579 lines
19 KiB
579 lines
19 KiB
#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include <cmath>
#define pvr_RegSize (0x8000)
#define pvr_RegMask (pvr_RegSize-1)
#define PvrReg(x,t) (*(t*)&pvr_regs[(x) & pvr_RegMask])
extern u8 pvr_regs[pvr_RegSize];
void Regs_Reset(bool hard);
#define ID_addr 0x00000000 // R Device ID
#define REVISION_addr 0x00000004 // R Revision number
#define SOFTRESET_addr 0x00000008 // RW CORE & TA software reset
#define STARTRENDER_addr 0x00000014 // RW Drawing start
#define TEST_SELECT_addr 0x00000018 // RW Test (writing this register is prohibited)
#define PARAM_BASE_addr 0x00000020 // RW Base address for ISP parameters
#define REGION_BASE_addr 0x0000002C // RW Base address for Region Array
#define SPAN_SORT_CFG_addr 0x00000030 // RW Span Sorter control
#define VO_BORDER_COL_addr 0x00000040 // RW Border area color
#define FB_R_CTRL_addr 0x00000044 // RW Frame buffer read control
#define FB_W_CTRL_addr 0x00000048 // RW Frame buffer write control
#define FB_W_LINESTRIDE_addr 0x0000004C // RW Frame buffer line stride
#define FB_R_SOF1_addr 0x00000050 // RW Read start address for field - 1/strip - 1
#define FB_R_SOF2_addr 0x00000054 // RW Read start address for field - 2/strip - 2
#define FB_R_SIZE_addr 0x0000005C // RW Frame buffer XY size
#define FB_W_SOF1_addr 0x00000060 // RW Write start address for field - 1/strip - 1
#define FB_W_SOF2_addr 0x00000064 // RW Write start address for field - 2/strip - 2
#define FB_X_CLIP_addr 0x00000068 // RW Pixel clip X coordinate
#define FB_Y_CLIP_addr 0x0000006C // RW Pixel clip Y coordinate
#define FPU_SHAD_SCALE_addr 0x00000074 // RW Intensity Volume mode
#define FPU_CULL_VAL_addr 0x00000078 // RW Comparison value for culling
#define FPU_PARAM_CFG_addr 0x0000007C // RW Parameter read control
#define HALF_OFFSET_addr 0x00000080 // RW Pixel sampling control
#define FPU_PERP_VAL_addr 0x00000084 // RW Comparison value for perpendicular polygons
#define ISP_BACKGND_D_addr 0x00000088 // RW Background surface depth
#define ISP_BACKGND_T_addr 0x0000008C // RW Background surface tag
#define ISP_FEED_CFG_addr 0x00000098 // RW Translucent polygon sort mode
#define SDRAM_REFRESH_addr 0x000000A0 // RW Texture memory refresh counter
#define SDRAM_ARB_CFG_addr 0x000000A4 // RW Texture memory arbiter control
#define SDRAM_CFG_addr 0x000000A8 // RW Texture memory control
#define FOG_COL_RAM_addr 0x000000B0 // RW Color for Look Up table Fog
#define FOG_COL_VERT_addr 0x000000B4 // RW Color for vertex Fog
#define FOG_DENSITY_addr 0x000000B8 // RW Fog scale value
#define FOG_CLAMP_MAX_addr 0x000000BC // RW Color clamping maximum value
#define FOG_CLAMP_MIN_addr 0x000000C0 // RW Color clamping minimum value
#define SPG_TRIGGER_POS_addr 0x000000C4 // RW External trigger signal HV counter value
#define SPG_HBLANK_INT_addr 0x000000C8 // RW H-blank interrupt control
#define SPG_VBLANK_INT_addr 0x000000CC // RW V-blank interrupt control
#define SPG_CONTROL_addr 0x000000D0 // RW Sync pulse generator control
#define SPG_HBLANK_addr 0x000000D4 // RW H-blank control
#define SPG_LOAD_addr 0x000000D8 // RW HV counter load value
#define SPG_VBLANK_addr 0x000000DC // RW V-blank control
#define SPG_WIDTH_addr 0x000000E0 // RW Sync width control
