
299 lines
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Executable File

#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <atomic>
#include "rend/rend.h"
#if (defined(GLES) && HOST_OS != OS_DARWIN && !defined(USE_SDL)) || defined(__ANDROID__)
#define USE_EGL
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#ifdef GLES
#if defined(TARGET_IPHONE) //apple-specific ogles2 headers
//#include <APPLE/egl.h>
#include <OpenGLES/ES2/gl.h>
#include <OpenGLES/ES2/glext.h>
#include <GLES32/gl32.h>
#include <GLES32/gl2ext.h>
#ifndef GLES2
#include "gl32funcs.h"
#ifndef GL_NV_draw_path
//IMGTEC GLES emulation
#pragma comment(lib,"libEGL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"libGLESv2.lib")
#else /* NV gles emulation*/
#pragma comment(lib,"libGLES20.lib")
#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
#include <GL4/gl3w.h>
#define glCheck() do { if (unlikely(settings.validate.OpenGlChecks)) { verify(glGetError()==GL_NO_ERROR); } } while(0)
#define eglCheck() false
// OIT only
#define VERTEX_UV1_ARRAY 6
//vertex types
extern u32 gcflip;
extern float scale_x, scale_y;
void DrawStrips();
struct PipelineShader
GLuint program;
GLuint scale,depth_scale;
GLuint extra_depth_scale;
GLuint pp_ClipTest,cp_AlphaTestValue;
GLuint trilinear_alpha;
GLuint fog_clamp_min, fog_clamp_max;
u32 cp_AlphaTest; s32 pp_ClipTestMode;
u32 pp_Texture, pp_UseAlpha, pp_IgnoreTexA, pp_ShadInstr, pp_Offset, pp_FogCtrl;
bool pp_Gouraud, pp_BumpMap;
bool fog_clamping;
bool trilinear;
struct gl_ctx
#ifdef USE_EGL
EGLNativeWindowType native_wind;
EGLNativeDisplayType native_disp;
EGLDisplay display;
EGLSurface surface;
EGLContext context;
} setup;
GLuint program;
GLuint scale,depth_scale;
GLuint extra_depth_scale;
GLuint sp_ShaderColor;
} modvol_shader;
std::unordered_map<u32, PipelineShader> shaders;
bool rotate90;
GLuint program;
GLuint scale;
GLuint geometry,modvols,idxs,idxs2;
GLuint vao;
} vbo;
u32 TexAddr;
GLuint depthb;
GLuint tex;
GLuint fbo;
} rtt;
GLuint depthb;
GLuint colorb;
GLuint tex;
GLuint fbo;
int width;
int height;
} ofbo;
const char *gl_version;
const char *glsl_version_header;
int gl_major;
bool is_gles;
GLuint fog_image_format;
GLenum index_type;
bool swap_buffer_not_preserved;
bool GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil_supported;
bool GL_OES_depth24_supported;
size_t get_index_size() { return index_type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT ? sizeof(u32) : sizeof(u16); }
extern gl_ctx gl;
extern GLuint fbTextureId;
extern float fb_scale_x, fb_scale_y;
GLuint gl_GetTexture(TSP tsp,TCW tcw);
struct text_info {
u16* pdata;
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 textype; // 0 565, 1 1555, 2 4444
enum ModifierVolumeMode { Xor, Or, Inclusion, Exclusion, ModeCount };
bool gl_init(void* wind, void* disp);
void gl_load_osd_resources();
void gl_free_osd_resources();
void gl_swap();
bool ProcessFrame(TA_context* ctx);
void UpdateFogTexture(u8 *fog_table, GLenum texture_slot, GLint fog_image_format);
void findGLVersion();
text_info raw_GetTexture(TSP tsp, TCW tcw);
void killtex();
void CollectCleanup();
void DoCleanup();
void SortPParams(int first, int count);
void SetCull(u32 CullMode);
s32 SetTileClip(u32 val, GLint uniform);
void SetMVS_Mode(ModifierVolumeMode mv_mode, ISP_Modvol ispc);
