std::string filepath2 = filepath + ".2";
remove_file_at_exit _(filepath);
remove_file_at_exit _2(filepath2);
// Note: Make sure to have en uneven number of swaps so the destructor runs on the others data
// Check: FILE*, buffer, buffer_size
nw::filebuf buf1, buf2;
char buffer1[3]{}, buffer2[5]{};
buf1.pubsetbuf(buffer1, sizeof(buffer1));
buf2.pubsetbuf(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2));
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf1);
TEST(, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary) == &buf1);
// Write "FooBar" to filepath and "HelloWorld" to filepath2
buf1.sputn("ello", 4);
buf2.sputn("oo", 2);
buf1.sputn("ar", 2);
buf2.sputn("orld", 4);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "FooBar");
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath2), "HelloWorld");
// Check: mode, owns_buffer
nw::filebuf buf1, buf2;
char buffer[3]{};
buf1.pubsetbuf(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf1);
TEST(, std::ios_base::in) == &buf2);
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputc('B'), 'B');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), 'H');
// Trying to read in write mode or other way round should fail
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputc('x'), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf1.sbumpc(), 'e');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sputc('a'), 'a');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sputc('x'), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf1.sbumpc(), eof);
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), 'l');
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputn("zXYZ", 4), 4);
swap(buf2, buf1);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "BazXYZ");
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath2), "HelloWorld");
// Check: last_char, gptr, eback
nw::filebuf buf1, buf2;
// Need to disable buffering to use last_char, but only for 1 to detect wrong conditions
buf1.pubsetbuf(0, 0);
TEST(, std::ios_base::in) == &buf1);
TEST(, std::ios_base::in) == &buf2);
// Peek
TEST_EQ(buf1.sgetc(), 'B');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sgetc(), 'H');
swap(buf1, buf2);
TEST_EQ(buf2.sgetc(), 'B');
TEST_EQ(buf1.sgetc(), 'H');
// Advance
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), 'B');
TEST_EQ(buf1.sbumpc(), 'H');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), 'a');
TEST_EQ(buf1.sbumpc(), 'e');
swap(buf1, buf2);
TEST_EQ(buf1.sbumpc(), 'z');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sbumpc(), 'l');
swap(buf1, buf2);
TEST_EQ(buf2.sgetc(), 'X');
TEST_EQ(buf1.sgetc(), 'l');
// Check: pptr, epptr
nw::filebuf buf1, buf2;
// Need to disable buffering to use last_char, but only for 1 to detect wrong conditions
buf1.pubsetbuf(0, 0);
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf1);
TEST(, std::ios_base::out) == &buf2);
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputc('1'), '1');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sputc('a'), 'a');
swap(buf1, buf2);
// buf1: filepath2, buf2: filepath
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputc('b'), 'b');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sputc('2'), '2');
// Sync and check if file was written
TEST_EQ(buf1.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath2), "ab");
TEST_EQ(buf2.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "12");
swap(buf1, buf2);
// buf1: filepath, buf2: filepath2
TEST_EQ(buf1.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "12");
TEST_EQ(buf2.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath2), "ab");
TEST_EQ(buf1.sputc('3'), '3');
TEST_EQ(buf2.sputc('c'), 'c');
swap(buf1, buf2);
// buf1: filepath2, buf2: filepath
TEST_EQ(buf1.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath2), "abc");
TEST_EQ(buf2.pubsync(), 0);
TEST_EQ(read_file(filepath), "123");
// coverity[root_function]
void test_main(int, char** argv, char**)
const std::string exampleFilename = std::string(argv[0]) + "-\xd7\xa9-\xd0\xbc-\xce\xbd.txt";
for(const auto binary : {false, true})
std::cout << "Testing " << (binary ? "binary" : "text") << " mode\n";
remove_file_at_exit _(exampleFilename);
test_xsgetn(exampleFilename, binary);
test_xsputn(exampleFilename, binary);
test_read_write_switch(exampleFilename, binary);
test_sungetc(exampleFilename, binary);
test_sputbackc(exampleFilename, binary);
binary ? test_binarymode(exampleFilename) : test_textmode(exampleFilename);
// These tests are only useful for the nowide filebuf and are known to fail for
// std::filebuf due to bugs in libc++