#define TEXT_CONTROL_addr 0x000000E4 // RW Texturing control
#define VO_CONTROL_addr 0x000000E8 // RW Video output control
#define VO_STARTX_addr 0x000000Ec // RW Video output start X position
#define VO_STARTY_addr 0x000000F0 // RW Video output start Y position
#define SCALER_CTL_addr 0x000000F4 // RW X & Y scaler control
#define PAL_RAM_CTRL_addr 0x00000108 // RW Palette RAM control
#define SPG_STATUS_addr 0x0000010C // R Sync pulse generator status
#define FB_BURSTCTRL_addr 0x00000110 // RW Frame buffer burst control
#define FB_C_SOF_addr 0x00000114 // R Current frame buffer start address
#define Y_COEFF_addr 0x00000118 // RW Y scaling coefficient
#define PT_ALPHA_REF_addr 0x0000011C // RW Alpha value for Punch Through polygon comparison
union FB_R_CTRL_type
u32 fb_enable : 1; //0
u32 fb_line_double : 1; //1
u32 fb_depth : 2; //3-2
u32 fb_concat : 3; //6-4
u32 R : 1; //7
u32 fb_chroma_threshold : 8; //15-8
u32 fb_stripsize : 6; //21-16
u32 fb_strip_buf_en : 1; //22
u32 vclk_div : 1; //23
u32 Reserved : 8; //31-24
u32 full;
enum fb_depth_enum
fbde_0555 = 0, //0555, lower 3 bits on fb_concat
fbde_565 = 1, //565, lower 3 bits on fb_concat, [1:0] for G
fbde_888 = 2, //888, packed
fbde_C888 = 3, //C888, first byte used for chroma
union FB_R_SIZE_type
u32 fb_x_size : 10; //0
u32 fb_y_size : 10; //10
u32 fb_modulus : 10; //20
u32 fb_res : 2; //30
u32 full;
template<typename T>
struct RGBAColorTemplate
float red() const { return ((T *)this)->_red / 255.f; }
float green() const { return ((T *)this)->_green / 255.f; }
float blue() const { return ((T *)this)->_blue / 255.f; }
float alpha() const { return ((T *)this)->_alpha / 255.f; }
void getRGBColor(float rgb[3])
rgb[0] = red();
rgb[1] = green();
rgb[2] = blue();
void getRGBAColor(float rgba[4])
rgba[3] = alpha();
struct VO_BORDER_COL_type : RGBAColorTemplate<VO_BORDER_COL_type>
union {
u32 _blue : 8;
u32 _green : 8;
u32 _red : 8;
u32 _chroma : 1;
u32 _res : 7;
u32 full;
struct RGBColor : RGBAColorTemplate<RGBColor>
union {
u32 _blue : 8;
u32 _green : 8;
u32 _red : 8;
u32 _res : 8;
u32 full;
struct RGBAColor : RGBAColorTemplate<RGBAColor>
union {
u32 _blue : 8;
u32 _green : 8;
u32 _red : 8;
u32 _alpha : 8;
u32 full;
union SPG_STATUS_type
u32 scanline : 10; //9-0
u32 fieldnum : 1; //10
u32 blank : 1; //11
u32 hsync : 1; //12
u32 vsync : 1; //13
u32 res : 18; //31-14
u32 full;
union SPG_HBLANK_INT_type
u32 line_comp_val : 10; //9-0
u32 res1 : 2; //10-11
u32 hblank_int_mode: 2; //12-13
u32 res2 : 2; //14-15
u32 hblank_in_interrupt : 10; //25-16
u32 res3 : 6; //31-26
u32 full;
union SPG_VBLANK_INT_type
u32 vblank_in_interrupt_line_number : 10;//9-0
u32 res : 6 ; //15-10
u32 vblank_out_interrupt_line_number : 10;//25-16
u32 res1 : 6 ; //31-26
u32 full;
union SPG_CONTROL_type
u32 mhsync_pol : 1; //0
u32 mvsync_pol : 1; //1
u32 mcsync_pol : 1; //2
u32 spg_lock : 1; //3
u32 interlace : 1; //4
u32 force_field2 : 1; //5
u32 NTSC : 1; //6
u32 PAL : 1; //7
u32 sync_direction : 1; //8
u32 csync_on_h : 1; //9
u32 Reserved : 22; //31-10
u32 full;
union SPG_HBLANK_type
u32 hstart : 10;//9-0
u32 res : 6; //15-10
u32 hbend : 10;//25-16
u32 res1 : 6; //31-26
u32 full;
union SPG_LOAD_type
u32 hcount : 10; //9-0
u32 res : 6 ; //15-10
u32 vcount : 10; //25-16