void BindRTT(u32 addy, u32 fbw, u32 fbh, u32 channels, u32 fmt);
void ReadRTTBuffer();
void RenderFramebuffer();
void DrawFramebuffer(float w, float h);
GLuint init_output_framebuffer(int width, int height);
bool render_output_framebuffer();
void free_output_framebuffer();
void HideOSD();
void OSD_DRAW(bool clear_screen);
PipelineShader *GetProgram(u32 cp_AlphaTest, u32 pp_ClipTestMode,
u32 pp_Texture, u32 pp_UseAlpha, u32 pp_IgnoreTexA, u32 pp_ShadInstr, u32 pp_Offset,
u32 pp_FogCtrl, bool pp_Gouraud, bool pp_BumpMap, bool fog_clamping, bool trilinear);
GLuint gl_CompileShader(const char* shader, GLuint type);
GLuint gl_CompileAndLink(const char* VertexShader, const char* FragmentShader);
bool CompilePipelineShader(PipelineShader* s);
u8* loadPNGData(const string& subpath, int &width, int &height);
GLuint loadPNG(const string& subpath, int &width, int &height);
extern struct ShaderUniforms_t
float PT_ALPHA;
float scale_coefs[4];
float depth_coefs[4];
float extra_depth_scale;
float fog_den_float;
float ps_FOG_COL_RAM[3];
float ps_FOG_COL_VERT[3];
float trilinear_alpha;
float fog_clamp_min[4];
float fog_clamp_max[4];
void Set(PipelineShader* s)
if (s->cp_AlphaTestValue!=-1)
if (s->scale!=-1)
glUniform4fv( s->scale, 1, scale_coefs);
if (s->depth_scale!=-1)
glUniform4fv( s->depth_scale, 1, depth_coefs);
if (s->extra_depth_scale != -1)
glUniform1f(s->extra_depth_scale, extra_depth_scale);
if (s->sp_FOG_DENSITY!=-1)
glUniform1f( s->sp_FOG_DENSITY,fog_den_float);
if (s->sp_FOG_COL_RAM!=-1)
glUniform3fv( s->sp_FOG_COL_RAM, 1, ps_FOG_COL_RAM);
if (s->sp_FOG_COL_VERT!=-1)
glUniform3fv( s->sp_FOG_COL_VERT, 1, ps_FOG_COL_VERT);
if (s->fog_clamp_min != -1)
glUniform4fv(s->fog_clamp_min, 1, fog_clamp_min);
if (s->fog_clamp_max != -1)
glUniform4fv(s->fog_clamp_max, 1, fog_clamp_max);
} ShaderUniforms;
struct PvrTexInfo;
template <class pixel_type> class PixelBuffer;
typedef void TexConvFP(PixelBuffer<u16>* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height);
typedef void TexConvFP32(PixelBuffer<u32>* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height);
struct TextureCacheData
TSP tsp; //dreamcast texture parameters
TCW tcw;
GLuint texID; //gl texture
u16* pData;
int tex_type;
u32 Lookups;
//decoded texture info
u32 sa; //pixel data start address in vram (might be offset for mipmaps/etc)
u32 sa_tex; //texture data start address in vram
u32 w,h; //width & height of the texture
u32 size; //size, in bytes, in vram
PvrTexInfo* tex;
TexConvFP* texconv;
TexConvFP32* texconv32;
u32 dirty;
vram_block* lock_block;
u32 Updates;
u32 palette_index;
//used for palette updates
u32 palette_hash; // Palette hash at time of last update
u32 vq_codebook; // VQ quantizers table for compressed textures
u32 texture_hash; // xxhash of texture data, used for custom textures
u32 old_texture_hash; // legacy hash
u8* volatile custom_image_data; // loaded custom image data
volatile u32 custom_width;
volatile u32 custom_height;
std::atomic_int custom_load_in_progress;
void PrintTextureName();
bool IsPaletted()
return tcw.PixelFmt == PixelPal4 || tcw.PixelFmt == PixelPal8;
void Create(bool isGL);
void ComputeHash();
void Update();
void UploadToGPU(GLuint textype, int width, int height, u8 *temp_tex_buffer);
void CheckCustomTexture();
//true if : dirty or paletted texture and hashes don't match
bool NeedsUpdate();
bool Delete();