246 lines
8.3 KiB
246 lines
8.3 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Grund
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
#include <nowide/stackstring.hpp>
#include "test.hpp"
#include "test_sets.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#if defined(NOWIDE_MSVC) && NOWIDE_MSVC < 1700
#pragma warning(disable : 4428) // universal-character-name encountered in source
template<typename CharOut, typename CharIn, size_t BufferSize>
class test_basic_stackstring : public nowide::basic_stackstring<CharOut, CharIn, BufferSize>
using parent = nowide::basic_stackstring<CharOut, CharIn, BufferSize>;
using parent::parent;
using parent::uses_stack_memory;
bool uses_heap_memory() const
return !uses_stack_memory() && this->get();
using test_wstackstring = test_basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 256>;
using test_stackstring = test_basic_stackstring<char, wchar_t, 256>;
std::wstring stackstring_to_wide(const std::string& s)
const test_wstackstring ss(s.c_str());
return ss.get();
std::string stackstring_to_narrow(const std::wstring& s)
const test_stackstring ss(s.c_str());
return ss.get();
std::wstring heap_stackstring_to_wide(const std::string& s)
const test_basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 1> ss(s.c_str());
TEST(ss.uses_heap_memory() || s.empty());
return ss.get();
std::string heap_stackstring_to_narrow(const std::wstring& s)
const test_basic_stackstring<char, wchar_t, 1> ss(s.c_str());
TEST(ss.uses_heap_memory() || s.empty());
return ss.get();
// coverity[root_function]
void test_main(int, char**, char**)
std::string hello = "\xd7\xa9\xd7\x9c\xd7\x95\xd7\x9d";
std::wstring whello = nowide::widen(hello);
const wchar_t* wempty = L"";
std::cout << "-- Default constructed string is NULL" << std::endl;
const nowide::short_stackstring s;
TEST(s.get() == nullptr);
std::cout << "-- nullptr passed to ctor results in NULL" << std::endl;
const nowide::short_stackstring s(nullptr);
TEST(s.get() == nullptr);
const nowide::short_stackstring s2(nullptr, nullptr);
TEST(s2.get() == nullptr);
std::cout << "-- nullptr passed to convert results in NULL" << std::endl;
nowide::short_stackstring s(L"foo");
TEST(s.get() == std::string("foo"));
TEST(s.get() == nullptr);
nowide::short_stackstring s2(L"foo");
TEST(s2.get() == std::string("foo"));
s2.convert(nullptr, nullptr);
TEST(s2.get() == nullptr);
std::cout << "-- An empty string is accepted" << std::endl;
const nowide::short_stackstring s(wempty);
TEST(s.get() == std::string());
const nowide::short_stackstring s2(wempty, wempty);
TEST(s2.get() == std::string());
std::cout << "-- An empty string is accepted" << std::endl;
nowide::short_stackstring s, s2;
TEST(s.get() == std::string());
TEST(s2.convert(wempty, wempty));
TEST(s2.get() == std::string());
std::cout << "-- Will be put on heap" << std::endl;
test_basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 3> sw;
TEST(sw.get() == whello);
TEST(sw.convert(hello.c_str(), hello.c_str() + hello.size()));
TEST(sw.get() == whello);
std::cout << "-- Will be put on stack" << std::endl;
test_basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 40> sw;
TEST(sw.get() == whello);
TEST(sw.convert(hello.c_str(), hello.c_str() + hello.size()));
TEST(sw.get() == whello);
std::cout << "-- Will be put on heap" << std::endl;
test_basic_stackstring<char, wchar_t, 3> sw;
TEST(sw.get() == hello);
TEST(sw.convert(whello.c_str(), whello.c_str() + whello.size()));
TEST(sw.get() == hello);
std::cout << "-- Will be put on stack" << std::endl;
test_basic_stackstring<char, wchar_t, 40> sw;
TEST(sw.get() == hello);
TEST(sw.convert(whello.c_str(), whello.c_str() + whello.size()));
TEST(sw.get() == hello);
using stackstring = test_basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 6>;
const std::wstring heapVal = L"heapValue";
const std::wstring stackVal = L"stack";
const stackstring heap(nowide::narrow(heapVal).c_str());
const stackstring stack(nowide::narrow(stackVal).c_str());
stackstring sw2(heap), sw3, sEmpty;
sw3 = heap;
TEST(sw2.get() == heapVal);
TEST(sw3.get() == heapVal);
// Self assign avoiding clang self-assign-overloaded warning
sw3 = static_cast<const stackstring&>(sw3); //-V570
TEST(sw3.get() == heapVal);
// Assign empty
sw3 = sEmpty; //-V820
TEST(sw3.get() == nullptr);
stackstring sw2(stack), sw3, sEmpty;
sw3 = stack;
TEST(sw2.get() == stackVal);
TEST(sw3.get() == stackVal);
// Self assign avoiding clang self-assign-overloaded warning
sw3 = static_cast<const stackstring&>(sw3); //-V570
TEST(sw3.get() == stackVal);
// Assign empty
sw3 = sEmpty; //-V820
TEST(sw3.get() == nullptr);
stackstring sw2(stack);
sw2 = heap;
TEST(sw2.get() == heapVal);
stackstring sw2(heap);
sw2 = stack;
TEST(sw2.get() == stackVal);
stackstring sw2(heap), sw3(stack), sEmpty1, sEmpty2;
swap(sw2, sw3);
TEST(sw2.get() == stackVal);
TEST(sw3.get() == heapVal);
swap(sw2, sw3);
TEST(sw2.get() == heapVal);
TEST(sw3.get() == stackVal);
swap(sw2, sEmpty1);
TEST(sEmpty1.get() == heapVal);
TEST(sw2.get() == nullptr);
swap(sw3, sEmpty2);
TEST(sEmpty2.get() == stackVal);
TEST(sw3.get() == nullptr);
stackstring sw2(heap), sw3(heap);
sw3.get()[0] = 'z';
const std::wstring val2 = sw3.get();
swap(sw2, sw3);
TEST(sw2.get() == val2);
TEST(sw3.get() == heapVal);
stackstring sw2(stack), sw3(stack);
sw3.get()[0] = 'z';
const std::wstring val2 = sw3.get();
swap(sw2, sw3);
TEST(sw2.get() == val2);
TEST(sw3.get() == stackVal);
std::cout << "-- Sanity check" << std::endl;
TEST(stack.get() == stackVal);
TEST(heap.get() == heapVal);
std::cout << "-- Test putting stackstrings into vector (done by args) class" << std::endl;
// Use a smallish buffer, to have stack and heap values
using stackstring = nowide::basic_stackstring<wchar_t, char, 5>;
std::vector<stackstring> strings;
TEST(strings[0].convert("1234") == std::wstring(L"1234"));
TEST(strings[1].convert("Hello World") == std::wstring(L"Hello World"));
TEST(strings[0].get() == std::wstring(L"1234"));
TEST(strings[1].get() == std::wstring(L"Hello World"));
TEST(strings[2].get() == std::wstring(L"FooBar"));
std::cout << "- Stackstring" << std::endl;
run_all(stackstring_to_wide, stackstring_to_narrow);
std::cout << "- Heap Stackstring" << std::endl;
run_all(heap_stackstring_to_wide, heap_stackstring_to_narrow);