u32 res1 : 6 ; //31-26
u32 full;
union SPG_VBLANK_type
u32 vstart : 10; //9-0
u32 res : 6 ; //15-10
u32 vbend : 10; //25-16
u32 res1 : 6 ; //31-26
u32 full;
union SPG_WIDTH_type
u32 hswidth : 7; //6-0
u32 res : 1; //7-7
u32 vswidth : 4; //8-11
u32 bpwidth : 10; //21-12
u32 eqwidth : 10; //31-22
u32 full;
union SCALER_CTL_type
u32 vscalefactor : 16;//15-0
u32 hscale : 1; //16-16
u32 interlace : 1; //17-17
u32 fieldselect : 1; //18-18
u32 full;
union FB_X_CLIP_type
u32 min : 11;
u32 pad1 : 5;
u32 max : 11;
u32 pad : 5;
u32 full;
union FB_Y_CLIP_type
u32 min : 10; //15-0
u32 pad1 : 6 ; //16-16
u32 max : 10; //17-17
u32 pad : 6; //18-18
u32 full;
union VO_CONTROL_type
u32 hsync_pol : 1; //0
u32 vsync_pol : 1; //1
u32 blank_pol : 1; //2
u32 blank_video : 1; //3
u32 field_mode : 4; //4
u32 pixel_double : 1; //8
u32 res_1 : 7; //9
u32 pclk_delay : 6; //16
u32 res_2 : 10; //22
u32 full;
union VO_STARTX_type
u32 HStart : 10; //0
u32 res_1 : 22; //10
u32 full;
union VO_STARTY_type
u32 VStart_field1:10; //0
u32 res_1:6; //10
u32 VStart_field2:10; //16
u32 res_2:6; //26
u32 full;
union ISP_BACKGND_D_type
u32 i;
f32 f;
union ISP_BACKGND_T_type
u32 tag_offset : 3;
u32 tag_address : 21;
u32 skip : 3;
u32 shadow : 1;
u32 cache_bypass : 1;
u32 full;
union FB_W_CTRL_type
u32 fb_packmode : 3;
u32 fb_dither : 1;
u32 pad0 : 4;
u32 fb_kval : 8;
u32 fb_alpha_threshold : 8;
u32 pad1 : 8;
u32 full;
union FB_W_LINESTRIDE_type
u32 stride : 9;
u32 pad0 : 23;
u32 full;
union FPU_SHAD_SCALE_type
u32 scale_factor : 8;
u32 intensity_shadow : 1;
u32 full;
union TA_GLOB_TILE_CLIP_type
u32 tile_x_num : 6;
u32 reserved : 10;
u32 tile_y_num : 4;
u32 reserved2 : 12;
u32 full;
union TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL_type
u32 yuv_u_size : 6;
u32 reserved1 : 2;
u32 yuv_v_size : 6;
u32 reserved2 : 2;
u32 yuv_tex : 1;
u32 reserved3 : 7;
u32 yuv_form : 1;
u32 reserved4 : 7;
u32 full;
union FOG_DENSITY_type
s8 exponent;
u8 mantissa;
u32 full;
float get() {
return mantissa / 128.f * std::pow(2.0f, (float)exponent);
#define TA_OL_BASE_addr 0x00000124 // RW Object list write start address
#define TA_ISP_BASE_addr 0x00000128 // RW ISP/TSP Parameter write start address
#define TA_OL_LIMIT_addr 0x0000012C // RW Start address of next Object Pointer Block
#define TA_ISP_LIMIT_addr 0x00000130 // RW Current ISP/TSP Parameter write address
#define TA_NEXT_OPB_addr 0x00000134 // R Global Tile clip control
#define TA_ITP_CURRENT_addr 0x00000138 // R Current ISP/TSP Parameter write address
#define TA_GLOB_TILE_CLIP_addr 0x0000013C // RW Global Tile clip control
#define TA_ALLOC_CTRL_addr 0x00000140 // RW Object list control
#define TA_LIST_INIT_addr 0x00000144 // RW TA initialization
#define TA_YUV_TEX_BASE_addr 0x00000148 // RW YUV422 texture write start address
#define TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL_addr 0x0000014C // RW YUV converter control
#define TA_YUV_TEX_CNT_addr 0x00000150 // R YUV converter macro block counter value
#define TA_LIST_CONT_addr 0x00000160 // RW TA continuation processing
#define TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT_addr 0x00000164 // RW Additional OPB starting address
#define SIGNATURE1_addr 0x00000180 // ?
#define SIGNATURE2_addr 0x00000184 // ?
