#pragma once #include "oslib/oslib.h" extern u8* vq_codebook; extern u32 palette_index; extern u32 palette16_ram[1024]; extern u32 palette32_ram[1024]; extern bool pal_needs_update,fog_needs_update,KillTex; extern u32 pal_hash_256[4]; extern u32 pal_hash_16[64]; extern u32 detwiddle[2][8][1024]; //Pixel buffer class (realy helpfull ;) ) template class PixelBuffer { pixel_type* p_buffer_start; pixel_type* p_current_line; pixel_type* p_current_pixel; u32 pixels_per_line; public: PixelBuffer() { p_buffer_start = p_current_line = p_current_pixel = NULL; } ~PixelBuffer() { deinit(); } void init(u32 width, u32 height) { deinit(); p_buffer_start = p_current_line = p_current_pixel = (pixel_type *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(pixel_type)); this->pixels_per_line = width; } void deinit() { if (p_buffer_start != NULL) { free(p_buffer_start); p_buffer_start = p_current_line = p_current_pixel = NULL; } } void steal_data(PixelBuffer &buffer) { deinit(); p_buffer_start = p_current_line = p_current_pixel = buffer.p_buffer_start; pixels_per_line = buffer.pixels_per_line; buffer.p_buffer_start = buffer.p_current_line = buffer.p_current_pixel = NULL; } __forceinline pixel_type *data(u32 x = 0, u32 y = 0) { return p_buffer_start + pixels_per_line * y + x; } __forceinline void prel(u32 x,pixel_type value) { p_current_pixel[x]=value; } __forceinline void prel(u32 x,u32 y,pixel_type value) { p_current_pixel[y*pixels_per_line+x]=value; } __forceinline void rmovex(u32 value) { p_current_pixel+=value; } __forceinline void rmovey(u32 value) { p_current_line+=pixels_per_line*value; p_current_pixel=p_current_line; } __forceinline void amove(u32 x_m,u32 y_m) { //p_current_pixel=p_buffer_start; p_current_line=p_buffer_start+pixels_per_line*y_m; p_current_pixel=p_current_line + x_m; } }; void palette_update(); #define clamp(minv,maxv,x) min(maxv,max(minv,x)) // Unpack to 16-bit word #define ARGB1555( word ) ( ((word>>15)&1) | (((word>>10) & 0x1F)<<11) | (((word>>5) & 0x1F)<<6) | (((word>>0) & 0x1F)<<1) ) #define ARGB565( word ) ( (((word>>0)&0x1F)<<0) | (((word>>5)&0x3F)<<5) | (((word>>11)&0x1F)<<11) ) #define ARGB4444( word ) ( (((word>>0)&0xF)<<4) | (((word>>4)&0xF)<<8) | (((word>>8)&0xF)<<12) | (((word>>12)&0xF)<<0) ) #define ARGB8888( word ) ( (((word>>4)&0xF)<<4) | (((word>>12)&0xF)<<8) | (((word>>20)&0xF)<<12) | (((word>>28)&0xF)<<0) ) // Unpack to 32-bit word #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ && defined(GLES) // GLES doesn't have the native ordering 8888 so we need to put bytes in the RGBA memory order. #define ARGB1555_32( word ) ( ((word & 0x8000) ? 0xFF000000 : 0) | (((word>>10) & 0x1F)<<3) | (((word>>5) & 0x1F)<<11) | (((word>>0) & 0x1F)<<19) ) #define ARGB565_32( word ) ( (((word>>11)&0x1F)<<3) | (((word>>5)&0x3F)<<10) | (((word>>0)&0x1F)<<19) | 0xFF000000 ) #define ARGB4444_32( word ) ( (((word>>12)&0xF)<<28) | (((word>>8)&0xF)<<4) | (((word>>4)&0xF)<<12) | (((word>>0)&0xF)<<20) ) #define ARGB8888_32( word ) ( ((word >> 0) & 0xFF000000) | (((word >> 16) & 0xFF) << 0) | (((word >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((word & 0xFF) << 16) ) #else #define ARGB1555_32( word ) ( ((word & 0x8000) ? 0xFF : 0) | (((word>>10) & 0x1F)<<27) | (((word>>5) & 0x1F)<<19) | (((word>>0) & 0x1F)<<11) ) #define ARGB565_32( word ) ( (((word>>11)&0x1F)<<27) | (((word>>5)&0x3F)<<18) | (((word>>0)&0x1F)<<11) | 0xFF ) #define ARGB4444_32( word ) ( (((word>>12)&0xF)<<4) | (((word>>8)&0xF)<<28) | (((word>>4)&0xF)<<20) | (((word>>0)&0xF)<<12) ) #define ARGB8888_32( word ) ( ((word >> 24) & 0xFF) | (((word >> 16) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((word >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((word & 0xFF) << 8) ) #endif template __forceinline u32 YUV422(s32 Y,s32 Yu,s32 Yv) { Yu-=128; Yv-=128; //s32 B = (76283*(Y - 16) + 132252*(Yu - 128))>>16; //s32 G = (76283*(Y - 16) - 53281 *(Yv - 128) - 25624*(Yu - 128))>>16; //s32 R = (76283*(Y - 16) + 104595*(Yv - 128))>>16; s32 R = Y + Yv*11/8; // Y + (Yv-128) * (11/8) ? s32 G = Y - (Yu*11 + Yv*22)/32; // Y - (Yu-128) * (11/8) * 0.25 - (Yv-128) * (11/8) * 0.5 ? s32 B = Y + Yu*110/64; // Y + (Yu-128) * (11/8) * 1.25 ? return PixelPacker::packRGB(clamp(0,255,R),clamp(0,255,G),clamp(0,255,B)); } #define twop(x,y,bcx,bcy) (detwiddle[0][bcy][x]+detwiddle[1][bcx][y]) //pixel packers ! struct pp_565 { __forceinline static u32 packRGB(u8 R,u8 G,u8 B) { R>>=3; G>>=2; B>>=3; return (R<<11) | (G<<5) | (B<<0); } }; struct pp_8888 { __forceinline static u32 packRGB(u8 R,u8 G,u8 B) { #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ && defined(GLES) return (R << 0) | (G << 8) | (B << 16) | 0xFF000000; #else return (R << 24) | (G << 16) | (B << 8) | 0xFF; #endif } }; //pixel convertors ! #define pixelcvt_start_base(name,x,y,type) template \ struct name \ { \ static const u32 xpp=x;\ static const u32 ypp=y; \ __forceinline static void Convert(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* data) \ { #define pixelcvt_start(name,x,y) pixelcvt_start_base(name, x, y, u16) #define pixelcvt32_start(name,x,y) pixelcvt_start_base(name, x, y, u32) #define pixelcvt_size_start(name, x, y) template \ struct name \ { \ static const u32 xpp=x;\ static const u32 ypp=y; \ __forceinline static void Convert(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* data) \ { #define pixelcvt_end } } #define pixelcvt_next(name,x,y) pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt_start(name,x,y) // //Non twiddled // // 16-bit pixel buffer pixelcvt_start(conv565_PL,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB565(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB565(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB565(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB565(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(conv1555_PL,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB1555(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB1555(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB1555(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB1555(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(conv4444_PL,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB4444(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB4444(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB4444(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB4444(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(convBMP_PL,4,1) { u16* p_in=(u16*)data; pb->prel(0,ARGB4444(p_in[0])); pb->prel(1,ARGB4444(p_in[1])); pb->prel(2,ARGB4444(p_in[2])); pb->prel(3,ARGB4444(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; // 32-bit pixel buffer pixelcvt32_start(conv565_PL32,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB565_32(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB565_32(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB565_32(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB565_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(conv1555_PL32,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB1555_32(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB1555_32(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB1555_32(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB1555_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(conv4444_PL32,4,1) { //convert 4x1 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,ARGB4444_32(p_in[0])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,ARGB4444_32(p_in[1])); //2,0 pb->prel(2,ARGB4444_32(p_in[2])); //3,0 pb->prel(3,ARGB4444_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(convYUV_PL,4,1) { //convert 4x1 4444 to 4x1 8888 u32* p_in=(u32*)data; s32 Y0 = (p_in[0]>>8) &255; // s32 Yu = (p_in[0]>>0) &255; //p_in[0] s32 Y1 = (p_in[0]>>24) &255; //p_in[3] s32 Yv = (p_in[0]>>16) &255; //p_in[2] //0,0 pb->prel(0,YUV422(Y0,Yu,Yv)); //1,0 pb->prel(1,YUV422(Y1,Yu,Yv)); //next 4 bytes p_in+=1; Y0 = (p_in[0]>>8) &255; // Yu = (p_in[0]>>0) &255; //p_in[0] Y1 = (p_in[0]>>24) &255; //p_in[3] Yv = (p_in[0]>>16) &255; //p_in[2] //0,0 pb->prel(2,YUV422(Y0,Yu,Yv)); //1,0 pb->prel(3,YUV422(Y1,Yu,Yv)); } pixelcvt_end; // //twiddled // // 16-bit pixel buffer pixelcvt_start(conv565_TW,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB565(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB565(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB565(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB565(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(conv1555_TW,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB1555(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB1555(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB1555(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB1555(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(conv4444_TW,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB4444(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB4444(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB4444(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB4444(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_next(convBMP_TW,2,2) { u16* p_in=(u16*)data; pb->prel(0,0,ARGB4444(p_in[0])); pb->prel(0,1,ARGB4444(p_in[1])); pb->prel(1,0,ARGB4444(p_in[2])); pb->prel(1,1,ARGB4444(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; // 32-bit pixel buffer pixelcvt32_start(conv565_TW32,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB565_32(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB565_32(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB565_32(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB565_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(conv1555_TW32,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB1555_32(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB1555_32(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB1555_32(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB1555_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(conv4444_TW32,2,2) { //convert 4x1 565 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,ARGB4444_32(p_in[0])); //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,ARGB4444_32(p_in[1])); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,ARGB4444_32(p_in[2])); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,ARGB4444_32(p_in[3])); } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt32_start(convYUV_TW,2,2) { //convert 4x1 4444 to 4x1 8888 u16* p_in=(u16*)data; s32 Y0 = (p_in[0]>>8) &255; // s32 Yu = (p_in[0]>>0) &255; //p_in[0] s32 Y1 = (p_in[2]>>8) &255; //p_in[3] s32 Yv = (p_in[2]>>0) &255; //p_in[2] //0,0 pb->prel(0,0,YUV422(Y0,Yu,Yv)); //1,0 pb->prel(1,0,YUV422(Y1,Yu,Yv)); //next 4 bytes //p_in+=2; Y0 = (p_in[1]>>8) &255; // Yu = (p_in[1]>>0) &255; //p_in[0] Y1 = (p_in[3]>>8) &255; //p_in[3] Yv = (p_in[3]>>0) &255; //p_in[2] //0,1 pb->prel(0,1,YUV422(Y0,Yu,Yv)); //1,1 pb->prel(1,1,YUV422(Y1,Yu,Yv)); } pixelcvt_end; // 16-bit && 32-bit pixel buffers pixelcvt_size_start(convPAL4_TW,4,4) { u8* p_in=(u8*)data; u32* pal= sizeof(pixel_size) == 2 ? &palette16_ram[palette_index] : &palette32_ram[palette_index]; pb->prel(0,0,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(0,1,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,0,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(1,1,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(0,2,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(0,3,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,2,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(1,3,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(2,0,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(2,1,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(3,0,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(3,1,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(2,2,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(2,3,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; pb->prel(3,2,pal[p_in[0]&0xF]); pb->prel(3,3,pal[(p_in[0]>>4)&0xF]);p_in++; } pixelcvt_end; pixelcvt_size_start(convPAL8_TW,2,4) { u8* p_in=(u8*)data; u32* pal= sizeof(pixel_size) == 2 ? &palette16_ram[palette_index] : &palette32_ram[palette_index]; pb->prel(0,0,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(0,1,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,0,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,1,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(0,2,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(0,3,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,2,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; pb->prel(1,3,pal[p_in[0]]);p_in++; } pixelcvt_end; //handler functions template void texture_PL(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height) { pb->amove(0,0); Height/=PixelConvertor::ypp; Width/=PixelConvertor::xpp; for (u32 y=0;yrmovex(PixelConvertor::xpp); } pb->rmovey(PixelConvertor::ypp); } } template void texture_TW(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height) { pb->amove(0,0); const u32 divider=PixelConvertor::xpp*PixelConvertor::ypp; unsigned long bcx_,bcy_; bcx_=bitscanrev(Width); bcy_=bitscanrev(Height); const u32 bcx=bcx_-3; const u32 bcy=bcy_-3; for (u32 y=0;yrmovex(PixelConvertor::xpp); } pb->rmovey(PixelConvertor::ypp); } } template void texture_VQ(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height) { p_in+=256*4*2; pb->amove(0,0); const u32 divider=PixelConvertor::xpp*PixelConvertor::ypp; unsigned long bcx_,bcy_; bcx_=bitscanrev(Width); bcy_=bitscanrev(Height); const u32 bcx=bcx_-3; const u32 bcy=bcy_-3; for (u32 y=0;yrmovex(PixelConvertor::xpp); } pb->rmovey(PixelConvertor::ypp); } } //We ask the compiler to generate the templates here //;) //planar formats ! template void texture_PL, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_PL, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_PL, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_PL, u32>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_PL, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); //twiddled formats ! template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u32>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u32>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_TW, u32>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); //VQ formats ! template void texture_VQ, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_VQ, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_VQ, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_VQ, u32>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); template void texture_VQ, u16>(PixelBuffer* pb,u8* p_in,u32 Width,u32 Height); //Planar #define tex565_PL texture_PL, u16> #define tex1555_PL texture_PL, u16> #define tex4444_PL texture_PL, u16> #define texYUV422_PL texture_PL, u32> #define texBMP_PL texture_PL, u16> #define tex565_PL32 texture_PL, u32> #define tex1555_PL32 texture_PL, u32> #define tex4444_PL32 texture_PL, u32> //Twiddle #define tex565_TW texture_TW, u16> #define tex1555_TW texture_TW, u16> #define tex4444_TW texture_TW, u16> #define texYUV422_TW texture_TW, u32> #define texBMP_TW texture_TW, u16> #define texPAL4_TW texture_TW, u16> #define texPAL8_TW texture_TW, u16> #define texPAL4_TW32 texture_TW, u32> #define texPAL8_TW32 texture_TW, u32> #define tex565_TW32 texture_TW, u32> #define tex1555_TW32 texture_TW, u32> #define tex4444_TW32 texture_TW, u32> //VQ #define tex565_VQ texture_VQ, u16> #define tex1555_VQ texture_VQ, u16> #define tex4444_VQ texture_VQ, u16> #define texYUV422_VQ texture_VQ, u32> #define texBMP_VQ texture_VQ, u16> #define tex565_VQ32 texture_VQ, u32> #define tex1555_VQ32 texture_VQ, u32> #define tex4444_VQ32 texture_VQ, u32> #define Is_64_Bit(addr) ((addr &0x1000000)==0) //vram_block, vramLockCBFP on plugin headers u32 vramlock_ConvAddrtoOffset64(u32 Address); u32 vramlock_ConvOffset32toOffset64(u32 offset32); void vramlock_Unlock_block(vram_block* block); vram_block* vramlock_Lock_32(u32 start_offset32,u32 end_offset32,void* userdata); vram_block* vramlock_Lock_64(u32 start_offset64,u32 end_offset64,void* userdata); void vram_LockedWrite(u32 offset64); void DePosterize(u32* source, u32* dest, int width, int height); void UpscalexBRZ(int factor, u32* source, u32* dest, int width, int height, bool has_alpha);