// drkPvr.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application. // /* Plugin structure Interface SPG TA Renderer */ #include "drkPvr.h" #include "spg.h" #include "pvr_regs.h" #include "Renderer_if.h" #include "rend/TexCache.h" void libPvr_LockedBlockWrite (vram_block* block,u32 addr) { rend_text_invl(block); } void libPvr_Reset(bool hard) { KillTex = true; Regs_Reset(hard); spg_Reset(hard); } s32 libPvr_Init() { if (!spg_Init()) { //failed return -1; } return 0; } //called when exiting from sh4 thread , from the new thread context (for any thread specific de init) :P void libPvr_Term() { spg_Term(); }