#define FOG_TABLE_START_addr 0x00000200 // RW Look-up table Fog data
#define FOG_TABLE_END_addr 0x000003FC
#define TA_OL_POINTERS_START_addr 0x00000600 // R TA object List Pointer data
#define TA_OL_POINTERS_END_addr 0x00000F5C
#define PALETTE_RAM_START_addr 0x00001000 // RW Palette RAM
#define PALETTE_RAM_END_addr 0x00001FFC
// Regs -- Start
#define ID_Reg PvrReg(ID_addr,u32) // R Device ID
#define REVISION PvrReg(REVISION_addr,u32) // R Revision number
#define SOFTRESET PvrReg(SOFTRESET_addr,u32) // RW CORE & TA software reset
#define STARTRENDER PvrReg(STARTRENDER_addr,u32) // RW Drawing start
#define TEST_SELECT PvrReg(TEST_SELECT_addr,u32) // RW Test (writing this register is prohibited)
#define PARAM_BASE PvrReg(PARAM_BASE_addr,u32) // RW Base address for ISP parameters
#define REGION_BASE PvrReg(REGION_BASE_addr,u32) // RW Base address for Region Array
#define SPAN_SORT_CFG PvrReg(SPAN_SORT_CFG_addr,u32) // RW Span Sorter control
#define VO_BORDER_COL PvrReg(VO_BORDER_COL_addr,VO_BORDER_COL_type) // RW Border area color
#define FB_R_CTRL PvrReg(FB_R_CTRL_addr,FB_R_CTRL_type) // RW Frame buffer read control
#define FB_W_CTRL PvrReg(FB_W_CTRL_addr,FB_W_CTRL_type) // RW Frame buffer write control
#define FB_W_LINESTRIDE PvrReg(FB_W_LINESTRIDE_addr,FB_W_LINESTRIDE_type) // RW Frame buffer line stride
#define FB_R_SOF1 PvrReg(FB_R_SOF1_addr,u32) // RW Read start address for field - 1/strip - 1
#define FB_R_SOF2 PvrReg(FB_R_SOF2_addr,u32) // RW Read start address for field - 2/strip - 2
#define FB_R_SIZE PvrReg(FB_R_SIZE_addr,FB_R_SIZE_type) // RW Frame buffer XY size
#define FB_W_SOF1 PvrReg(FB_W_SOF1_addr,u32) // RW Write start address for field - 1/strip - 1
#define FB_W_SOF2 PvrReg(FB_W_SOF2_addr,u32) // RW Write start address for field - 2/strip - 2
#define FB_X_CLIP PvrReg(FB_X_CLIP_addr,FB_X_CLIP_type) // RW Pixel clip X coordinate
#define FB_Y_CLIP PvrReg(FB_Y_CLIP_addr,FB_Y_CLIP_type) // RW Pixel clip Y coordinate
#define FPU_SHAD_SCALE PvrReg(FPU_SHAD_SCALE_addr,FPU_SHAD_SCALE_type) // RW Intensity Volume mode
#define FPU_CULL_VAL PvrReg(FPU_CULL_VAL_addr,f32) // RW Comparison value for culling
#define FPU_PARAM_CFG PvrReg(FPU_PARAM_CFG_addr,u32) // RW Parameter read control
#define HALF_OFFSET PvrReg(HALF_OFFSET_addr,u32) // RW Pixel sampling control
#define FPU_PERP_VAL PvrReg(FPU_PERP_VAL_addr,u32) // RW Comparison value for perpendicular polygons
#define ISP_BACKGND_D PvrReg(ISP_BACKGND_D_addr,ISP_BACKGND_D_type) // RW Background surface depth
#define ISP_BACKGND_T PvrReg(ISP_BACKGND_T_addr,ISP_BACKGND_T_type) // RW Background surface tag
#define ISP_FEED_CFG PvrReg(ISP_FEED_CFG_addr,u32) // RW Translucent polygon sort mode
#define SDRAM_REFRESH PvrReg(SDRAM_REFRESH_addr,u32) // RW Texture memory refresh counter
#define SDRAM_ARB_CFG PvrReg(SDRAM_ARB_CFG_addr,u32) // RW Texture memory arbiter control
#define SDRAM_CFG PvrReg(SDRAM_CFG_addr,u32) // RW Texture memory control
#define FOG_COL_RAM PvrReg(FOG_COL_RAM_addr, RGBColor) // RW Color for Look Up table Fog
#define FOG_COL_VERT PvrReg(FOG_COL_VERT_addr, RGBColor) // RW Color for vertex Fog
#define FOG_DENSITY PvrReg(FOG_DENSITY_addr, FOG_DENSITY_type) // RW Fog scale value
#define FOG_CLAMP_MAX PvrReg(FOG_CLAMP_MAX_addr, RGBAColor) // RW Color clamping maximum value
#define FOG_CLAMP_MIN PvrReg(FOG_CLAMP_MIN_addr, RGBAColor) // RW Color clamping minimum value
#define SPG_TRIGGER_POS PvrReg(SPG_TRIGGER_POS_addr,u32) // RW External trigger signal HV counter value
#define SPG_HBLANK_INT PvrReg(SPG_HBLANK_INT_addr,SPG_HBLANK_INT_type) // RW H-blank interrupt control
#define SPG_VBLANK_INT PvrReg(SPG_VBLANK_INT_addr,SPG_VBLANK_INT_type) // RW V-blank interrupt control
#define SPG_CONTROL PvrReg(SPG_CONTROL_addr,SPG_CONTROL_type) // RW pulse generator control
#define SPG_HBLANK PvrReg(SPG_HBLANK_addr,SPG_HBLANK_type) // RW H-blank control
#define SPG_LOAD PvrReg(SPG_LOAD_addr,SPG_LOAD_type) // RW HV counter load value
#define SPG_VBLANK PvrReg(SPG_VBLANK_addr,SPG_VBLANK_type) // RW V-blank control
#define SPG_WIDTH PvrReg(SPG_WIDTH_addr,SPG_WIDTH_type) // RW Sync width control
#define TEXT_CONTROL PvrReg(TEXT_CONTROL_addr,u32) // RW Texturing control
#define VO_CONTROL PvrReg(VO_CONTROL_addr,VO_CONTROL_type) // RW Video output control
#define VO_STARTX PvrReg(VO_STARTX_addr,VO_STARTX_type) // RW Video output start X position
#define VO_STARTY PvrReg(VO_STARTY_addr,VO_STARTY_type) // RW Video output start Y position
#define SCALER_CTL PvrReg(SCALER_CTL_addr,SCALER_CTL_type) // RW X & Y scaler control
#define PAL_RAM_CTRL PvrReg(PAL_RAM_CTRL_addr,u32) // RW Palette RAM control
#define SPG_STATUS PvrReg(SPG_STATUS_addr,SPG_STATUS_type) // R Sync pulse generator status
#define FB_BURSTCTRL PvrReg(FB_BURSTCTRL_addr,u32) // RW Frame buffer burst control
#define FB_C_SOF PvrReg(FB_C_SOF_addr,u32) // R Current frame buffer start address
#define Y_COEFF PvrReg(Y_COEFF_addr,u32) // RW Y scaling coefficient
#define PT_ALPHA_REF PvrReg(PT_ALPHA_REF_addr,u32) // RW Alpha value for Punch Through polygon comparison
#define TA_OL_BASE PvrReg(TA_OL_BASE_addr,u32) // RW Object list write start address
#define TA_ISP_BASE PvrReg(TA_ISP_BASE_addr,u32) // RW ISP/TSP Parameter write start address
#define TA_OL_LIMIT PvrReg(TA_OL_LIMIT_addr,u32) // RW Start address of next Object Pointer Block
#define TA_ISP_LIMIT PvrReg(TA_ISP_LIMIT_addr,u32) // RW Current ISP/TSP Parameter write address
#define TA_NEXT_OPB PvrReg(TA_NEXT_OPB_addr,u32) // R Global Tile clip control
#define TA_ITP_CURRENT PvrReg(TA_ITP_CURRENT_addr,u32) // R Current ISP/TSP Parameter write address
#define TA_GLOB_TILE_CLIP PvrReg(TA_GLOB_TILE_CLIP_addr, TA_GLOB_TILE_CLIP_type) // RW Global Tile clip control
#define TA_ALLOC_CTRL PvrReg(TA_ALLOC_CTRL_addr,u32) // RW Object list control
#define TA_LIST_INIT PvrReg(TA_LIST_INIT_addr,u32) // RW TA initialization
#define TA_YUV_TEX_BASE PvrReg(TA_YUV_TEX_BASE_addr,u32) // RW YUV422 texture write start address
#define TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL PvrReg(TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL_addr, TA_YUV_TEX_CTRL_type) // RW YUV converter control
#define TA_YUV_TEX_CNT PvrReg(TA_YUV_TEX_CNT_addr,u32) // R YUV converter macro block counter value
#define TA_LIST_CONT PvrReg(TA_LIST_CONT_addr,u32) // RW TA continuation processing
#define TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT PvrReg(TA_NEXT_OPB_INIT_addr,u32) // RW Additional OPB starting address
#define FOG_TABLE (&PvrReg(FOG_TABLE_START_addr,u32)) // RW Look-up table Fog data
#define TA_OL_POINTERS (&PvrReg(TA_OL_POINTERS_START_addr),u32) // R TA object List Pointer data
#define PALETTE_RAM (&PvrReg(PALETTE_RAM_START_addr,u32)) // RW Palette RAM